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Alien Abductee Geoffrey Evans to be Guest on The Bright Side

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:26 pm
by producer
Join us this week on "The Bright Side", the popular, internet radio talk show with host David Nathan, this Sunday, January 23, 2011, at 7pm-8:30pm, EST, as we welcome alien abductee, Geoffrey Evans. Geoffrey Evans, lives in Australia and at age thirteen he had his first conscious memory of an alien encounter with two non human, alien Greys standing at the foot of his bed as he lie paralyzed in his bed, unable to move. He was further shocked, during another encounter, to find himself lying immobile on a type of examination table surrounded by two Greys, one who showed him one of his childhood toys that he thought was lost many years ago. This made him realize that he had been abducted since early childhood. Throughout his adult life, he has recalled many memories, with vivid detail, about being taken aboard alien spacecraft and communicating with both the smaller Greys and the larger Mantis type aliens. He has also been shown by the aliens, images of a possible future world calamity that may threaten our planet. He has also been shown what he describes as genetically altered, human hybrid children as well as seen other abducted humans onboard the alien spacecraft. Geoffrey also believes he knows the answer to one of the most perplexing question asked by UFO researchers-What is the purpose of the alien hybrid agenda? To listen to our live show or to download any of our current or archived episodes, go to:

Listeners call in to our toll free number 1 877 572 4270 during the last half hour to ask questions or talk with David Nathan and our guest. Become a regular listener every Sunday at 7pm, EST :idea: