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Dream or somthing more?

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:05 pm
by tvman
Hello guys im a 15 yr old male who for some reason has a "feeling" im meant to discover or be apart of somthing big but thats not my story.

It all happened somwhere in summer 2010 when i went to slep at about 12am i had a very real dream. I was there sleeping im my bed when for no reason i would stand up i then go to the window and look out. I look out for about 10 mins then out of nowhere a flash of light in the sky gets my attention i then follow it with my eyes it seems to get closer then it lands in my front garden. Fear shoots through my body i become scared and wish that what ever it is to go away. Then i build up the courage to look out again i saw 3 figures that were quite tall next to the ship they look directly at me and fear once again shoots through my body. I stare back at them wondering whats going on then i see my mom she is outside near the craft staring at it she is frozen it seems and she doesnt do anything at that moment the beings go to touch her and i wake up at 7:30 just as my mom came in to wake me up before school. I felt scared and shocked throughout the entire day. What does this mean?

Re: Dream or somthing more?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:38 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi tvman,
Most abductees/contactees will tell you that they have the feeling they are part of something big and they have a mission to fulfill. The vivid dream you had could have been a real visitation from the star people. Were they there to see you or your mother? I'm not sure. Maybe you should ask your mom if she has had any interesting dreams and tell her what you experienced. It can run in family lines. Good Luck. :D

Many Blessings, Bonnie