Help on possible implants? Or advice on paralyzed body.

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Help on possible implants? Or advice on paralyzed body.

Post by Erialc »

Hello everyone, I'm new at this, but I believe I was abducted many times...and I sometimes wonder if I have implants. I would remember waking up and have lucid dreams of having things scan my body. My body would remember being completely paralyzed and sometimes I wake up not being able to move for many minutes. I would like to know if any one knows how I can cleanse my body from this paralyzing affect and how do I check for implants (in case there's a device that is causing this paralyzing effect)? This is my first semester in college, and this morning I had trouble opening up my eyes and sitting up. As if something was pressing down on my body. I could hear my roommate talking to me and I was conscious, but I could not get up after a minute.

Please if someone can let me know how to check for implants (X-ray?). Or if there's a way I can get rid of this paralyzing effect.


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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Help on possible implants? Or advice on paralyzed body.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Erialc,
I know what you're talking about, it has happened to me before. Sometimes, when you are asleep, you leave your body to go on an astral journey. And sometimes, when you come back to your body and regain consciousness, your physical form is not quite ready to wake up yet. I know it is really frightening, but it doesn't have to be. The best thing to do is to stay calm and wait it out. You are not in any danger, just wait for it to pass.

If you become paralyzed during an alien abduction, you should also wait for that to pass. This usually happens when your physical body is transitioning from one vibrational frequency to another, so you will have to wait it out. Just try to be calm and know that you will soon regain control.

Checking for implants is not so easy. Usually, if you have a vivid dream or encounter and you wake up with a lump under your skin, that's a pretty good indication that you have an implant! X-rays will sometimes show implants, but not all the time. Some implants are not made of metal, but made of an organic substance that is difficult to detect. And if you have the implant for a while, your body may form a fatty cyst around it to protect itself from the foreign substance.

I made a meditation for alien abductees and for anyone who wants to Ground, Center, and Shield. It is a 30 minute audio. It may help with your paralyzing effect.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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