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I don't know what happened

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:33 pm
by amber5885
Maybe this is an over asked question but I have been living with confusion for my entire life and I came here hoping someone could help.

When I was a little girl I woke up one morning very confused, like I didn't know where I was and nothing was out of place in my bedroom except that I was laying in bed stiff as a board and arms at my side with my toes pointed up, I was tucked in VERY tight up to my chin and I actually had to wiggle a bit just to get out of the covers and I was naked and the nightgown I had been wearing the night before was laid out on top of the blanket.

My mom and my dad both woke up the same way.

I don't remember anything that happened, not even a dream but lately I feel like there is actually a memory there and I can't access it. A part of me feels like abduction is exactly what happened, as crazy as it sounds and I feel like I both do and don't want to know what happened.

That's the only time in my life that happened. It was in Fountain hills Arizona, the same night the phoenix lights went over the desert if anyone remembers that incident.

can anyone help me?

Re: I don't know what happened

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:44 am
by Andryx
Read hier Plesse,
I hope I can help you!


Re: I don't know what happened

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 9:00 am
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hello Amber,

It is known within the abductee/contactee world that sometimes after a visitation, people wake up in the morning with their pajamas off and the blankets on their bed are different than the way they were when they went to sleep. Sometimes they will remember something and sometimes they have no memory at all.

Thanks for sharing your experience here. It is really interesting that this happened the night of the Phoenix lights. Have you talked to your parents about it much? Maybe if you talk about it together, you can recall more of the night.

Another way to remember might be to meditate and really focus on that night.

It is natural to WANT to know and at the same time be afraid to remember...I think everybody goes through that. It is part of the process we all go through. Because you are reaching out now, perhaps you are ready to discover the truth about what happened.

Many Blessings, Bonnie