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Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:01 am
by Ashlie
Hello Bonnie and John! How are you guys doing? Haven't talked to you in awhile. I just wanted to share this video with everyone. I spent the weekend at my mothers house with my youngest brother who is 12 years old now. At one point in the night he started watching tv....and as I was talking to my mom I overheard the "people" on tv talking about aliens from different worlds and something about them possessing peoples bodies. I went to the tv to see what it was all about and HOLY SHIT! I found this commercial to be absolutely insane! The things they are talking about are just downright demonic! Sorry for the language...but this proves how brainwashing television is. This was on the Disney channel, a channel that "kid shows" are suppose to be on...and this is what they are watching? I will send the link to the video. They talk about possessing bodies, reptilian aliens...etc. JUST WATCH!!!!! Please everyone comment with your thoughts.


Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 3:02 pm
by Prognatus Septem
Hi Ashlie,

WOW, Bonnie and I just watched that video together last night, I think it deserves a "Holy Shit!" for sure. Yeah, they are really cramming the false alien agenda down everyones throat ,,,but mostly children really. For example Bonnie and I noticed the toy isle at the local (loco) wall mart. Just check it out sometime. The eyes on all the dolls are HUGE! This is to get the next generation used to the big eyed hybrids which are already among us.
I would ask everyone to REALLY look at Ashlie's video, it is chuck full of mind programming. Even the eyes of the cartoon kids are all slitted out, reptilian style, it - is - nuts.
Can't talk about this topic with out reminding everyone who may read this.....
Sorry if that news bums some people out, but it would be a dis-service not to mention the fact.
Thank you for passing this on to us Ashlie. I hope more and more people will see the messages in the video for what they are. These "powers" always show you their plans first. In this video, they out-right say, " reptiles from outer space are possessing the bodies of humans". I would agree completely, nearly every human is attached to by some form of entity at this point.

Thanks again Ashlie, take care!

Many Blessings,