Alien Agenda

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Alien Agenda

Post by dan4112 »

Now this is a possibly a humongous topic, but one that interests me greatly. The basic question is, why are the aliens communicating/manipulating people?

What I find most interesting is that different researchers take different perspectives. Some focus on the connection that the Aliens have to the Source, and that if abductees can let go of the need to control and sort of give in to the Aliens then their experience can change from a more frightening one into one with more of a communion and reciprocal relationship with the Aliens. A lot of abductees open up psychically, becoming more intuitive or concerned with the environment. Abductees may be given knowledge of the universe, other dimensions, and the connectedness of all things. Also, great love can be felt with these beings. In other words, the agenda is to open us up consciously and help us evolve and not destroy the Earth we live on.

Others, however, point to a more sinister agenda. There is talk of the Aliens implanting humans in their spine or brain to be able to take over and control their nervous systems and brains. Also, there is the creation of the "hybrid" race which some researchers believe will be used to take over the Earth. One abductee, in the book "Taken" by Karla Turner, related that terrible disasters like flooding and earthquakes will be deliberately intensified by the Aliens in order to decieve us into thinking our planet is in immenent danger. They will then act as our savior coming to rescue us and we will give up soveirgnty. In other words, they are deliberately showing us scenes of destruction, warfare, and global catastrophy so that we will be so scared as to give over control to our "saviors", the aliens when they finally reveal themselves. Then they will be able to take control of our planet without interference. Then presumably they would populate the Earth with hybrids and homo sapiens would eventually be wiped out. Interestingly, it was told to this abductee that we must not surrender our sovereignty (see pages 127-128). Why would the Aliens tell us of the coming deception, unless there are different factions?

So, I just want to know what abductees our there or others think is the true agenda. Are they trying to help us evolve and open up consciously, or are they just using us for biological material and to deceive us? Or are there multiple races of aliens each with a different agenda?

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Re: Alien Agenda

Post by protoeve »

I think there is some sort of agenda. I also think there are a lot of players in the game. Different species with different intents. Seems like there is really only so much an ET can do to a person. Even folks who are abducted and implanted are sent back. How many people are taken away indefinatly? That would be really hard to tell as most people don't want to even think about such things. A lot of people do go missing though...
The government has a very large role in what's happening. Ever seen what is commenly referred to as a TR3B? They are said to be military, Area 51 or Site 4 stuff. Very real though. I think the gov has just as much a role in all the earthquakes and natural disasters, possibly more so than ETs. One thing is for sure, there is a hell of a lot of disinformation out there.
Control seems to be the center issue or agenda if you will. What it all means I don't really know. I've never been able to really sit down and speak to an ET, even in my dreams and visions, sentances spoken are very short. Like 5 words, leaving more questions than answers.
Personally I believe this world is in a Hell of a lot of trouble. People live ignorantly making little effort to change. Any thoughts or ideas a person may have that doesn't fit what humanity knows (which is very little) is automatically dismissed, and the person is considered idiotic. If people are to start thinking out of the box, which I feel is imperitive to the survival of man kind and the well being of the planet, then arrival and the undisclouse of intellegent alien species could be just what we need. Not so much for technology, rather as a means of hope and exceptance as a message that we are not alone, there is much more to learn, and we need to get off our asses, stop fighting over trival matters, then work together to find a way so we may continue to live on in this world. If 7 billion people can't come up with a way to harness energy through a source other than gaoline, then we are screwed.

By no means should we allow ETs to just seize control of our world though. As I see it, the only way that could happen is if we allowed it. There are many species and groups out there with agendas unknown to us, but I think there are some who have our best intentions, just as others would probably be glad to enslave us. So the decision literally rests on the collected decision of humanity.
At least that's kinda what I make of it so far. God help us all, we know so little and can do even less.

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Re: Alien Agenda

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

There are multiple races of aliens/star people with differing agendas. Some are helping us and some are fighting us...from the inside out. I have been told more than once, by the star people themselves, that there is a war going on and there are different factions. They fight each other in space and also on the earth. The war makes my star friends sad, but they have been busy preparing for what may come.

From what I can tell about them, the good star people are working to preserve everything they can from Earth, including plants and animals. They are involved in a hybrid breeding program (as all of the different factions seem to be) to preserve human DNA. This is the impression I get. I have seen hybrid children on different occasions, and they were always happy, intelligent, sensitive, and in good health.

In order to overcome the negativity of the times, the star people always say to do what you love and be happy so you can manifest a good world for yourself and the people you love. If an alien or star person approaches you, you will be able to tell if they are friend or foe by their energy and how they make you feel, so do not worry about being tricked. Just use your own best judgment.

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Re: Alien Agenda

Post by dan4112 »

Great information everyone! I'm curious if there's some sort of endgame to all of this. Back in about the year 1994 there were a ton of abduciton books that came flying out, including John Mack's Abduction, Karla Turner's Taken, and Kim Carlsberg's book. Everyone was talking about future global catastrophe and a great reduction in the number of people on Earth. But alas, it's 2012 and although we've continued in our ways, no major global catastrophies and physical alien intervention or revelation has happened.

The main line back in the 90's was that after the global catastrophes, wars, and devestation most people would on Earth would be dead. However there would be some people left and a few habitable zones left on Earth. Then the hybrids would come to Earth to live alongside the humans that were left and we would enter a new peaceful, more consciously aware era. In other words, the hybrids would be used to repopulate the Earth after the wars and global natural disasters that were meant to cleanse the Earth and restore its balance from the harm done to it by humanity.

However, we need to keep in mind that contactees in the 60's were being told about the need to fix the environment from pollution and given warnings of nuclear war. John Keel talks about scientists in the 70's who were saying that at the rate humanity was going we probably only had 15 or 20 years left of sustainability. Alas, nothing has happened except of course a continuation of wars here and there. As far as I know carbon dioxide rates in the atmosphere have been declining and even global warming has come to a standstill.

The hybrid program has been going on for decades now, but no hybrids have showed up to live with us. Unless you think they have come here secretly to live among us. But we can talk all day about secret government programs and clandestine hybrids living among us. But without proof or an open revelation, we're left merely guessing, hoping, and wishing.

No hybrids coming here to Earth, no global catastrophes....

Have we all been duped? Or am I missing something?

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Re: Alien Agenda

Post by dan4112 »

I see that nobody's really answering this one. So, if I may I'll attempt to answer my own question. As one abductee in Turner's book "Taken" was told, human concepts of Armaggedon are incorrect. And as many abductees have been told IRU, or You are Us. Let's look at this metaphorically, as if the Aliens are trying to give us an encoded message in the images they show us.

First, the destruction of the earth, major earthquakes and catastrophies, represent a shaking up of our minds, not actual physical destruction. Old concepts and ideas are being challenged and overthrown (shaken up) as new ideas about our universe and selves are appearing. This is the whole new age movement which is trying to get us to think differently about ourselves and the universe. It is creating chaos mentally as we evolve from a Darwinian/Materialistic conception to one of consciousness and oneness. Right now the two sides are locked in a heated battle. We are being pushed to evolve at this time.

The hybrids represent us, not now at the present time but at a future time. The hybrids are what we are evolving into. They represent the next stage of evolution when our concepts of the universe are expanded and we understand who we really are a little better. As our knowledge expands in this next stage of evolution, so will our mental powers and paranormal capacities. The aliens are just showing us our potential, what we may evolve into in the future.

Finally, showing us nuclear or natural disaster type catastrophies and making us believe they are real is all part of the strategy to increase the speed of evolution to this next stage. We are being literally pushed to evolve by fear, and in some cases love. If we deeply fear that if we don't make major changes there's going to be global catastrophy, then you can bet you're bottom dollar that we're going to act and act fast to change things. At least that's the principle.

Right now the old order is trying to keep control, and unfortunately the old order is in charge of the major academic and political institutions. They are trying to create a stranglehold on the information that people have access to. Unfortunately for them, they are fighting a losing battle. The internet cannot be controlled and the Aliens are certainly not within their control. And I think it shows that these Aliens (or extra-dimensionals) are working with average everyday people. This change of our world is not going to come from the top down, but from the bottom up. As enough people "wake up" to their true reality through Alien Abduction, Near-Death Experiences, or other spiritual (other-dimensional) experience it will be too difficult for the leaders to continue telling them otherwise than what they know in the depths of their souls to be true. Evolution will happen whether the leaders like it or not. If they're not ready to evolve then they may just have to reincarnate on a less evolved planet next time around.

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Re: Alien Agenda

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

There are most definitely hybrids living among us; in fact, some of the members of this forum could be hybrids. I personally do not believe that the disaster visions seen by contactees and abductees are metaphorical. I believe the Earth has been mistreated for too long and humans have gone too far into materialism. We are already in dire straits and the majority are not waking up fast enough. A change is needed; each and every person needs to take responsibility for themselves and understand that if we refuse to see our divine connection to each other, we are in for a very rough ride.

Always follow your heart, it will not fail you. If you have love in your heart and know your connection to the ALL (or the Oneness), you will get through the changes.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Alien Agenda

Post by ChloeTimewalker »

the alien contact has been coming up again lately for me. I seem to have an interest in the hybrid children and the welfare of. They took many eggs from me and I remember one female child that looked more like me than them. I was able to visit her through a dream world on several occasions and found that she also was interested in the babies. that was her 'job' on the ships...taking care of the 1000's of hybrid children.

as far as I was led to understand. The saving of races was a mutual endeavor. Their own race was dying out and our dna was helping them survive.

I feel that we are responsible fr destroying our own environment through greed and being too focused on the physical environment... not focusing more on our spiritual development.... also things that cannot be seen but are very real and tangible if sensed in a correct way.

Interesting this seems to be hitting me again near mothers

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Re: Alien Agenda

Post by tskoone »

Lately I've had a feeling that we are still spiritually children who has gained access to quite advanced technology and currently we are experiencing the results.


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Re: Alien Agenda

Post by ChloeTimewalker »

tskoone wrote:Lately I've had a feeling that we are still spiritually children who has gained access to quite advanced technology and currently we are experiencing the results.


"Only after the last tree has been cut down, Only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."
-Old Cree Indian Proverb
I agree completely on being spiritual babies... which is exhausting thinking about how many lives does it take? :)

Another thought being that in spirit wholeness we are advanced but are playing the reincarnation game to simply gain experiences.

I know that my 'soul' originated on Andromeda as many other abductees have com from other worlds, universes,... I don't think earth is where we have originated from. This, i feel, sets us aside from Earth bound souls.

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Re: Alien Agenda

Post by Headsup7up »

When I dream of my friend he has very definite wants. In my dreams he tells me he wants free energy available to all people (see the works of Tesla). Also I've dreamed he told me he does not want to be seen as a religious figure (god/angel/demon/devi ect...). In my dreams he says he wants humanity to be able to be conscious in dreams at least to the point of knowing if we are dreaming or awake. I also dream that he wants the environment to be whole...a happy healthy planet means everybody wins.

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