I tasted alien food

experiences with otherworldly beings

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I tasted alien food

Post by Wildlove »


Few days ago in my dream state I was in the alternate reality. I think I was in the space craft, because what happened next was really funny.

So to begin with, the good aliens or as Bonnie call them "the Star people" have visited me a lot and at this state I am trying to communicate with them in this physical reality. I have always been curious about how do they live, what do they eat, etc. One day I even left hazelnuts on my dinner table for them to taste (they are visiting me every day now, I see them as energy vibrations, they are invisible as vibrating in much higher frequency). Of course, they did not take those nuts. The idea was "nuts" itself I guess, haha :D

So about the alien food. In my dream state as I mentioned I was in their craft. The only thing I remember for sure was that they were giving me all kinds of their food to taste. The only one I remember as clear as the day was something fruit-like. It was round in shape and I guess cut in half. If you can imagine pomegranate cut in half, only the colors were different and the shape was perfectly round. There were edible seeds in it. The colors I remember were orange, green and white. The edible seeds looked more like corn seeds. The seeds in pomegranate are usually placed in chaotic sequence, but these seeds were put perfectly one by one. I tried to make a premature drawing in Paint, but I don't remember the exact colors and what was in the middle of the fruit.

So it tasted like plain air, basically tasteless. The most interesting part was the texture - they popped like tiny balloons as I chewed them. I still remember the feeling, I swear this whole situation was real.

I added a very childish drawing of what I could remember!
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Re: I tasted alien food

Post by alien-humanoid »

Hey your description of how they vibrate and are invisible is what it's like for me! Mine appear interdimensional and pop into and out of my room. Earlier actually for the first time ever I saw a very distinct blurr in my room that was grey short and had a big head but it disappeared the same moment I saw it. It was right by my bed and prior I had seen this little red/orange portal open up in this other part of my room it then zipped out of that towards me. It's very weird and doesn't make sense. Some nights I feel a very strong presence in my room and it scares me because I feel vulnerable and that whatever is watching me can see me clearly but all I get is a sometimes faint blur or black dot. Other nights that feeling is so apparent and I still have weird dreams. I sleep under a copper pyramid. I've seen aliens for split seconds before and they just look like they're vibrating very very quickly and are almost blurry. I want to try raising my frequency awareness to perceive them more but then part of me is also a bit nervous about this whole ordeal. Idk why they visit often but I'm trying to get in touch with people who are having regular astral or dimensional contact at this time because I think there might be a limited population on the earth right now who are on the same boat. I'm kind of bummed about the posting regulations on the site but I think it ensures better quality content just slower. But if you are interested maybe check out my posts. But I'm just hoping to meet some people who are expericing similar things because I think being able to cross examine active experiences might help shed some light on these mysteries.

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Re: I tasted alien food

Post by Wildlove »

Hey! I would be glad to chat with you privately, since I have found out a little bit about my situation and it sounds similar to yours. There really are entities from much higher dimension working with our vibrations. It would not happen if we hadn't had an agreement before we were born. Most probably the beings you are connected to are friendly and good. In my situation I have found out that it is not yet the time for me to know more, but it will come and I will be able to communicate to them one day. They are with me every day, almost all the time. It took a while for me to calm down and just take it harmoniously. But once you understand that they have a reason and your soul knows it, it's easy to let it be. I have started a friendly ritual- I greet them with my open palm and ask themto put their hand on mine. Usually I see air vibrating then and I feel cold air!

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Re: I tasted alien food

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Alien Humanoid and Wildlove!

I can sense when the star people are near. I have seen them pop in and out of reality. And I have seen the vibrating blur you are both talking about. I also feel like they are always watching me. I have had that vulnerable feeling of knowing a star person is standing right next to me but in a higher frequency. I know they are standing there staring at me, but I cannot see them with my eyes. I can feel their energy as a strong presence.

I am having regular astral/etheric contact.

Raising your vibrational frequency can only help you. It will allow you to perceive many new things you cannot see now, including the star people. Just let go of your fear. You will find, in the long run, that everything is okay and you did a great job raising your vibrational frequency and your awareness.

Thanks for posting about the fruit they gave you. It is nice that you got a response like that after wondering how the star people live and how they eat. Funny story about the hazelnuts but, actually, I think it would be possible to leave something for them. They took a painting that I left out one night. It was a painting I made of a little girl and a star person standing together in the snowy woods at night. I didn't purposely leave it out for them, but it turned up missing right after a visitation and I had a strong feeling they liked it and decided to take it with them.

I think you are right, Alien Humanoid, there is a small group of contactees who have a high level of astral and etheric activity going on...especially where the contactee is awake, aware, and consciously interacting with the multidimensional star people.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: I tasted alien food

Post by alien-humanoid »

I tried putting my arms out and opening myself up through my heart last night and they appreciated it. thank you for the idea. Im trying to just get more used to them being around, dont get what they are doing but maybe I was one in my past life, and I was thinking would i sign up for a weird mission to be sent to another planet to do something and I thought yeah probably weird stuff is fun. I want to be brave! but its scary maybe Im a baby. not really sure what to think of the future but I imagine I cant imagine it because I never would have imagine I would have gotten where I am now. just trying to raise my vibration, I try to be vegetarian since I live in a sustainable vegetarian community. has anything happened to those around you that theyve told you? Ive been vocal with some of my classmates about whats been going on, before people saw me as a weirdo neo-shaman but people in my department know Im smart and competent and they've actually started hearing me out and were watching the video I filmed of a UFO since we do geology work up there. the interdimensional beings Ive been interacting with have been a lot less shy about warping my awareness, kind of just feels like Im being warped in some weird magnetic field, it feels pretty cool but kind of scary since its so out of my control but baby steps, baby steps.

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Re: I tasted alien food

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Alien Humanoid,
You asked: "Has anything happened to those around you that theyve told you?" I am not sure what you mean...please explain.

I was vegetarian for 10 years...before I moved to Uruguay. Now I occasionally eat some meat, but only like once every three months or so, not often. In Uruguay, everybody loves to have a parrilla -- a BBQ! Uruguay is known for its delicious Angus Beef that is exported around the world. So there is plenty of it here! But I mostly stick with fruits and veggies. I have found that a higher vibrational frequency is supported by eating light foods, no heavy meats that can really, literally bring you down.

Yes, when interacting with the star people (or anyone for that matter) it is best to stay calm and keep love in your heart. Everyone can relate to that. And if they are evil demons it will simply scare them away!
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Re: I tasted alien food

Post by tskoone »

I believe they are preparing them selves for the years of change to come. Current PTB power are crumbling down and new energy is pushing through. Now we have to keep positive mind and most importantly act accordingly to support the positive change. We must act and help each other. I think we have crossed some threshold and things are happening in few years. My impression is that those years are not going to be easy.

I had a reminder from our friends that they are still in contact with me. I felt their strong presence during spring equinox (nothing negative "per se" but a strong sense of weirdness). Like being between two worlds.

Have you felt a spiritual force getting stronger lately? Currently I've drawn very strongly to our old Norse (viking) and Finnish ways. I think it has to do with my male energy waking up that our current culture has tried to suppress (church). Especially the acts of doing good, protecting, being honorable and good standing is now most important to me. Also I see numbers 11 and 22 everywhere.

-Br, Tskoone

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