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I Need Help Finding My Power and Getting My Life Back

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:37 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
This message is for a person who is having trouble with alien abduction and abduction by black magicians:

It is good to be aware of the different levels of existence that we each experience and the fact that we are living in a world of chaos. If your attention is set on the physical world, then that is what you will be consciously aware of, but a whole lot happens on other planes in which we also experience life. One of these planes is the etheric plane, which is basically the blueprint for the physical plane, and it is where visitations and abductions take place.

It isn't a happy thought, but there are evil people out there who know how to manipulate energy on the etheric plane. This is why I recommend protection. One of the things you can do is Ground, Center, and Shield your etheric body. Take this link to the Meditation I made :
It is a guided meditation that will help you connect to the strong foundation of the Earth, it will help you find the center point of the energy within your body, and it will teach you how to visualize and create an etheric shield of white light to protect you on the etheric plane where the abductions take place.

If you want to stop the unwanted visitors from coming, you have to stand up to them and let them know who's boss. This is one example of what you can do that seems to work pretty well. Go into a dark room where you will not be disturbed. It can be any time of day or night, doesn't matter. Make sure the room is very dark, so you will not be distracted. A bathroom might work, or maybe even a closet. Now, for some people, sitting alone in a small dark room takes courage, especially if you're being abducted by aliens. So, you must be strong. In the dark room, think about how you feel; let all the hurt and anger come out of you. Push it out. If you are angry about being abducted from your bed at night, let it out. Take that anger and use it to stand your ground. Imagine that an alien is standing in front of you, looking at you. Stand up and yell at it. Say something like this: "You do not have permission to see me ever again! If you come back, the whole universe will know, and you will be held accountable for your actions!" Of course, you can alter those words to say exactly what is on your mind. This little exercise will work, especially if you put some backbone into it. Don't let anybody push you around, even if you think they are somehow more "powerful" than you.

For added protection from alien abductions or abduction by black magicians, you can seal your house from negative energy coming from outside. In the name of your God/Goddess/Great Spirit, you will start with one window and work your way clockwise around the house, sealing each window and doorway along the way. You do the sealing with energy that you push out from the Index (Jupiter) and Middle (Saturn) fingers of your projective hand.

You can find out which hand is projective and which hand is receptive by doing this simple exercise: Briskly rub your hands together to create heat and tingling through friction. When this is accomplished, you will push energy from the fingertips of your right hand into your left forearm. Without actually touching your arm, move your right hand up and down your left arm, about an inch away from the skin, feeling the energy moving up and down your left forearm, from your wrist to your elbow and back. Pay close attention and you will feel the energy moving up and down your arm. When you have felt the energy, switch hands. Use your left arm to push energy into your right forearm, from wrist to elbow and back. Whichever hand is stronger at pushing out energy, that is your projective hand. Usually, if you are right-handed, your projective hand is the right hand, but it is not always the case.

So, in order to seal your house, use the index and middle fingers of your projective hand to "draw" a protective symbol across each window and door to create an etheric barrier that cannot be crossed. Use visualization to see all entryways sealed shut.

Sometimes you have to fight black magic with white magic.
Keeping love in your heart is of the utmost importance. I have dealt with psychic attackers, government agents, evil aliens, black magicians, and negative spirits my whole life. What I have found is that fighting or running away is not an option. These things will keep happening until you have enough strength and energy to stand up to evil with real love in your heart. Here is an example of what I mean, taken from the book I wrote, Invitation to the Self, journey with the star people.

"While I was enjoying a vivid dream of spending time at my
grandmother’s house, a knock pounded on the door. I had been
relaxing, watching television and drinking my grandma’s delicious,
sweet iced tea. I rose lazily from the couch, went to the door and
peered out the little window through the lace curtain. Staring back at
me was a rough-looking woman dressed entirely in black, wearing a
nasty grin on her face. Needless to say, I did not let her in.

I jumped back in shock, first thinking of protecting my grandmother.
I quickly ran around the house pulling down shades and making
sure the windows and doors were all locked. The crazed woman began
to bang on the outside walls of the house and yell. I snuck a peek
through one of the miniblinds, and saw her out there, fuming with
anger, her short black hair sticking out as if she had been running her
hands through it in all directions. It was like a wild animal trying to
escape from a cage. Instead, in this case, it was trying to get in.

Grandma seemed to be oblivious to all the commotion, focused on
her favorite television show…but she would not remain in her calm
condition if this crazed individual managed to break into the house.
Thoughts ran through my head faster than I could catch them. I was
panicking. In a moment of desperation, I flung open the front door,
hurled myself through, and slammed it shut, locking it in place. I ran
out toward the street to lure the menace away, going so quickly that I
was half-stumbling.

Instantly, I found myself in a classroom setting, sitting in the back
row at a desk. I looked around to see what was going on. Students
were listening to a teacher who was at the front of the room near a
chalkboard. Everything seemed to be okay, but I didn’t know how I
had gotten there, as I was clearly not in a dream anymore, but a
consciously aware experience. I had a few moments of self-composure
before I saw her rise from a desk in the second row.

The black-haired lunatic woman was standing there, staring at me
with a malicious, evil grin. I stood as well, knowing that this was it –
the showdown. Luckily, I had been able to calm myself just enough for
a good idea to pop into my head and a chance to catch it.

I pulled a bow out of the thin air behind me, drew the string, and imagined an
arrow of “white light.” I aimed at my target, which was now walking
toward me at a good pace, and let it fly.

I had intended for this arrow of white light to hold a small amount
of positive energy and love that would temporarily raise the crazed
woman’s awareness. The arrow struck her in the chest, but she kept
walking. There seemed to be no change in her, at least not that she
showed on her face. I had no choice but to stand and wait as she
swiftly approached. With each step she took, the expression on her
face changed; the evil grin turned to a soft smile, and her eyes relaxed
into a confused but happy look.

I took a big gulp and stood my ground, opening my arms in
acceptance and forcing a smile to spread from ear to ear. By the time
she reached me, it was like greeting an old friend. She was pleased to
see me, and we embraced. The arrow of white light had worked, but I
knew it was only temporary. I left the scene, waking in my bed. I did
not see her again.

After surviving a number of these trials and gaining needed
experience, I began using high frequency energy to stop attackers. I
developed new methods of defense on the spot, in every situation.
One evening while in the alternate reality (etheric plane), I found myself instantly
encircled by five psychics. As soon as I realized what was going on, I
flew straight up and away from them.

I remember thinking about what I could do to keep them away from me,
then flying a good distance before returning to the ground. I walked around,
inspecting the surrounding environment. I was hoping I had lost them, because
I was interested in this new area that I had just spotted, which contained
quaint little shops – just like I had done so many times before, I fell
into their little trap. I had managed to overcome fears that I had built
upon since birth, but my curiosity still had me snared.

I entered the nearest shop, fascinated by the various trinkets set out for sale. Little
lights glowed on the shelves like faeries, and objects sparkled and drew
my attention like magick. Again I thought of the attackers and tried to
raise my energy enough to completely avoid them. I definitely did not
want to have to deal with them now, not after finding this magickal

I then noticed a blur rushing past the open window, and a psychic
swiftly appeared in the shop. It was a rather large man, one who had
been in the original group of five. Apparently, he was the only one left
that I had to deal with. I closed my eyes and made myself disappear
from the shop. I reappeared in a wooded area. He lost track of me for
a few minutes but then found me again. He stood before me in the
forest, prepared to attack. “Okay,” I said to myself, “this guy is good.”
I wasn’t about to run; I had become tired of that option. Fleeting
thoughts rushed through my mind, searching for a new defense. I
found it.

I dropped all my resistance. I relaxed my muscles, let my arms rest
down at my sides, put a smile on my face and walked toward the man.
With a quick step back and a dumbfounded look on his face, he
dropped his defenses also. I approached him with my arms open wide
in acceptance. In a moment of mixed bewilderment and love, he
reached out for me and we embraced. I felt confusion coming from
him but also relief and happiness. The attack had abruptly ceased with
no damage done on either side."

I know that sometimes they get the best of us, so we have to keep trying. My advice is to keep love in your heart and rise above the chaos. Even in the darkest hour, and especially in the darkest hour, you only have yourself, the love in your heart, and your connection to Spirit to guide you. As we are approaching Time Wave Zero, the Singularity, December 21, 2012, and a new era of conscious awareness, we are challenged to face our fears and get rid of our old, outdated habits, to form new, positive ways of living. This is happening NOW. We each have to wake up and take responsibility for ourselves. This practice will aide in raising your vibrational frequency, making it easier and easier to defend yourself against negative abductions or attacks.

Here is a quote I like from The Quiet Mind by White Eagle:
We must each "gain a measure of control over our thoughts. We suggest that you start by taking yourselves in hand and asserting your mastership over the details of everyday life. Don't let your body do exactly what it wants, or your brain either. Assert your power of command over body and mind. This discipline will grow to be a habit."

I hope this helps.
Many Blessings, Bonnie