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It has happened to me all my life, now to my daughter

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:20 am
by jenniferdc73
Hello Bonnie and Everyone else,
I am a concerned mom. I realize that throughout my life I have seen UFO's, riden in UFO's, and been abducted. I have never been hurt, however I have felt fear and animosity for creatures that can take me against my will. Now is has began to happen to my daughter, she is 15 years old. I don't want them ro scare her like they have me. What can I do?

My first experience was at 4 months old. Of course I can not remember it, but my mom and dad told me the story. My dad has had these sort of things happen repeatedly since he was a child. He has told me some of his accounts. My mom on the other hand never had anything happen to her until she married my father. So the (I hate to refer to them as stories, as they are definately not fiction), story of my first encounter went as such.

My father and his brother had witnessed a UFO and missing time as children walking home from a movie late one night. My dad remembers bits and pieces as does his brother. What my dad really remembers best of all was being unfairly punished for not coming home on time from the movies. lol, isnt that what a kid would remember. After his brother and he told thier folks the story they were grounded, etc.

Now you know a bit of background on my dad. So when I was 4 months old we lived in rural Nebraska at the time, this was before internet, as the year was 1974. Well, when my dad told my mom he and his brother were going UFO hunting my mom just laughed and said okay go on. She said she perfered not to go as she had me.

What prompted my dad to go was the fact that in the local newspaper there was a man who had claimed to have seen a large UFO in the nearest large town to us, Lincoln. This had been three days before.

A little more history on my dad to assist with story. Because of his expieriences as a child he grew up very technical minded and later in the 1980's would go on to be a computer programmer. He also wrote books for Tab and Microsoft. So at this point in his life technology was big to him. He also programed solar fields in Cali. when that tech. was new and programed the oil pipe line in Alaska when that began. You can check him out online under John Clark Craig. Mind you his father and his grandfather were Methodist ministers. This info. will come in handy at the end of my account.

So my dad and his brother left that night at 7pm, they were off to find the highest hill in Nebraska, which by the way that in itself is quite a feat. lol. My dad would return home that night around 10pm frustrated to have seen nothing, but my mom on the other hand would have her first encounter and it would change her life forever.

My mom was sitting on the couch in our rented farmhouse sewing and watching TV. I was laying on a blanket on the floor. Mom says that all of the suddon the TV went funny, the sound warbled and the screan flickered. Then outside the animals started to make a ruckus. So she got up and went to window to look out. It was too dark to see anything. As she turned from the window the lights inthe house flickered then all went dark and the animals were very silent. She became afraid. She picked me up. All of the suddon she became very sleepy and decided to lie down on her bed. As she lay there she says two robed beings stood over her and I. Thye wore long dark hooded robes and she could not see thier faces. She could see them because there was a white light illuminating them from some unknown source. They took me from her, she tried to get up and cry out in protest, but could not move. They spoke to her somehow and told her they were not going to hurt me they just wanted to check me out. That I was just as important to them as I was to her.

The next thing she rememebers is sitting on the couch and my dad returning. She told him of her unusual expeirience and it took my dad some time to calm her enough in order to go to bed.

This whole thing might have been written off right there. But at 6am my dad was woken by our telephone ringing. So he answered it was our nearest neighbors to the west. They lived down below a little rise and so our homes were not visible to each other plus they lived 4 miles away. So they wanted to know if everyone was okay. My dad said yes why? They said last night around 9pm they had sent thier sons out to check on the animals as they were making a ruckus. His sons had come in and told thier folks to come out and look at all the lights. The lights they observed were in the direction of our home. They thought perhaps they were emergency lights. Except they were all kinds of colors, blue, green. violet.

Anyways I was told this story in my teens, because I began having strange things happen. Too many times to account for on here. Bonnie, sounds like you too have had a lot of experiences. Well, my mom passed in 2004 suddonly from unxplained cause of death. But after her death my dad confided in me that two nights before this happening he had gone out to the shed and had used his pager from work and sent a code using binary (however you spell that), to whoever out there to meet him at this longitude/latitude at this time. He says somehow the signals got crossed and they showed up at the wring spot, or maybe they did it on purpose. That is the (true), story I was told.

Well, as I grew up I had a lot of experiences. Out of body, prophetic happenings, with by the way great changes here on earth between the years 2011-2014. Has anyone else been given these dates? I even got to the point of seeking counceling for this activity. DO NOT DO THIS!!!! I warn you.

So when my daughter was 4 months old in 1999, I had another encounter that I feel was them coming to check up on her. Not so much me. I was at the time married to her father. He was a non beleiver btw. So one night we had a huge fight, over what who can Well, my five year old son had gone to stay the night with my parents. All that were in our apartment at the time was me our daughter and him. Since we had the fight I decided to sleep in my sons bed. I was dreaming that my bones were rattling together, so I made myself wake up. I laid there trying to wake, I looked at the red glowing digital clock on the nightstand and realized it was 2:30am. As I came too I realized my bed was vibrating. I jumped up. I was frightened. I told myself to sit back on the bed, that I was still partly asleep, but when I sat it was still vibrating. I tried to turn on the bedroom light but it would not turn on. I paniked and ran to the kitchen and grabed the cordless phone. Shaking I dialed my parents number. I put the receiver to my ear and heard static, and what I describe as morris code. Off in the distance I heard maybe talking, but it sounded like a forien language. It did not ring. I hung up and dialed again, still nothing, finally through all the commotion on the phone I heard distant ringing, I remember praying to let someone pick up. Then I heard me mom very faintly saying hello? I answered hello...we did this about 5 times when all of the suddon she said Jennifer is that you? I said yes, I was so releived. Then she said what is all that noise...I was surprised she heard it too. She told me no matter what do not hang up with her. I told her wehat was going on, I had to repeat myself as sometimes she would fade out. Finally she told me to go back into the room with her on the phone and sit onthe bed. So I did. I jumped up as it was still vibrating. I told her it wsa then as I turned to the bed I saw a tall scally entitie with the large black eyes standing on the ohther side of the bed. There was an orange light coming from behind him. I ran down the hall and to the kitchen. As I started to calm down, my mom suddonly asked is your daughter okay? My thought was oh my god I forgot about her. I raced to her room and flicked on the light which came on and there she was wide awake, smiling up at me. I told my mom the lights were working. She said good. Then she woke my dad and told him to go check on us, she explained everything to him...also when the lights started working the phone cleared up. When my dad got there all was okay. But we decided to wake my husband who I found it strange had slept through all this commotion. We were going to open the door but my dad and I bother heard strange noises coming through the door (no not Maybe more like scurrying of a lot of tiny feet? Well, we beat on the door for a good 15 mins until my husband looking very sleepy answered it.

That all happened btw in Castle Rock CO.

Since then I am with a new man. We live in Tennessee. When I first met him my kids were living in Colorado with my dad as I went through some hard times. He is as sweet as can be but is not a believer, instead he introduced me to religion. Well, in Dec. of 2012, my daughter was getting ready to come live with us. I had been here for four years and had gone to visit he and my son a few times, but I was so excited to have her come live with us. I had not had any experiences since moving here four years earlier. Then all of the suddon, they were back. In Dec. my boyfirend soon to be husband were out on the front deck at around 1am looking at stars and talking bout my daughter arrival in Jan. 2013. We face the blue ridge mountains and live ina rural setting. Over the mountains I noticed a bright white light that Ipointed out to my boyfriend. Under it were severl tiny red lights bouncing up and down. We watched these for 20mins then they zoomed off. The white light was so bright it lit up most ofthe mountains. I remember going to bed that night and my unbeleiving boyfriend kept getting the chills and saying what was that. I laughed and said get used to it you are with me now. Then Dec. 19 2013 I called my dad in colorado to speak with my son to wish him happy birthday. As I sat on the phone I was facing a window, at first I noticed a bright red light coming in threw the slats of the closed blinds. At this point I had already spoken with my son as was speaking with my dad. I remember he was saying something I didnt comprehend because I was concentrated on the light trying to figure it out. At the time we had a large dog, who later died because of this account. He was outside at the time. Then the back door started to violently shake and our dag was growing and barking and sounded to be fighting with something. I sreamed in my poor dads ear and threw the phone, I went into the bedroom sreaming at the top of my lungs, there was my boyfriend sound asleep. This was at 11pm out time 9pm Colo. time, btw. My boyfriend didnt stir. I literally jumped on him sreaming, and had to shake him awake. When he woke I didnt want to sound wierd so I told him to get the gun someone was trying to break in. So he did. When he looked out the window he saw nothing and our dog has calmed down. My dad was still on the phone I could hear him, asking hello, r u ok? Hello. I picked it up and told him I thought someone was trying to break in. I hung up with him and called the police, I was so frightened! When my boyfriend and I went outside before the cops arrived we looked aroung our dog had large scratch on nose. Well, all was clear of course. The next day however my boyfriend told me to come look at our metal back door, the one that had been shaking, it had wavy dents in it. Mufon came to investigate. There were high levels of radiation detected in my dog and on back door, no where else. They came to investigate bacause we live 18 miles from a nuclear plant that on the same evening had reported a ship and aliens...the Mufon man showed mwe pics of the aliens that had been seen. Our dog soon died. It was sad.

So in Jan. my daughter came to live with me. Yeah! In April 2013 she and I were outside on a clear evening playing badmitton. I saw it first and pointed it out to her. A cigar shaped craft just above the tree line moving silently. As we stood watching it I felt rain drops, I didnt say anything then my daughter asked of I felt rain. Well we stayed out and continued to play, then she says mom look at that strange orange light in the trees then we say two entites, very tall brown scally, large black eyes walking towards us out of the trees I spoke to them in my mind and asked then to please not come close, they stoped turned around and went back into the trees they were looking at the trees and the soil, etc. On the hill behind me my daughter saw a large white box with two large and tall black robed figures standing on either side of the white box, as if to gaurd it? Then my daughter somehow had goo on her hand making her fingures looked webbed only on her right hand. She wiped it off.

Well, since then she has been terrified to go outside, cant say I blame her. How can I help her through all this? I truly need your help and anyone else who has advice.

Thank you.


Re: It has happened to me all my life, now to my daughter

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:19 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
That is really amazing. Seeing scaly brown entities walking toward you would scare anyone! Wow. I can't say that I blame her for not wanting to go outside either! Does she know about your family history and how these experiences are part of the family's life? If she doesn't, maybe you should explain that to her so she has some idea of what's going on.

I would definitely put some spiritual protection around myself. I made a guided meditation that you could try, it is for Grounding, Centering, and Shielding. It will teach you how to place protective energy around your body which helps with psychic self defense and things like alien abduction.

When this event happened, were you both completely awake and in an aware state of consciousness? I'm asking because most abductees/contactees report a feeling of being in a trance-like state or even out-of-body during contact.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: It has happened to me all my life, now to my daughter

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:57 pm
by jenniferdc73
Dear Bonnie,

Ty for your quick and productive reply. I will try the meditation you have told me about. To answer your question we were very much awake and mentally aware of what was happening. I forgot to tell you that MUFON also interviewed myself and my daughter on this account.

I do think I need protection, because of the death of our dog. I am not sure what caused him to die, but feel he was doing his duty that night gaurding our home. I also thought back after writing to you about that same account, the one with our dog. The Mufon rep. asked me to get the name of the police man who came that night. So I called our department, they had no such officer and stranger yet had no 911 call recorded from me that night. Wierd. This boggled both myself and my boyfriend as he was a witness to my calling and to the officer. When the officer arrived that night he said that our neighbor on 64 had told him about strange lights by our home and thought something was wrong. Well. we don't know what he was talking about. There is no 64 close to us. There is a HWY 64, but it is no where close to here. After the police left that night my boyfriend kept asking me what the police officer had said we were both trying to figure it out. We did tell this to the Mufon Rep. We also told the Mufon Rep. about no such officer and no 911 call made.

Only one other time had this happened. One night round 2:30am I woke to blue pulsating lights coming in through our bedroom window. I woke up my boyfriend and he saw nothing. We were both almost asleep when a truck with a huge white light came pulling up. We got up, and noticed that our electricity was out and went out onto our front deck. There was a utility truck. A man got out. He asked us if we had seen anything. I told him I had seen blue pulses of light.

Normally when the electric is out, we can look out and see that other lights are out too, but all these lights in the distance were still on. My boyfriend and I found this strange.

The man said, that a huge power grid was out, and it was nothing ot be concerned with. Then he looked up at the bright moon and the stars looked right at me, mind you he was standing in our yard and I was on the deck, so he was not close to me. Then he said. Look at that moon and those stars so beautiful dont you think. I answered yes. Then he said Jennifer I know you would love to go there wouldnt you? I smiled and said yes. Then he said oh, but you have already been there a few times have'nt you?

My boyfriend looked troubled as he stood next to me. The man said Mike I am sorry to have kept you all awake at this hour. I just needed to come check on a few things. Mike said that is okay, but one thing how did you know Jennifers name. The man laughed and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, "it is on the work order your names and address. Mike looked at him and said, she has just come to live with me, she is not on my account. The man laughed again, well that is mysterious isnt it? Then he got back into his truck rolled down his window and said your lights will be back on in a jiffy. As he drove off down our long and winding driveway, before he got all the way to the road our lights flickered back on. Mike and I were very much awake for this encounter.

You know I do not think that they want to hurt me or you ar anyone else. I think that people and sometimes families are chosen for reasons. I will protect myself and my offspring, but I also am very interested in thier agenda. What do you think thier agenda is?

Also about the years 2011-2014...anyone been given a timeline? I truly need to figure out what I have been told and feel I am not the only one who has this information. When the whole 2012 thing was going on I just laughed, there is still more to come.

Re: It has happened to me all my life, now to my daughter

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:06 pm
by jenniferdc73
One more question please, what do you feel about hypnosis? To tap into these abductions sightings?

Re: It has happened to me all my life, now to my daughter

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 1:00 am
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Jennifer,
Wow! Those are some amazing experiences you have! So the utility guy was actually a star person? Did you know that when he was talking to you or did you figure it out later, after he was gone?
And even the cop was possibly a star person? That is a lot of metaphysical activity, on so many different levels.

The star people's agenda? I think the friendly ones have good intentions and want to help preserve humanity the best they can and to help the people whose consciousness is waking up. I think the negative aliens have their own selfish reasons. And the secret government and their MILABS...they are all about mind control and making people believe they are being abducted by aliens when they are actually being abducted by government agents. It's twisted, for sure. I wish I had a straight answer, but I don't really know what their true intentions are.

I do NOT recommend hypnosis. I studied psychology for years and wondered if hypnosis would be a good option for recalling alien abduction experiences, but I can now say for sure that we do not know enough about what hypnosis does to a person, so I do not recommend hypnosis. My way of remembering the visitations is to keep a dream journal where I record my vivid dream experiences and all the odd happenings. If you write it down when it first happens, you can always look back to that information, meditate on it and recall more. If you practice it, you can develop great conscious recall.

Good Luck with the meditation.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: It has happened to me all my life, now to my daughter

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:03 pm
by Joe777
Dear Jennifer,

I read what you posted about what you and your daughter have been experiencing with the aliens and I'm here to tell you that you don't have to take it anymore. There is something you can do to stop them and it's very effective. I used to get harassed by aliens(Greys) and demons during the night while I slept but thanks to the Lord and a friend He guided me to I no longer get harassed by the Greys and demons and I actually sleep like baby during the night and my family is safe as well. Have you ever heard of orgone blasters? If not got to and check it out. The orgone blaster is a weapon that the Lord Almighty has given to us to protect ourselves against these evil beings. The orgone blasters produce positive energy and since the aliens and demons are negative energy the orgone blasters naturally repel them by burning them and causing asphyxiation. Also spiritual warfare prayers along with the orgone add extra protection for you and your family. Go and also check out and to learn more. You can order the orgone blasters or click on the "how to make your own" link on

This is no joke. I can testify that the orgone blasters and spiritual warfare prayers do work! If you want to stop these aliens then get the orgone and put them inside your house. In your bedroom put them under you bed, on your window sill, on the floor under your window and outside every window around your house. Put them in every room in your house, in front of the mirrors(because they use mirrors to travel interdimensionally) and around the perimeter of your yard. In other words saturate the inside of your house and the outside. The more orgone you have the better and use spiritual warfare prayers. None of these aliens are good. They all work for Satan so don't be fooled by them. Check out the websites I listed for you and learn more. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.

May the Lord protect you and your family,
