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Proactive Contact

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:04 pm
by dsegal
Has anyone here been successful in proactively contacting them? If so, would you mind sharing your experiences?

Bonnie, how about you?

They always seemed to blind-side me over the years when I wasn't emotionally ready. It always seemed so traumatic when it's a surprise and you can't do anything about it. Now that I'm older (35) and not 16 anymore and WAY more mentally tough, I'd like to instigate it.

Your thoughts?

Re: Proactive Contact

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:59 pm
by protoeve
So I drove my car off into farming pasture at about 10:30 PM on I-35 between Austin and San Marcos (around Buda) Texas. I started to flash my lights. I found a circular round about somewhere in the maze of the farm roads. I continued to flash the lights and I kid you not, in the dark of the sky two large white lights started flashing back at me. Definitely not a plane. I got scared jumped in the car and drove off. This was about 7 to 8 years ago.

This New Years I was talking with a friend as I saw another TR3B. That's 2 of those craft I've seen. We were discussing UFO's vs satellites. We went out side and sure enough there was a star moving about in an irregular pattern. Some one else stepped out and noticed it as well. The movement was erratic, but mostly slow and unnoticeable to those not paying attention. I thought it was going to take off at certain points. Well, I convinced my friend to go out with me. I'm in Orlando now and I don't know where there are farm roads. I found a quite place anyway and we started flashing our lights at it. My friend zoomed into it with his new phone and close up it was like a star changing colors from yellow, blue, purple, green. About 30 min after the fireworks a bright red light appeared in the direction of our target. It flew around a bit then disappeared. We left. As we were about to hit the main road it reappeared. I think it was following us kinda. The following nights the star we examined would sometimes be there, and sometimes not be there. One night I decided to open my window before bed. There was the moving star, doing its slow erratic dance through my blinds.

The dreams I had over the next few weeks were all really crazy to say the least. Some good, others horrific. Be careful what you do. It's not a game, its very real but also very abstract. Think of signaling them as hitchhiking. You do run a risk. Personally, I'm not familiar with their rules, culture, ideas, what they may or may not do. If you do want to make contact, have faith in yourself your spirit and God as you understand. You should be fine. Beware the malicious ones they can be really bad. Like vomit blood bad. They will attempt to corrupt your soul if not your existence. I've read some of your posts though and I believe you can do it and you'll be fine. Just heed the warning and take care. I wish you the best of luck.

Re: Proactive Contact

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:12 pm
by illumina
dsegal wrote 'Has anyone here been successful in proactively contacting them? If so, would you mind sharing your experiences?'....yes i can, as often as i wish, however sometimes it can take a few minutes/ hours or in rare moments a day or two for Onni S'xai viere y'ai adonai or S'zehav a'tekern luf'viathan to contact me, i just have to be patient, they have often told me that i have their continued and absolute attention and they will always be there and everywhere without exception for me...but i can honestly say they have never let a question or request go unanswered.