Confused and reaching out.

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Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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Sarah Marie
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Confused and reaching out.

Post by Sarah Marie »

I'm not sure if this was real, but it sure felt real...
A few months ago, I had this dream, or so I think it was a dream, of being taken in a ship with aliens. They were blue-grey, and had big dark blue or black eyes. There was more than one human in the ship as well. I remember there was a girl, and the aliens turned her into another alien, and she sat there motionless. All she did was stare. I also remember being in a lot of pain, screaming, and crying. There was one alien that kept making an odd whining noise. I don't know what to think if this, but I'm very confused and reaching out for answers. If it helps any, my age is 13.

Lots of love, Sarah.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Confused and reaching out.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Dear Sarah Marie,
Please try talking to your parents or siblings or a close friend about this. I know you are very confused right now, but it is going to be okay. It would really help if you reached out to someone in your family. I can give you advice and the other great people here will also try to help you, but it is so much better to have a close friend to talk to.

First of all, know this: You are in control of your life, no one else. When bad things happen, stand up for yourself. I know that can be very scary, but be brave. I made a meditation that may help you. It is about 30 minutes long, but well worth listening to. It may help prevent further abductions and nightmares. Please try it out:

You may have experienced a negative alien abduction. Sometimes they seem like realistic, vivid dreams. Of course, it may have also been a nightmare. Alien abductions and military abductions (MILABS) happen on the etheric plane, not the physical plane. So the experience is very real, just on another level of existence.

The best way to avoid any type of bad experience is to keep love in your heart and be happy. Do things that make you happy, and try to stay in a positive frame of mind. Please listen to the meditation and gather up enough courage to speak to someone in your family or a close friend.

Feel free to write again. Sometimes it takes me a little time to reply, but know that you are not alone and there are many of us who have these weird experiences. Just keep love in your heart and smile. :D

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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