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shit happens in fed territory

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:12 pm
by guarded1
this was put together over the day to help me remember my dream last night. i had a very lucid experience outside of the safe haven territories.

After realizing im too weak at 10% to use complex techniques without draining the remaining ether. i had been blinded by lack of ether outside my body. Im wondering though if you have a large energy storage why is it that low outside energy caues blindness temporarily. Also is there any other reason people could go blind. Perhaps an ether flashbang but is there any energy related reasons. Aoso keep in mind i was very lucid evern while blind. Usually when im blind i deploy a space barrier or static barrer. Enough of that.

I saw two demons with demonic signatures. The most memorable feature were tbose black almond shaped eyes with white pupils. They were giving orders to perhaps about 1000 feds who i let capture me. These two demons in particular had stolen a somewhat useful flash drive. However its contents are replicatable. They tend to take things when you forget their locations.

It started with a signal. I sensed their energy faintly and moved to find them. But witnout noticing i was strapped to a harness connected to a black hawk copter. It looked very fed style. But i figured i could blow up a bomb and smash the harness. But the faint energy was growing so i figured they were doing my job for me. They interogate me in the second floor of some building but then suddenly two figures appeared out of nothing. Even from the thirty meters i was away from them i knw i had found the demons. The turn off was they had the eyes of a grey. Almond shaled black eyes and white pupils. Howevef one was female and the other male. Fraternal twins so to speak. They stayed thaf far away from me. 30 meters is the no return point as long as your beyond it my energy wont be very effective. Well at least what they knew. i was blinded and figured i had the body there. I saw a white a very thick white. I discnnected from thay portion of me and released two waves. Wave one is a 2 mile concussive blast but required to release and expend the second wave. i drew my energy from the core release of the first concussive wave. I only released maybe 3% of the energy in that body towards the explosion or the second wave.

I was peaceful before but sometimes doing what they dont expect is needed. I took out the area and perhaps the demons. I was unconnected so i dont know. But the worst damage is perhaps some mental scars in the feds. But these demons stole pets and other various valuables from what the archive said. Reason enough to try but they may have gotten away. The only big reason anything happened was because i moved outside the safe zone to look around for various things. I may have been somewhat lucid but information was fragmented.

I returned to sleep later and found myself around the same place but i warped out to see if there was further activity. I didnt really reseal the core until i woke up. But the energy was internal. I couldnt make it external. I see many people in front of me and find my long range abilities either useless or unusable. For some reason i was limited in what i was allowed to use. The systems hadnt been fully intgrated i guess would be the why. It takes a little time for skills to activate. I charged a finger pistol but it hit someones body armor. It was ineffective. I tried activating the cloak but that was not working. I was limited to vernier and elctromagnetic charges. So i flew to the left and watched the energy bullets come at my position. I sensed a light presence behind me and turned around finding a few people with ether blades. I had my sword but its force wave usage blinded me making it useless. I found myself surrounded and blocked the sword with my arm right on the light shield i quickly summoned. Without a sharp edge i decided it was easier to just give up for the time.

After anothef period of time i find myself getting recued. I wasnt in a cell nor fully captured it was wierd i was left unattended. Whoever it was had no idea what they had. Honestly they were lucky though they didnt provoke the inner me. The person was an unkown taking me by rail cart out of the area. However my cloak wasnt working yet. There were other carts with feds on them moving around and the numbers started rising so i figured they saw me. The others person was gone. I hid at a central point for the rail cars. When i too the offensive i thought by then i had a long range weapon. I tried two blades and expected to focus energy between them to try and pull of some sniping. I hate these limitations. Nothing much warmed up. I checked my right hands ether density availability finger bullets wers mor powerful but i moved the energy and tried to make a shiner but instead i had a large static build up. So i charged my hands together hoping to fire a beam. Instead what i fired made them fall unconscious. The five guys there got hit and the outward two were merely stunned. So i fired more hoping to put them asleep. That worked but the group came again. I think they would have tried to hurt me this time. While it may have never happened i put effort not to kill this group. I grabbed a person by the neck, jolted her and found it wasnt strong enough. I deployed a spatial barrier with the outward space disortion opening a tear to space or at least outer space. I forced them to wake up pretty much.

This happened in an ethereal dimension. So its not difficult. Again i could have done better but i cant think clearly enough yet there. I might have to manually trigger my abilities until that happens.

Life is full of irony. And this situation was ironic to me.