Checking In

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Checking In

Post by JimmyTH »


I'm Jimmy, long time experiencer and apparently still a contactee (last experience of that kind about two weeks ago). I'm here because I found Bonnie's info on an Indiana Pagan website and got curious. Much here that I'm familiar with and I think I've arrived at similar conclusions through my own experiences, a mix of military programs and alien contact, the alien part equally divided into camps I wouldn't judge as good or bad but would rate as compatible and incompatible. Would rather not be involved with the military part any more and I think I'm personally dangerous enough that there's not much chance of it happening again. Lots of experience in out of body work, the internal martial arts, some traditional shamanic training that helps out. Haven't been bothered by anything for some years, get an occasional attack I can deal with on my terms and an occasional contact that's friendly. Looking forward to the grand revelation which seems to be dangling on a string that moves just ahead of me always. Hoping to make contact not with aliens but with people in the Indiana area having a similar contactee experience. The aliens I know already.


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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Checking In

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi JimmyTH,
Welcome to the alien abduction help forum. It's always good to meet another contactee with such varied experiences as myself. The trick to avoiding the psychic attacks and MILABS (military abductions) seems to be keeping up your vibrational frequency. Of course, knowing how to defend yourself is wonderful, and that works too, but finding your path in life and walking it in love and happiness is truly key.

Care to share your latest experience with us?

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Checking In

Post by JimmyTH »

Hi, Bonnie,

Sure, glad to share. Latest event was about a month ago, the last event in a series of three which I hadn't paid much attention to. I get used to things, stuff that would have seemed really unusual twenty years hardly seems worth remembering now. Started with afterimages in my eyes in the morning, something that has happened before -- the kind of thing you see in your retinas after looking at a bright light too long, except that these happened from something I'd see with eyes closed, no apparent source of light in the room. I have no memory of what caused the afterimages although in the past I've seen the lights themselves.

First images were simply balls of light, no obvious pattern to it, faded within a day. Third image resembled some of the ideograms photographed in the sky down in Texas near Stephensville. I'm not sure whether those images were real or faked, this one just resembled them. It was strong enough that I could see it with eyes open or shut, and the terminal part of it seemed to quiver. Visible in both eyes, strong enough that I thought I'd better take it seriously.

I had some coffee, went back to lie down and see what would happen, went into an astral event which took me to a couple of "very distant places" where I attempted to learn the meaning of the symbol. Both of those locations I've visited before in that manner. A pattern of concentric circles has been appearing in my mental vision occasionally since then, always followed by an interesting visual experience or message of some sort, but there seems to be no consciously accessible info in it. Subliminal maybe, hard to say. Haven't experienced anything negative. This last afterimage pattern took about three days to dissipate, always before it's only been a few hours.

And yeah, I've had my eyes checked and there's nothing wrong with me, if I had my eyes checked every time stuff like this happened I'd be absolutely broke instead of barely getting by.


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Re: Checking In

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi JimmyTH,
I see you are Heyoka. I spent some time with the Assateague Indians on the east coast and met a nice Heyoka Lady in the tribe.

There is a video that my husband John and I are telling everyone about right now and it has to do with concentric circles used in TV programming. I would say it's subliminal, but it's so blatantly obvious, I don't know how anyone could NOT consciously notice it. Please check out the TV Mind Control video. It is 5 minutes long and there are actually 3 parts about the same length. It is worth watching. I don't know if it could be connected to your visions or not, but it's definitely worth looking at and being aware of it.

I always pay attention to the symbols and signs too. If you can't figure them out yet, just keep them in your mind and the answers will come to you.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Checking In

Post by JimmyTH »

I watched the video and I do get what you're saying. It is possible that fundamental symbols have a real effect on the human mind (primary example might be HypnoToad on Futurama? lots of circles there! and I'm not entirely joking). I do have a hard time believing that the people behind Republican programming might be actually that smart, but on a level of even deeper control there might be some significance. Control of the Republicans as well as implied control of others.

My own thought would be that if a person becomes equal to the influence, something else is possible. When you stop thinking of the ringing phone as magical and symbolic, and actually pick it up and communicate, it's a different experience altogether. What was magical at first, overwhelming and impossible to understand, becomes ordinary and useful. But in my experience, it happens at levels below the conscious. In most ways, that sucks. One of the explanations I found for that is that if this all took place in conscious memory, political or military organizations could force people like me to yield the information. If it isn't in conscious memory, it triggers actions within us, but isn't open to manipulation.

Maybe it comes down to who you trust. Do you trust the government and the military to do the right thing? Personally I've seen no sign of them doing anything right and haven't trusted either one since the late sixties when I was stupid. I'd place my trust in older civilizations with less invested in the human race. It's the planet that's ultimately important, not the people.


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