Type of encounter?

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Type of encounter?

Post by Butters83 »

So I have been experiencing sleep paralysis on and off for 30 years. The first time I experienced it I
was 10 and woke to a woman floating over me. I did not keep my eyes open long since I was so scared.
The second time I experienced it at 22, my dog Cody was barking and it woke me up. It was weird for him
to bark since I never heard him bark before and only my other dog Abby would bark. Anyways I though maybe
someone was in the house and tried to get up but was unable to. Then out of the corner of my eye I see what
looks like a demon in the corner of the room. Back then I always thought his eye sockets were hollowed out
because his eyes were so black but more recently I realized it might have been large eyes. He was probably
4.5 to 5 feet tall, his skin was like a grayish with a light green hue to it. I don't remember much about
him other than his skin color and what I thought to be hollow pits for eyes. When I was finally able to move
it looked like he vanished into the wall.

I went about 3 years or so without another sleep paralysis episode. Then I started having about 2 to 10 episodes
a month consistently for years. I would usually be facing the door and would have a feeling that there was
another presence in the room. But I would never see anything... Then about 10 years after seeing the grayish
light green guy I started seeing things again. I woke up to what looked like someone in a green flight
suit with a bunch of pockets on the front. I couldn't see the face since he was standing so close, and during
sleep paralysis I seldom can move any part of my body more than a tiny bit. Upon being able to move it looked
like he dissipated into thin air. Then within a couple of weeks I woke around the same time as the last. And there was
what looked like the outline of a man but I could see through him. It almost looked like the stealth that the Predator
has but it looked more like transparent static like you would see flipping through channels back in the 80s/90s. Upon
being able to move it dissipated like the previous one.

On the fourth encounter I had I never was able to see what was in the room with me. But that night I had 8 to 12 episodes
of sleep paralysis in one night. Every time I would wake I would feel a presence like the other times before. After each
episode that night I would get up and walk around to try and walk it off. Only to find myself back in sleep paralysis each
time I would fall back asleep. On the last episode I had that night I woke to a woman talking to me. She said "Stop resisting"
She kept talking but I cannot recall exactly what she said since I was in a panic that something was talking. But she said
something would happen to my children if I don't stop resisting. Shortly after she said that my head was covered with something
and I could no longer see. I must of fallen asleep right after this because I have no recollection of anything after my face was

Something that is interesting to me about the last episode was right around this time my oldest daughter started having sleep paralysis.
I don't believe it was a coincidence that the first time I have multiple episodes in a night and also the first and only time I hear
something that my daughter starts to have sleep paralysis also... There was also a time I woke without sleep paralysis to what looked
almost like spider webs but it was more symmetrical throughout and the closer I got to it the further it would go from me. Anyways fast
forward roughly 8 years to currently I have had roughly 200+ episodes of sleep paralysis. I had almost went the past two years without
an episode, but I was talking with my daughter one night about sleep paralysis. And I mentioned that I would be open to having another
episode because I wanted to try and communicate with what had been causing these episodes. Well as it turned out that very night I had
my first episode in two years. This was the second time I heard anything during an episode. I woke to something standing in my door way,
I thought my daughter was taking her dog outside. The only reason I thought something was there was something was distorting the noise
from the exhaust fan that I have in the living room. I could hear it start to walk towards me and it made a noise kind of like a zombie or
something choking on something. I could not see it because I was facing the other direction, but eventually it disappeared. Then about 3
days later I started seeing things outside of sleep paralysis. I woke up to something about 3.5 to 4 feet standing in front of the window.
I could not see what it looked like. But I grabbed a pillow to smack it and it disappeared through the wall.

About 3 nights after that I was having a dream and woke up into sleep paralysis again. Upon waking I felt really emotional for some reason
enough to almost be crying. I felt something put its hand on the top back part of my head. Then I thought in my head if something is in the
room with me for it to put its hand in my hand. I was somehow able to slightly slide my hand across my bed. Then about 10 seconds later or so I
feel a arm set into my hand. I was very surprised that it could hear my thoughts. But more surprised to the fact that it wasn't a spirit I thought
had been causing sleep paralysis but some kind of being. It's arm was cold, my bedroom was probably 60 something degrees and it felt very close
to the temperature of the room maybe a little colder. It's skin was very moist and very smooth. I would compare it to if you had silicone
caulking on your fingers then you wiped it off. Then rubbed your fingers together it would be very similar. Well anyways I think I was holding
its forearm, I couldn't tell because the position the being was in. Then it slowly started pulling its forearm across my hand until its hand was
within mine. I was surprised to only feel 3 or 4 fingers in my hand. The beings hand was more narrow than mine but the fingers felt longer. After
feeling the beings hand I wanted to see its face and I could see something poke out beside my headboard. When I seen it I really couldn't comprehend what I was looking at. But it looked like a tan color, small mouth, big eyes but not as big as the beings eyes I seen at 22. The skin was wrinkly, I only got a glimpse then I passed out.

Then about 3 nights later I wake up to go to the bathroom and just before I shut the bathroom light off I seen the same colored being under my bed. I don't know why I did not investigate it further, probably because I was too afraid to encounter it I am not sure. But when I got back into bed I almost went straight into sleep paralysis. But this time I was in an incredible amount of pain. It felt like six different points but in the shape of a rectangle on the back of my neck was drilling or electrocuting me. It was kind of a throbbing pain also. I immediately said in my mind your hurting me but it did not stop. Then after about 20 seconds I was able to yell out my dogs name. After I did that the drilling/ electrocution stopped. When it stopped the sleep paralysis stopped and I went straight to the bathroom to look into the mirror. But there was not even a red mark on the back of my neck. This happened two nights ago, now I am afraid to go to sleep. Last night I literally had my eyes closed for 9 hours and got maybe an hour of sleep. Now I start to feel the same presence that I felt during sleep paralysis but in the woken state... Also I should mention that I was talking with my daughter several days ago, and said it seemed like something was trying to send me a sign and right when I said that the smoke alarm went off about 20 feet from us. And shortly before writing this the smoke alarm went off twice as I was trying to take a nap since I was unable to get any sleep last night... Anyways I was wondering if anyone can give me an idea on what kind of being/beings this is?

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Re: Type of encounter?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Butters and welcome to the forum!

Wow, you have written some great detail here. I am so sorry you are dealing with sleep paralysis for so long.
I am a life-long contactee. I have had experiences with different types of beings, some friendly and some not, including military abduction.
I used to experience sleep paralysis in my early 20's when the beings would come into my bedroom and take me out of my bed. My body would become paralyzed and my muscles went limp. I could only move my eyes and sometimes my head. The beings were literally pulling my conscious awareness right out of my body. Then they would float me through the wall. I was Out-of-Body.

This period of time when I would experience the paralysis didn't last too long for me, maybe a year or so and then it changed. From what I gathered from the beings, they were teaching me how to raise my frequency; they had to lower theirs and I had to raise mine so we could meet "halfway" in order to interact with each other. I did not resist this procedure. I kept my eyes open and watched it happen. After I learned to do it, my body no longer became paralyzed. After that, when they came to visit me, I would just get up and go with them.

These beings became my teachers. I have seen the same ones you are describing. I have seen the ones that are, as you said, "4.5 to 5 feet tall, his skin was like a grayish with a light green hue to it." And I have seen the beings with the tan colored skin, small mouth, big black eyes. Yes, sometimes their skin is wrinkly and it feels kind of cold and "clammy." I like your description of the "silicon" feel. I think it also feels like a dolphin's skin.

I have interacted with other types as well. I spent a lot of time with the tan ones but also a lot of time with the taller white beings who have smaller heads and smaller eyes, more like a human.

My advice to you is this: Even though it sounds insane to just let this experience happen...don't fight it. I have found that staying calm and allowing it to happen actually puts you in a state of control. Once you get past the paralysis stage, you will probably leave your body and become very awake and aware. You are still yourself, being Out-of-Body is very freeing. If you are not afraid, you will be able to move around and see everything. It's just a matter of getting past that paralysis.

I hope this helps you. Try to relax and stay calm. If it starts to happen again, stay calm inside. After all these years of experiences (over 50 now) my motto is "Never Be Afraid Ever." It is good to be alert and aware and cautious, but fear takes your control away. Do what you can to be at peace.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Type of encounter?

Post by Butters83 »

Hello Bonnie, thank you for the reply. Also thank you for the suggestions, I will post an update in the coming months.


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Re: Type of encounter?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Eric!
You are so very welcome. I know how it feels to be "alone" in this weird phenomenon, but you aren't really alone. You've got all of us experiencers!
Good Luck with staying calm and observing. I learned to do it about 30 years ago, and it has made all the difference in having control, observing, and being able to wake up and write at all down in the morning.
I look forward to hearing back about your results when you are ready.
Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Type of encounter?

Post by Butters83 »

I just wanted to give an update. I have been sleeping on the couch ever since my first post in September. I tried sleeping back in my bed a couple of weeks ago and on literally the 4th day back in my bedroom I woke to the same pain I experienced in September that made me leave my room in the first place. It did not last as long as the first time maybe 10 seconds or so. Also I experienced a weird type of sleep paralysis about a week before I tried sleeping in my room again. I woke up and couldn't move like normal sleep paralysis and I could hear something in the kitchen. So I was struggling to stand up and walk into the kitchen. But while I was walking I still had the feeling of being in sleep paralysis. Like super exhausted and the more I tried to walk the more exhausted I became. Anyways when I finally made it into the kitchen I was instantly back laying on the couch being in sleep paralysis. And so I struggled to stand again and walk into the kitchen and I reached for something on the floor that looked like it was moving "I couldn't see that well since the house was in complete darkness" and the next thing I know I am back on the couch in sleep paralysis again. This happened either 3 or 4 times in total before I finally passed out from being exhausted from the sleep paralysis. Has anyone experienced something like this?

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Re: Type of encounter?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Eric,
Thanks for your update. It sounds like the couch was working pretty well for you up until a week before you went back to the bedroom. The sleep paralysis you had on the couch that night almost seems like you were consciously aware but not in your physical body. Does that sound like a possibility?

I have done that before where I would wake up in my bed feeling awake and then slip back into a "dream" only to wake up inside the dream multiple times trying to move around and get up. I couldn't really tell if I was physically awake or just really consciously aware but not in my body.

If you got up and went to the kitchen but then you were immediately back on the couch in sleep paralysis, could it be that you were not in your physical body when you tried getting to the kitchen? Walking was making you exhausted..maybe you were in your astral body or something?

The pain you felt in the bedroom sounds terrible, I'm so sorry that happened again. Is there something different about the bedroom (different from the room with the couch)? Is there a Smart meter on your house outside the bedroom wall or beaming in that direction? Do you have Wi-Fi turned on inside the house? Is your cell phone near you when you sleep? Is there a cell phone tower nearby?

I'm just trying to come up with ideas here. I do not use a cell phone because I know it is a weapon. I also don't ever use Wi-Fi (I've got my computer hard wired with an ethernet cable). I am aware that beings can actually travel through this technology.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Type of encounter?

Post by Butters83 »

Thank you for the reply Bonnie, yes I would say maybe 50%-75% of the time I have sleep paralysis I feel completely exhausted while its happening. The more I struggle to move or the longer the duration of the sleep paralysis episode makes it worse. Even when I don't struggle to break out of it, just the feeling of complete exhaustion like I have zero energy and it takes every bit of energy to keep my eyes open. When I was getting off the couch and struggling to walk to the kitchen, it was the same exact feeling I get during sleep paralysis. The more I think about it the more I am thinking maybe it was an out of body experience? When you have out of body experience do you feel exhausted?

Nothing has changed in my bedroom that I know of. We have wifi in the house but the router is closer to the couch than my bedroom. But I always keep my phone within arms reach when I sleep. I do have a smart meter but its on the back side of my house. Also I get almost no cell signal in my house because I have metal siding and roofing on my house. All the metal kind of makes my house like a faraday cage, maybe I can shut the router off when I sleep. But I need the router because I use motion security cameras when I sleep.

It is frustrating because I have never feared sleep paralysis as much as I do now. The pain was so bad I thought for sure I was going to die, and what sucks is almost everyone in my family thinks its all in my head. I will be moving back to my second house in the next few months. Is there anything I can do so this entity does not follow me over to my other house?

Thanks again,

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Type of encounter?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Eric,
I think there is a possibility you might be going out-of-body and not realizing it. Well, sleep paralysis usually happens when you are not fully in your body, so it does make sense. Normally, when you are out-of-body you should not feel exhausted; however, if you believe you are in your physical form and you are trying desperately to move it, that would certainly wear you out! Maybe all this time you have been working on leaving your body but kind of getting stuck.

I HAVE been in the process of leaving my body while it was lying in the bed, and I felt all my muscles go limp and my body felt very weak. So if I had tried to move my arm or my leg it would have been really heavy and I would have gotten extremely frustrated with trying to move.

It seems like something is holding you back from completely leaving your body although your spirit is trying to go out. I highly recommend overcoming your fear so you can take control of this situation. YOU have to be the one to do it.

Your phone is emitting dangerous frequencies and it should be much farther away from you when you sleep. You should shut the Wi-Fi off at night. If your house is partially acting as a Faraday Cage and you have the router blasting inside the house, it is like being inside a microwave oven. No joke.

You asked: "Is there anything I can do so this entity does not follow me over to my other house?" First of all, you should pray and ask for protection. Secondly, I think you should speak out loud to the entity that has been bothering you and tell them they no longer have permission to see you, and mean it when you say it! Thirdly, when you get to your other house, immediately do something to cleanse the area such as smudging the house with some dried white sage.

You can also do a little trick that can keep unwanted spirits away: get 4 iron nails and place each one in a corner of your house. Imagine a force field growing like a big bubble around the house and enclosing it so no one can get in. If you keep imagining it before bed at night (and anytime) it will build up etherically and become stronger.

It is going to be up to you to mentally overcome this challenge. If you get past the fear, that will help you a lot. I know you will get there. You are just going through a transition now where you are figuring this out and learning what to do. You will overcome!

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Type of encounter?

Post by Butters83 »

Thank you for taking the time to reply Bonnie. I will try your suggestions and post a reply in the coming months.

Thanks again

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Re: Type of encounter?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

You are very welcome. I look forward to hearing about your results.
Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Type of encounter?

Post by Butters83 »

Well I am replying sooner than I was expecting... So three days ago on the 25th I woke to being in sleep paralysis. But this time it occurred on my couch instead of my bed. Once again I had the pain in the back of my neck. I have been in the habit of tucking the back of my neck into my pillow. This actually helped some, I would rate it like a 8/10 pain instead of the usual 10/10. But this time I felt something pulling my head slightly up and forward by pulling the hair on the back of my head... And I could feel something slid between the back of my head/neck and my pillow. I could also feel the couch shaking from something walking behind it and could hear a noise kind of like a zombie or something choking but it was a very faint noise. It was similar to the noise I heard several months ago but so faint I could barely hear it. Also the ceiling was illuminated with a bright white light. On the 24th "the night before" as I was getting ready to fall asleep I heard a loud bang like a 10lb weight was dropped behind the couch. I checked behind the couch and nothing was there. I have waited in disabling my WIFI like Bonnie suggested because I have motion cameras in my house. And I have them positioned around the couch to detect any movement. But on the 25th I did not activate them before I went to bed... However when I woke up last night around 3AM to a loud noise in my kitchen, I noticed my internet/WIFI was down. I am thinking of getting another camera that records without motion detection or WIFI. Another thing that I realized is I have been discounting all the times I wake up into sleep paralysis and cannot open my eyes. This actually occurs more than the times I can open my eyes. I just brushed them off as a weird dream transition, since I would go from dreaming to being awake and unable to see or move. But I had one of these on the 16th this month and I realized I have the same paralyzing/presence feeling as I do during visual sleep paralysis but its not as profound as the visual sleep paralysis.

I would say about 95% of the time when I experience these types "being unable to see" of sleep paralysis that they involve something touching me... I wont go into detail but I will say I feel violated. And its kind of scary because I have the non visual types of sleep paralysis way more than the seeing ones... The only silver lining I suppose is when I have the non visual sleep paralysis is they last only 8-10 seconds. And I don't usually recall them unless they involve a lot of pain. Do you think it's possible that the pain in the back of my neck is to incapacitate me? I have noticed that when I wake to the back of the neck pain that the very first emotion I feel is unbridled rage. Which is not me, I have never felt like being unable to control my emotions like that. I should also note that I have not eaten meat "vegetarian" in almost 8 years. And I have a great appreciation for all life forms and do not kill anything except an occasional black widow or wasp. Well sorry for the long rant, I just wanted to update. Oh one more thing I had a sleep paralysis episode on the 11th of this month and I woke to seeing a woman in a purple/pink long dress. She was standing too close to see her face. This is usually a recurring element in my sleep paralysis in that I almost never see a face... Is this normal to not see entities faces during sleep paralysis?

Thanks again

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Re: Type of encounter?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Butters,
No, it is not normal to have sleep paralysis and not be able to see anyone's face. I am sure it can happen, but not every time.
Is the pain meant to incapacitate you? Possibly so.

You have been going through this for a long time.
It could be paranormal. There could be entities messing with you.
It could also be technology used by the military. Technology that has been around for a long time that they are only now beginning to share publicly. I experienced some of this myself with the military abductions; They used light and sound frequency to disorient me and pull me out of my body. It also caused sleep paralysis.

This is why I HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting RID of the Wi-Fi and your cell phone. These are the biggest culprits right now that allow them to track you, alter your emotions, destroy your health, and send harmful frequencies and possibly demonic entities into your home. I am not kidding at all.

Tonight, February 23,2024, at 6pm EST on Rumble.com and Locals.com, my husband John and I are doing a Livestream that you should watch. If you don't see it live, you can watch it afterwards at the same link:

AwakenVideo ALERT Weaponized Surveillance in Every Home

We are in a spiritual WAR. We are dealing with things that humans cannot usually see or comprehend. However, we are aware that the military industrial complex and the secret government have been using technology far beyond what we are accustomed to.

The more you have shared, the more I feel that you are being messed with by evil entities or humans with high tech who are also evil. You need to do more research into this subject to solve this problem. Please watch the livestream and it will give you a better idea of where to go from here.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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