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New marks

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:18 am
by guldage
I just had a all night session with an alien face hovering over med (gray) Those big black eyes.
A weird felling I have is that I was fighting them this time or had a sort of argument. CAn that be??
I am starting to have problem sleeping.
This morning new marks on my body. This time I got around to take some pictures.

The long mark, was at first redish but very fast it just turned into a straight line/Scar. And the bruise. IT looks like there is small puncturewounds around the bruise.
The line is just at the side of my albow. and the bruise below it.
My arm is hurting pretty badly. Feels like I have used it too

Hope the pictures are going to show.

Re: New marks

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:45 am
by guldage
Unfortunately the pictures did not get oploaded. The scar that I have know at the side of the albow is 2 cm. long. Brown around the sides.

Re: New marks

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:42 am
by guarded1
i keep getting tested when i dream pushing farther and harder wrapping my mind to fit the situation. but i had a dream about a couple of feds. one grabbed me from behind and the other was standing nearby i was blinded but acutely aware of their essence while i was deaf as well i was completely unaware of their intentions. my spine has this mark i scratched its perhaps 1.5 cm radius i dont know what is there but i regenerated my spinal cord under what was considered emergency mode. i really dont know what happened but i feel ive angered the demons for stealing away a spinal subject.

since i mostly healed i only have the cut point but it was over a very troubling spot. i have a disk problem there but its preexisting. however its been much more painful lately despite the therapy. i think they made it worse.

the instinct overides the mind. this is why making something instinctual causes mental calmness the greys instill in some people to change. even i can take a concept and instill it into the mind. for example if you bare hatred or fear or perhaps uneasiness towards greys you may fight them. however they are advanced spirits. i cant go ino detail how strong a demon might be beyond its looks. the point though is you perhaps acted on instinct and fought back and they damaged your arm.

i have other theories though. if you werent bound you could have overextended for example. if you could explain things more i could see what happened. however its hard to say for now.

Re: New marks

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:54 am
by guldage
I do not remember much from this session. Just the feeling that I had been fighting. Tired to the bone and you can feel your body has taken some sort of beating. I somehow woke up and still felled angry. A very strange sensation. Not a feeling you expect to wake up with in the morning. Especially when you went to bed, you where in a good mood.
However know woken up with simular cut on the other arm. This time with an almost invisible triangle just below it. Skintone a little darker at the lines of it. Just before I feel a sleep I had a feeling of an alien being. Skinny and big eyes next to my bed. That is just about what I remember.
This time a very big bruise on my underarm. Covering half of my arm below the albow on the one side. This time not any emotions attached too it. Felled a little worn maybee, but not the angry feeling from last time. This time however the bruise was actually bigger and hurt more. Went deeper somehow. I also had a small cut just above my colorboone. Red strait line.
I do not know if this comes closer too explaining anything, but this is all I got from these too times.
If anyone have any ideer on what this is I would like too here it. This eing bruised like that is a new one. Cuts and stuff like that yes pelnty of times. But never serious bruises like this.

Re: New marks

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:01 am
by guarded1
to guldage. i fight with powers i dont entirely understand. and those are just my powers. the beings i fight seem cocky and overpowering. you subconsciously fight these beings. think of this for a moment. perhaps it should be more metaphorical. one can be consmed by a desire so much so it is unconsciously percieved and present in a world or dimension the mind enters. this transfer is mostly feelings and emotions. i enter high states about various subjects and ponder them using most of the unconscious brain. but your situation is that perhaps because you percieve threats from these beings because of your injuries, you need to fight. but if you dont know how to defend yourself you would clearly end up abused. these beings are incredibly strong physically and mentally. psychicly only few are aware or powerful to match them. while anyone has potential its a losing battle. i win with surprise. but still there is other more concete methods. however if you are being subject to abuse perhaps you have need of skills. although its a pickle. any good skill requires the strength to use it as well as lucidity to match. ive not used many powers while lucid as im never lucid enough. ive taken measures to perhaps boost the mentality. i would think my skills page is farther back. i have not the time to explain them again. however their is clarity to be had in this power. if you had a sense of armor about you it woud become automatic. however the mind only transfers constructs. easily said you must forge this armor out of ether. ive seen an exact version of my armor carry over to dreams. however i was trained to make this happy. it takes time for automation to take hold in dreams. however remembering it may bring it forth. however it is difgicult to teach.

again i merely offer defensive skills as to not completely harm them. but i would say super strength, armor, the static burst, and other electromagnetic abilities would peacefully pacify these creatures. however there are more powerful offensive skills. but i do recall a direct static burst knocks beings unconscious.

one problem to fighting however is overcoming the trials. but asserting dominance might be safer. but i always feel confident knowing i can take on a dozen. i feel people who are abused by forces outside their control is unfair. i am balanced and fair and like to make things that way. i have people i wish to save but can do nothing because i am not lucid. i took a gift once or twice. i had asked for a solution and have been given a strange object. but if i was lucid i could solve many problems. i wish to know whether you like or dislike these visits and which path you wish to take. whether it be violent or peaceful. for now i can only tend to the wounds for now.

however the feds took my brother the other night. my neighbor has been haunted and visited. even my father. i wish to protect them but am unable to do so. i see many dulemas with solutions just beyond grasp. i may know peace at times but this brings great despair.

Re: New marks

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:10 am
by guldage
Well it is very simple it pisses me off (sorry for my language) The also visit my daughter and son. My daughter is only 5 years old. My son is 11. I think the bruises started after I became aware that they where taking them too and when I started too remember what they did too me. (Hybrids, Had 6 miscarriages if you can call it that).
I have started too notice or sencing them when they are around. The other day I woke and could see the door actually moving. Nothing too see though.
Know that I remember them and know about them I want too fight them. Maybee that is what has caused the bruises. I am aware of them know and alert. My reactionpattern when getting scared is not very girly. I actually once hit my husband in the noose. He came up behind me. I did not know he had come home. I do not believe in violence but I will try too protect people I love and myself.

Re: New marks

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:33 am
by guldage
Maybee I should also mention that my dog seemes to react too something too. He is the sweetets labrador. Not aggressiv one bit. Never actually bark. I was home alone. Kids out with my husband. I have had this funny feeling in me the all evening. Being on ege. All of a sudden he gets up and startes too bark and growl. Hair standing up on his back like you would not believe. He was standing in the door to the garden. I got up and looked. Nothing too see. But he keept on pushing me and went out and barked some more. I have never seen him like that.
That next morning I woke up with a new bruise this time on my thigh.

Re: New marks

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:47 pm
by guarded1
well dont forget to pray. the good lord always keeps evil away. you should be safe then. if not i may think milabs ar occuring. ill try to remmdber to pray for you and when im no longer sick ill try to work out some healing. i have to get over a sinus infection first.

sady im too weak to heal others right now. but then again i doubt im any better than pain relief. could you perhaps describe other spots where brusing has occured.

also maternal instincts tend to strong. i would say i was right to say you instinctually want to fight them. the reason is moreso because they are you children and you want them safe. such instinct is powerful in any mother. also denoting the miscarriage. to have so many seems strange. with the thought of so much alien involvement, have you ever thought they may have taken these children. moreso food for thought. ill figure something out. best of luck.

Re: New marks

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:07 am
by guldage
I have had bruises know on my inner thigh, both my underarms, and last my belly. The marks on the thigh and that on the belly looked like handprint, allthough not fingers that would fit any human I know. Way too long.
I think some of the children where hybrids of some sort. I have had this dream a few times where I am in a cave of sorts. In this situations this child of sorts is born or what ever you would call it. Only it did not look like a human child, at least not one that could survive. The eyes big black and insectlike. everytime the child lookes at me like it is full consious. What they use them for I have now ideer. Food that is a very creepy thought. But I dont think so. I have a feeling that these children where planted with me, so that is a lot of troulbe to go through for food. If these babys count for all the miscarriages I however do not know.
All the miscariages was between the birth of my son and daugther. after my daughter was born this have never happened. I have not been pregnant since and it is not because we have tried not too bee. Before my daughter was born all the time. Why that is I do not know.

Re: New marks

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:00 pm
by guarded1
well the master knew of a way to infect unhuman cells with defiant power. if the aliens were using you for any more hybrids those hybrids would last very short times. this was done by implanting defiant power in the host. however this is merely an extension. the defiant power takes away key psychological pieces making the being unstable mentally. but this does nothing negative to humans. onky dark beings are effected. however only one person knew the master when they were with child. it was no real birth but while he didnt use defiant power he bent the ether in ways that made the child go down an unknown path. if it survived birth it is existing but missing something vital. however he was still sane then. hes lost much abilty to doubt and recovering his research is like a needle in a haystack.

however being partly troubled myself ive overcome his troubles to an extent. howeved it is like seeing someone whos powers went into coma. some are there but using them is usually too much.

however almost everyone here with problems has had defiant energy since points after there first contact with me or him. its tricky but its for the sake of research. it keeps the bad away but the more strength something has the harder it is to keep away.

this dream you have about that birth of sorts seems a memory. but perhaps it has happened more than once.

to test whether they wish to do so again ive added a long distance connection to my defiant source. its 3 grades higher and several times more extreme. defiant powers go through 300% then to 1000% then steps up to over a million times more. the more extreme the cost the more potent the energy. while im not supporting additional cost i can provide more support. i only support aditional costs when a person has a high death risk like a blood clot or heart attack.

while im applying something several times it should boast a faster result.

again anything done has hmthe ability to be undone. replacing or removing things is very much possible. however none have truly ever asked for the help to be undone so far. side effects of defiant power boast improved systems at the cost of very little stamina. the main reasons one intensifies this power is because they seek to further boost themselves. one hidden cost is it feeds on malice of all kinds. whether itjust be that you wished death or caused death does not matter. ill intent is a vastly unused resource. this is why it hurts anything with darker intentions. but one unique and perhaps disgusting element is the effect it has on darkness. if he entity was demonic for example it eats away at reasoning, leaving an insane creature. if a being was born and wasnt human the effect is amplified. it affects things at their core. if the hybrid child was possessed the very essence of that being would be corrupted become another insane creature. but its tricky when it dies is unknown but at one point anything constantly dark perishes.

im not sure if i explained defiant power as being an energy that affects blood. but it does. which is why its presence agitates dark hosts when present within. blood is life. srengthening the blood is to strengthen life. however demons feed on blood. some do. but infected blood such as blood laced with defiant power has very different effects sometimes causing the opposite to occur. where blood consumption fuels a grey for instance. a human smoothie ive heard of. its full of every chemical in the human body and wellmade out of one. it provdes them all the noutrition they woud need to live for a lenghthly period. before the guy died he posted a story about watching someone get ground up and immulcified into a drink. the greys then ingested said drink. they didnt know he was aware at let him go. he posted the story and then dissappeared. its gross but they do that to cows now too.

anyways if a person is given defiant power it goes through the bloodstream fortifying each organ along the way. if you are bleeding focusing defiant power on small wounds moves handy coogulants to the surface. helpful when shaving. normally this boosts the immune system but everyone is subject to some chronic illness. some people are dine and dont get sick. but once someone is infected if their energy or existance is fed upon it will instantly mark the being doing the feeding. now imagine an alien being branded peranantly with something. basically like picture an infintely powered pach of acid that cant be removing slowly killing its host and transmitiing healthy energy back into the universe. its a good bit of fun. their own fault for their habits.

its effective but very slow. havent built a fast enough decay effect yet. but its just about as merciful as their actions i supose. so as i noted an amplified version is attached to your given space. its currently in your system. if they use you again for a hybrid child or clone whichever is prefered for them it will most likely be fruitful research of a demons rate of decay. if a demon or aliens as you may call them hurts you it too will be branded. so eventually in time they may stop coming for you. im still tryng to understand ways to keep demons away. prayer still the gold standard. ive added you in my prayers.

im sorry if the actions of the demons are unsettling but i dont stand for any type of forever abduction whether it be taking children taking people or killing of any human for nourishment. other such activities include random child disappearnaces and hiding them under rocks and such to escape detection. also making humans mess with people break them down mentally and force them to accept becoming some genetic nightmare like for example the armadillo human at dulce base. however if the demons were to attempt to come for me im sure they would remember to carry back their dead. almost had a dead alien corpse in the past.

i need time to think of a working anti alien solution but it seems rooted in the anti demonic research. perhpaps yous might want to try enhancing physical output by over 1100%. im at about 250% right now. i say this because a being that has over ten times a normal human muscle output can physically overpower the aliens. this is based on the science humans have gained from experimenting on aliens. actual facts in black sector science. sadly i fought a grey with only two hundred percent and he put me in the water. if it wasnt for being etheric id have had some other miracle to contend with.

you can use the more peaceful method of peacebending. instilling peace into something is wholey possible. it heals many injuries. the drwback is itnust come from a peaceful place. youmust be at peace something few can ever do but it is 100% too powerful to resist. doing so will stop anything. i wish it could have healed my dog though. but while i know i can use this im not aware enough outside of waking hours and aliens only come and leave you awake when they take your children and that is a maybe at best. its impossible to always be peaceful too.

to wield peace is difficult but based on the moment not as a whole. i achieve peace by instilling power from my higher power into my hands this energy is immaculate and feels perfect but you have to maintain that peaceful feeling. its like a shield and it thwarts anything and eveything harmful. that includes pain, sadness, and anger. it washes away ill intent to a t. most of all it makes the wielder feel empowered yet not in a bad way. this particular frequency is about as high as it gets. aliens can never hope to reach it and succeed. this makes it perfect for keeping them from touvhing you. you would be in a place they cannot reach. however i think it easier for a chiod to eneter this frequency as they dont yet have the world to contend with. but instilling peace into your children is a good first step. it is impossible for me to explain how yo bring oneself to peace except for saying finding something happy and great only with no alterier motives or malice. this alone keeps aliens from entering the state. alterier motive is constantly in their agenda. after you find peace teach it and instill this holy energy into your children. you wont have a problem again. in truth even a passive person has the strength and integrity to do this. this is the ultimate option.

Re: New marks

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:11 pm
by guarded1
welk it seems for the instance i tapped into the index. never expect it to happen. the index is only accessible in good reason. perhaps the source for all information. innaccessible to even me under the best circumstances.
well use the information. its perfected.

Re: New marks

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:10 pm
by guldage
Ok this is creepy as h...! or sligtly comical actually too. You will understand what I meen further down. You should know that I am no longer the youngest. Turned the sharp corner of 40. If not an obsolete modell at least getting close.
Well I started here a couple of days ago I started to hurt badly in would fellet like my Overies or in that direction. I thought I must have gotten an infection of a sort. Of I went to my doctor.
She excamened me and a bit perplexed got the scanner out. Here is what she found:
My overies where slightly larger than normal and this is the totally crazy part. Several eggs in both overies ready and mature. This she said she has only seen with people that try too get pregnant and has gone through a program with hormon treatment. Only I have not. She desidet that I better get some further excaminations and made the arrangements (dates) Considering my previous exsperiance with the aliens I have too look for and explanation there I think. I just dont quit understand the point. Egg exstraction or what? I sure hope they are not planning on making me pregnant with all off them. I find it discusting.

I was at the doctor yesterday. Here this morning I woke up and felled completely normal and I just knew that further excaminations will not find anything abnormal anymore.

Re: New marks

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 5:59 am
by guldage
To Guarded1: I've have started the praying part. Hopefully that helps especially with my kids.

I also decidet to take up the attempt to remember specific situations. I did not suffer often from nightmares as a child. I was loved and protected as a child. Well at least in the fysical world. I however have always been exstremely sensitive too the not so fysical things. That is emotions and so on. Know excactly when people are lying or are being false too me. That gave me som trouble know and again since I was not afraid to state my oppinion.
There is however one dream that occured several times and with the same topic, as if it was telling me something. So I thought why not start there. It should be said that I am danish and live in Denmark too. I however have been living in the states and in Germany for some time too. The aliens never left me alone in any of the places I have lived.
The dream startes like this: I am on the beach with some people. I do not remember the people I am with, just that they are close too me. It is a sunny and beautiful day.
All of a sutten people are shouting Tuttle alarm. (I am aware it sounds a bit odd) In from the the water comes these very big tutles. When I say big it is House size big. Every body is running so so am I. Right about there everybody else is gone and there is just me running from the turtle. And ofcause I can not get away. I try too hide behind a bush but ofcause in dreams bushes arent what they used too be so ofcause I am found. The turtle stickes its head all the way down too me and I look in too these big black eyes. At that moment I always force my selv awake.
Considering my lifeexsperiance and the things that have happened too me lately I dont think it is just a weard dream, but I have problely filled in some understanderble or more understanderble thinks.
I knoe aliens and turtles are both pretty weird, but still.
Well I tried too think about it and it just hit me. the thread is coming from the sea. All this time I have known where they came from. They dwell under the ocean in some tunnels or cavesystems. Somewhere of the coast.
I am just so sure it feels weird. Do you know that feeling you just know you are right, although there is nothing substancial to back it up!

Re: New marks

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 6:03 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Guldage,

It is good to hear that you have healthy ovaries...maybe a little too healthy. ? Maybe there was some secretive egg extraction going on. But I'm glad you are feeling better now and you believe further tests will be more normal. Good Luck with everything!

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: New marks

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:36 am
by guldage
I do not believe it can bee natural too have several mature eggs in your overies on both sites at once. When I say several I meen 8-10 each side. Something not natural must have happened. eggexstraction sounds likely.

The dream I had of the the strange baby I am more and more convinced is a memory. I think it has happened more than once. Why they are so interestet in me I have no Ideer.
When it happens I am in some sort of cave. But the walls seem alive somehow and kind of wet.
I just rember looking at this Kid/Thing what ever and it looking back at me. My hart pounding like crazy. It is exstremely creepy and I must admit I am scared. Not understanding what I am doing there.
About the Turtle dream. Mentioned above I believe somehow it is also a memory of sorts. I remember a couple of times I woke up in the middle of the night that dream crystalclear in my mind and hart pounding 100 miles an hour. Terrified. Just knowing that if I looked out the window of my room the Turtles would bee there. I never did look out after that dream. Too scared. But out that same window that was turned in the direction of the backyard I saw an UFO a couple of times.
I must admit I find it interessting how you fend of the Demons/aliens. I think I need too start too look in too my own mind too. I've have always been very emphatic but for some period of my life I have closed my self of from these abilities. It can sometimes bee a bit of a challenge too deal with. But I think I am in a plays in my life where I need too take the time and energy too find that side of me again.

Re: New marks

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:04 pm
by guarded1
to answer that id say i have a biased opinion. but i use substance to backmy claims most of the time. however being faithful sometimes i just know something will happen before it does. i will say that yes aliens do have underwater bases. after all they had an advanced civilization here at one point that went under water. over millions of years its seperated into several fragments all located in various part of the world. i dont know where all of them are but down near bermuda they use the traingle for research. its a special zone where more magnetic forces are applicable and standard physics doesnt cut it. in these zones a greater energy suppy is found. if fot instance your psychic youll notice your much stronger here. the area is very dense. also the magnetic energy has been known to bend time on occassion but there is no proof if anything its about 30 minutes. it doesnt go far. in consideration perhaps things move faster. given the situations its hard to prove or disprove anything. but at bermuda is one of the 8 known slivers of this ancient civilization. well its interesting.

here are some facts ive figured by hacking their grid. since i had proof of concept i needed a test greter than before. the master pased his hacking skills into my possession. we are able to hack using magnetic radiation. its much faster more powerful and traceable only be demonic entities or black sector psychics. but i have a special 3 part firewall. safe to say nothing has cracked into my secure system. but ive been downloading their intel. an abundant energy in bermuda is magnetic energy. aliens use human labor to aquire certain elements like copper that hold magnetic energy and route this power into a sophisticated battery system. while i dont know what they are using they have a mix of nuclear power and magnetic energy to power their system. this is more of a requirement as magnetic energy fluctuates. but ive said before theyve mastered atomic power. but thats not yo say they dont use antimatter either. it truly depends which base and where it is. but coincidentally there is a human air and sea resesrch facility in the same spot the aliens are. they share the facility using the power they produce to open a tear between the 3rd and 4th planes. from what i know most human tech was learned in exchange from aliens for human research subjects. because aliens are like demons they must play fair and are unable to abduct unoess they are allowed by a person who in essence controls decisions for said people. elected offcials fit this role to a t. so presidents go in they get nosy they get threatened and then when the black sector decides something is he must or lose . some are just corrupt to begin with. there is suppsedly an alien president or at least was one in the past. it was a draco. or is. but im vearing off course.

the base at bermuda is shared between those in power that are us and those that are in power that are alien.
alien hiearchy is pretty much the dracos on top beig the strongest most dragonlike unbeatable kings of tbe demon world then they control the reptillians who in turn have enslaved the tall greys which defer work to the small greys. i know this because of dulce. the dulce papers outline this but also some idiots will talk about it from time to time. funny things people have died for like a draco drinking draino and getting drunk. or perhaps the grey they tested cleaning methods on and found that lysol is like crack to them. although they base this on actually bathing a grey with lysol. it got so fucked up after that.

but dulve is known as hukan alien relations headquarters. most everything anyone wants to know or ever know came from there. but people get killed or transformed if they talk about it more than what is currently public knowledge. so its tricky to talk. so far ive been good and shared only facts based on information i researched.

but sometimez you know something just because it seems logical wven though it woukd surely be rejected by any part of society. yes there is a water base and its mobile but dulce is the headquarters of the world. the main fleet is housed there. but this is also home to level 8 the clone room. a bunch of human bodies born of alien and human dna which off any record are reprogrammed and nutured into the feds we all seem to have problems dealing with. they pretty much control both sides of the conflict. they control the politics on our side and the universe in general on their side. they control the illuminati. ive only peaced that together. but many secret societies defer control becuase theyve been given a promise. humans have been working for aliens based on the promise that they will know anything after the aliens win their half of the conflict.

but under records the illuminati made a deal. this deal being 100% in my book that they used ancient magic And summoned a demon. from there they used it for information or power and got so consumed. eventually the demons saw this eager behavior as an exploit. they would eventually go down a path leading them to satanic worship and sacrifices of various things. in a political move between human and demon relations the demons said well give you everything. all the knowledge if you basically give up people resources and actions. in the end these actions have set in place the world we now live in today. however im unsure if infiltrations were made or if in the end every secret society had the same deal. its lost to history. given existing archives the first demon most likely would remind any kodern day person of the grey alien we know today. so now the world is burning in hell all becase people were promised information and in truth its 100% a gamble. but take this act and look at it. humans already do this. the masons built america for instance and our politcal system has defered communal conttol of decisions to people who do what. for what i know any politcian today gets his job on a simple promise. that however has not ever once been outside demonic control. we gamble that we elected a leader who promised to make things better.

regardless of which president we get its always the same andnevdr different. they still follow a predetermined path controlled like puppets behind the scenes. tbis has gone so deep that nothing can escape this control. id say there was a point of no return almost 2 years ago. there were many and all were netered with the same mindset and all were either overturned and held back by us or controlled and taken away. i think we live in a world now where people habe to facs the fact. its never going to change for the better. the only possible logical path with any probability of defeating the demons now is apocolypse or some stroke of luck in binding every demon back to hell and killing off all levels of control. the latter option has very little value of success.

however this is exactly what the demons want. they want to anger the universe into an apocolyptic state and sieze contol. but i find it insulting to tjink that suc idiots being controlled in a political hierchy of any kind can just think there is a better way. i am insulted that we are controlled so simply by people with the lack of wisdom to undertand wisdom itself. its never about kniwing more than others its been led to believe that way. but wisdom isnt about knowing its simply about being wise. and no alien race existing now will accept that without lying. being masters of deception and invokving you into a dimension where perfect accuracy is required to understand the world around you it is impossible to knowwhether they make you feel safe or id they do so to hide their ih so evil nature.

not many people will agre with me that the world is this way but in my opinion it is. its logical and sensical enough. however if im correct only people who are granted the sight can see. i once asked god for a sign that i was correct. the only reply i recieved was the mantle of the holy ghost and a special blessing of wisdom. the master recieved his i revieved mine. its unclear what all the effects are of this mantle. but it allows me to see andpiece together strings. being autistic i have a very powerful logic center in the brain. what i knw gor certain is the wisdom i have now is nothing more and nothing les than the wisdom i had when i was born. no more powerful am i than when i was born. my powers give me power but unless you are guided to their use they are vestigal and go unused.

wisdom isnt about knowing more, just the simple act of knowing. there is nothing much left alive that understand this as none know god like any other. none will be granted wisdom through the same path. but in the end guidance is the answer. one other thing though is i know not everything. i know what was guided into my path. much was learned. many secrets unveiled. many things i know were predestined. jot as in fate or destiny but because i simply in the end projected the outcome and came out guessing right each time. like the master said, instincts are powerful but he was guided to that answer. when we are put on a path and then get a glimpse of where it goes we gain the ability to see into the future. sure it could be psychic but what is psychic if not instinct. it is a simple powerful feeling you get when yu are introduced to something. because og my instincts i can tell how good or evil a person is. i can see through illusions of safety and fears i can see the actions of others because i had an instinct so divine it was incorrect to ever say it was. whenever i trusted an evil entity i always got screwed. this very act was present in the masters life and while his made him crazy mine just inflicted a further more cursing energy. when i see an alien instinctually i go into a threat detection. ive always know wah they were to do before they do it. but my instncts rquire sometjing to be within range of my inner aura. in the end i always see or feel the evil theyve done or the death they tried to inflict. i know when traps are placed and walk inyo them because i fear none of them. i had the one dream where i was asked to access the index. i knew it was a trap but with like 1000 people moving in the vicinity i couldnt stomach the panic of confronying the demon nor the terror the unsuspecting people around me would have felt. in the end i knew it wise to aloow my secutity system to handle this intruder. so i went an attempted the access knowing it wouldnt work. the alien who asked me to do so seemed so nice apperance wise but when you see those black eyes thee is notjing but darkness in their soul. so i tend to avert my gaze. but the security system is set to disable my etherical connection to the index should a dark being be present. so this had a lot of strikes against it already. but it was outraged. i enjoy when dark beings are angered. i was ready to let it sttike first so i faced it and watched as its eyes grew black and how the darkness emerged from its soul enulfing the space around me. so i was thinking since i was aware enough id activate the systems as they dont come stock in dreams. i did so while cupping my hands in prayer. i at the time was being engulfed by darkness but i saw the light. i was blinded and quickly prayed for the chance to show my worth. a light burst through blackness that had engulfed me. why would an outraged alien send to hell. i thought this in hindsight. i was in a place of black and red wiith fire all around. luckily being trained for temperate climates i had some cold water condensed beneth the armor acclimating to be cold enough for managable conditions. there was so much blackness. it was dark and as if i was a shining light upon the area. within 150 meters i coukd see fine then pitch darkness beyond that.. i saw people with terrible burns whose eyes were like the fires of hell itself. by tjen i had figured tbis had to be hell. i had no clear purpose and as much as i wished to be awake i was trapped. in hindsight the alien was one of these creatures and an ilkusion no more. however it was like everyone was the same. perbaos little differences here and there but wow. again i know a soul is eternally damned and will forever be in hell lm i also knew i wished none harm but faintly i was aware that hurting them wouldnt kill them. i dispersed their energy and caused a ruckus and must have eventually taken out the alien. i then immediately woke up.

that is tbe most true version of my first account of witnessing hell. however i had also learned by other means like using internet resources to piece together the whole story. the evidence is there but its more of whether people will believe it.

i wish to bring up the demon twins i found in federal territory. dont go thinking you just go there. its a seperate space where many things lose meaning. there is little color and hardly any line of structure. it was a very white world. but there were things and colors if you sensed them. the only key thing to this story was the demon twins had the same blackness around their eyes. its totally the same. however i was also taken to them by the feds. but i think that their percieved safety in numbers had nothing on the bomb i let off. in the end nothing but whiteness remained. but iys never a confirmed kill as these are trained beings who should know to seperate the mind from the body wehen taking an etherical excursion. demons come back as they are not totally dead. youd again have to erase all aspects of its existance. but the people their were either feds or hybrids. its more of a training dimension on a grand scale. i only went their becuase i was able to bend a rift between the dream i was in and the dimension space. its tricky but id proved cross dimensional travelwas possible before when i heard the master was able to teleport to another persons mind. however that is possible it did very little achievement wise. as long as an ether plane to ether plane connection is valid its possible. creating a door though to go from physical to etheric is more difficult. still in researching phases. but again aliens figured that out a few billion years ago. i sensed a dark presnce a while ago. ill hold off on anything more.

people should really tryto out two and two together. the whole system is corrupt or controlled by tbe corrupt and thus corrupt anyways.

Re: New marks

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:40 am
by guarded1
if people were more in tune with the source within themselves and sharpened their instincts alot of things become clear. but with faith and prayer, an extension and of these abilities is possible. the master used to take apprentices but hes in no shape until he can get some degree of normalcy. until then im his prefered apprentice. one thing you might learn quickly is youll never truly master he art. regrdless of my vision of how the world works i still help people. its what the master did. if people are open to the skills and are evaluated as able to push psychic boundaries and extend their ability to energy control, people could protect themselves from demons aliens or feds easily. but fighting is difficult as you need consciousness. but its easier to find ways forthem to leave you alone. while i stir up trouble for some reason i know i can handle their visitation. if people were like me an looked past ideals the basics and eventual intermediate skills, they can repel the dark sector in life.

i dont fight witjout cause and will defend myself when given the chance. but i also defer to the existing system.
there are rules people learn its difficult to explain but weve been brought up on balance and keeping a fine line. . the more balanced a person is the stronger they are. the dark nature of evil beings are too dark but strng not because of its base strength but because of theexperiencs there is behind it. the light is powerful calm and composed but mostly passive only striking when needed. but the greatest strength is in the middle. where the odd tend to be in your own favor versus the opposition. many things build a persons balance level like motive overall intention and and actions. like a demon for example. it has good motive but bad overal intention in his action. whike the action he commits is stimulating it ends up making people feel like shit from using resources.
this reminds me of drugs. in this sense a drug does something similar buton a smaller scale. the scale of something is probably the largest balance factor. the example is that both the drug and the demon had equal balance levels but the demon has potential to pull a much larger scale. but then again depending on the druv amount the scale might change the overall balance. so all the factors can change bassd on small changes and tweaks. but generally a balanced person is lucky but moreso in a way that luck itself is manipulatable.

going back to rules the intention could be to strike it rich in the lottery but it became a negative to so many people that it was very negative on the balance. without having made up for such negativity it wont work. but this is a hypothetical based on a person pushing themselves to uphold balance after gaining the impressive power of ether. it really has a negative impact on your life if you use it incorrectly.

Re: New marks

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:49 am
by guldage
Have you ever here about a Fenran research ship.? I had this dream abot a big ship in the sky and a gellyfish like ship. I have tolled about it in the general discussion.
One surgest the big ship can be a Fenran researchship?. I have no clue what it was, but the way it looked stand very clear in my mind.
when I had the dream it was crystal clear in my mind and I can still see it. Most dreams you can not remember clearly and they are disorganiced. This was actually more like a movie playd, nicely organiced. I can still here the hummingsound of well it must have been the engine.

Re: New marks

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:52 pm
by guarded1
if yo check the page i discosed some private info on wolf people. or at least the ones i experienced in memory. i think anyhing couod explain its reason. ive asked to speak with a fenran but so far very little info is known. the master enountered other wolves in the past. but they may have been fakes. however a very different type of wolf they were. they werent humanoid.

what i had noted made me feel upset to disclose such a powerful memory. even if it put rational questions down woukd they be asnwered by dreamwolf. i only have access to earth databases in the index. i do have reach elsewhere but mostly i keep from putting energy at such distances. i could and have gotten into lagrange. both the server and the points. however if i cant access the index i have very little info in the crumb database. and because i doubt myself i can barely use that. so its approriate to explain things based on others research. i have trusted rogues before but they were very radical against their own kind.

what i know of wolf people was displayed on the page you spoke of. the wokves i saw a lre subservant to some unknown species. whether it be human or alien its hard to say i couldnt read it from the distance. i was young at the time. not yet where i was when i met the master. but i remember things that provoked a deep sadness. i felt fear of the unknown. but if this situation occured again id be without my emergency cloak. id have to fit in amongst the crowd and get close enough to the black armored beings.

however if i ever get lucid enough i could go and look up information. as long as im the only one around.

Re: New marks

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:18 am
by guldage
A new found way too put the Aliens/demons off. I think it is pretty hard too do and not something easy too make happened by itself.
I have one of those dreams last night. Placed on a table. 3 alien beings around me, all very focus on the lower part of my body. For the first time I actually have som consious thoughts about the whole thing. Can observate the whole thing. That is new. I dont know why but I started to find it absolutely funny. The whole absurdity of the situation. This over 40 women getting her genitals checked out. I can almost see the questionmark in their faces." gee why doesnt this work" and I started too giggle. And endet up laughing my head of. Could not stop my self. It was actually quit liberating in more than one sence. The aliens was completely put of. They actually took two steps backwards. Did not have any ideer what too do with that.
It was like they lost control over me. Shortly after my untimely giggles a taller grey guy came. And from there I do not remember anything.
But when I woke up in my bed it still brought a smirk too my face.

Thought I would send a smile and a laught too everyone
As I said problely not easily done on command but it felled good and they did not llike it.

Re: New marks

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 5:00 am
by guldage
It seems that my daughter was also visited last night. And it seems that she as also taken matters into her own hand.(She is 5)
Just a week ago she had a hysterical fit over a spider. She has been terrified of them, Spiders and Snails and it came out of the blue. She has also a problem with lizards and Crocodilless when she sees them on the tele she whants too hide.
Well last night before bedtime she noticed a spider. The only reaction there was "Adrr... they are discusting" That was new tones.
Then this morning she tolled me she had had a bad dream last night. (She is very articulate)Offcause I asked her what about. And she tolled me about a crocodille that had taken her and tried too eat her.(dont know if she ment that litterally) This Crocodille was walking on two legs. I said " That was scary" and she said " year it was scary, but I hit him on the noose and tolled him he was not very nice" So somehow she was conscies and cabeble of acting. Apperently he left her alone after that. At least she did not have anymore story too tell.
How it is posible that a 5 year old girl can stand up to these guys I do not know and how she was conscious enought too take control of her own dream I do not know eather. That is if it was a dream which was problely not the case.

Re: New marks

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:49 am
by guldage
Well you do not whant too congratulate yourself too soon. They seem too take the laughing pretty badly. I was visited again last night. Although this time every is covered in a haase. Nothing clear. The taller guy from the night before was there. That much I am sure.
Why that is I dont know, ?? Ideers would be appreciated.
What I do know is that I woke up with a very bad headace and I felled like I have been hit by a bus. Actually thought I was coming down with something, but no fever and I am feeling a little better here in the afternoon (Though atmitted not much better)
If I had not had any physical marks I might have brushed it off, but not so lucky.
right below my scar I have from the caesarian section I recieved when my daughter was born. Here I have a strait red line or cut simular too that of the caesarian section. Has about the same lengh and it is a straight red line.
JUst above my old scar below my bellybotton a weird square. 1 cm. wide and about 5 cm long going down in the direction of the cut. The skintone in the middle is more white than the rest of the skin. The outline of the square has brown/reddish colour. What that is I dont know.
That this is connected with the reasent exsperiance I suspect. Allthough nothing substantiel to hold it on.
If anyone have had a simular exsperiance I would like to here about it or just if anyone have an ideer on why this has happened I would like too here it.


Re: New marks

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:42 pm
by guarded1
i prayed for no harm to come to you. going backto thinking about it the thoughts were linked to the aliens abuive nature. i wonder why he will not extend further blessings. but i have some info. i did say aliens eat people. dracos are very open about their appetite for humans. they look like crocs or alligators skin wise but have ususally slit pupils and are about 7-10 feet tall. their eyes are like cats but can glow red when aggravated. how a child survived might have been perhaps because his appeite was not large enough. but i wish that god would just keep them away. it is odd. but perhaps if i spoke on mybehalf further to keep you guys safe it might be worth it. good for her that she is standing up to alien presences. i was born and was abducted many time between ages 0 and 4. but god saved me from seeing their existance. he invested much in me and hid my presence in a way no evil could find. however that is impossible to give. however the spider aliens and dracos want her. there is intentions their. id liike to think i can help but ill try a more thoughtful prayer for the time being. im going to disclose some other info later. i have some stuff i think is important.

Re: New marks

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:45 am
by guldage
For starters I actually think they might have something too do with her being born in the first place or/and my son too. The explanation. Because of my sons asma the doctor had made a genetic test on both kids too see if it was in the gens and the likelyhood of my daughter getting it too.
Well they went free on the asma. But they found something else. Both kids has what is called a genetic translocation. I dont have it, my husband dont have it, but both my kids and its on both kids the excact same two genes that has switched places. How weird is that.!!

About my daughter. I actually think she has a protector. She has since she started too talk now and again talked about a ghostboy visiting her. She has talked about him less lately. In fact she has not talked about him since june, but after the dream about the Crocs, she has talked about him everyday. There is also something new in it. Now she says he is nice, before she just brushed him of as borring because he didnt whant too play.
When asked how he lookes like. She says like boy only he has now hair. Thats how far she goes.

Re: New marks

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:57 pm
by guarded1
according to data on ghost boy i sense something disturbing. i might look into it but i feel for some reason ghost boy is a grey just based on past descriptions. however if he is a shield tben use it. at least for the time being. i have my doubts but it may work out.

as for the knockout wave i modified the wave emitter for a testing trial. i want to see what kind if wave the tall grey emits to knock peopls out, and also see if it is blockable.

i wont go into specfics but i upgraded the power system for multi dimensional effect. it shoukd work in one way or another at the least it will collect more dsta.

i did this to everyones. however it may have an impact on base psychic powers but a more advanved psychic could just look beyond the meter the wave emits to.ill be around for feedback considering i get so much fron you.

Re: New marks

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 1:13 pm
by guldage
Ok tried too post this once. My computer desited too shut down. I hope I can get my thoughts in order once again.
I have had a bad headace since tall grey guy. 3 days know, so any ideers too block him will be aprriciated.
Maybee her strengh her mind is the reason why they are interessted in my daughter. In my family on my mothers side we have always been sensitive and seen things or senced things that wasnt quit of the physical world. My greatgrandfatter (Long dead before I was born)left a written record, diary of his thoughts and exsperiences. He seems too have seen ghost or spirits know and again. When his son died away from home he knew before he was tolled about it He also wrote about lights in the night. I just never conected it with this whole thing before.
I know my grandmother had dreams that came thrue. I have the same thing although I dont see as much as I sense things. Although I have had shut down this side of my self for a very long time. I thing my daughter have the familybug too. She sometimes has problemes with places and locations that for others seemes fine. Does not whant too be there.
Maybee that is why they are so interested in her. Maybee the croc tested her and maybee, if it is a grey that is why he came back at this time. They problely have some other planes for her.
At least she is not afread of him.
A thought hit me. Maybee the ghostboy is hybrid. He could even bee her halfbrother (Ok creepy thought) But my daughter does not seem too think he looks that alien. I dont know! My head is spinning a bit here.

Re: New marks

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 1:43 pm
by guldage
Forgot too mention that my neck felles like I have had a heavy workout. Sore muscles like I have pulled something. In my younger days I did a lot of sport. The fealing in the muscles like you have overdone yourself. That is the fealing I am left with, all the way from the top neck and down too the middle of my back between my shoulderblades.
It is not the same fealing you have if you are just stiff or have some tense muscles.
This all came after my little meeting with tall grey guy. He is most deffinately not friendly.

Re: New marks

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:13 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Guldage,
You need spiritual protection. You did a GREAT JOB by laughing at them and throwing them off. The trick would be to try and do that every time. And your daughter is able to stand up for herself, that is very good! If you have love in your heart and you can find enough strength within yourself to just laugh at the aliens, you gain a lot of power and control. And it doesn't matter how old you are. Actually, it is probably easier for a small child to be this way because they are still so pure and...well...childlike. LOVE is what chases the bad guys away. FEAR is what keeps drawing them because they feed on our energy like vampires. If you smile and laugh at what scares you, you gain control over it and it cannot hurt you anymore.

I would suggest listening to the Grounding, Centering and Shielding Meditation I made. It will help you find your inner strength and shield yourself. If you imagine a bubble of white light around yourself every night before bed, this will take on the form of a strong shield on the etheric plane where the visitations take place. You are definitely making good progress, able to laugh at them and make them back away is really good. Just keep practicing and you can do it every time.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: New marks

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:21 am
by guldage
So laughing is good. So I take it thats why tall grey guy comes in too the picture, too get me back into the fold. It seems that he is trying too run me tired. Still a headace. Woke up last night felled and saw shadows that moved in my house. It was not the family up and about.
Well I just desided too say whatever I am going back too sleep. After that now disturbense and this morning at least no cuts or bruises on me or the kids. Babysteps I guess.
My daughter still sees ghostboy, but now fear!!. When looking at her she looks so fragile, but I think in her mind there is steal.

Re: New marks

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:06 am
by guldage
Well I have had a few days of pease and quit, so I thought maybee they desided too lieve me alone for som time. Know luck in that department.
I had just gone too bed last night. Was still fully awake, when I got this funny feeling. A prickling sensation all over my body. And then I was no longer in contact with my body. It was a very strange feeling because I was fully conscious. Clear in thought. Then I am out completely. Dont remember a thing after that. I wake up 5 hours has past. I never ever sleep that long. I always wake up at leat every second hour. Dont sleep all night.
On the inside of my upper arm about 10 cm from the armpit I have a bruise about 2 cm and round. In the middle it was white, like someone had taken a slice of skin and left af bruise around it in the proces.
This exsperience was completely new. Never tried too loose contact with my body before. I have tried too fell paralized coming out of a dream, but this was not a dream. The closes I can come too the exsperience is after a operation and you get a shut of Morfin. But it does not cover it, because you are not fully yourself if you get that. I was here.

Have anyone had that kind of Exsperience og something simular??

Re: New marks

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:15 am
by guldage
Maybee I should also mention that it was not actualy unpleasent. Kind of a feeling of Peace too it. Comeness. My mind usely work all the time. Buissy as a bee.
I have a master degree from a university and work with my mind everyday. There was a peace to it that I rarely feel in my head.

Re: New marks

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:24 am
by guldage
About the same night that I had that weird exsperience something happened too my daughter.
I did not notice in the morning. My husband dressed and drow her too school because I had too get too work early, so I did not see it before evening when I made her a bath.
She had a little drop of blood on her undershirt. And on her belly just above the bellybotton matsching the place on her shirt she had a little mark. Looked like an injectionmark from an injection you get at the doctor.
Just a tiny mark and it was only a drop of blood, bot still a bit weird. It was not a bite from an insect or that she had scracht her self. What it was I dont know.

Re: New marks

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:02 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Guldage,

I am glad you are feeling a sense of peace with the experience, it is really good to try and stay calm so you can watch and learn. I have been keeping a dream journal of all my experiences for about 26 years now. I am able to do that because I keep myself alert, aware, and calm during the visits and when I wake up every morning, I recall all my dreams and experiences. I have learned so much over these years because I decided to let go of my fear and take part in the experience instead of getting dragged through it screaming. I now have a great level of control during the visitations with the star people. I can choose to stay or go and walk around wherever I like.

I have gotten up in the morning with bruises and scars many times in my life. It is not unusual for alien abductees or contactees to wake up with a fresh scar, bruises that resemble large fingers, scoop marks taken out of their skin, implants, etc.

If you felt your body tingling and then became separated from it, then had 5 hours slip by so unusually, woke up with a fresh unexplainable bruise, you were probably busy with the star people/aliens that night.

Good for your daughter!!!! Awesome. I'm glad to hear she is so strong inside. Good for her!! :D

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: New marks

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 4:36 am
by guldage
I had a bit of a strange night. My kids where not home. Visited grandparents. Out of habit we had the some light on. Around 4.30 - 5.00 I woke up startled. Then the light went out. Back on and out again.
Then total blackout. I got up too look. Never tried that before. Whent to look at the fuse box, but they had not gone out.
Then I tried too turne it of and on again. Nothing. Then all of a sutton some of the light went on. But half of the house was still out. Then they turnes of again and the other site of the house worked again. After about a half an hour this went on, then the light worked again.
No more sleept for me that night.
It has never been this physical It used too bee in the shades.

Re: New marks

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:54 am
by ManhattanSkyline

Re: New marks

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 5:09 am
by guldage
I just had a new face appear at night. Hovering like the grey, but he was not a grey and he was very friendly actually and when I woke up in the morning I felled rested. Not something that happens often.
His face had some simular features with the grey, but then very different. His face was more marked with more prominent boonestructure. His eyes was big and dark, but around the eyes he had clear boonestructure so that the eyes seemed somewhat sunken in. His skin seemed stredged very thin over the boones. The colour where kind of brown/grey.
His chin was also very pronounced. His face was longer and the top of the head not as large as that of the grey. But hairless. He was about the same high as an averege human. He had some sort of suit on that however I can not remember clearly.
What I remember the clearests is his face and the friendly fell too him.
Has anyone ever incountered anything like this?

Re: New marks

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 1:20 pm
by guldage
Maybee I should also add that I did not have any new cuts or bruises from that night. Not even a tiny scratch. I was all in one piece and so was my family.

Re: New marks

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:43 am
by guldage
I woke up last night spooked after af creepy dream. Dreamed I was recieving injections above my collarboone. Only it looked like me when I was a child. I was sitting up on a sort of doctorsbed where the doctor of sorts was giving me the shots(plural) Only the neddle was strangely bent. Looked also more like an old timer thing from 1930. One big nasty bent needly.
I got my hartbeat down too normal again and whent back too sleep.
Only this morning I found 5 marks above my collarboone nicely places in a round cirkel at the excact same place as in the dream. they looked excactly like needlemarks. The skin was lighter in the middle of the cirkel, than on the outside. So it cant have been an old memory, since I am affected from it know, but why do I see my self then as a child. Strange

Re: New marks

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:21 pm
by guldage
This is a new interesting developement. These abductions is surposed too run in families.

My aunt started too have problemes with something just under her skin on her upper lip. It was hurting and felled sharp under the skin. She went too the doctor and got it cut out. It was seemingly a small piece of glass that had wandered thrugh her body. But how it had gotten there no one could explain. She never had any kind of accidents or anything like that that would explaine glasspieces coming out of her.
Offcause I can not say for sure that it was an alien inplant, but it seems too bee highly strange that she gets a foreign object removed from her body without any ideer how it could have gotten their in the first place.
My children and I are problely not the only ones in my family that have had some close incounters

Re: New marks

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:26 am
by guldage
Woke up this morning this morning with blood on my pillow. My noose has been dripping blood since.
I was not at home in my bed last night. at least not according to my dreams. Was in this cave that I have been before. I do not remember much besites the tall big gray guy. He is lately always there and he seem to be keeping me under control. I sure would like some new ideers how to be awake. Has not been able to since he came in to the picture.
Has anyone had these Weekly visits like I do at the moment. Even some times more than once a week? Has anyone meet this tall guy?

Re: New marks

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:31 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Guldage,

It is not unusual for a contactee to see the same star person/alien throughout their lifetime. This grey alien might be working closely with you. When I was between the ages of 19-24, I saw the star people 2-3 times a week! It was very intense for me. Sometimes I saw familiar faces...the same star people over and over again.

You said you needed ideas on how to be awake -- are you saying that you want to be awake and alert during the visits with this grey alien? If so, my best advice is that you start to train your brain to pay attention to details in your dreams. It will teach you to become more aware while you are Out-of-Body and then you will naturally become more awake and aware during visitations with the star people/aliens. Do your best to stay awake and alert and if you start to slip, focus your attention on something close by, it could even be your hand. Focusing on the details will make your consciousness more aware of the present moment and it will help you be more alert.

About alien abduction/visitation happening in family lines -- yes, it does. For those of you who are reading this post, if you have weird dreams and bizarre experiences with multidimensional entities or aliens during the night, there is a good chance there is someone else in your family that is having similar experiences, so don't ever think you are the only one.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: New marks

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:44 am
by guldage
Yes I would like to get back to some control at least. Before tall Grey Guy desided to show up, I started to have clear memories of what happened, and I gained some control of the situation. After he came along, everything is fuzzy. Out of Focus. Why they think that is necessary, I dont know!

eventhough this guy keeps me under, I see a lot of strange things in the sky lately but in the Physical world. This happens at the same time , where I dont remember my dreams very clearly.
Have others had that Exsperience??


Re: New marks

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:24 am
by guldage
It is starting to fell like a diary I am writing here. It seems that I had an eventful night. However I do not remember a thing.
On my inner thight a very big bruise that covers most of the upper thigh. In one area it looks like there is a bad burnmark. It hurts and burn pretty badly. Blisters that pop open and leave raw meat under.
Very nasty.

Re: New marks

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 8:27 am
by guldage
You should not think that the grays know anything about Christmas peace, but they actually left me alone all Christmas and into the New Year. How about that. Well know the peace is over.
I woke up startled out of a dream (maybe not so much a dream!)
I do not remember much. What I do remember is a sort of metalic table or doctors table. I am on it and I see this sort of Light over me. Kind of the ones you see when you are at the dentist or doctor. A lot of light in a metal frame of sorts. This on however is a handheld version. The single lights smaller and the hand holding it is definitely not human. Fingest way to long and the calour of skin more gray/braun. Actually more light braun maybee, but not a human kind of skintone. It also have these kind braunish kind of spots you see with old people.

The skintone does not fit anything I've exsperianced before and maybee I should also add that I did not have a single scratch of anykind. Thats a new one too.

Has anyone seen anything like this? The doctor light or even better what kind of creature does the hand belong to?