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for bonnie the admin

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:51 pm
by guarded1
i love the book so far and it is very nice to know someone can use energy.

i was gifted tremndous energy so much so i mever run out. but i lack control outside of this pbysical plane. last sleep i was terrified that i was captive in alien hands but finding myself in doubt i couldnt move quickly to attack. i was one foot from slicing through one of them. in my moment of focus i converged a powerful energy from within and formed a barrier. they then were weakened and left me alone.

if i become lucid i have overbearing power. i was attacked by something and was hardly focused and just messing around. but i was hurt and brought to terms that things were serious. sudden lucid bursts in these situations are common defense perks i have. i immediately summoned a hard and heavy energy and dropped this thing as a ball shaped device. the object was heavy enough and the impact hard enough that it went through to the subway level. i smashed it twice and found the being did not get back up. sometimes i dont understand things but when in danger it is easiest to do something simple and decisive. ive been in some dimensions for these battles. i never know where i am. the basic defensive instinct is anger for me as well.
i did not mean to cut the being in the first intance but i did want to feel safe. luckily for him my inner doubt held back my abilities. the energy i used was expelled but with no thought.

only once was i in the astral plane in my own accord. but how i still did not know. i have defenses from experience. i was young and built armor but instead of light i solidified energy. its tough and hard and it absorbs energy versus being impacted with energy. i used skills i was gifted with to forge this armor. if i put thought towards energy it tends to solidify in forms so i have swords dispersed in the aura about me. i merely bring the energy together to use them. but mainly i cannot maintain control without more experience. i also know that one should remain stealthy so i give off a hard to spot signal and a white aura to stay out of sight.

during this excursion i was flying towards the sky using an energy boost and made it to the upper atmosphere. if only i had kept up and allowed all my defenses to be on. i could have toured the world. but something kept tabs on me. i remember being behind a shadow colored fence and the whole place was dark. my vision was scattered seeing only distorted fields. i was not a fan of this. i then remembered i have aces for all situations. so i merely expended a large energy surge damaging everything. i remember being in some desert next. in a chunk of something i think was a part of my prison. only then could i wake up.

i wish i could actually control myself though. otherwise this whole world ive been in is just fragments. if i can help people develop energy internally the ones who need it can access a wide pool of untapped energy. im more of a conservative to this energy. i dont like using external power as it may disrupt things. if i do it is to heall others or protect my life in severe situations.

this particular message was refering to that girl you couldnt save in the training portiom of your book. if energy was an issue i know a little way to improve it.

i suppose you have the training i require in tbe book. i consider the gift so far nice and wish to help if i can. ive already learned the concept of not alloing fear or doubt to slow you down. i wont spoil more of the story but it has taught me much about what can be done. i figure if i advanced myself to your level of psychic ability my vast reserves of energy would help me to protect myself and get answers to my questions.

before i forget i consider the book as a favor if you need more energy to help people i would like to return the favor and see if i can form a battery of sorts.

one last thing i was gifted energy i have it in surplus. i say this because the energy saved me. a gift is better served paying it forward.

im sorry if this is displeasing. im just excited to see someone doing the things others find impossible. keep up the good work.

Re: for bonnie the admin

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:52 pm
by guarded1
i have a habit of being vague. i understand energy but not awareness. i would like to be more aware in other areas like the ones you have described in the books. i understand that lately ive been blocking off myself but i think i can overcome my issues using the tips.

as for the battery by drawing from the limitless energy stores of the universe i can develop a condensed energy that can be used as a battery. using it is just similar to drawing upon it. sensing it might help.

again as ive said i draw on internal power to use my abilities. the benefits help build higher reserves. since i have plenty of energy on hand i can be rather explosive in other planes. threatening people usually scare me and get me riled up causing my abundance to flare. if im not in control i am aware that it could possibly dissipate nearby spirits. while peace has brought wonderful guests the dark ones are playing with fire. what exactly happens to a spirit when it is dissolved in another dimension.

finally for a nice discussion i wish to share tips on energy development. the best thing i know is to focus energy and use it. like a physical workout at the gym just using energy stretches your spiritual muscles opening them for growth. a person can through focus and concentration also expend energy naturally on psychic defenses. ive explained someways for different levels of focus. depending on what you do will depend on what kind of resources you use. while the explanation is on another site i will explain some things here. the two big things on energy is mental focus and the energy itself. whether the energy is from within or the universe be aware each source has similar but somtimes also different properties. understand energy types and use them before going out and using them in hairy situations. as for focus without being aware of energy and without focusing your energy source it is hard to grasp energy. once understanding how to control energy by focusing the mind to grasp that energy and allow it to flow through the body.

from there using the mind and as ridiculous as it sounds the imagination you can imagine things like knives and other weapons for defense. energy is normally only visible in other higher planes so it would be assumed to be better used there but energy has uses in the physical realm. you can train the mind to flawlessly use energy here so when you are higher or less aware it will still be available. armor requires more focus but a dense weightless armor can keep a person safe if they are aware enough. a simple armor would be like a blanket of energy just condensed to hold off attack. hightened focus and awareness opens doors to better protections. with enough energy and focus a person could create a field around them that condenses when somthing comes at the field. an effective barrier.

but if energy levels are problematic consider how you wish to develop energy and i might have other tips in the future.