my experiences began as a kid.

experiences with otherworldly beings

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my experiences began as a kid.

Post by geminix004 »

hello world. In all honesty I was very surprised and personally touched when I read some of the experiences people shared on here. the reason is because they all had similar characteristics or scenes that ive witnessed with my very own eyes. I am very careful with whom I share my paranormal/alien experiences because people in the past have looked down on me and also some were more open minded about it.

there are many times ive experienced such situations but I will write down my most memorable ones in hope that someone out there can relate or give some input as to why these situations are happening. I will never forget my first ever experience because of the fact that I was only 6 years old and remember being so frightened by the being or entity that visited me that the memory has stuck with me through out the years. I am now 27. anyways, when I was six years old my family and I were visiting some friends out of town. I remember being quite happy and excited about visiting my parents friends as they had kids of their own that I played with. that night I remember going to our guest room and my mother putting me to bed, she told me she would come join me after they were done talking because I told her I didn't feel comfortable sleeping on my own in a house I didn't know very well. I remember hearing my mothers voice in that background having conversations with the rest of the people in the living room .

it was during this time that I closed my eyes to fall asleep and right after becoming paralyzed and seeing right in front of me a shadowy figure with what appeared to be wearing a dark cape and having very long fingers hovering towards me. I remember looking at it and even though I couldn't see facial characteristics it did have red evil looking eyes. it seemed like it was trying to reach for either my chest or head but it was definitely trying to grab something from me. it was during this moment when I prayed for help and remember being released and suddenly awakened. I am not religious but I did grow up in a Christian/catholic family so somehow I am familiar with such things such as player etc even though today I consider my self atheist. anyways I wake up and start screaming with all my strength, I didn't realized but I had been crying so much that my sheets were soaking wet and my energy was drained from fighting in my "dream". my mother came in bursting into the room that I was in and remember her holding me tight in her arms asking me what had happened.

second experience was very physical, I was 13 years old. that night I was fully awake but my lights were all turned off in my room. I was trying to sleep because I had to wake up early the next day to go to school. I remember being covered in my blankets and feeling very comfortable when all of the sudden i feel my blankets being pulled just slightly down. at the beginning i was just so caught off guard that i said to myself something to the effect of "what the hell was that" so i pulled my blanket up again towards me and this time what ever was there pulled it again just slightly. at this point i was thinking that my dog might've been under my bed pulling the blanket but i clearly remember that my dog was sleeping in my parents room that night and also the way that the blanket was being pulled was just not what a dog would do especially in the middle of the night. it was in this moment that i grab my blankets and get a strong grip to see if what ever was pulling it would try it again. and right before my opened eyes i felt my fingers becoming numb and feel some type of vibration running through my body and right then and there the blankets are pulled right off my hands and i become completely paralyzed only able to move my eyes. right in front of me i saw a very massive and tall shadow, also appearing to be wearing some type of long cape or gown. i felt a very powerful energy holding me down so powerful that it was impossible for me to scream or do anything at all. this must have lasted a good 4 minutes under this possession. once again i prayed and it let go of me real fast.

i have also seen ufos or flying orbs from time to time. but the most memorable one was in south America where i was on a trip with friends of mine. i remember being in a small town in the middle of the night having some tea with my friend. in the middle of our conversation we realized there was a beautiful light in the sky just flying by very smoothly. we thought it was a weird looking airplane because it didn't have any lights flashing from its wings. when we stood up to look at it carefully we realized that it wasn't an airplane but a round orb like device. when we pointed at it with our fingers in amazement the orb like object started flying/hovering in ways that appeared to be braking the laws of physics. it started to do what it appeared like some type of aerial dance then we witnessed 2 more lights coming out from the one orb and started hovering around one another before flying so fast into the sky that it disappeared in a blink of an eye. we were so amazed by what we saw, we were left with a euphoric sensation and we couldn't stop admiring and telling each other how beautiful that was. my personal estimation of how advanced that technology we witnessed must have been is between 250,000 - 1 million years ahead of us.

this is some of the most memorable moments ive witnessed, i hope some people can put there input on this. i know there is so much more out there that we don't know about. but i can say this that what ever being or energy that is doing this is so highly advanced that are able to manipulate space and time. they are able to live in multiple dimensions, but what exactly would they want from us? we are still primitive compared to them. maybe they are trying to hybrid our species to help us continue with our technological advancement?
Last edited by geminix004 on Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: my experiences began as a kid.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Geminix,
Welcome to the Alien Abduction Help Forum.
There are many, many people who have the same experiences you had. I really think that ALL people are involved with this visitation/abduction phenomenon, but only some of us can recall the details after we wake up.

I have experienced seeing beings in my room and being paralyzed. Like many people, I know the feeling of the tingly vibrations running through my body. I know it is totally scary and unbelievable...especially when it is happening to you. And you just do the best you can do in the moment...try to keep your wits about you.

These beings are multidimensional and, yes, they can move in and out of our space/time. There are many different types of these visitors. Some are friendly and helpful teachers, some are neutral like scientists conducting observations and tests, some are malevolent, some are demons, and some are actually Top Secret military technology.

Many people have success in stopping an attack or abduction by calling out the name of God or Jesus...I think it really depends on your own personal beliefs and the value you put on them. People from other religious backgrounds call out to their own deities with success.

I used to go through paralyzation and abductions but I gained a lot of experience along the way and I learned how to avoid such things. It is a matter of knowing your own inner strength and really trusting in it. I found that I could fill my heart with love, let all my defenses down, and have faith in a much larger part of myself: my connection to Source. Basically, the way I like to put it is: "God has my back." I learned to stand up to any attacker and have them back down because they cannot overcome the power and high vibrational frequency of Love. They just do not know how to handle it.

On many occasions, I have had run-ins with beings wearing long black robes. They usually turn out to be demons. Obviously, they are not pleasant beings and they will try to possess your body if they can. You must be strong and stand up to them. Tell them to get lost. I know this is not easy in the beginning, but you will figure out how to stand up to them and chase them away.

It's funny you mentioned seeing a UFO in South America, because I live in South America and I just saw a UFO over my yard last night! I was out there with 3 friends and we all saw it. When it first came into view, it was a brilliant white light, very large and flying low over the tree tops. There was no sound at all and it moved very it was floating. The brilliant light then went out and we could barley make out the craft as it continued flying overhead and out of view.

And only one week ago my husband John and I were outside at night and we watched 5 UFOs fly over. They all looked like white lights, flying at a fairly high altitude. At first there was only one, then another appeared, then another and then, amazingly, two lights came right out of the third light.

It seems so crazy, doesn't it? But it's not. It's actually normal, to me anyway. It happens all the time. And the people who cannot see it are the ones who are missing out because they are mentally asleep. They are programmed to think and behave a certain way. If they go outside of their little box, they start to freak out. The programming will not allow them to think for themselves.

The beings who visit us have different intentions. Some want to help us advance because they know we are being subjugated and basically held prisoner here. Others are not-so-friendly and are part of the problem. Yes, there is definitely a hybrid breeding program underway. I have first-hand experience with that and I am aware that I unknowingly helped create some hybrid children myself.

The Truth is that humans are very special and extremely powerful. This is why the controllers of our society try their best to keep us dumbed down, unconscious and ignorant of who we really are. Humans manifest their own reality. WE hold the power of creation. Right now, it might seem to you that we are primitive compared to the visitors, but we are actually more powerful and that is why they want to breed with us and create a new type of body to incarnate into.

When we remember who we are, we will create a beautiful world and the bad guys will flee for their lives. When you realize that true power within yourself, then you will never have to fear any being again.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: my experiences began as a kid.

Post by Diego9000 »

Buddy.. you are the third here that I know off, (myself and manhathan being the other two) that had near the exact same experience.

I did exactly same as you, something pulled my blankets, I pulled back and something else pulled even harder, When I gave a look I was sent flying on the air and kept floating, being totally restrained, unable to speak, open eyes or move at all. But I managed to break free of that.
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Re: my experiences began as a kid.

Post by geminix004 »

Hi bonnie thanks for your response. I am excited about how overcoming fear will make my abductions a better experience and be able to see and learn more about the star people. Ever since you started having control of your experiences did you notice any changes in your life/sorroundings? i feel like the entity who has been visiting me through out the years perhaps might be trying to say or show me something.

Also as i have been frequently visiting this forum many experiences have been coming to my thoughts that i never shared with anyone because they are very strange. I was reading about incubus and succubus entities last night because of a similar dream like experiences that happens to me every now and then. before sharing this i do have to say that i don't have any sexual addictions or nor do i have any type of obsession with sex/porn.

its basically this very attractive woman, who has a very beautiful body comes into my dream. on multiple occasions i remember having sex with this person and thinking who is this? where am i? because it seemed so real and then as i began to be consciously aware i realize that it has to be a dream because i don't know this woman. this entity slowly fades away when i realize that i am in a dream, and when i wake up i feel tired or grasping for air as if it really did happen. sometimes ive had ejaculations in my dream but when i wake up i realize that i never ejaculated at least in the physical form.

i met a a very nice woman not too long ago, shes a very spiritual person. we exchanged a couple paranormal stories between us and realized how similar they seem to be. she told me one night she was alone in her house, she had been very sad during this moment because of the passing of her beautiful daughter. she felt depressed she said. she said that night she felt a strange energy in her room and as she turned all the lights off to jump into bed while fully conscious and awake she felt a human like hand touching her legs. she told me she was in total shock and did not dare looking down to see what was touching her. she said she closed here eyes and covered her face with her pillow, the hand started touching all her body and feeling upon her. when she found strength to tell it to stop she said she heard footsteps walking away from her and heard the entity sitting down on the couch across from her bed. she said she took a look and saw what appeared to be a man staring her from across the room. she told me that night she decided to stay there and "sleep" this weird experience away.

the next morning she told me she woke up with bruises on her body and that she had "hickie" like markings all over her. i

have you ever heard of such things?

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Re: my experiences began as a kid.

Post by geminix004 »

yes diego i read your post and i was very amazed by it simply because of how similar my experience was. even though i new something was definitely inside my room at the time when my blankets were pulled off my fingers i didn't dare to look at it. i was too nervous and afraid of what was doing that. i don't remember levitating from my bed but when i was paralyzed i did feel this very strong "hum" sound and what i saw in front of me appeared to be wearing some type of cape/ robe and was very tall and dark.

Diego9000 wrote:Buddy.. you are the third here that I know off, (myself and manhathan being the other two) that had near the exact same experience.

I did exactly same as you, something pulled my blankets, I pulled back and something else pulled even harder, When I gave a look I was sent flying on the air and kept floating, being totally restrained, unable to speak, open eyes or move at all. But I managed to break free of that.

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Re: my experiences began as a kid.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Geminix,

I hope you are doing well. You asked: "Ever since you started having control of your experiences did you notice any changes in your life?"

The answer is Yes! When I started to get control over my experiences (including abductions by scary aliens and military abductions), I felt very empowered inside. I felt strong. It helped me realize that I am actually much more powerful than the abductors. Having this feeling of strength and security made me more confident in myself. I figured that if I could handle something as bizarre as this, I could handle anything. And I was correct.

After gaining a large amount of control over the weird and frightening events during the night, I was able to accomplish more in other parts of my life. I went to college and graduated, then went to another college and graduated from there, I raised a family, started and I wrote and published my first book, Invitation to the Self; journey with the star people. Then I went on to study other topics like mind control and how the evil beings in control of Earth society have programmed the masses through mass media and education. Now my husband John and I make videos and give interviews to inform everyone and bring truth to light.

I learned to face my fears so nothing holds me back. If I am inspired to act on something that might seem scary, I do not allow the fear to hold me back from doing what I want.

Okay, now on to the next part of your post. You wrote about an attractive woman who comes into your dreams and you sometimes have sex with her. It feels very real.

In your research you may have come across other people having similar experiences. The star people/aliens have a very active hybrid breeding program underway. Sometimes, men and also women will find themselves in a room with an attractive (and sometimes not-so-attractive) being that has sex with them. It might be enjoyable but sometimes it is not. The purpose is to get the sperm or ovum they need to create hybrid children. These attractive beings may very well be aliens in disguise.

Another possibility, as you wrote, is incubus and succubus entities. They are demons. They want to take your energy away from you -- they feed on it.

The "spiritual lady," your friend, may have experienced sex with a demon...and it sounds like it was rough on her, as she woke covered in bruises and "hickie" marks.

My advice is to put an immediate stop to this. The way to stop it is to find your inner strength and stand up to the alien/demon and tell them to go away. You may not know when they will show up again, so you need to be ready when it happens. You do this by finding your own inner power and using it.

A good way to start may be through meditation. Remember, the only real truth that you can put all your faith in is the truth you find within yourself. And this partly comes through meditation. Please check out the 30-minute meditation I made that can help get you started. It is a Meditation for Grounding, Centering, and Shielding. It will help teach you how to find inner balance, ground yourself to the Earth for stability, and shield yourself against attackers.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: my experiences began as a kid.

Post by ReluctantServant »

Post awaiting approval:

Something like this happened to me as well, although they didn't paralyze me afterwards. I was about 9 or 10 when one time in the dead of night something began pulling on my blanket. I pulled against it and after a moment of struggle the blanket was violently ripped from my grip, I look toward the foot of my bed and it was just bunched up right there. I decided to leave it as I couldn't fight for it with what ever was taking it. Then after a while I fell sleep albeit a little colder. I told my mother the next morning and she had me pray. Never thought I hear someone say they went through that as well. I'm glad I read this.
Last edited by ReluctantServant on Mon Jun 03, 2024 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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