The weird, the unexplained, the freaky, the unreal.

experiences with otherworldly beings

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The weird, the unexplained, the freaky, the unreal.

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

Sorry about the title, it just rings a bell for me. Hi, I'm not gonna mention my name unless there are people out there with a serious suggestions about how I can go about this, this story is about my personal encounters with the weird, call them ghosts, aliens, demons, angels, what ever they might but I have seen them. I'll start with myself, I'm usually considered an odd ball person, with new wave ideals, I can be quite out spoken about my personal values, I have a strong sense for my environment, and the animals in it. When I went to school I didn't agree with the way they treated the children, I was considered a trouble maker, it was quite natural for me, considering my house hold wasn't the positive home, but there was love, just mixed with a beer or two that would make everything go to hell. When I was younger I would always have a heart of gold, I would be kind and sweet, when a animal died on t.v I would cry. A lot of people would take advantage of that, in the eyes of many it was seen as a weakness that would have to be scrubbed off, not only that I was very impressionable, willing to fit in, for a long time I threw away my values my aspects to fit in, but later in life I realized to stick true to who I am and work to a better future for everyone. Well, aren't I going on a egotistical life description of myself, I will not lie, I was a only child and that loved attention, a part of me hopes that my suspicions are just a figment of my imagination fueled by the urge to achieve some sort of attention. But it started when I was a kid, My mother was very spiritual, she always talked about spirits and ghosts, devils. She told me when I was younger she had seen spirits, or something she called the evil. When she was a little girl she lived in the country far in northern Saskatchewan, the isolated wood land area's, she's had a bunk bed with the window facing the top bunk, she told me that window was ten feet above the ground, this is what I've been told. Apparently this being, was outside her window smiling at her, but not only did my mom see it, but apparently my aunt saw it too, considering they both were sharing that bed. The way my mother described it was with a long nose, sorta like an plum, with big oval eyes that how veins running into them. she never described to me if it had pupils, she just described these veins that would go into the eye, and dirty teeth that grinned at her, The funny thing is the way my aunt describes it, it was the typical devil with horns and red skins and what not, I just thought it was interesting. later in life though I was able to find a book with UFO`s and descriptions of aliens and stories of their encounters. There was a variety of stories with aliens in little ships the size of ants, things like that. but then I came across a description of a alien that stood 8 to 10 feet tall, long lanky arms weird oval eyes with veins in them and a pupil for eyes and a long plum like nose, I thought it was really weird, but the thing looked like ernie from sesame street, but tall. Of course I showed my mother the book and the picture of this thing, she didnt say much, which was odd, now the weird thing is we have a book shelf that we keep our books on, like normal people, so books don`t go missing on us, once were done we put it back on the self. but THAT book had to go magically missing one day, the reason I am so adamant on it, was the fact that it was my favorite book. That`s just one story of the weird, Another time me and my mother had rented a house in Alberta Edmonton, My whole family would of agreed this house was haunted, Weird things would happen, I`ve hard stories from my cousins who lived with me and my mother and aunt, along with my personal encounters, but the thing I thought was really weird about it, each time my cousins talked about these things, they were always trying to scare them, weird noises, apparently one night my cousins were home alone in the basement and upstairs the chairs that were tucked under the table all came out and smashed to the ground. Just one big crash, now, I never heard noises, I just saw things, one time I was in the basement as well in the bed room and we have a mirror that sits across from the door to the hallway, so if you were sitting in the bed to the east of the room, while the mirror would sit on the north wall across from the door, now I don`t actually know if the bed was really east, just trying to give you an idea. When you sat on the bed you could see the mirror that would reflect the image of the hallway and door way. One day I was watching t.v, and I looked into the mirror and what did I see, myself standing in the hall way. which was not possible, I was not in that hall way. This image of me just sat there for a moment, then turned around and ran down the hall, the very image casted a shadow on the ground too. I thought it was really odd, the same thing happened to me again but this time it was the shadow being casted on the ground, it looked like one of my mothers friends. I was shocked when I saw this, but I wasnt scared. it was odd, these things would scare my cousins but decide to show me images of them to me. My cousins never saw anything but they heard very real noises and physical objects being moved. Now you must be wondering what does this gotta do with aliens, well i`ve also had times were i`ve seen a thing in the sky, that moved so quick and spontaneous in all directions. one of these encounters occurred when I was on the high level bridge over the great Saskatchewan river. There was a big ball of light that floated in the middle of the river area, I looked away for one second and it disappeared, I asked my mom if she saw that, she would quickly tell me that she was driving. Suddenly I had a thought pop up in my mind, look up. so I quickly looked up from the front windshield and I saw what looked like a circular shape with a pipe with smooth edges on it. no sharp corners at all, it was just smooth looking. the funny thing was the craft it`s self was not spinning, I could see this thing that looked like a pipe stay on place as it hovered above this bridge, I tried telling my mom to look up but she only would get mad at me and persist on the fact that shes driving. It disappeared but I don`t quite remember when it disappeared, to be honest I don`t even remember when it disappeared, I remember looking at it, I don`t know why I would stop, I am fascinated by the stuff. Later that night I saw it again flying around buildings, I thought it was weird cause when I saw it then, it was almost like it was playing with the fact I could see it, it would zip behind buildings as if it were to hide then reappear out of no where, it was almost like it was playing with the idea of someone seeing it. When I saw this thing zip behind buildings, I was in the parking lot building things, lol. I first saw it hiding down town on the high level bridge on route to see my mothers friends fund raiser show thing. I got sick of being there, so I went to the truck in the parking lot. That`s when I saw it again, but this time I was scared of the thing so I just tried to pretend it wasn`t there. this is around the time I was realizing the thing acted in a playful way. cause I can`t really imagine air force plots sitting there having such a boring night that they would have to zip behind buildings and play pick a boo. Now the thing I thought was quite scary was the fact that there would be weird dreams after that event. I would be in my home, not the haunted house, we moved out of that a bought a place for our self. but I would have dreams of me sitting in my house and I would look at the stair case and these black eyes would be staring at me from the corner of the step, I would yell and chase the thing upstairs to only find it standing at the end of the hall, the typical 3 foot tall gray with huge black eyes. standing there by its self. The thing about these dreams, they were so real it just scared the shit out of me when I woke up, I was be sweating, asking myself was that real. Then something happened, I was sitting in the spare bed room finishing a phone conversation with someone. Then I open the door to the hall way and I look to my right and there was this thing standing there. It had to be like 8 foot tall, it was pitch black with a hunch back and bright red eyes, the thing that really messed with me was the fact that the light was shining on this thing and it was still pitch black with bright red eyes, it turned its head to look at me for a moment then it started to look straight again then walk down the stair case, I stood there for a moment in shock then I went to go see if it was down the stairs, I looked down the stair case and nothing. Apparently my mother saw the same thing when she was out of town in a motel, for work. She woke up with this thing having its face in front of her, apparently it was so close she could almost touch it. She told me she tried to scream but nothing would come out, I guess the thing stood up and walked right through the door to her motel. I thought it was amazing we both saw the thing, but the thing that struck me as odd was it appeared at a distance for me and disrespected my mom and shoved its self in her personal space, anything really weird will always appear at a distance for me. I find it really weird, why not invade my personal space, scare me, ya know. Another thing I forgot to mention, when I had those weird dreams of 3 foot grays there were also a turn of events that kinda got weird. One time I was home alone watching queen of the damned and I finished watching a scene, I know this movie inside out. At one point I knew a lot of the lines. Well, then I heard a noise downstairs it sounded like someone rustling with the chairs, at first I thought someone broke in, considering deck slide window to the back yard was right in the kitchen next to the chairs and table. so I was standing in the hall way, at the end of the hall way was the stair case, I thought it was really weird, cause I got so scared my heart was just pounding, standing at the end of the hall, just listening for something, I didnt wanna move, I was just so scared, I stood there for which seemed like minutes, but the weirdest of weird things happened, the movie that had been playing started playing the same scene that I finished watching, I was standing in that hall and I could hear that scene of that movie playing. it just broke that fear, and I was in shock. I never touched the controller I was never near it and there were no pauses in the movie before switching the scenes. yet I was standing there watching the same scene. I still don`t know what to think about that, now the thing that really makes me think something fishy is going on is the fact that one night me and my mother woke up and we got into a huge fight, she accused me of touching her guitar and her computer, apparently the computer`s memory was just wiped there were no pictures no music nothing, but when the computer restarted the memory was back, and her guitar string was broken, so it was as if someone was in her room, when I know for a fact it wasnt me. The scariest part of me wasnt the fact that things had been touched, it was the fact that both me and my mom had cuts behind our ear, on the right side the thing about these cuts that made me really wonder was the fact that they were perfectly straight cuts and thin cuts, it almost looked like a cat scratch except there was only one and perfectly straight, I could not draw a straighter line. I would feel the area of the mark and in the center of the mark I could feel a circular indentation into my skin, ever since that day when winter comes around and I don`t cover that area I can feel a digging sensation, as almost someone is pressing their finger into my neck and it stings and burns a little. When I say burn, I don`t mean it feels like its extremely hot and stings, its more of a stinging pressure that warms up, it almost feels like all the blood is rushing, that kind of warm. I went to a doctor about it and he just completely blew it off, he just told me to cover it. Now I hadn`t had any of those three foot gray alien dreams in awhile, until recently and it really shocked me and it was the main reason I decided I would get on this site, I was recently messing with the idea of astral projection and I have been close to it, I gotten into that viberational state everyone talks about but fear takes over and I chicken out, so one night I decided I wouldnt try but I remember falling asleep looking at my door way, going in and out of sleep. envision your eyelids closing and opening, well the thing that scares me about this dream was when I was coming in out of sleep this thing appeared, I remember the details vividly yet dream like. I open my eye lid and this thing was standing at my door way, I freaked out my reaction was to push away on my bed and hit the bed post, I could feel the fabric of my bed running along my hand as I hit my head on the bed post. I was in shock and scared, but next thing I know it, sitting at the corner edge of the bed next to this thing. This thing was a tall white gray looking thing, but it was really odd, it had human features, really high cheek bones, a button like nose, a thin lips. but they were human thin lips, not just flaps. no ears, but the eyes were the very interesting thing about them, They were a black shaped typical tall gray eyes, but the only difference was these eyes werent pitch black in the center of them was this swirl of colors it was like a mixture of hazel dark deep blue and gray. They looked like a swirl of galaxies and stars being sucked into a black hole, when I looked at these eyes I felt like I was being sucked in, they were so beautiful, at one point I could see these eyes so close to my face, but I don`t remember when or how, I was sitting on that bed I saw the eyes and when I looked into the eyes they felt like there two feet away from my face, then I remember looking down for a second then this thing reached its hand out as if I were to shake it, I looked up and focused on looking at his nose and other features, I was really scared at that point but I had a thought in my head, it was okay, then I felt a rush of emotion, I felt my inside warm up and a rush of love take over. I went to shake his hand in a a nervous manner but when I did I became excited and started shaking his hand with both my hands and saying thank you, thank you. His hand felt really weird, it was a squishy feeling, like I could feel bone but it was almost like a thick liquid was around it, it was almost like a gel pad, but it was warm, and the skin felt rubbery. I had another thought go into my head, it said, we have to go, I remember saying lets go then. then a bright light and I woke up in my bed. Shocked, I didnt know what to think. I personally don`t know if thats a dream or not, when I think about it, it feels like a dream, but the details were so real. if it was a dream I feel as though it was a dream to confront my fears. But non the less it has encouraged me to become more spiritual and further my pursuits into mediation and attaining eternal peace. But I personally feel as the alien and ghost/demon/angel spiritual presence are one in the same. Anyone have any idea's to whats going on? or am I just crazy?

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Re: The weird, the unexplained, the freaky, the unreal.

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The weird, the unexplained, the freaky, the unreal.

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

That's amazing, the black seemed cloudy but there was color and swirls like stars, I was approached rather then forced, I've never had such encounters. Today I don't even know if it was a dream or not. But this incident lead me to my spiritual path in life and changed it forever. It was like a gift

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Re: The weird, the unexplained, the freaky, the unreal.

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

You never know, try finding a path in known spiritual practices. You might find your way

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Re: The weird, the unexplained, the freaky, the unreal.

Post by Tess »

Dear Blue eyed alien (quite strange to use that for it reminds me of my own alien abduction) First I think you manage to chose a good title for most of us here can relate to it,second either I missed it or not... are you a female or male?.
I can relate to your experience for I have been seeing the death and hearing them since I was 5 yrs old.Maybe we think of the devil for it's the first thing that comes to mind and not aliens! I had two astral projection experience I suppose not believing does not came into it. The first time it happened was when I was sitting down waiting for my niece to finish school when I suddenly felt myself getting up walked a few paces and turned around were to my amazement I saw myself still sitting down and what went through my mind was how pathetic I looked! Then without a will of my own I walked back 'inside me'. The second time was when I was woken up feeling a malicious presence in the room,I wanted to sit up and look but could not no matter how much I tried,eventually I did or so I thought, Looking around the room I saw nothing when about to lay down again I saw myself still laying down on the bed! As a child I was a bit strange I would refuse to talk to grown ups though I had no problem with other kids.

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Re: The weird, the unexplained, the freaky, the unreal.

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

I'm male, I'm curious to know what that has to do with my experiences. Well now that I think about it. The possibility could be true. But to what extent I don't know. I've heard the indigo child theory and that sings something to me, but to what extent I don't know. I found I have a natural affinity for Buddhist ideologies. I've felt the very essence of nirvana in one my life some what after my experience with the tall white alien in my aunts old apartment. Ever since then I've been susceptible to energies from others and presences. Vivid dreams and coincidences, then I had a moment after getting layed off, ironically enough on my birthday, where I felt so at peace with myself that time didn't exist and every step I took was at a very slow casual pace and it felt like I was gliding with every step like I weighed less than a feather without a single thought in my mind other than pure kindness for others. The light seemed to shine in New ways, it was almost like I could see the rays bouncing off all kinds of objects and the colors deepened. It only lasted from my walk from my car to home. It was absolutely amazing.

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Re: The weird, the unexplained, the freaky, the unreal.

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

Also I use blue eyed aliens as a reference to the grey like human I dreamt of/ saw. I'm not sure, the black eyes had swirls of blue like stars, there was plenty of colour. But I remember the feeling of being drawn in, it was almost like these eyes were next to my face at one point. When I recall it, it's like I seen many eyes or they were the same eyes that belonged to the greyish being. It's hard to recall.

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