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Ancient Aliens

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:04 pm
by AncientAlienTheorist
I just found this site to be intriguing. I believe firmly in Alien Abductions, and I truly believe that we are alien/human hybrids. I know we were put here by aliens. There's now too much evidence that has been brought to life to deny it.

I just had some questions. I wanted to know if anyone can remember learning anything significant about our history during any of their abductions. Do you remember any languages?

Thanks everyone.

Re: Ancient Aliens

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:42 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Theorist,
Most of the time, the language I hear from the star people is something that I hear inside my head; they use telepathy. I would say it's English, because I speak English and I understand them, but I really think it's just that I can understand the communication on another level. I don't really think it's the English language.

I've also heard the star people speak with short little screeches and "beeps." It is a high-pitched frequency and can become rapid. Maybe, because they were on a different vibrational frequency than me at the time, that was just my perception of it.

It seems to me that we are all from off planet. There is definitely hybrid breeding being done by different groups of good star people as well as the bad aliens. And it makes sense that they've been doing it for a long time.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: Ancient Aliens

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:12 pm
by KumaraSoul
Maybe Earth was a proving ground for alien/human hybrids? I've had an obsession since a young girl with the golden 'airplanes' of pre-Colombian origin. Ever since I laid eyes on a photograph of them, they have almost haunted me for the rest of my life. I never once thought they were representations of animals or fish, or insects. That has VEHICLE written all over it. I wish we knew from what alien race they had connection to, though.
Also, in regards to ancient aliens, there is the custom of the Maya and other cultures of head-binding, that deforms the skull into oddly elongated shapes, reminiscient of the so-called 'Greys'. One theory i have heard mentioned was that they did it to honor their deities. That led me to ask--what did their deities LOOK like? Did their 'gods' happen to look unusual, or maybe they weren't even 'gods' at all, but an extraterrestrial? There's also the period of Akhenaten, whose reign ushered in a very stylized, naturalistic portrayal of the human figure. Many have suggested that it was not entirely due to physical deformities Akhenaten suffered, but that there was evidence of human/alien hybrids. Slender limbs, elongated, enlarged heads, all echoing the body type of the greys (or aliens of that body structure).

Re: Ancient Aliens

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:10 pm
by dsegal
I've experienced two languages during my abduction experiences:

1) As Bonnie put it, a super-fast series of screeches, beeps and whistling. I can't even explain it. I've only heard this one time while I was communicating with a being and another being showed up to communicate with the other alien. Since I was "entrained" with the first being, I was exposed to the way they communicated with each other. It's hyper-fast and if you hear the wind blow through a cracked window (to hear the whistling fluctuations) and then speed that up 20x, that's in the neighborhood of what I'm trying to convey.

2) When they communicate with me, it's telepathic and it's in english. Their voice inflection (telepathically) is quite BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT (hard to explain what I mean, but their voice tone is absolutely unique). Not only do they communicate telepathically, but many times I've found my lips to move when they talk -- even if subtly -- even though it's not in my own voice. Talk about a strange sensation. Finally, in addition to communicating in english telepathically, they usually convey emotions along with their spoken communication. This results in an almost "3D" conversation. Not only do you "hear" what they're saying, you "feel" their emotions as they're saying it. I've found this to be overwhelming at times because their level of emotions are SO HIGHER than ours, it can be impossible to handle. I felt one's sadness some time ago and it drove me into a temporary phase of complete despair. It's almost like we're a 9v battery and they're A/C current out of the wall--- any feeling of emotion is WAY MORE JUICE than we're set to take-in and handle.

Anyways, sorry for the long response --- but that's the best and only way I can describe what I've experienced. I also agree that they've been here a LONG LONG LONG time. In fact, I think it's safe to say I have experienced some kind of "shattered reality" due to my experiences. Meaning, this planet isn't ours and it was NEVER ours. We're here and living life, but only because they facilitate it and allow it. It wouldn't surprise me if they learned our languages the moment we developed them. Just like the fish tank doesn't belong to the fish, this rock isn't ours either.

Theorist-- are you involved in any way with the Ancient Aliens show on History Channel?

Re: Ancient Aliens

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:41 pm
by Visigoth
Absolutely love the series Ancient Aliens. I think it is a very important piece of research that all of us should see.