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the attack of 9/21/14

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:03 am
by guarded1
of course i was exhausted that night and forgot to pray. ive had weird dreams with greater lucidity. god has tested my cosciousness and pushed it to break the confines of my body. when such switches are flipped i have tremendous lucidity is possible but i forget to overanalyze to become so lucid. ive entered the alternate plane nights before attacking feds possessed by demonic spirits. but i find i have a time limit. since im not lucid enough to think of anything special i just use a shield punch. it bends the shield energy on my dragon into a knockout punch. but demons can wake the body even through trauma. so it didnt work. i was soon being attacked by 3. so i tried to fathom how to turn the finger bullet into an automatic. still wish i had lucidity to train. so i shoot several finger bullets to antagonize them. makes me wish i used a sword. pressure waves are more effective. i would have killed to try a light bow. but im still a beginner with lucidity. i could have purified them. oh well im just trying to get back after finding the jeep the feds keep at 10 meters. they keep warping the reality of the realm. i saw two normal feds around this jeep. i remember my house being the battlefield countless times.

well on 9/21/14 i was watching some tv then went to bed. forgetting to pray i was visited throughout the night. however i was also lucid and trapped several times. but i fought back. i start in the guest bedroom i see one gaurd at the door. this was my replica given powers i possess. it kept me safe. while i got up. i quckly float into the hallway and shoot the first two feds. then i get knocked back by an invisible force and note a second replica to my left. i move forward in burst and punch a fed but im getting nowhere. then i had an inkling that a certain skill had been unlocked. sometimes when i fight im restricted as to not show all skills. well heres what i used. i clenched my right arm into a fist and punched the space in front of me. this was immediately followed by a pulse and an orb formed and fired off a beam. i thought this was fates power but it could have been a magnum. magnums are energy bursts that can be fired or released after a punch. whatever the case as long as i maintained the energy orb i watched as fed after fed desintegrated. luckily they should have been smart enough to disconnect their mind before attacking. this move was effective and i moved through the hall took a right at the end and immediately walked into a trap. i felt the orb draining me so i shut it down. the orb emits light waves too so it could and was used as a bent light barrier. but i was put into a sewer three guards stayed behind and two came with. they immediately attcked until the feds ran.

something interesting was one of the attackers was a demon. it was totally black pitch dark but wearing fed fatigues. im not sure how many were as i did not see all of them. i would say i defended my own body well. but i see possiblity if i could ever be lucid enough to train.

since i dont feel like making another topic i add the attack that happened this morning. it was a repeat of what happened two days ago. it is currently 9/26/14. i was aware for one particular dream during two different nights. i was attacked by feds and one was very strong. he had to be training as in the type i get when god finds i need a good test of skill. while there were a few, most died long before this one. the first night 9/24/14 was a demon. that one was tough. it looked greyish but it looked more muscular. he reminds me of a muscular grey if that makes sense. he had some sort of pressure exuding from him making it hard to attack. he lead many feds into battle. i had my sword. although i wish i had the orb of light i didnt have it enabled. so i fired a force wave by concentrating ether onto the sword then releasing it towards the demon and 3 normal feds. the feds were brutalized but the demon remained. i have no idea if he took any damage. i bust up some feds around me with a couple shiners. to expain the shiner is a variable force ball that has a certain shine to it. its spirit energy just glowing a neon gren yellow. it marks the ability to fire force in more cannon like manner. some feds got hit opposite their heart. i used this time moving left and jumping behind the demon firing another force wave seeing if its defense was linear. i eventually defeated this creature forcing it and the feds to retreat.
however the feds returned on 9/26/14 without the demon. i had prayed for protection as i was and still am sick. i have chronic illness. they thought that because i was sick physically id hold back. i dont draw stamina when im physcially asleep. so i went on them again. i hate being attacked yet relish the lucidity i have when i am attacked.

but there are still times where im blinded and bound. they attempted to snap my neck once. but they didnt. armor came online. if they choose to attack my physical body that is the kind of thing that happens. i have little to defend myself physically but like the demons and aliens who come out of the 4th plane i can channel my abilities. i fall unconscious and the energy creates a dmensional fissure. demons use this fissure to pass between dimensions but this uses vast reserves to bend the two into a midphase creating a sort of limbo space. i however have no control over this. i can just ask for help and usually get it. this is one of the reasons i call myself guarded1. but i only ask god for help.

fun fact when asking jesus to save you while being abducted by aliens you will imediately find them stp and return you unharmed from that point. i was ripped from my body and they did somthing to my stomach. i asked for help and found them gone and i immediately woke up. i have a foreign contaminant in that section of my stomach. its being dealt with. demons lose control when jesus is present. but you have to make him knw you want that saving. it also helps to believe in him.

im going to try to rebuild a defense page explaining the many etherical attacks defenses and nonlethal techniques i know as the last list i had placed is not readily accessible. ill use this page to do so.

just for people to remember one must build energy within and not just take from their surroundings. to build energy people should meditate focusing their energy throughout their body and do so until they can assume such energy control outside of meditation. then the best way to build energy from there is to use it. but leave time to recover. over extension is almost fatal. for example a certain physical resource is only replensihed by sleep. the more weakened it is the longer it takes to recover. but ill try to keep people from using it by not teaching its use.

once a person is strong enough to use inner energy it develops many ether types. spirit energy and stamina can be strengthened during waking time while spirit energy can be built up while asleep. but there is a limit for everyone. a simple ability to help excercise control over spirit energy is the finger bullet. focus your controlled energy into a ball at the end of the index finger. its hard for beginners to make an orb but over time it becomes natural. the trigger is your thumb. it creates a kink in the cartilage once its ready then it can be pointed and shot. however its harmless even against the feds the body armor holds up against small pressure attacks like that. more skilled abilties will follow should this page be authorized.

Re: the attack of 9/21/14

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:08 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Guarded 1,
Thanks for sharing. You put a lot of energy into fighting off attackers, and you have developed many etheric abilities to do so. Perhaps this is a time in your life when you are forced to learn these things...I also went through a training phase that was very intense. What I learned was that the best defense is to raise your vibrational frequency by focusing on love, light, happiness. It does take a while, especially when you are constantly being attacked. It doesn't really come naturally to let your guard down, release all your fear and just smile when an attacker approaches, but seriously -- it works. The negative, low-level entities do not understand LOVE and they will do anything to avoid it.

Focus on love, your connection to Source or Spirit, and raising your vibrational fingerprint. Learn to become more aware and conscious on the etheric plane, and the negative entities will not want to attack least, most of them will be smart enough to avoid you.

Thanks again for sharing your information, it is a good view of what can really happen on the etheric plane.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: the attack of 9/21/14

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:52 pm
by guarded1
i see your point but have yet to become lucid enough to think beyond the instnct to explore. but i can make my frequency vibrate higher through some instinct training i learned way back in the day.

the trick is very similar to the from tells of lucid dream training. just do it so much it becomes second nature. but im afraid on the 28th i will be seeing many feds. luckily ill lapse out or perhaps even luckier they dont come . i know i antagonized them today but i had to know they wouldnt steal me away if i started disclosing information about the aliens darker secrets. but i am testing all valid defense options. ill give this a try. thanks.

but what is the source. are we talking the center the very core of being. that to me is my soul. ive never thought to use it like that. i had resorted to using gifts from another order. i must say the valentine core has spiked my lucidity. the best integration ive ever had.

i cant say what it truly is or what order it belonged to but they were known for lucidity.

i have known peace that is such a powerful frequency that it too makes you untouchable. ill try to muster peace. worst case they shoot armor.

Re: the attack of 9/21/14

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:02 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Awesome. Yes, try the way of the peaceful warrior. You can literally become untouchable by focusing, bringing your awareness to the forefront of your mind (so you are lucid) and KNOWing that you have such a force of strength within you that you are untouchable. When you have no doubt within yourself, and you are a channel of love and light energy from Source or your Soul, you just smile while the attackers are paralyzed in fear of YOU. It can be accomplished by caring for the mind, body, and spirit while focusing on LOVE.

Blessings, Bonnie