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Im not sure but.....

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:11 am
by scaredycat
Hi I am new to this website and wanted to ask your opinion, all through my life ive had some strange experiences which i had never really thought about until the past year or so of my life, the earliest thing i can remember was when i was around 8 all i remember was intense "lightning" which scared me so much i hid under the blankets but it was so bright i could see the light through them (these were heavy itchy woolen blankets , i live in scotland uk) the strange thing about my memory of this is i dont recall any thunder only the lightening.
my next strange memory is when i was 14 i used to sleep on my front in the recovery position with one hand under my pillow until this particular night when i felt my hand under the pillow get grabbed by a cold leathery claw like hand and it nipped my middle finger of my right hand halfway down my finger this infact woke me up but i know i had not dreamt this infact the following morning when i told my mother i showed her my finger which has a small vein coloured mark that i had never noticed prior to this and the mark still remains to this day (im 38 now).
around the same time as this we began having paranormal knockings and things going on around the house and my older sister was pinned down on her bed by an unseen force so she moved out of the family home and would not go back.
after i met my husband and moved out of the family home i never had any other expeiences until around 13 years ago when i began reading books on abduction for some strange reason i became extremely terriefied and to date still cannot sleep without the tv on or light , my eldest son was around 4 at the time and he used to get hysterical at night saying there were spiders in his room this continued for around a year then nothing.
i had my youngest son 3 years ago and since then things are getting strange again my youngest son is having night mares at least 3 times per week where he just wakes up pointing at the ceiling saying its there look mum hes there he also will not let me hug him when hes screaming we just have to leave him alone until he settles down himself through the day hes a happy normal 3 year old but will not sleep in his own bed , where i live in scotland as well i have seen numerous ufo since the start of the year the latest was 2 weeks ago which was extremely low in the sky but no one else seemed to be aware of it at the time, the last two nights i have had the same dream about a gold coloured egg ufo with a black band around the middle sitting in the middle of the road near my childrens school waiting for me? i feel that somethings going on that im not quite remembering i also feel that something major is going to happen but again i dont know what, i am unsure if i have been having abduction experiences or just been rreading too many books i hope you will be able to give me some reassurance either way xx

Re: Im not sure but.....

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:17 am
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hello ScaredyCat,
It sounds like you definitely had some paranormal experiences going on, possibly "alien."

The lightning you saw through your thick woolen blankets is very interesting. Sometimes, during the transition of going into or coming out of an "alien abduction," you may see bright flashes of light. This is also the point when people can become paralyzed. There is a transition of moving from one state of consciousness to another or moving from your physical body to a different energy body (such as your etheric body) which can include bright flashes of white light. I have experienced this myself many times, and it isn't really good or bad, but part of the transition of moving from one state to another.

When the cold leathery hand grabbed your finger, what was your reaction? Probably pretty surprised? Can you remember anything else about it? It is difficult to say whether it was a negative entity or possibly a friendly one that you were just surprised by or frightened of.

Hearing knocks is also fairly common with abductees. One night I was lying in bed, staring at the window. I woke up during the night and was just lying there trying to go back to sleep. I also had the distinct impression that my "star friends" were nearby. They are friendly, loving entities that I have known all my life. As I was thinking of them, there were 3 knocks on the window, as if they were saying Hello.

About the spiders: another fairly common occurrence for abductees. In my case, I used to see spiders all the time during visitations because the star people, my friends, were teaching me to face my fears and one of them was spiders. I knew they were shoving spiders in my face on purpose so I could face my fear of them, which was not a huge fear, but a small one. After doing this for a while, I had no fear of them at all. And when the star people showed me a spider, I could see that it was not a threat, not scary, and it even made me laugh because I could then see how silly it was to be afraid of a little spider.

I'm sorry to hear that your 3 year old son is having trouble at night. When I was about that age, from about 3-5 years old, I used to have what my parents called "night terrors"; I would wake during the night, crying, and they could do nothing to stop it. They held me and cradled me in their arms until I "woke" or snapped out of it. They brought me over to a light and the pupils of my eyes did not get smaller like they should, they stayed fully dilated and open, which made them believe that I was somehow still asleep. They had to wait for me to wake up. It is, I believe, similar to sleep walking, which I did as I got a little older. And when I was 4 years old, I saw the star people for the first time. I sat up in my bed one night and two of them were holding hands and walking toward the foot of my bed. I screamed and my mother came running. As she entered the room, the star people disappeared.

The best thing you can do for your son is to love him and believe him when he tells you what he sees. It is important to support him and not say, "Oh sweetie, that was just a nightmare," like so many parents tend to do. I also recommend putting protection on him before he goes to sleep. If you listen to the meditation audio I made for Grounding, Centering, and Shielding, this will teach you how to visualize a protective bubble of white light that will help protect him (and you) from negative entities on the etheric and astral planes. Alien abduction is not physical in nature, it happens in another state of consciousness, mainly on the etheric plane.

The gold colored egg UFO in your dream does not sound like a bad thing...unless you can recall any negative experiences surrounding it, I would not worry. What we are all going through right now is a great transformation. The whole planet is moving from the 3rd dimension to 4th (and possibly 5th). We are going to see some very very weird things. The best thing you can do is keep LOVE in your heart and know that we are all connected and everything has a higher purpose. We are each on a path that will teach us what we need to learn.

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your family is to keep love and happiness in your house at all times -- negative entities do not understand love and they will flee from it.

Many Blessings, Bonnie