Can You Stay On the Horse?

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Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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Can You Stay On the Horse?

Post by Lode »

Dear Bonnie,
I am enjoying your book Invitation to the Self very much. I found so many confirmations of what I also learned. That really helps to feel more sure that I am not mistaken. Thank you!

Right now I just read towards the end:
"I had always loved horses and had ridden a few times in the waking world but, for some reason, in my dreams I was never able to catch a horse and get on its back. For years, I worked my way up to being near one and finally getting close enough to reach out and grab it, but I could not get on.
Trying to analyze the situation, I believe it had something to do with my own spiritual growth and reaching a level at which I had control and was in touch with my higher self. Step by monotonously slow step, I was able to get on the horse’s back, but would then be promptly dismounted. Finally, after about 20 years of failed attempts, I was able to calmly approach a horse, climb on and ride."

I get on that horse too now and then, but so far I always have fallen off, back into my human earthly awareness again. It is as if I am very much afraid to stay on its back and have it bring me to my true Self. Days go by with me looking for other things to do, postponing the "staying on the horse" practice. Or I finally do it only for a minute, like just before going to sleep... even though I have planned to do it for an hour every day...
I know that Who we really are is very courageous, and in that sense fearless. But as a human, that is a different matter... :shock:

I found this short video clip called "Can You Stay On the Horse?" which precisely addresses this issue of coming to our true Self again in awareness:

One of these days I'll finally do it for an hour again... and eventually even longer if necessary.
As you say: "Fear is the great killer, and everybody has some kind of fear hidden inside. In order to overcome your fear, you must face it and deal with it. Use your willpower to defeat what scares you. You are stronger than your fear, because you have created the fear yourself. It is part of you that you can lose, just like losing weight when you go on a diet."

Thank you for those encouraging words.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Can You Stay On the Horse?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Lode,
That's a great video. :D Can you stay on the horse? In our dreams, a horse usually signifies the higher self. So, if you are trying to get on the horse, you are trying to ride your spirit along the correct path for your life. If you are having trouble getting on the horse, or staying on the horse, you need to do a little work with yourself so you can be open to what your higher self is trying to tell you. Yep, it took me a long time to get on that horse and stay on.

I'm so glad you like Invitation to the Self, journey with the star people. That was quite a work in the making! But so worth it. Writing about my experiences with the star people (and the secret government) was like self-therapy. And the forum is great for that too; just being able to talk to other people casually and openly about alien abduction helps you get a lot of weight off your chest.

Fear is definitely every person's worst enemy. And we do it to ourselves...isn't that crazy? We'd all be much happier if we'd gather up all our inner strength and overcome these obstacles we have made for ourselves. If you really think about it, it isn't any one else who gives us our fear or makes us afraid, it's what we do to ourselves in our own minds.

I know how hard it can be to overcome those fears we have made for ourselves, so difficult that we will sometimes fight to save them!!! Like feeling sad and then doing something to purposely intensify that sadness. "I'm sad about this and that and...oh yeah! That makes me sad too! I'm really sad." And then sit there and feel sorry for yourself. It's such a waste of time, really.

:D Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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