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asking for help

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:06 pm
by guarded1
i made this a while ago and it was meant for another topic but it kind of became its own topic. ive been able to piece together a story hopefully putting a perspective on how life was growing up and the ultimate questions of how or why. its long but i explain why in the end, sort of. i was caught up in the memories and what i know about whats happened with some other things. the topic of babies was based on its origin point of another topic "wondering about why ive had these experiences" its cryptic but a stark part of reality. i had an inside source once.

what aliens do to babies is suprising. I cant remember if I explained it. perhaps you should read this. im not sure but I think I said before they will take an unborn fetus and modify them. sometimes creating their child in that sense. sometimes they take a 3 month fetus and put it in a pseudo womb and then let it complete its birth but completely left a blank slate for future labor but that is usually after they create a baby using your body as well. its defiling. I believe ive said this before around the area I said I would bust them up if they continued to defile people. my memory is a little wack considering I constantly think about something or another thing.

a more in depth report though from what ive gathered already is the humans born under alien care can go undetected in the human world even if they are controlled by alien spirits. its kind of a demon hybrid thing. from what my friend said most clones are soulless and have mixed genes. they seem to be perfect for looking normal but an alien spirit is bound it can overpower the body making it stronger than normal. they are dangerous and can be found running space ships as well. those ones are usually not possessed by alien spirits. the pilots seem content with life but it still seems a little off to me. from what they do they could condition them however they wanted to. im not sure of everything though im sure they can speed up growth given the amount of research they've gotten into. the fact that they work with humans and have been given their "fair" permission to work on humans and abduct in the first place. that makes me hate any political standing. they aare limited based on human rules it is clear why they don't just take over. they cant. so advanced but have to be fair. but they are most like demons when they twist and turn the word fair.

if I get off topic I might say to much. that is still my point of view but it makes sense to me. I considered a lot of information to gain my intel. but based on forbidden data I know because of them the third month is a good month to take an unborn child. but I also know based on other things. something about mental development around that time that attracts a certain something. but nobody would believe it. I learned about certain things on experience though. I know a certain binding begins and then ends by age 4. it might be different depending on the person but it is studied. a good reason why children have more contact. I was almost 3 but missed the end of the lion king because aliens decided to use a classified weapon on my babysitter and take me to a surgical table. it was my first time with their chemical it split my vision into 3 points based on color. I was found and had memories of climbing out of my crib. but it was the chemical that fucked that part of the mental overwrite. they tried. it only partially succeeded but my memories are limited. when I was 3 i was injected with another chemical. that nearly destroyed my eyesight. i couldn't see for several hours and then i slept it off and miraculously was cured of blindness. and then when i was 4 the binding finished and i kicked their ass before they could touch me. whatever occurred im still figuring out but they knew something before i did. but they didn't stop for too long. however i was under protection until high school was practically over. that was when the blue one found me i don't remember much but an hour passed and the access to what i was allotted was clear. most people wont understand dimensional physics but imagine having the powers of the alternate reailty bending space around you allowing those powers a physical retreat. although it was brief it changed the whole tactic of my abductions. i had to be sound asleep afflicted with paralysis. i noticed this. they never again challenged the body. now i rarely have sleep paralysis but always always they appear in dreams. the worst they've done is flesh out those heart destroying moments in my dreams. i even created nervous to override the brains function allowing movement even in paralysis. so they just bother me often and its always a terrible dream. ive used light barriers as well. everything worked out well and then the feds took me to them. they are finding loopholes just to come at me.

ive caused enough trouble for them. why they continue is a mystery. i still don't understand the whole picture which is why i use dangerous techniques. i used some intel but the answers point to one thing. the info requires a conscious connection to an ethereal network while being an ethereal being. im stuck in this body unless a critical situation demands i have to be outside it. they tried twice under the snatcher banner by the way. the blue demon is a snatcher. im positive it was. its a type of demon but i figured because aliens are demons and because demons keep records in military compounds its led to using quantum. i don't know if they found it but so far it hasn't been followed. its too stealthy.

wow. too many memories. i think differently than other people and i always get off topic. but i started something i should finish. my access is still limited to need to know subjects. to get passed the info block i have to pull off something that is improbable. but i can do it with quantum and a computer interface in a dream. or i could build a computer out of a flat surface. but ive tried and im always stopped because a demon comes and fucks everything up. ive made dream type replicas who guard the vicinity but now i cant get too conscious in a dream. ive lost touch. that last conscious effort reminded me of inception. i was able to clearly use the subconscious and tap some of the encrypted lines im etherically linked to. its weird it had a lot of information but it was not the terminal i needed.
im out of ideas. i might haave to cleanse and redistribute a new paln or something but im running out of ideas. how do i figure this out. its a burning question.

back to babies and aliens. im thinking that level 8 was leaked on youtube its a holding chamber of pseudo wombs and growth chambers. im not sure of much else but it is used to create blank slates. they use women impregnate them take the baby before its 3 months built and then let it sit and grow for a few years. a blank slate has little conscience mostly used to allow a human hybrid body for aliens to inhabit. the corruption of the flesh that was so told in the bible. the same thing about the time of noah being end times in the future. well looking in the bible the flood of noah was caused because demons corrupted the flesh to the point where only a few pure people remained. so id say with that tech being made public its sad not many views exist and then the feds cut out the videos for no reason. ive never figured they couldn't cause a miscarriage and thus have a fetus become a blank slate. from what my friend had said they were built as weapons. weapons that could change form. how many videos have i seen of the reptiloids and dracos that looked human.

babies are so defiled its criminal. but whose gonna stop them. the feds rely on them. they are practically slaves to them but they don't see their exploits. people are too misguided to think you can exploit an alien and get away with it. but for a time theyt were teaching me things. they would not appear physically and would most often speak spiritually which helped me develop channeling skills. but then i learned something they expected me an ally yet their enemy as their ally as well. it turned out to be the mother of all cons. so they are gone from my presence. shooed away i killed these aliens whilst conscious. but they only came back and i remember that demons come back forever burning. i would be lying if i saidi didn't have a beef with them but its like they always persist.

if you want them to stay away from you i would say prayer. ive prayed to god to keep evry demon and human away from me physically. they've not come after me since. but it gets repetitious and the strange dreams they create are making me feel terrible. like i should kill them to keep them away to deter future action. still were outnumbered without counting the backup. i cant say much about that but any believer in Christ knows of the second coming. ive not been much of a church type considering i serve the faith in other ways. but i cant say what exactly will happen because ill be wrong.

i don't like the demons much anymore. they make me relive the most heart crushing memories.

damn i cant seem to stop.

anyways a snatcher is a special class of demon while weak and feeble they take what is strong and available. using an alien technology which is really demonic where they insert themselves into your body by force and take full control over the person. the demon then latches onto the victim and permanently attaches itself to you. they tried to make room for one when i was young i was ousted and more than likely they would've stolen the body had i not had interference from the master. i met some very nice people ina peaceful place. it would make me cry if i had not hardened myself. it illicits joy however to have known it existed. all i had to do was survive. i had come to understand the rules later but being saved at that moment was amazing. a rather breathtaking moment in my life. then as i said the blue one the second time we dint play around. i don't know if some ward was placed over me but i was free for several years after the encounter with the master. somewhere around 15 years of enjoyed freedom, free of any encounters or any attempt on me. although perhaps it was an illusion. i was only aware of the one time. because of an instinct and something a person will find hard to overpower is an instinct. its possible but an urge or desire is a very powerful chemical process in the brain. it tended to override any situation. kind of like how now i feel a great urge to finish the story. so i could have technically been in strange encounters and just been totally out of the loop. but this too created questions i began to question why i was saved particularily at that moment instead of just being left to die. but the answer lies in the large interest in question.

i remember obce saying i was injected with two lethal doses of some chemical but it had little effect. it was eaten by the immune system seen as an imminent threat of death. if only this worked on illness no they are just annoyances but the chemical did little and i felt the needle. i was asleep under paralysis as per sleeping but the presence of two tall greys was felt. i have a knack saying this again even though ive said it before but only because it adds to the point. i have a knack for presence. even with severed channels i can sense the highest vibration of any being in a given space. if its human it wont die but if its demonic the d impact technique of the ethereal body will rip apart the essence of the demon. usually you need high levels of energy to find such high frequencies. i do but i suppress heavily to hide myself although also it provides a plan b in combat. also for some reason even if somethings broken i can still sense it. but its unique to the whole bug following somebody altering the frequency of said object. but i seem to have a picture of something of being an adept psychic. i cant find anyone who has researched this subject and found the ideas ive had interesting except for other psychics or other strange beings that inhabit the earth. i always was questioned though and since i never made sense to people i failed to appropriately place the pieces of information. i learned its best to fully explain the situation and understand it then and there.

so im trying to remember what i can to see if others might understand the situation. ive received no negativity so far which is good. i try to help people a little at a time but really it is always uploaded when i have time becoming one big message.

Re: asking for help

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:43 am
by Forgetmenots
Interesting views you have on the Alien/demons. Have you given the thought that maybe their not all bad? Just curious on what you think .

Re: asking for help

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:44 pm
by guarded1
in my opinion its impossible. logically they could be good but ive seen it merely as a facade. ive seen videos on their negative behavior. also the style of abduction is deceptive more so they behave feel and act like demons. but im guessing people might not view it that way snack r percieve their energy at its core. people that can sense their surroundings at the unconscious level might penetrate to a beings core essence. they appear as spirits consciously but as ive said before i can feel them and id them, regardless if im asleep or awake. however while they have triggered paralysis they used a new wave to deflect the identification. it used high voltage and pushed it into my chest this isnt an implant just a frequency. but they didnt see the bugs. i use contingents often. i might have to break that unit tnough.

ive prayed to keep demons and humans away at night. i dont pray to keep aliens away. i havent been visited in a month exactly when i started praying. with all the reasons im not protected in the dream plane and ive seen many things there but physical powers dont work in that dimension its all conscious based requiring you be conscious enough to engage them. so there are ways to activate them. if i could talk to them there i may get an answer but i can get a better answer from the master. however i could discern their true intentions through communication. i can talk and hear speech in dreams and i can feel little until my mind is lucid. i would appreciate a good conversation with them.

to me i see exploitable people and i see them exploiting. under the fairness clause i deserve an explanation or i have the right to continue my quantum penetartion.

last night we played a death game where we fought in battles. the loser was killed but every time i lost my blood power killed the approaching deathsquad. i was defending myself in such a way as the situation was unfair. i was outnumbered and even when i died i was revived by the life power i possess. not to say life force just a blood based revival. its the defiant power ive been explaining. such a power derived from a holy source.
they despised my revival. my everlasting spirit befuddled and angered them.

the fight went using light power from the spirit hand bending light to make a sword. equal playing field. i won some battles and was favored by my guards. as the fighting continued i was becoming legend until the rules changed and the battle became 3 on 1. i was always the 1. i fought and there was little rule about using both arms here when i was close to death i became invigorated and slashed with a second sword. i was hated for cheating death. eventually there were 16 left and no clear winner so i think they decided a free for all. 8 of them hated me and the others were unaware of the coming slaughter. since i had two good arms and defiant power to spare drawn from the hatred in the energy i decided to fight and slash anyone i saw. but i would be attacked from the rear id go blank and then revive each time by piecing back together my etheric self. when i was whole once more my defiant blood reawakened my form and i slashed anything. this continued till i was left standing. the dream ended when they ran out of beings. these challenges are fun but lack fair speech. plus i was in surrogate control meaning i was inside a shell of myself thinking it to do something and then it happens. had i been wearing armor and been lucid i would have had greater control and better chance. however if they keep slaughtering their own would their numbers decline

i have rich experiences but mostly im in death mode when they come at me. while in death mode im dangerous to anything. i can revive a replica but i refused them to intervene. i am beginning to learn their strategy. so finally everything ive met wanted to kill me however im a formiddable person when threatened. if they were nice they would ask me to stop rather than take or kill me. i know too much however and threaten their secrecy. im going to post about dulce tonight someone finally brought it up in general discussion. you might find more about why i go after their inteligence network. and the darker deeds your alien friends have done.

one las tidbit the good part of the alien was when they assisted my power growth with some secrets. but they played an underhanded card and angered me. they may have survived but they lied to me intentionally. it made e question their intentions. harming another person was to much a task. i dont have a hard time doing so but the reason was false and intentions were wrong. i like to be just and kind and they told me a person was evil but with their knowledge they could have provided evidence. the lack of evidence was ajother thing. they could have played a game but they played with me and i tend to be serious.

im too deep into this. ill unravel more later i have something else to do and i need to keep calm for that if possible.