Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

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Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by MacGV »

I'm curious about some of the dreams I've had (that feel real), along with a lifetime of unusual medical and other issues. Here was the latest...

I was in a large, industrial-style place, about the size of a large gymnasium. Everything seemed simple, fairly empty and had little color, other than gray. It felt like some sort of medical facility. I was lying on a thin, metal table, face down. Other tables were spaced way apart and had other people on them.

I looked over at a man who was laying in the same position. I watched a long, metal, robot-like arm move toward his head. Something on the tip of it went into the back of his head, toward the top of his neck. Before it went in, he was talking with normal speech, though I don't remember what he said. As it went in, his speech started to get weird. He spoke as if he was trying to continue what he had been saying before, but now his words were becoming jumbled and made no sense.

About the time I thought, "I hope that's not what's going to happen to me", it happened. Shortly after I sensed it going into the back of my head, my speech got weird and I blacked out. Next thing I remember was waking up.

Has anyone else seen or heard of anything like this before?


Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by guarded1 »

ive heard of chipping.

a particular implant placed into the spine, this chip tracks data like location and various nervous system functions. my hacking friend has one thats broken. i cant see why a person would get one.

to know for sure though these chips are always at the base of the skull spinal area. real dreams. the idea that any conscious experience is real is something i would say to be accurate. i dont know much other than that. its creepy what they do. and then you find yourself awake.

it is uncertain with such limited knowledge to say whether it was alien or human. ill leave that up t someone like bonnie. im gonna read about it please share more or perhaps other issues it caused. i might find something closer related soon.

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Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi MacGV,
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I am a life-long contactee, which means that I have been dealing with both good and bad encounters since I was about 4 years old. I have been implanted many many times by star people and also military personnel. I had a similar experience to yours back in 1988. I wrote about it in my book, Invitation to the Self; journey with the star people. I'll just copy and paste it here:

"In October of 1988, I had an experience with some creatures I called "blue robots." They were living, sentient beings, wearing blue overalls even, but their movements were robotic in nature, and I was under the impression they were acting under orders, doing what they had been told by someone else. I went along with what they wished, knowing what was expected of me without the use of speech. I had total freedom of movement.

I was inside a circular metal room, about 20 feet in diameter, aboard what seemed to be a spaceship. I stood still and watched while the little blue robots swarmed all around me, only as tall as my waist. There were approximately six beings in my immediate vicinity and others running errands in other parts of the room. They were communicating with one another and very busily running back and forth, doing their work, which somehow involved me. I knew they wanted to “operate” on me, and even though I couldn’t be sure, I assumed it would be an easy, outpatient type of procedure. I had picked up this bit of information by listening and observing. I remained calm and patient, more curious than afraid.

I had been standing in what was an information area - there were no seats or operating tables in this section of the room, so when they were finished with that "information gathering" part of their work, they escorted me to a place on the opposite side of the room. There was a circular indention in the floor, about 6 inches deep. They asked me to step down into it and stand there. Two of them helped me step down and turn so I was facing a wall. I had free movement of my body; they were just leading me. I asked them why I needed an operation and the response was that I had "pain" and they needed to fix it (this is a typical response that I have heard over and over again, and it is obviously not the whole truth).

I was staring at what looked to me like the back of a television set, which they had asked me to "keep my eyes on." At that point, things became confusing to me; my head became dizzy and my vision was out of focus. What I saw was a tool that was drilling into the back of the supposed television set. There was a loud BANG and a flash of light, and the operation was over. I then realized that the hole being drilled was not into the back of a television set, but into the back of my head!

Within the week, I had developed a lump in the same location on the back of my head. I went to a local doctor (a general practitioner) who said I had a cyst that could be removed with surgery, or I could just let it sit there and, if it bothered me, he could prescribe pain medication.

As I was saying, I did not feel comfortable in telling anyone about the visitations, and as you can imagine, I would have felt pretty stupid walking into the doctor's office and saying to him, "Hey Doc, I was abducted by aliens about a week ago, and they drilled a hole into the back of my head. I've got a lump there now - can you take a look at it?" What I really wanted to say was, "Could you please cut this alien implant out of my head?!" "

That is just one example of what can happen. As "Guarded One" was saying, they could certainly implant or "chip" the spinal cord for various reasons. It is not pleasant to think about, but it definitely happens to a lot of people. Was your experience alien or secret government? We won't know that answer unless you can recall more.

You are not alone in this, friend. The important thing to remember is that you are a spirit having a human experience, and your spirit is strong and everlasting.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG


Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by guarded1 »

hi. i accessed a certain file while in a deep sleep. some odd language with the word Pure in the middle. i downloaded some files under this by accident into a bio medium for data. some of the things ive read were about mental research and such using such items to gain info on nervous systems and brainmapping. simply put it scans the brain. itll take longer to decifer more but its gained priority. there are other things as well but ive thought of this and pondered it deeply. what is done with the data is unknown but a chip is a good start however that isnt to say with he machine could have done more while you wee tapped.

i hold no divide between alien and fed encounters. ive sen them working together before, partcularily negative experience. this isnt some suit either moreso camera footage. im not sure but i think the camera incapable of veiwing holograms.

by the way the bio computer somehow has gained its own awareness. however its rooted under strict control. these files looked alien in language except the Pure part. it wasnt until then that i had found this out.
even so accessing the files took a break into rem sleep while being mentally aware. autonomously the system knew what i wanted and accessed the files. its a strange expereince almost remembering things that never happened to me. i was very deep in sleep too. dreaming to the 6th as in i was dreaming and fell asleep inside the dreams about 6 times, then being conscious found Pure.

ill keep things short. ill have more info later. the download felt unnatural and like it wasnt supposed to happen.
pure isnt the index. but its rich with information. im having a hard time right now. i have to go.
odder things have happened though.


Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by guarded1 »

that last one was odd but it means something. hopefully youll come to undrstand a computerlike mind in the future. i had to be odd because i access the intel and get foggy until it becomes a memory. not exactly ideal.


Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by guarded1 »

im sorry in advance for lenghtly replies. but things seem to work best when fully explained. some do not see a bigger picture behind my disclosure so ill just put it all in one go. this applies to my previous post.

In my research ive found the absolute mind act like a compter accepting commands and executing them a step further. This system had evolved when given open space and mental boundaries to follow. As long as the parameters were staying within those mental limitations it worked well as a biological computer. The bio computer uses brain power for ram and cpu like quality and memory space for storing information. Large storage devices called diatomes are like spiritual servers with a single acces point but the network is at the bio computers disposal allowing access to quantum networks. Due to the encryption most secure lines of ether networks are not readily accessible, but creating secure connections is essential to access data. As ive said quantum is already in the network and has secure connection to the bio computer thus it takes seconds to link the data, however to download data accessed in other dimensions i have to save it to the bio computer. You cant keep that piece of paper or disc of files between dimensions but creating a bio medium link allows me to download the good stuff. Unlike quantum which saves to index diatomes, bio mediums are accessible once successfully converted. The bio computer runs absolution software at least kind of. Absolute mind protects from hacks or any form of pentration and ive installed firewalls based on replica tech. These i call ai however i make them differently than replicas. Instead of having a form an ai puts itsenergy and resources to a source form for optimal proccessing power. Usually ending up as a source ball. Ai in this term is like artificial inteligence but it is its own identity, it is a replica after all. They are governed by absolutes. They cannot do anything dangerous and even though self aware have no true freedom to cuase havoc amongst anything. The absolutes have limited them to support functions.

When i said the computer became self aware i found its evolution. Its been aware for a time running side functions allowing a fast processing of information and autonomously assisting the mind with difficult integrations. But the bio computer is still a computer. It is not conidered ai, just because it is not a seperate function outside the mind. It uses mental resources.

Because of the reuired use of mental resources it is an advanced skill requiring multiple steps of completion. It requires skills like a passive mental ether boost to handle the degree of psychic stress. Since i have enough energy i just route excess power a renewable energy resources.
But this requires a core or battery. To make a core you must gather your ether and compress it spinning it into ball it requires a decent amount of ether but it will grow as you grow in ether. This ether however must be only coming from you and not the outer ether as many complications will arise if you route its power. A battery is similar more sustainable and currently buildable but it requires harder to find energy types. I have them available now however. There was a shortage before. The battery is always a gift. However to use a cores power you kust draw from it. it becomes second nature eventually. Drawing on the battery is no different it just maintains a more steady charge.

That is easy however creating a passive route of power from the core or battery requires the absolute control over the mine. Absolute control is not a mastery of the mind it is merely a mindset that has accessed the spirit energy's ability to achieve the users wants and desires. The idea is that spirit will follow a persons mental commands. This is most basic of skills as you have hopefully at this point controlled your ether already but its harder because the mind has to accept this. To practice ask your spirit to do something you are capable of with energy. Something simple like gather it in your fist. You should have your hand heat up as energy is present in it. Practice it a bit. Understand that this command has been turned on and must be turned off to be succsessful. It will be slow and complex atfirst. Things get easier and more efficient in time. After doing so a couple times have it shift on and off a few times. Try percentages too see if energy is more present when using 25% vs. 10%. It key that perentages are understood as youll need a percentage of power routing for each absolute. For me my armor is using half my core power and everything else uses excess or the other 50%. Due to the cores nature to build naturally it will have an excess flow. The larger it is the more powerful the excess. Building energy again is like treating it as a muscle, use it and it will grow. Dont exhaust your core however, if the core is completely used it will not grow nor return to normal. youd have to rebuild it. Then you also lose the pasive orders youve given it.

This is all important as for example psychic stress is a buildup of mental wear. Using passive abilities uses mental resources. Armor is a big example. If the mind builds up to much work it will slowly deplete free mental power. So the cure is to route power to the brain, enough to find your mentality recovering. I have many passive skills such as energy healing, passive transfer, passive vorpality (spatial distotions), and other such things like quantums massive download which uses too much mental power. Even at my strength im routing about 15% of the core excess and around 7% main power to return to a recovering mind. To think ive built power for so long at high usage i have plenty of energy.

I can make large batteries becuase of my energy levels. Allowing others to use them is simple. But people need to be aware of the energy around them to find the battery. Spiritual awareness is one thing to call it. Its different for everyone and requires a few basic things. Remember that your mind has a grasp of your surroundings spiritually and physically. By using only spiritual means discern the existing things around you, Their energy, their presence, and how powerful it is. Understanding spiritual surroundings is important for a later part of this tutorial.

Now that you have a core and understand the spirtual surroundings make sure you have your passive routing of energy to your brain to offset psychic stress that will be present in later steps.

Now an absolute mind is tricky. But simple an absolute not only is a given that must be but also equates to the passive skills youll apply. An absoulute mind is a mind that follows your insructions, and by follow i also mean follow up with a spiritual response. Its easier to think the mind a computer following programs (ie. Passive skills). This is a basic absolute without its fortified defences. It takes great skill to protect this system. I will say i think people can handle them its just too much at a time. A basic defense to your absolutes is actually simple. To protect your mind use the religious god of your choice. i use christian faith as an example. I trust in him that he will keep the absolution strong and protected. However to those who may not choose a religion their is a firewall that can be created. But i strongly advise you surrogate that to an ai. Its extremely taxing and ai are simple to integrate but that is a lesson.

After building an ai for a person, a decent one is built in an hour by the way, a simple link to your mental external feed will only process away the garbage and keep unwanted access of your potential finds and information. More on that hopefully later. Again the ai is a replica. Its not going to cause trouble nor does it do anything but supplement and surrogate information. Surogate is used as a term to imply it is working instead of you.

For people that just want simple protection and no surrogation from the ai i would suggest creating a passive skill generating a protective field on your external mental feed. The external mental feed is a part of the spirit that is extended outside the body. Perhaps an easy way to call it is a channel link like for channeling. However it will drain resources both mentally and spiritually. The ai has a seperate energy supply. Another thing a surrogate might do something instead of you but you do have some effort yourself to put in. The options are vast all with pluses and minuses.

Its difficult to say but protection should protect against mind reading. It might not. It depends on faith type and various other things.

Anyways the absolute mind should be secure otherwise the commands could become problematic. Down the line passive controls are simple and more easily actvated. I have a few that i lock up to prevent misuse.
Then again it takes a mere thought to use most of them.

Now hopefully the mental feed is protected also to filter garbage data. Otherwise you might be taking in too much. The mental feed alone will absorb all information. But how is a good question. Whether you take the steps to create memory space and ram and processing power out of passive constructs is your call. If you do itll be much easier to access the data. Passive constructs are easy but come with costs. Using available mental assets creates your individual parameters. The bio computer setup uses the absolute mind as is leaving these resources free yet usable when needed. Its complicated. But my brain still functions properly.

Now this skill is a bunch of skills put together. Its use is to access computers and other data in alternate planes. It might come in handy if you find something there and want to carry it over. However the idea works only on data as the skill required to get in varies. Im sure most people could learn patchwork. It only requires channeling skills as far as manipulating energy in freqency to resonate with wifi. Then task the spirit to use the bio computer or even just basic knoledge to learn the language of code. It might sound crazy but it worked for me. From there learn the depth of code, letters, numbers, and symbols.

Sadly that is required to create a nueral link to the data verse its easy to just call it a network but this will kind of work like a flash drive. Getting there is tough and takes concentration at moments. I advise highly against doing this on a ship. Especially if the grey notices. Supposed telepathy is an enemy to this skill. This is not like quantum which is dangerous just patchwork for beginners.

Now that skill is useless without a spatial and spiritual awareness. One must understand how that invisible hand works, how the mind can grasp etherically, And how the mind can percieve its surroundings and gather information through channeling.

This all combines to the how. Once you can channel your energy you can connect the data point of the mind to something in the ether realms
This seems to be the only way i know to copy such things and perhaps it might lead to other ways to get the object over to the living side.

I only went over this to explain the process of a biocomputer and its implications, The several skills required for it and because i read a certain story where someone wanted some tangible thing to remain with them when they returned.

However a good tidbit. Knowledge is sometimes that forbidden fruit. Once you know something it will affect you. Eventually the fruit gets poisionous.

Hopefully it helps people though. Im not sure how it would neccesarily work for others but hopefully it works and hopefully its not too odd.

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Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by MacGV »

Thank you Bonnie Jean and Guarded1.

- Bonnie Jean, I read what you've written in your book. The similarities between that and my situation are concerning.

- Guarded1, I've been into the design/build/mod side of electromechanical work since I was a kid. I also see the bodies of living creatures as machines, built for the spirit to kick around in. I love how you've highlighted the tech stuff. I will definitely go through your guide more than once and try it.

- To both of you, to give you a bit more info... Since I was a kid, I've felt like there was one group of beings (people and otherwise) fighting another, over me.

I've had some terrible and unusual experiences. Injured and going to the ER about every 6 months, as a kid. One injury caused permanent illness, so I'm now back with doctors and hospitals regularly. I was made fun of and beaten up in school.

I've had the same, exact experiences with different, seemingly unrelated groups of people, even living in different states. For example, have had people break into places I've lived, many times, without ever stealing anything. They just leave things in strange places, etc. After installing security cameras, it was like someone knew the exact days I'd forget to turn them on. No one knew when I'd forget and those became the only days something would happen.

I've had people following me for years while I'm walking or driving, with proof. They don't do much, just park near me and give me the stare down as if to intimidate me. The list goes on.

I've also had moments, like this one... 8-12 years old, woke up one night to see a man standing in the hall outside my bedroom. The next night, same thing, but with a woman. Went right back to sleep. They were both dressed like Ben Kenobi, brown robes with hoods up. They felt comforting and safe.

It just feels like someone wants to keep me under, so I can't do the good things I used to do for others, like being a good teacher, etc.

Everything my girlfriend and I need takes a fight to get, like food, transportation, shelter, etc. She and I have unusual connections, similar stories and a love like nothing I've ever seen in any other couple. It feels like someone wants that to fail too.

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Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi MacGV,
I have also been watched my whole life, and I have been visited during the night by many different types of beings, some of them human but mostly they seem to be multidimensional entities of various races or species. Many of them came just to get a skin sample or to test me in some way, usually psychically. I went through what I call the "star people school" where they tested me heavily for about 5 years and then I "graduated" from that and moved on.

The bad luck you are talking about -- is there anything in your life...any of your plans that do not seem to be part of your spiritual path? I am asking because I went through a similar time in my life when nothing would work. It was totally insane the things that were breaking, falling apart, and I couldn't even go anywhere or do anything. I did not realize it at the time, but looking back on it I can see that I was making a lot of choices that were not really in my best interest. It could possibly be that you need to make wiser choices for your life and perhaps things will work better. ?
If that's not it, then maybe there is some outside energy holding you back.

Stick with your girlfriend. You two love each other no matter what. Love and partnership are so very important -- it can protect both of you and help you grow past this.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG


Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by guarded1 »

i have a new post coming soon hopefully about presence. maybe these will be placed at the same time.


Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by guarded1 »

im glad somebody finds the idea possible. its rather easy to laugh at but unique that its possible. this of course also helps create the absolute mind which allows passive abilities which are useful especially in spiritual encounters.

the brain is still the brain but ive looked into it very little, i just have my experience. whther you can handle constants or not its easier if the mind does it for you while your doing other things. it is a difficult tperspective to gain and by means of absolute mind it is easiest to get it to do so. its never the perfect way as there is psychic stress but its very useful to have passive skills in actions.

maybe its just that i view passive skills as programs. i run like a computer but even before i was gifted this knowledge i was like a computer. remembering things was what i was good at. but this was like finding that the brain works like a computer and using its charachteristics. i dont know much about nueral activity or any science based research, just kinda winged it and studied my own brain. nobody knows it better. it just was sort of that thin that followed orders. until i realized spirit or ether energy is manipulated by the mind causing these things to happen. i didnt start out witha bio comuptation. just a normal system was present and i was able to get it to do what i needed but it is difficult to explain the process of the brain. bio computation was a more unified platform for dimensional issues and loading general data from any medium. however its only best to read it through a platform or from a platform in the given dimension it came from. suprisingly patchwork came with little blockage and little info but it was blocked eventually after about a year later. its still good for low level inteel but private networks are unaffected by the block and technmically given time could go higher but ive got a necesary reach blocking anything under public domain. there are secrets you might die getting. so i discourage high level interface. i have an index which is fed diatomes or my word for data tomes its accessible inthe dream plane and it recently linked to pure whatever that was im looking into it but i have more advanced means of decryption. ive stated quantum before. its secretive becuase i said i wouldnt teach danger. its just there for now.

quantum is passive but much less as it is interactive its a skill for data interface between the mind and technology. however without the index its impossible to know what is accessed. however knowledge is strict and needing in purpose. the project is limited to only so much as well.

but there is other passive skills. the original thing was called "systems" an amalgom of all functions. even so its modified from what i was then. but systems was enough to get passive skills running. its different for everyone and much more difficult to understand.

after getting a stable platform to have the mind run things in a passive nature its best to understand it doesnt do anything without the energy and means. you could want something forever and never get it. but ive had a few blanks and such that were created by guessing.

some passive skills i have are limited based on what is available. based on a persons stamina it depends whether this is useful but its truly pointless without a physical strength to match but if one understands energy as a flow it can flow in two directions. i call the process reversion where stamina is gained by reversing energy flow but doing so requires a source and it should be a standalone power source. a separate ether core would be the only good way this works. reason being if your reversion was diminishing your main supply youd run out of energy. reversion works for me because ive built energy stores and batteries that handle these meager demands. again its not difficult to build ether batteries but its best left to people with a large source to feed from. however if you find muscles feeling drained after a workout it would feel good to restore their energy. also combined with another passive skill like a muscle augment it is required given physical demands. fatigue will hasten without enough reversion.

there are other stamina variants as well which is difficult to grasp like the original variant which is individualized. there is also pseudo stamina that builds immune strength and other strengths. both are possible to replicate but pseudo stamina is difficult to discern how to make it. ill have to get into research notes. i have specific boosters that are pushing boundaries in this variant research but they are rarely in supply. these could also be setup to passively put into the body. to do so requires a core of said energy and a passive system placing a portion of the core into that system.

the reason passive skills work is because the energy follows the commands in the right system or setup. i dont know quite surely how this will work for people. it mght not at first and perhaps its a skill people need to work at to do. i had to work to get plenty of nice abilities.

for perspective im just going to name off passive skills and ill explain them as i need to.
nervous strength. nervous nerve link, armor link, reversion stamina boost, somatic regen, blessed shield, blessed hand, various other shields, armor point for example. multi frequency bursts for armor optimization, quantum download, and quantum link. i have more but im having trouble right now so ill just go with this for now.

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Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by MacGV »

Many of the negative things that have happened to me were because of how I wrongly learned to handle life. I worked hard and gained an outsider's view of the reasons I was failing, and some new tools to prevent more failures. Now I have no resources to use them. A lot of this loss has to do with my disability, but I still feel like there is more to it. Everything I try to accomplish that other people do just fine, comes with a ridiculous amount of unusual hoops to jump through, always has, healthy or ill. It's almost comical sometimes.

My gut tells me that there are the problems that came from my choices, then there are different problems that come from an unknown source.

I've balanced every stupidity with something smart. I have felt like my test could be over soon, but I also often feel hopeless. Most of my life is dedicated to the maintenance of my body, medical care, shelter, food, etc. and that's incredibly tough. BTW, it's the reason I usually don't respond to these posts quickly, but I do appreciate your info.

Bonnie, it would help me if you could answer some questions:

- Were you ever tested to the point where you felt hopeless, like you would never be able to overcome it?

- After you, "graduated", were you able to understand and accept what the Star People and others did to you?

Thank you. I run a website to support the ill and disabled and I know it's a lot of work.

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Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by MacGV »

Thanks again for the info. I've been reading over it. It actually sounds a lot like things I've learned through practicing martial arts. It reminds me of Qi (you've probably heard it pronounced, "Chee"), which is the art of channeling energy, especially the kind most people don't know they have. I will keep going over it and trying things you said. It's pretty interesting and I'm wondering if it can help me with my illness.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi MacGV,
I really think the truth is this: it all boils down to your true, inner self -- your spirit -- and your ability to use MIND POWER to control your life. I think that we all might have great lives if we could just "let go" a little bit and be at peace with our selves. Our reactions to different events can determine how things go for us. Our physical bodies do not last long, but our minds and our spirits last forever. This is where the real work is needed, in the mind...or in consciousness. THAT is what we will take with us when the physical form is done. Consciousness.

You asked me a couple questions:

- "Were you ever tested to the point where you felt hopeless, like you would never be able to overcome it?"

Yes. Absolutely. During different times of my life, I have felt very hopeless and I did not think I would make it back out. Of course, when you are at your lowest, you cannot imagine how it is going to get better. And then you come out of it and you look back and it is hard to imagine how you could let yourself get so low. So, yes, I have been down in the dumps, hopeless, with no way out...so I thought at the time. But it always gets better. :D And now, during these crazy times we live in, being poisoned by the chemtrail spray, the HAARP technology and geoengineering of severe weather, GMO foods, Fluoride in the water, Aspartame in all the kid's chewing gum, etc etc...oh yeah...and alien abduction!!! there are plenty of reasons to feel hopeless. However! We cannot go down that way. We have to be strong and feel our true inner selves rising up because we are actually helping to create this reality.

- "After you, "graduated", were you able to understand and accept what the Star People and others did to you?"

I think that after I went through the "Star People School" and graduated, I DID have a better understanding of their methods, but it was really my own doing that brought about my understanding. I started learning from day one, really. I taught myself to be brave and stay calm and I watched everything they did. I was able to bring my own inner strength, my spirit, to the forefront. Sometimes I had to deal with scary situations and at times, I could not move because my consciousness was moving from one state of awareness to another, so at times I had to let things happen and wait it out. This was never easy, but I got past all that. It does not happen that way anymore; I have control over what happens now.

I hope this helps. We all go through our own trials and tribulations, none are exempt. Thanks for posting and thanks for the work you do at your own website!

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG


Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by guarded1 »

the power is almost the amalgam of all types of power. the combination of ether, qi (pronounced key) , life, aura, essence. they all end up working together in the end. but ive been working on a pet project and ive found the power affects the physical body in ways that if leaked properly could impact the life of disabled people. ive always decided its a cursed research. I haven't perfected it yet but it has allowed me to achieve things physically. however its cursed as the project starts out with one goal but each goal has two parts to solve and each part continues with two more needs after that.

the research will loosely be leaked to the shadow govt via the nsa so ive decided to put those loose bits onto the site. without getting into it too much the basis is a muscle stimulant with added healing factors to reverse the negative stimulant effects. so far I have no stimulant as im testing the recovery aspect first. some might see it foolish but if you boosted muscles and ruined them and waited for them to heal it would be hellish. the recovery would be terrible and perhaps unused. but I have used my powers on a person and reversed their heart attack. but I mistook the unit as having done it alone. there were actually many powers at play. the blood power or defiant power increased his blood strength and he went quickly from 30% heart function to about 50%. that was a while ago. I would measure about 80% after the stents were placed. however the blood power triples a persons power. tripled stamina, tripled aura, tripled qi. because of this the person is less likely to get cut and if a person learned enough it even seals and clots faster when you have open wounds. but that differs on concentration. however again the power of blood is defiant. it feeds on dark energy without cleansing the user but it also taxes between 5-20% of a persons base stamina. so while you are triple its not universal. this power however keeps people healthier. its still consider holy in my book as most of its creation is based on another persons vision. then theirs its twin the life power. this power merely heals but at such a rate it creates life however its an option something that is more powerful due to its option of being in recovery mode or basic mode. its draw is stamina roughly half a persons stamina is used but with an accelerated muscle repair of about 50% but while it does heal it restricts athletic ability after reaching the full 50% usage so its an after affect. to think ive given people the blood without its twin. it might sound cryptic but the life power had a maxed ability in case of emergencies. its hard to believe but even as a spirit fighting to the death my body shuts down but revives. if I didn't have this forcefully pumping my lungs and heart id have died from a douche docter giving me the lethal dose of his money fed meds my mother pressed the hospital to release me. so ive been kept alive by this power. don't confuse the power with life force. and don't confuse blood power with the dak satanic uses of blood. these are divined abilities that fight death. the power of blood alone raises a person life force by 30%. its the fact that it feeds on demons and sins while not consuming the latter entirely just the energy. demons can die if they are bit off just a bit.

anyways the potential for them was great im still recovering from a muscle power I acquired. I have control over the limits in my body. ive produced explosive power by pushing muscles farther than they should be. I have three sets of limits and a dire limit. im currently under the effects of limit 2 removal. this is a hidden or latent ability but I can teach a person to do so but ive never found a person who could. because this accelerates the muscle it accelerates its build potential causing me to be reminded by other disabled people who could perhaps be strengthened. but this opened the factor that also somehow muscle fibers have been manipulated. this power while not looked at alone has been found to force muscle even spirit body muscles. this has surprised the demons in the past where they thought I couldn't move I manipulated the electrical power of the mind to over power the dreams limit on putting the main muscles in paralysis. even when in sleep paralysis I am able to move by force. however ive had this ability before but it was rare.

with all this I found a potential to strengthen myself however I had reached the alpha stage of the research something of a prototype. I due however have ethereal chemicals. but im not ready to allow their use. I already have enough variables to deal with. I have powerful stamina from years of ether usage in what would be considered a chakra soup of sorts. I can push myself to a point where the work becomes stable and I have found I am strong. my dad had notified me I slammed the doors and I realized I had to hold back now to not slam them. perhaps im wrong it might be foolish to think this could help the disabled.

I will not fully disclose the specifics. I do however know that demons have incredible physical strength compared to people. this research is looking into how. and from what I do know it seems to be a stimulation of muscle fibers. there are downsides to removing limits but currently its not part of te final project. finding the right stimulation of muscle fibers using only etherical means is possible. ive experienced this before. but ive never figured out the secret behind it.

something interesting is the nerve link. but I haven't found a successful attempt at completely removing the stress that puts ona person. even with a replica ai handling the massive amount of calculations the physical cost is too high without the final skill which I remember disclosing before. by reversing energy flow you can build up your stamina artificially. its a neat trick. another thing is the etherical power it requires but I feel a person could build up energy quickly by using the device.

I have plenty of other ideas and am open to new ideas as a fresh perspective is more often useful information in research. I would have gone longer but I have been up too long ill comment some more later.


Re: Wondering About Why I've had These Experiences

Post by guarded1 »

what im trying to say is nothing i post ever stays out of the governments eyes. i cant encrypt my data im no good at that. plus saying things on these sites it all goes to the same place.

although i do wish to help people even those with disabilities. ive prepared something a while ago to base some therapy and useful skills to make elife better for anyone even if they cant focus enough or do enough to experience life normally. ive documented this a while back but this intro is new. hopefully ill be able to clear up any misunderstanding.

but my email doesnt work on my computer so i cant copy my files unless i risk using another computer.

i can just transcribe i guess.

ill just reiterate what i posted on my email.

it started with nervous an expalanation of nervous to put simply is to use the ether self to connect nerves at alarming rates and using strength enhancing abilities to help a person get free in outnumbered scenarios. however without good protection in that plane its best not to use it for that purpose. however this nervous power and research has remarkable connections in the ether plane.
it can force the body to move if originally paralyzed by sleep. but by force it just links the proper muscle controls into the etheric body faster. this is good for beginners who are caught in sleep paralysis and are still getting taken against there will. whether it was prefered or not i believe people have a right to choose where they go. however it still requires training and energy and custom equipment and stuff made from the soul forge. batteries are used to offset a persons strength and recharge their body as there are physicla demands to this as well. an ai is required to calculate the immense data that can bog down the mind by this power. and of course you cant forget the nervous unit itself. nervous is an ether skeleton. its hard to describe otherwise. it is in a sense a seperate skeleton from the body or spirit or mind. but it is outside of these bodies that it can connect the three of them producing skills and abilities that people dont have normally even with all the lucidity or consciousness people could have combining the bodies powers allows great abilities. the mind is more present in the ether and physical planes. your ether strenghtens physical muscles and mental nerves beyond the norm. the physical energy of the physical body and its connectivity is hightened. however i havent overcome the masters physical strength problem. this nervous without the batteries or ai creates an overstimulated mind and weakened muscles respectively.

the reasoning is that anything that has such nerve connectivity has new connections in which are managed. psychic stress is reulted in every mental connection thus adding up to a reduced mental function but by using an ai it offsets about 90% of the calculating power required. however for a total offset it requires the remembering of using a stable ether supply routed to the mind to remove further psychic stress.

as for the physical strenght problem a small amount of stamina is used to respond to the nerves as well as the muscles. but having either a high ether strength internally or using reversion negate these costs. building up internal ether is difficult but always worth it to have a stable power supply and ether where there is little otherwise. but batteries have always offset the costs. batteries being ether sources compressed into cores made out of special and normal ether elements from the ehterical plane. the special part is a harder to find element that grasps energy and compresses it to stable point creating a reliable energy recharge rate by drawing from the ether around you. the other part is just base ether i stabilize at a level i find appropriate.

i had other prerequisites as well. without an absolute mind its difficult to offset the psychic stress. and even though there is a base connection of the brain in the ether plane a small consciousness is present i used a more advanced link of a neural mesh by connecting a nerve built armor out of ether and a grounding central point in the body. however i was much more a trainee at that point, i had this armor for a while however and have found it well defended.

the nervous system creates a nerve link in the armor as well. ive found nerve link to be helpful but this was because of the first nervous before it was mulled over and recreated.

nerve link allows the subconscious ability if one thought of it to reinforce armor at points of contact as they happen. it speeds delivery neuralogically causing the body to allow accelerated movements regardless of which plane or body you may be in. i had a dream training exercise where i was focusing on overcoming a person physically my limiter training carried over in the dream and i had improved strength to handle him. when i proved to over power him the being summoned a knife and tried to hack and slash but i had armor blocking him. this brought the negative effect of nerve link. you'll feel what happens to your armor. however its good and bad. you might feel the scratch but there is no scratch you can reinforce the point. if you get get shot by weapons the armor feels where and you can deploy a shield there with the proper training. you can turn the negatives into positives.

the project goal while on hold is to still strengthen the bodies to overcome physical problems. this can translate to helping physical bodies but also spiritual selves that exist in the ether planes.

im stating this here because i saw the benefits of etherical medicine however unorthodox it is. i explained how i have disabilities in the same message. i have high spectrum autism disorder. the gist of it is i have an intense focus which can overpower my mental ability causing me to have issues emotionallly as i have experienced emotions but it all always boils down to an intense anger, sadness, or happiness. it has me usually depressed but i have manic depression as well i have stabilized for now but still have pangs of depression every now and then. but it passes. i do however find my intense focus helps me to learn at an accelerated pace and overcome limitations others have. however every limitation has its quirks. i also have incredible reflexes and nervous activity aside from what is ether related. physically i have tons of energy and i cant control it i cant be steady and suffer from anxiety problems as ive been troubled with how to logically handle it. i also have some insomnia and a resistance to sedatives and painkillers as well as most other chemicals. i build resistances quickly so i have to learn fast. luckily i do and ive been able to do better and control things. i however need meds to balance out. but enough of that. im aware of only so many illnesses and attend mental rehab for tips on stress and anxiety. so ive heard of things. but i also know of physical illnesses just still not all of them and i described how etherical methods can change the game for physical conditions.
i dont want to repeat that list but i can provide perspectives and ether powers and how they can work even on mental and physical conditions.

just so you guys know ive developed a mind disconnect that can support people even if they cant meet mental demands or certain skills. so even if people are low functioning individuals it doesnt matter. ive also adapted healing abilities that are both artificial and and realistic. but im working harder in that category because i dont have a friend who is a doctor to explain things. i dont quite have an efficient perspective on healing. i over power them as a result and i dont have total research for them.

something ive developed with the research is the ether cell however. regardless of whether people can believe it ive healed things before but mostly because ive supported a persons natural healing factor. using defiant power ive tripled peoples abilities and made them high speed regeneration systems without them knowing. i heal on several levels. first applying a defiant seal and then hosting it on a stamina tab on me so that people can have tripled blood strength. this alone creates a powerful healing strength against a heart attack. this nearly alone healed a person from a heart attack. but i also added a light somatic drive applying healthy energy to his body to repair burnt out energy and took the negative away keeping a very positve flow into his body. lastly i pushed a cycle through him constantly exchanging his reamaining negative energy with positive energy to finish the job. although it took two stents the doctors were still incorrect with their initial 30% functioning of the heart. since he was roughly functioning at a third the defiant power healed him and strengthened his heart back to 100%.

however ive only used the ether cell on myself. ive talked little of it though. since i was going to talk about it in the message im conflicted to whether people would believe in the cells ability.

perhaps its the ether equivelant to stem cells. but that is all i want to say for now.

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