
let's just talk

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Post by wbjalo »

Hi all, I am new to the forum as I just recently found it. I joined after thinking about a dream I had recently and wondering if I in fact observed something. I have never been abducted, that I am aware of… But, as recent information is coming out with the (*hopeful*) disclosure process, I’ve begun seeing my dream in a new light and wondering if it was about something happening currently.

I began reading Dolores Cannon around 2019-2020. I haven’t read all of her books, but have read many of her books (including the first 2 Convoluted Universe books) dealing with ETs and people who were abducted. I also follow and learn from Dr. Steven Greer as he is more involved in the military/intelligence whistleblower process, and lastly and most recently, Chris Bledsoe. Sweet North Carolina man who began experiencing beings during a tough time in his life. It was traumatizing for him, but now he has lots of peace. His book UFO of God was super helpful.

Anyway, about my dream. Maybe last fall or earlier this year, can’t remember which, I dreamed that I was being brought up to a space ship during the night. It was a dim light bringing me up to the ship, and I was on my back with my arms and legs up in the air but bent, almost like a dog would be while swimming. The process of being brought up was like a rush, like very fast, but I remember not being scared and being excited and hopeful to meet ETs. I don’t remember what happened between me being beamed up to the ship and the next scene in the dream, but the next thing I know I see humans putting on thick/heavy alien suits (looked reptilian? but I don’t know really), and they had weapons. I knew somehow that they were suiting up to bother/upset humans on earth. There was a bad vibe with these people. And somehow I knew they wanted me to put on a suit and go with them. In my dream I thought about it for a second because I felt their pressure, but I remember feeling so disappointed this was happening and that they were not ETs.

I have since learned about intentional programs by dark ops people who illegally do things and do not have oversight, and their goal is to intentionally create alien-like experiences for the purpose of harming humans and or spreading messages of fear and trying to make people hostile towards ETs so the government stays in control. (Like they could ever really stay in control if ETs come, but I digress.)

Is it possible that my dream was me somehow observing a part of one of those programs? I have never remote viewed or had any dreams like it before or since… Hoping someone here has thoughts or resources to check out. Thank you!

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Dream

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Wbjalo! Welcome to the forum, nice to meet you!

I am a life-long contactee. I've had many experiences with the "ETs" (multidimensional beings I call star people) and also run-ins with the military who actually sometimes DO wear fake alien suits!! Most of the time it happens during Out-of-Body experiences and what seems like very vivid dreams. The thing is, we are not really fully aware of how the physical world is intertwined with the astral and etheric planes. Sometimes a "dream" is more than a dream.

I think you did see a glimpse into the military/reptilian connection. Sorry you didn't get to see real ETs this time, but at least you got to see some of the truth about what is going on. Indeed, the secret military does their own abducting and I have seen them wearing alien suits before. I've also seen the alien suits propped up on a bench, inside a military base.

You may have heard of their Project Blue Beam which is up and coming pretty soon. The military is going to stage a fake alien invasion with holographic technology and some of their own advanced craft. Of course, the reptilians have already been here for a long time. They are allowing "disclosure" to happen with their own evil twist on it.

I like Dolores Cannon, she is a great researcher/hypnotherapist with great insight.

Well it sounds like you are in-tune with what is going on behind the scenes.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Dream

Post by wbjalo »

Thank you so much for your response, Bonnie. This is fascinating, and disturbing. Can you recommend good resources for learning more about reptilians? I am not sure where to look.

Again, grateful for this space!

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Dream

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Wbjalo!
Well, that is a good question. I think you can do an Internet search for Reptilians and find tons of information. I guess I would recommend checking out David Icke. He is pretty spot on about the Reptilians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsLFtputJao

Also Humans Are Free is a very informative website. Here is an article explaining the Reptilians blood line and how they have incorporated themselves into Human society and are currently controlling it: https://humansbefree.com/2014/07/the-re ... ilies.html

Also James Bartley is very knowledgeable about the Reptilians: JAMES BARTLEY - MILABS AND REPTILIAN CONTROL

This should get you started!

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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