Very Unsure but Seeking Guidance

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Very Unsure but Seeking Guidance

Post by Skippy »

Hello. This is my first time writing on this forum, of which I joined to ask its members for help. As of January 9 2016, I have had the suspicion my strange dreams were tied to even stranger experiences. I worry that the 'dream' I had very early on the 9th could be related to either a sleep disorder or the possibility that I, like many people here, have been contacted by extraterrestrials – or someone posing as such. Later in this post I will describe the dream, but I'd much like to go into some of the strange happenings in my life that could be tied to this event.

To start, I'm very young. I looked around at the requirements to sign up and didn't see anything about age, so I've registered anyway. I was born [RESCINDED, and I've lived in small cities/rural [RESCINDED] all my life. [RESCINDED] is a quiet place, and if you've ever been here, you'd understand what I mean. [RESCINDED] I could never really mention my fears. Since I was very small, I've been afraid of these 'figures.' I was never able to sleep in a dark room. Something unique, however; I always slept with my face covered, or facing the wall. For whatever reason, I can't stand to see my entire room while trying to sleep. I'm almost certain I do this because I'm afraid of seeing something – insinuating I have may have seen something before, long ago.

I have seen a UFO, a few years back. I always watched the sky as a child, saying from even an early age that I [RESCINDED]. At the time of the sighting, I was playing in my back yard alone. It's probable that I was around [RESCINDED] years old, but I can't place a specific date. Up in the sky was a triangular shape. It was black, with rounded edges. I have found a 3D model somewhere on this forum that looks almost exactly like what I saw (I might link it at the end of this post if I can find it again). I remember [RESCINDED]


They're always so strange. I can remember a few of them when I wake up, but only pieces. It's not uncommon for me to wake up in a cold sweat after one of these strange dreams. [RESCINDED] The nightmares were more vivid, but made even less sense, and were more frightening. I wasn't sleeping properly. Around October, I decided to get my pellets packed, and started sleeping at 9:30 with all the lights off in my room. It was so difficult at first. As I've mentioned before, I am afraid of certain things in the dark. Thus, I opened my curtains to let light from the street in.

The first strange encounter I had was not long after that. In possibly late November, I fell asleep at an average hour, facing away from the window right next to my bed. I don't remember the dream I had that night, if I had dreamed at all. Sometime during the night, though, I woke up in that same position, facing the rest of my room away from that window. I felt like something needed to be taken care of urgently, as if I was in danger. I was suffering from sleep paralysis, which I've been experiencing since [RESCINDED] That night I was very fearful, looking into the light reflecting off the white wall. I seemed to know that something was outside.

I believe that after that, I fell back asleep, but woke shortly after. I twisted my back to look out the window and saw a hooded figure with bright eyes looking into my window. Then I flopped back down and fell asleep again. I don't particularly believe that this was real, but I was in a half-asleep state. Around November I was having several dreams about home invasion, so I do choose to believe that these dreams were related to someone or something invading my mental personal space.

[RESCINDED] I mean, I'm not antisocial. I just have problems trusting people with this caliber of information about myself.


On [RESCINDED], very early in the morning, I was struck with the possibility that I could have been contacted. The previous sleep, I went to bed at 11:00 pm. This is later than the usual 9:30 bedtime for me. The sleep wasn't fulfilling, and I felt as if I were barely drifting beyond consciousness. For most of my time asleep, I didn't dream. But, somewhere among my subconscious, a dream began.

I was riding north in the passenger seat of my dad's car. It happened like my dream self was waking up in the car, like this alternate version of myself had been asleep the entire time I had been awake, only to wake just as I slipped away. Sensation started with the tug of the transition between gears, my dad shifting to match the required speed riding up the lonely highway. When my eyes finally opened, I watched the tall stalks of corn pass us by in the fields accompanying the road. The stand of corn ended and opened to a soybean field, laden with the evening sunlight. All was peaceful by appearance, but something lingered beyond. The feeling of dread grew and grew, then ended with an explosion. I assume that there was a detonation somewhere east of our location, because after that I 'woke up.' Or, rather, I was conscious after that dream.

Upon waking, I was frightened, as I tend to be after these dreams. My room was full of light from the window, courtesy of the parking lot across the street. I could see clearly. For a moment or two I lay there unmoving, thinking about my dream, as well as looking around the room. I wasn't prepared for what I saw in the darkest corner of my room, just beyond a bookshelf. A figure started to take shape. I thought, No, you've been afraid of nothing before. What you're seeing now is nothing. It continued to become more and more clear to me, then stepping closer and closer. It was right next to my bed, so close I could reach out to it. But I didn't. After all these years of fearing the creatures I always thought to be so close by, waiting in the dark, I was afraid. Nothing was communicated between us, and I made no attempt to even try. To my left, I finally noticed its partner. If I remember correctly, it was just barely taller with a thinner face. At this point time seemed to speed up. These figures shuffled around my bed so quickly, their movements blurred. I described it as my eyeballs shaking in their sockets, like my eyes had been turned into maracas. A few seconds later I was laying in bed, wide awake, my eyes still 'quaking.' The time was 3:34 am.

I turned on the light and promptly wrote what happened down. Because I wrote the encounter down within 10 minutes of it happening, I KNOW that this situation (despite its probability of being a hallucination) happened to me exactly as described, and has not been imprinted with new memories.

Here I will write a brief description of what I saw in my room. I am an amateur artist, but I am too disturbed by what I saw to put it onto paper from my hand. These creatures were short, about 40 inches tall, and were dark brown or gray in color. They had deep eyes that were slightly larger in proportion to a human's. I didn't really see their hands, nor their feet, but they had rather small bodies. The only other thing I can remember about them was that they had wrinkled foreheads, as if they were very old.

I'm unsure how to say how this had an effect on me. For the first few weeks, I was in denial, and refused to accept that I had had the experience. Come February and I was starting to have panic attacks. Driving to school one day it caught me off guard – the light from an oncoming truck's headlights frightened me into a panic. I'm not sure why I had a reaction to the light, it was so sudden. It almost felt like a flashback or memory to something, though I am not sure of what that might be. Now, I can't sleep through an entire night very often. It's not a huge problem yet, but I'm still worried that it will become a future issue. Besides physical things, any time I would recount the experience to either myself or a very close friend, I would start shaking uncontrollably and sweat profusely. I would feel so cold and the shaking was like an extreme shiver. I would also cry, at times, such as when [RESCINDED].

I am much calmer now since things have wound down. It's now March and I am coming to accept different possibilities, which is my reason for coming to this forum. I have had several strange dreams, episodes of sleep paralysis with a new symptom, and a high resting pulse. I also find it difficult sometimes to calm my breathing. The new problem with my sleeping is this extreme buzzing sound. It comes with the paralysis, slowly and softly at first, then magnifies to incredible volumes. It causes me a great deal of stress. I don't experience anything beyond the sound, though, except for the occasional feeling of fear and being watched. Also, in reference to the origin of the buzz, there is nothing in my house that could produce such a noise. I have investigated our dryer (asked my dad if he was drying clothes that night, nothing), my ceiling fan (I don't tend to sleep with it on, it also doesn't match the frequency at all so I don't think it is a particularly capable source) and cars passing by. So far, the cars seem most likely, besides the fact that the buzzing seems to last forever and doesn't fade out. It just stops, unlike a car or truck passing by.

I can think of many other dream events to relate to the frightening qualities one previously described, but they were never so realistic in setting or in mannerisms. Usually my dreams contain altered settings, even if it's somewhere like my house. Also, I don't believe I have ever seen these figures in my dreams before.

I'll describe one dream that sticks out, though. I don't remember much about it, but it mostly consisted of walking into a forest. Inside the woods was a place of education, possibly describable as a college. There, I entered the library and checked out a book. The book was about something very secretive, but I don't quite remember what it was. I read it for a certain amount of time, then started to feel ill. I crumpled to the floor. In waking time, I was gaining consciousness, but just before I opened my eyes I heard a voice. It told me: [RESCINDED] The voice seemed to have origins outside of the dream, as if it were a separate entity entirely. If you could make a piece of metal talk, that is would this voice sounded like. It was robotic, cold, and harsh. I had that dream back in [RESCINDED].

I only have one idea of what the dream could mean, and the theory itself is incredibly outlandish. The thought has come to me that, what if [RESCINDED]


I know that this has been terribly long, and I apologize. I'm young and afraid with no one to talk to. There have been other events, like mysterious blood on my clothes upon waking with no apparent source, and [RESCINDED]. I've shortened this post slightly by only mentioning them in passing here. I've been waiting years to write about these things without judgment, and I hope I can come to some kind of path to conclusion here. I may not be ready yet to accept what's been happening here, but I believe that I'm prepared for the suggestion that I have been visited before in my life. Thank you so much for reading all the way to the end, and I hope you have a good day.

Last edited by Skippy on Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Very Unsure but Seeking Guidance

Post by wings »

Welcome to the forum, Skippy.

That is quite a post. You have excellent writing skills. Very well written. You should include being a writer in your portfolio.

The aliens you describe sound a lot like the Ebens. They live on a planet at Zeta Reticuli, very hot weather. They have two suns. Their skin is reddish tan and wrinkly. They are about 3 feet high, slightly big eyes, and usually friendly. If you are into reading, check out the book 'Secret Journey to Planet Serpo'. That talks a lot about the Ebens. (That is 'if' they were Ebens. Could be grays).

You talked about an electronic voice. Some aliens, the Ebens especially, talk much different then us, higher sounds, chirps, frequencies, like what dogs can hear but we cant. They found they could install voice boxes in their throats that allow them to talk in our tones, like a person that lost their voice and holds one of those things to their voice box on their neck. Quite similar. That is why they all tend to sound the same, same tones and all. Another clue as to who they might be, Ebens.

One of our members, Guildage, has a loud buzzing sound that occurs when her visitors or abducters come. I think it has something to do with changing the frequency of the surroundings, like perhaps sending your spirit (inside your body) into a peaked state, probably making you leave your body. Also it could be how they move through walls and windows, like shifting or phasing out of dimension to pass through solids.

I have to tell you. When you said you saw an alien by your window, then went back to sleep, you know that is totally crazy. Normally you would have not gone back to sleep, right? Same thing happened to me. I see 3 short people in my hallway (house sitting for people) and I hear in my mind 'dont worry, I am not going to harm you'. I am thinking I said that to them in my mind, but they had said it to me in mine. Mixup. Then, for some crazy reason, I go back into the living room to read my book. I was into aliens since I was a kid. I had a thousand things to ask them, but no, I go read a book. I later heard they typically have a powerful 'mind control' person in their teams that can deal with handling humans. Bummed me out. But that answered the question of 'how' I could walk away from 3 beings from another world. (Probably safe too, as some can be bad, but these didnt give me a bad feeling).

You are probably a very intelligent 'special' that dreams cool dreams and has good thoughts and intelligent directions you want to go in life. So you probably stand out in the oceans of humanity and so they are probably watching you. I think the aliens (most all of them) hang out in the dream lands of humanity and watch us dream at night. Even day dreams. (I personally think when you get lost in thoughts, you are already out there, a portal to the dream lands. I could be wrong. Joyce Meyers calls our thoughts world the thought lands. Makes sense to me).

Your fear of darkness, I share that. Lately I finally started sleeping with all lights off. I get attacked by many spirits, mostly demons and witches that constantly tell me to give up and forget Jesus. I will not. So when they show up, I deal wtih it. But, oddly, a group of small beings, in the spirit, also attack me, causing pain in my body. They look alien, but also demonic. Probably some dark race that fell with satan during the rebellion, I dont know. But, I started having more faith in God recently and now I sleep in total darkness, having faith that the Lord is protecting me, which includes the army of Angels, etc. I have a fan running that is noisy, which I like. I like background noise, for some reason, so that helps. Helps block voices in the spirit.

I was glad though to hear you decided to turn off the lights at night. Thats where I am at. No more fear.

Also, when I get 'attacked' or have spirits in my room that are negative, I get out of bed and I will literally yell at the spirits; 'In the name of Jesus Christ, by the power and authority given to me as a believer, I command you satan, and your spirits, to get out of my room! All of you, get out! Stay out of my home and leave me alone! NOW! Withces, druids, demons, get out!' That helps a bit. I then pray and ask the Holy Spirit to bring in some warrior Angels to cleanse my room and home of 'any and all' unclean spirits and any spirits that are not supposed to be there. That also helps. They say (at MUFON) that praying actually will cause aliens to leave us alone (some) but you may have to pray for a while before they go.

I hope that helps.

That triangle craft is wild. I havent seen one, but in my mind, I would see it often. Cooincidently, there was one spotted over a freeway that a man accidentally photographed at night. It had bazel rings on the underside though, where my rendering is flat on the belly. Did yours have rings under it? By rings, I mean engine looking round things, like discs, flush with the belly.

I wish you well. Keep taking notes. No fear. Stand up to them. And be careful.


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Re: Very Unsure but Seeking Guidance

Post by mv1998 »

Hi Skippy,

Wow, just based on a quick read of your post, that's an amazing story (and an equally impressive discussion of it from you). You are clearly a talented individual.

There's too much good stuff in your post for me to write a response immediately. But I'll read it over more throughly in the near future and see if there are any useful thoughts I can offer you in a later post.

Just quickly, I would like to thank you for being honest about your age. I am also 16, but didn't have your courage to be honest about it. I've always disliked the aged based condescending remarks I've sometimes received on UFO/Alien research sites. But you're obviously much braver than I and I think you've done a good thing by standing up for the fact that there's many younger people wanting information on the "Abduction phenomena".

Thanks again for your interesting story.

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Joined: Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:23 pm

Re: Very Unsure but Seeking Guidance

Post by Skippy »

mv1998 wrote:
Just quickly, I would like to thank you for being honest about your age. I am also 16, but didn't have your courage to be honest about it. I've always disliked the aged based condescending remarks I've sometimes received on UFO/Alien research sites. But you're obviously much braver than I and I think you've done a good thing by standing up for the fact that there's many younger people wanting information on the "Abduction phenomena".

Thanks again for your interesting story.

Thank you so much for replying to my post, and the nice comments! I agree that young people are not often taken seriously. In some cases, that is a good thing. In other cases, it can be very bad. I believe that both of us (yes, I read your post!) have something very important to share to the world, and with the wondrous Internet, it is now possible to do so and become more enlightened in the process about these things.

This is the first time I've ever posted on a site like this, with information about extraterrestrials and experiences with these beings. I have considered that I have been contacted before many times throughout my life, but never had anyone to take my ideas seriously. Now, after being in a very serious situation where it appears I could have been taken (though I do not remember it, the evidence points towards it), I have reached out. I'm glad you decided to do the same when you posted here, because I already feel the effects of talking about it... it's such a relief!

Again, thank you very much, and good luck... I look forward to any advice or ideas you might have about my situation, Lord knows I need them.

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Re: Very Unsure but Seeking Guidance

Post by Skippy »

wings wrote:Welcome to the forum, Skippy.

That is quite a post. You have excellent writing skills. Very well written. You should include being a writer in your portfolio.
Thank you very much. I feel quite passionately about what I wrote above, and think that it is important to convey it as such! I also appreciate you taking the time to read through all of it, as I love to ramble on about irrelevant information sometimes.
wings wrote:The aliens you describe sound a lot like the Ebens. They live on a planet at Zeta Reticuli, very hot weather. They have two suns. Their skin is reddish tan and wrinkly. They are about 3 feet high, slightly big eyes, and usually friendly. If you are into reading, check out the book 'Secret Journey to Planet Serpo'. That talks a lot about the Ebens. (That is 'if' they were Ebens. Could be grays).

You talked about an electronic voice. Some aliens, the Ebens especially, talk much different then us, higher sounds, chirps, frequencies, like what dogs can hear but we cant. They found they could install voice boxes in their throats that allow them to talk in our tones, like a person that lost their voice and holds one of those things to their voice box on their neck. Quite similar. That is why they all tend to sound the same, same tones and all. Another clue as to who they might be, Ebens.
As by your recommendation, I've researched the Ebens, including looking at pictures and artistic interpretations of their general appearance. They are a likely candidate, so I will definitely be looking at the reading material you have suggested. Though I have thought a lot about whether or not they were there, I have really not thought at all about why they were there!

About the why, as well as the suggestion that I have been targeted by these Ebens, would you (or anyone else for that matter) know what their reasoning would be to track me? I know that later in this post, you suggest that I am being observed because of my intellectual self, but to me I just feel like... well, normal! I might be rather good at expressing my thoughts in text, and I have excellent insight, but that seems like an unlikely reason to approach me at night.

Speaking in the complete "if" shroud, where I am talking hypothetically... I believe that they would know I am very afraid when they are near. If I've only seen them while asleep and half-sedated, it would make sense that they would choose that time to avoid "complications," including myself running, physically harming myself, etc.

Something I also wanted to mention in this reply is the word choice offered to me in that dream. Do you have any idea what that phrase could mean? Why would I need to be slowed down?
wings wrote:One of our members, Guildage, has a loud buzzing sound that occurs when her visitors or abducters come. I think it has something to do with changing the frequency of the surroundings, like perhaps sending your spirit (inside your body) into a peaked state, probably making you leave your body. Also it could be how they move through walls and windows, like shifting or phasing out of dimension to pass through solids.

I have to tell you. When you said you saw an alien by your window, then went back to sleep, you know that is totally crazy. Normally you would have not gone back to sleep, right? Same thing happened to me. I see 3 short people in my hallway (house sitting for people) and I hear in my mind 'dont worry, I am not going to harm you'. I am thinking I said that to them in my mind, but they had said it to me in mine. Mixup. Then, for some crazy reason, I go back into the living room to read my book. I was into aliens since I was a kid. I had a thousand things to ask them, but no, I go read a book. I later heard they typically have a powerful 'mind control' person in their teams that can deal with handling humans. Bummed me out. But that answered the question of 'how' I could walk away from 3 beings from another world. (Probably safe too, as some can be bad, but these didnt give me a bad feeling).
It really is quite strange, isn't it! I didn't fall asleep just once, either, it happened twice! I suppose in my situation it could've been for the better or for the worse, because as you suggested there might be bad beings out there that could harm me. I definitely felt very, very afraid when it was standing there -- quite unlike the feeling I had when the two beings stood by my bed that night. That fear was something I felt many times before, whenever I thought I saw a face in the shadows and thought it was "them;" when the figure in my window appeared, I felt danger!
wings wrote:You are probably a very intelligent 'special' that dreams cool dreams and has good thoughts and intelligent directions you want to go in life. So you probably stand out in the oceans of humanity and so they are probably watching you. I think the aliens (most all of them) hang out in the dream lands of humanity and watch us dream at night. Even day dreams. (I personally think when you get lost in thoughts, you are already out there, a portal to the dream lands. I could be wrong. Joyce Meyers calls our thoughts world the thought lands. Makes sense to me).
I think that it would be very nice to imagine my dreams as a separate land, where different versions of my own self can explore and live life freely. Despite my frequent nightmares, I have many odd and peaceful dreams, they often don't make much sense. They usually consist of flying above places, and I feel like a superhero. In some dreams I am running through areas I knew as a very young child, or exploring woods I remember from my earliest days venturing outwards into the world. For me, dreams are time for exploration and mystery. Not all things in them make sense, but they have very, very deep feelings woven into their very core, be it anger, wonder, fear, terror, or anything else.
wings wrote:Your fear of darkness, I share that. Lately I finally started sleeping with all lights off. I get attacked by many spirits, mostly demons and witches that constantly tell me to give up and forget Jesus. I will not. So when they show up, I deal wtih it. But, oddly, a group of small beings, in the spirit, also attack me, causing pain in my body. They look alien, but also demonic. Probably some dark race that fell with satan during the rebellion, I dont know. But, I started having more faith in God recently and now I sleep in total darkness, having faith that the Lord is protecting me, which includes the army of Angels, etc. I have a fan running that is noisy, which I like. I like background noise, for some reason, so that helps. Helps block voices in the spirit.

I was glad though to hear you decided to turn off the lights at night. Thats where I am at. No more fear.

Also, when I get 'attacked' or have spirits in my room that are negative, I get out of bed and I will literally yell at the spirits; 'In the name of Jesus Christ, by the power and authority given to me as a believer, I command you satan, and your spirits, to get out of my room! All of you, get out! Stay out of my home and leave me alone! NOW! Withces, druids, demons, get out!' That helps a bit. I then pray and ask the Holy Spirit to bring in some warrior Angels to cleanse my room and home of 'any and all' unclean spirits and any spirits that are not supposed to be there. That also helps. They say (at MUFON) that praying actually will cause aliens to leave us alone (some) but you may have to pray for a while before they go.

I hope that helps.
It definitely does. My dad has mentioned similar techniques, and I have been using them for whenever I feel fearful. I trust the judgment of God, in that I will be kept safe until my life journey becomes to an end and all of my duties are served. When I wake up in a cold sweat after a nightmare, I lay in bed and call upon that grace, with the knowledge that I will be protected from all evils with the power of faith.
wings wrote:That triangle craft is wild. I havent seen one, but in my mind, I would see it often. Cooincidently, there was one spotted over a freeway that a man accidentally photographed at night. It had bazel rings on the underside though, where my rendering is flat on the belly. Did yours have rings under it? By rings, I mean engine looking round things, like discs, flush with the belly.
I only remember seeing it very vaguely, but I really don't think there was anything on it. Just perfectly smooth, black, high up in the air. It looked exactly like your model! I was totally stunned when I saw the model, and I thought: That's my craft! Haha! I had never heard of such a shape outside of my own experience, and I think that with your 3D modeling skills someone might see that and be able to use it as a sample to describe it, if they ever saw it in person.
wings wrote:I wish you well. Keep taking notes. No fear. Stand up to them. And be careful.

I very much appreciate all that you have put into this post. I can tell you care a lot, and that means so much to me as I try to deal with this. I will take your advice, and always keep it in mind, especially if or when I see them again. I won't be afraid if I'm not alone.

Thank you, and I hope you have a great, peaceful day!

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Joined: Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:31 am

Re: Very Unsure but Seeking Guidance

Post by mv1998 »

Hi Skippy,

First – you're welcome, and thank YOU. I have a thirst for discussion/stories on this phenomena, and your story is truly exciting.

Here are a few (numbered) very general thoughts of mine as I promised, in no particular order:

(1) As you've pointed out, due to lack of evidence we can't currently truly know the reasons behind the abduction phenomena.

Doubtless you've encountered the commonly held view on the “abduction phenomena” that aliens are partaking in some sort of genetic sampling of humans (or similar explanation). I also find these ideas implausible: Why would obviously scientifically advanced aliens need to engage in such a primitive task ?.

So it seems a more reasonable theory that perhaps the reasons aliens visit us might not be purely coldly scientific. Perhaps extraterrestrials have some past history (and thus sentiment) with us, as a lot of abduction cases involve a family history element (multiple abductions/encounters that run in the family, most commonly). You have not mentioned any in your post (unless I've missed it) so I suspect you have no such cases in your immediate family. But it might yet be worth investigating any "unusual experiences" in your extended family, if you have not done so already. You might uncover surprising or enlightening information.

(2) You note significant uneasiness/fears when it comes to the memories of the more unnerving parts of your abduction experiences/encounters (your bed encounter with grey like beings etc). To state the obvious: Your journey towards soothing these fears and discomfort is a tricky and very personal one. Almost certainly it involves more than one approach.

I can only speak very generally then: But I guess the all round approach that has worked for me is that I tend to try and keep my focus on the practical aspects. And by this, I mean that we may never know the complete detailed reason behind the phenomena in our lifetimes. Perhaps all we can do is focus upon the more practical question of whether or not these abduction experiences are malevolent (and therefore a cause for rational action) or not (in which case we can study them without fear).

Obviously, the variety of viewpoints on people's abduction experiences is mixed. Some report negative views of encounters, most are neutral and some positive. My own attempt at an “objective” view (after doing my best to remove my biases) is that after reading many many cases, the more plausible the report of an abduction is: The less likely it seems that they are malevolent. Many of the extreme negative abduction reports seem to include details that are less than clear and have less robust anecdotal evidence (casting doubt on their validity or sometimes the mental health of their claimant). Conversely, it seems to me that abduction/encounter reports that are more neutral (or sometimes even positive) in nature seem to have more plausible testimony and general quality of anecdotal evidence.

So in short: Nothing is 100% certain. But in my humble opinion, nothing I have read in your post implies malevolence in your experiences that you should fear. I think you have a lot to gain and little to lose by studying the subject. You seem like a very smart guy, and I think you would do a great job of finding answers.

(3) It might be worth noting for your case (based on my own experiences and discussions with doctors) is that at our ages, it could be more difficult for us compared to full adults, to identify clear physical evidence from abduction experiences. A stable health situation seems to be the key to identifying the (apparently) subtle medical symptoms commonly documented as evidence of the abduction phenomena. Being a teenager (changing health circumstances, growing, hormones etc) can add a complication in finding clear observations of medical evidence. So perhaps medical evidence of an abduction/encounter is something that will have to wait until we “settle down” :-).

(4) Have you tried any direct techniques/methods to maybe improve your ability to deal with the fearful aspects of your experiences ?. One thing I have tried is having multiple sessions flotation tank ( These are very common worldwide and I imagine you might well have one close to you. Throughout my tank sessions I gently and slowly rehearse my memories of my experiences. I find my thoughts on the subject to be much calmer and clearer – and "floating" has helped me a great deal.

These are just a few of my thoughts. I am sorry I could not offer any better advice or give you more case specific discussion at this stage, but I definately feel I have more to say yet (if you're happy to put up with me !).

Thanks again for the wonderful story and discussion. Very fascinating stuff !.

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Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:12 pm

Re: Very Unsure but Seeking Guidance

Post by guldage »

Hi Skippy and welcome to the Forum

It is correct that I here this buzzing sound or high pitch tones prior to a visit. In a way I get a warning that something is about to happend.
You should be aware that there might be more than one species involved. I have exsperience with the greys, witch then causes other species to notice me. This feeling of fear that you descripe fit very well with what I used to feel when the greys come around. I think it might be their way of keeping people under control. At least with some people they visit. I too have been visited since early childhood, if not all my life.
As to why they have interest in you. That can be as many as there is species. Some have good intentions othersnot. Some are curious. Again others seem to be interested in our emotions. Yet again others seems interest in DNA
Reasently I have also have experience with some rather nice aliens that have helped me fend of the not so nice ones. Prayes or the like does work. I can actually for a very long time say that I have not had a single visit a hole month. No weird brusies that I always had after a visit. That really is a new one and I believe that its because I learned to protect myself.

As to your medical condition. I have had digestion problems most of my life simular to those you descripe. It could be a coinsidence it might not be.

The first step is always to recognice and accept the experince. For many years I keet on telling myself that I imagined it. That My interest in the field coloured my dreams. These days I think its the other way around. I had an experience that made me read about the subject.

Then to talk about it. There is strength in knowing and aso strenth in numbers of people being aware of these beings.
I think it is very brave of you to speak out at such a young age. Which also meens that you can get control of the situation and not let it colour and your life.
Since you do well in writing I would also suggest you right your experiences and dreams down. That way elusive memories can become more clear and some memories resurface. I have had that ecperience several times. I try to write it all down.

I hope you stay brave and wish you all the best.

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Re: Very Unsure but Seeking Guidance

Post by wings »

Hey Skippy,

When the alien person said something about 'need to slow it down' (something to that effect), it could be this....

When you wake up, if you have been out of body, in the spirit, and you return, if you do not transfer the memory to your physical brain, you usually forget the experience. If you 'slowly' wake up and try to remember all that happened as you are gradually waking, your brain should then retain them. One trick is to whisper outloud key details, like 'aliens, trees, mountain, tired, tan jeep' etc. Then get up and jot down the details on a piece of paper or on a phone, perhaps voice recorder. But... Before you 'move', you would need to try to remember everything. If you sit up, you will probably then forget a lot of details. Have to be motionless. Half spirit/half body running.

This is 'if' you want to remember things, and this is 'possibly' what the 'person' was talking about, slow transition back to body. (If they had you out of your body).

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Very Unsure but Seeking Guidance

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Skippy!
Welcome to the forum! Hey, I used to live in Indiana too. About half-way between Chicago and Indianapolis. My husband and I moved away from there in 2014 and now we are in Uruguay, South America.

I had an experience one night where I sat up in my bed and looked down the hallway towards the kitchen. I saw a little "star person" dressed in a black trench coat. And I thought to myself, "Oh, it's just a star person," and I lay down and went back to sleep. Weird how we can see something so bizarre and then simply go back to sleep. But I guess, for me, I was so used to seeing them that it didn't bother me.

I've been having experiences with the "star people" since I was 4 years old. I remember what it was like trying to deal with these vivid "dreams" when I was a teenager. I tried to ignore it and live my normal daily life and I hung out with friends a lot and did extra-curricular activities at school, but I was really living a double life. It made me feel pretty lonely sometimes.

The truth is that there are a whole lot of people who have weird dreams and experiences like this and they choose not to talk about it. Some people just block it out or can't remember any dreams at all.

The buzzing sound you are hearing now: I used to hear what sounded like sirens from a firetruck. This would sometimes happen as I was drifting off to sleep and I could feel the star people nearby. Then my body would become tingly and not able to move. I stayed calm (talked myself into that over time) and kept my eyes open to see what would happen. The sirens got louder and louder inside my head and it was fairly disturbing, but it passed. Next thing I knew, I was floating out of my body escorted by a couple really short guys with big heads.

I've come a long way from that now -- that was about 20 years ago. Now, if I want to see the star people, I go and meet them halfway. They don't take me from my room anymore. Some of the beings are friendly and caring and then there are some who are not nice at all. For the most part, my experiences have been good. Scary at times, but I learned a lot and was able to overcome my fear of it. I was eventually able to walk around and do as I pleased on their "ships" and if I don't feel like having them near me, I tell them to go and they do.

Dealing with these experiences takes some inner strength. It might seem like you are the only one, but there are many of us dealing with this. And, if you take a good look at it, you might find that your fear of what is happening could be worse than the event itself.

You are more than just your physical body, you are a strong soul who is alive on different levels of reality. The fact you can recall these experiences and write about them says a lot about the clarity of your mind and your inner strength. Hang in there and you will be okay.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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