With whom can one safely discuss this subject?

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Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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With whom can one safely discuss this subject?

Post by Uada »

Hello, everyone!

Please see my profile for my personal information and a list of the types of anomalous experiences I have had.

My purpose in joining this forum is to learn how to deal with the life complications brought about by the kinds of incidents listed in my profile. In particular, I have found it impossible to let my guard down sufficiently to get really close to other people as I believe it would be very unwise, both personally and professionally, for me to share with them events which they could likely neither understand nor accept. While I share a lot in common with most people, there is this significant portion of my life that is essentially off-limits due the bizarre nature of its contents. While I do not intend to let these experiences dominate my life nor define who I am, I find I cannot continue to keep them buried in the realm of the unspeakable. For this reason, I would like to know how others are dealing with this problem and how they went about finding people they can talk with about these matters. I am not here for purposes of entertainment, nor do I care to share details of my experiences with a wide audience.

My best wishes and greatest respect to all of you dealing with these issues.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: With whom can one safely discuss this subject?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Welcome. It sure isn't easy talking to other people about this stuff, that is for sure. You must pick and choose carefully who you share the information with, but you can find others by perhaps starting off a conversation about something related and not so outlandish and see how they react. Then they might start talking about something that happened to them. You just have to get the right conversation started. I always find people that way...of course, I'm fairly open about my experiences. After years and years, well, a whole lifetime really, of unusual metaphysical experiences, I realize there's nothing to hide because it's really happening to everybody -- they just don't know it.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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