Some of my experiences (pleiadian ETs?)

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Some of my experiences (pleiadian ETs?)

Post by Wytch »

So i'm new on this forum, thought came yesterday that i really maybe need to talk about few experiences of mine, and hopefully get more perspective and thoughts from you if you have any similar experiences. Haven't much talk about these few experiences of mine. But excpecially one case haunts me at some level still. The guestion goes; Was i really contacted with possible pleiadian ETs almost one decade ago, or was it just somekind of fantasy? So.. I try to keep my story as short as possible, and sorry for my not so perfect english grammar also.

To make story short; I am a male being, now in my 30s. I have seen quite wierd dreams beginning from my childhood, like many many dreams about lights appearing in the nightly sky in different formations etc. I had huge obsession on ufos and stars also already when i was a child In a time before internet. The problem was there wasn't much information back then. I had obsession to ghosts and afterlife, and almost every subject concerning paranormal and spiritual also. Some kind of dream paralysises or twilight zone states started also at very young age. All started with feeling that something is trying to slowly pull my blanket downwards when i was trying to sleep. Every night. I remember how i asked my dad one morning about that. He didn't say much. At some point, this feeling started to change in way that i noticed it was infact i that was moving horizontally, not the blanket. So almost every night i started to feel that i'm flying through the wall, horizontally, not vertically like astral projection etc is pictured many times. It just feeled like i was flying in emptyness or space moving towards something. First i guess i thought everyone was doing the same thing at nights what i did, what ever it was. At some point, i started to understand they don't. Also.. I started to experience lucid dreams before i got to school.

At some point when i was little older, these mystical experiences halted for many years. At least most of em. I didn't much thought anything concerning ufos, ghosts, paranormal or any stuff like that. Just losing myself in computer games etc, and i was starting to get naturally more interested with artistic life; music, booze and girls than possible ETs or anything spiritual.

Then came more difficult times with depression etc. First dark night of the souls, we all have our share of them i guess. But.. I really still try to keep this short as possible, so i will maybe leave much stuff out, maybe i add more later if something important comes to mind. So.. However; After depression, few panic attacks, and small period without apartment in my start 20s, things started to look more bright again when i got apartment etc. For some reason withcraft and paganism started to call me. (One funny little thing was the only thing last owner leaved there for some reason was poster on the wall about the shitty movie The Eye (2008); So however; I started to get facinated for wicca, magic and so on. I started to read anything about tarots, magic, kabbala, shamanism etc. about spirits, gods and goddesses. I wanted to know. Reading and believing wasn't enough. I decided to became a witch. I wanted to find my own guides or my own god and goddes if they were real, i was still agnostik and skeptic (what i still am at some healthy level.) I thought that maybe ufos and ETs are after all just some newage bullshit. I hadn't never see em with my own eyes after all. I had seen moving lights in the sky in my dreams many times but not in real life. I decided i didn't want to hear ever again about ufos or aliens, or stars. I wanted to found true religion and faith from paganism and witchcraft. Holy feminine, Goddes somehow seemed to call me. I saw one particular dream also some time before that increased my obsession towards witchcraft, wicca end holy feminine even more. My first somekind of energy experience happened when i infact tryed to paint that beautiful nocturnal vision. When i painted, i started too feel very strong energy in my solar plexus area that seemed to start rising upwards. It thought i was going insane for a while. That experience however, seemed somehow cure my depression for some time if i remember correct.

So.. The real experience why im here happened in some time when i started to want know about my own possible guides. I had many wierd experiences at same time; Dream paralysises started also again after long brake (at least from minor ones) in totally new ways, and i started to get more familiar with the paralysis itself. I saw my first visual dream paralysis hallucinations, some wierd ufo probe looking thing that had red light, appering from the wall and floating in the air above me. I tryed to banish that with earth pentagram in my mind and it worked.. Thing just got smaller and smaller until it banished until when it come again next night, this time it crawled in the pillow, just next to my head. That was little creepy. I remember when i saw that same red light pulsing when i got myself to move my head a little. I just forced my self to awake then. But then i started to feel new sensations in that paralysis state (i had already experienced many times that "buzzing" sound etc) ; I started to feel how my legs start to rise up in to mid air.. To about 40-60 degrees, same time when the sound and vibrations in your mind and body rises and rises in volume and pitch until it feels that it will blow your head up in any moment. It really feels that there is some kind of space ship above the home that is trying to suck your astral body out of you with violence. That was something new however.. Paralysises got stronger than ever. If i tell everything that happened back then in nights, this will became way too long. (and you will think that i am maybe even more crazy than i am.) But one dream that i saw in two parts, i need to share before the main story or experience: (the reason is there is one small wierd possible connection to this "abduction" case in where i will get really soon.)

I had seen before i moved, about year or so one very disturbing dream where i was in my childhoods home, in that dream, i started suddenly hear low but very loud and vibrating humming sound, everything was like shaking around me. I looked out the window to see where it came from, and saw how massive flying pyramid descents slowly from the sky, covering the whole horizon and the light of the sun. Feeling was just overhelming and chaotic, scary as hell until i woked up. Wierd thing and syncronisation was that at that same particular time, videos about flying pyramids started to appear in internets ufo pages. It was wierd but i thought they were all fakes like they probably were.

So.. Dream got part II about year from that or so, when i moved to this new apartment at same time when those dream paralysises and wierd twilight zones started again; Suddenly in a dream, i awaked now from some different place.. I saw dunes and sand around me.. Lots of it. Thought appeared that i am in ancient egypt or something like that. This feeling increased when i saw those massive familiar kind of pyramids again in front of me. There was also something else; A huge figure in front of me and the pyramid. This giant like figure looked like some old pharaoh or so. If i remember correctly, and i guess i do, it had bird like head, or somekind of bird mask at least. It was however; Very scary thing because it appeared to be so powerful and unhuman. I started now to look around me; I look to the left and i now saw i wasn't alone.. There was people standing in line and i was one of them. I guess they or we had somekind of brownish skirts like slaves have weared or so and no shirts. Feeling started to rise that i was somekind of slave. I turned my head to the right and saw there was people also. We were in a line. I started to panic, what a hell was happening to me?

Next thing was that this giantish being shouted something in a very very loudy and powerful kind of "metallic" and "timberish" sound. Then out of nowhere, some kind of invisible power put us to our knees. Just wham! We falled to our knees like some slaves. Then i started to scare even more. Experience was just too much, feeled that i was going to pass out in any moment. For some reason, i looked now my right hand; there started to appear wierd symbols to my wrists, like some old egyptian hieroglyphes or so but maybe they lookes somehow more futuristic, i remember no details, never have remembered, except that they were like metallic in color and seemed like some kind of tattoos. They just appeared starting from my wrist, or little lower from that. Next thing was that i started to pass out, i falled to my back, but insted of hitting the sand, i hit water. I felled to somekind of ocean and sinked and sinked until huge amounts of seamonsters attacked me suddenly from everywhere. Then i woke.

And now the real main lucid dream experience that happened at those same times; In that dream, i woked up in middle of some kind of nightly forest, there was no light sources and there was tree all around me. My father was also there for some reason. Suddenly, very bright light appeared from the nightly sky above us. For some reason, i somehow knew what would happen soon so i shouted to my father; "Here we go!" (or something like that) Next thing was that i found myself from the light. The light captured me or my astral self. I just saw bright white light everywhere around me. I remember how i was suddenly moving very fast, very very vast upwards to the skyes. Like i could feel the g forces or something. It was very physical and real feeling and experience. I remember also that i could think anything for a moment, like my mind was locked. Feeled that i didn't even exist for second or few.

I woked up in another place. If i can rememer correctly, my eyesight started to come back, little by little. Like it was blurred at first, but then i was starting to see again. When my sight started to come back, my first impression was that i wasn't in that forest no more where i was few seconds ago with my father. I was in a some kind of room or space that appeared to be oval shaped. I can't really say anything about the size of that room. I don't remember if there was any windows neither. There was however for my suprise, very cool looking retroish black couches. I guess i saw at least 2 or 3 of them, placed nicely in the middle of this oval shaped room where i was. It was somehow very surprising to see em. And i was soon going to find out also that i wasn't in that space alone.

There was at least 2 or 3 of them. They were standing suddenly in front of me. They weren't greys or anything scary looking. Infact i was going to soon see the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever witnessed. First my attention focuses to a man. Guess he was in the right side of them. He was like in his 30s or something like that. I can't say how tall he was, i am very bad quessing the height of people anyways. I guess he had short hair. White man however. But i remember quite well that they had all same type of cloth. Some kind of uniform. Very similar like i have seen in some scifi movies infact. But they weren't like funny anyways or stupid looking. Very smooth and skin wise. I don't remember if this man or them else had any symbols in their uniforms. Colors however, were quite dark in their color if i remember correctly. Like darkish grey, or darkish blue or green. Maybe they had even two colors, main color and secondary darker or brighter color. but that is speculation already. There wasn't any communication with the man however.

Next my attention focuses to a white woman. She was wearing same kind of uniform as the man. I don't remember much details of her. I remember her hair was on the shoulder, and it was brownish. She was beautiful however. She was too beautiful infact. It feeled like i was just given mdma or extacy. Just boom! I felled in love like i was always loved her but had just forget that for a while. But now i remembered again! I didn't know who this intergalatic chick was but i wanted to be with her from now on. You know that feeling? It was like love on the first sight really and double that for a countless times. Or then.. She was just too damn beautiful being that mortal eyes shouldn't really maybe see. But im glad i did, and at same time i am not because that what i saw is tearing my soul. But more i am. That was infact the dream of my childhood coming true with a twist. Or then i was just gone mad. But that didn't matter at that moment at all because time really stopped. I didn't really care if i was ever going back to earth again.

Next thing i remember was that i was suddenly feeling that i was getting very very drunk. Too drunk. Like they did something to me. I started to loose my balance and started to fall to the floor. It feeled like my lower self, or my shadow was suddenly showed to me or something like that. I started to became very angry and violent. It really feeled like they somehow "tested" me, or at least thats how i thought. This thought of some testing made me even more angry; I started to yell some stupid insults to them and curse them as i rolled in the floor because i couldn't stand right. Same time i was so embarassed for my own behaviour but i couldn't help it. Guess i was the last one they were ever abduct from my hoods after that.

Suddenly my bad and miserably condition stopped. I started to feel "normal" and somehow sober again. Next thing i remember was that the star lady approached me, from my front left side i guess, she showed a sign with her hands, like follow me. And i followed.

We ended to a smaller space or a room with very little light or nothing at all. I am quite sure there was some lights in the darkness.. like some machinery lights. maybe reddish lights or so. There was maybe a somekind of black chair, little like chair of a dentist maybe where the lady guided me to take a seat. I am not however sure if there ever was this "chair". It could be a false memory but i remember the dark room and some small lightsources blinking there in the darkness, and i remember very well what happened next; The woman, standing on my left side, stretches suddenly her another hand in front of my face in a position so that her wrist of her arm is just in front and height of my eyes. Next somekind of flat screen appeared or slided from her arm, i don't remember did it appear from her wrist or from upper arm towards the wrist. Then somekind of symbols appeared to this screen one by one, i didn't regonize the symbols however at any level.. They were again maybe little like some egyptian hieroglyphs or so like they were in my egypt dream that i talked about sooner. But i did get the message. I somehow understand the message from the symbols because thought and sentence appeared same time to my mind as the symbols appeared to the screen in the arm of this woman. Message was; "Great disaster will soon happen." I am not sure did i get somekind of visual same time. This could be false memory also. But i have a blurry vision of somekind of huge city or continent descenting under water. But like i said.. I am not sure that i saw this back then. I remember however those symbols appearing and the message i got from them.

Next we came back from the darkened room to the main oval shaped room where all started. I guess there were still those beings also that were there at the beginning along with the starry woman. I remember standing in that space and these beings standing again in front of me. I remember how the lady turned around and started walking towards somekind of smaller space behind her.. Like some kind of elevator space i thought. I remember there were maybe some dimmer lights in that space in the walls and ceilings behind the lady. She turned and looked me in the eyes on more time. She looked kind a sad. It was devastating feeling. It's sad how i don't remember her face anymore, her eyes. I remember no details. Only thing i remember at some level was hair brown hair that reached her shoulders. Maybe its better thou that don't remember more. I wanted to stay and be with her at least one more minute but i knew it was not possible. I wanted her to teach me. I feeled how tears started to fall slowly from my eyes. Will i see her ever again? Who is she? What now? Slowly somekind doors shutted in front of the woman and i didn't see her again.

Next i suddenly wound myself walking in my childhoods school corridor towards outdoors. I remember how sunlight shined from the windows from my left side to the corridor where i walked. I opened the the doors and sunlight flooded my face and my eyes.. I woked up from my bed and tears running from my eyes like two rivers. What just happened? Was it real or some stupid fantasy?

Few years ago i came up (had heard something of him before but thought he was a scammer) with story of Billy Meier and ET woman called Semjase. Pictures and descriptions of Semjase look very very similar if you compare to beings that i saw in my dream back then. But still i haven't much looked into it because of the faking rumors. (B. Meier case.) Anyway; If you google pleiadian aliens etc, pictures that will came are good description what i saw back then. It is just.. Really hard to believe anything online. But heres few pictures from google that describes very well my experience i guess if it is ok to share these:



So.. Thanks if you had time and the patience to read some of my experiences. Please comment if something comes to mind or if some of you have even any similar experiences? Btw; To make things even more complicated and messed up, i got also few names back then when i tryed to get contact to my possible spirit guides or my god and goddes. First one did came up in a dream, it was like astral projection kind of a experience. a Name of one old pagan goddes appeared in that vision that i hadn't heard nothing before. At least i didn't know nothing about her or her mytos. Another name appeared later in a meditation after some very simple spirit guide ritual. When i googled that name it appeared he was an old god, from different pantheon of gods than the goddes whose name appeared in a dream. It was quite wierd that this all happened in a very small period of time.. I really wasn't prepared stuff like that back then. And this is not even all as i said before and almost decade has passed soon. But still i wonder at times.. Do they have a connection? These old gods and this possible dream ET experience, or are they totally different beings?

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Some of my experiences (pleiadian ETs?)

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Greetings Wytch,
Welcome to the Alien Abduction Help Forum.
I have also been experiencing metaphysical things since childhood. Floating out of my bed, through walls, doors, and windows, flying horizontally through the sky, even through sleeping neighborhoods past houses, going somewhere, but not knowing where.

I have also experienced hearing loud sounds in my head, like sirens getting louder and louder, while my body was feeling tingly, humming, vibrating, and then my conscious awareness leaves my physical body and I am going with the star people.

Wow! Your pyramid experience sounds scary. I wonder if you might have some past life memories of living in Egypt.

I also had an experience with the star people where tattoos or pictures came up from under my skin and appeared on my arms. I got the impression these were tattoos from different lifetimes I have lived. Some of them looked like Native American Indian images and some looked like they were from Egypt. Some of them I did not understand or recognize at all.

Many, many, many people have been shown the "disaster movie" by the star people. We are shown images of destruction, great cataclysms on the Earth, and told that there are great changes coming.

I can understand the feelings you have for the beautiful star lady you met. I met with an old friend, a star friend that I had not seen since before this lifetime. I would not call him attractive at all...he looked more like a frog. LOL. But I felt a very strong connection with him, like I had always known him but I had forgotten. Being here in a human body can do that -- give you amnesia about who you are and where you came from. And I had a very short time to speak with him. He was checking up on me to see how our mission was going. So many memories came back to me at that moment, and then we only had a few minutes together. I started to wake up in my bed and I was so sad to see him fade away. I woke up crying and I watched a bright light flash outside my window. I wondered if I would see him again in this lifetime.

There is a group of star people that I consider to be my family. They look very similar to white-skinned humans. They are normally bald or have short white hair or short blonde hair. They are not exactly the type you had the experience with, but they are similar.

I was involved with Wicca for a long time, even became a High Priestess and led many magic circles at large Pagan festivals and for smaller covens and a Unitarian Church as well. I didn't leave Wicca, I just evolved and became who I am now. I am a very open-minded individual who is working on becoming more conscious and aware of who I am.

Yes, I think the old gods and the ETs could be connected.

I am sure you have much to write about. So do I! LOL. I already wrote one book and now I am working on the second book. Please feel free to post again.

Blessed Be, Bonnie
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Re: Some of my experiences (pleiadian ETs?)

Post by Wytch »

Thank you for your comment/thoughts and sharing some of your experiences Bonnie. :) And very cool to hear u have been into wicca/magic and paganism too, maybe i have courage to share some more of my experiences then. And yeas.. There is very much i would like to share and discuss someone with, it's just still so hard. But.. Nice to hear you have had tattoos also. :D I remember also seeing at least two other diffent dreams where in both cases my older half brother (who have made some tattoos himself in real life, mut not very much, but he has lot of tattoos himself.) made them for me in that dream, or he had made them. At least i connected him and my tattoos somehow. They were egyptian looking tattoos.. I quess i had at least somekind quite big bird tattoo maybe on my other soulder. Quite much of egyptian looking tattoos everywhere on my body on those two different dreams. I remember that i liked them at some level maybe. (My tattoos. I haven't any in waking life.)

I have also few other lucid dream experiences that involves birds. So.. I have just "called the bird." without knowing what i am calling for. And in both cases, little bird came and flew to my arm when i raised it. Last time i was in a some kind of forest and it came with a brilliant, godly light descenting from the heavens. It circled from the light and landed to my raised left hand. It was divine. It was feminine. It was pure love how it feeled. I awaked and tears was running from my eyes, that experience took my depression away. I have had that many many times. (depr)

Btw.. I don't know if it had any corresponce, but few weeks after my abduktion and that star lady dream encounter, the father of my half brothers suddenly commited suicide. But i didn't know him so well,i guess however it was naturally quite "disaster" for my half brothers. We haven't talked that so much. But what we have, seems at least they are ok nowdays with it. I haven't been so much in contact with em lately also.

Heheh maybe that not so attractive frog friend of yours just waits for ur kiss! :) Just kidding, thnx for sharing this!

Interesting to hear about your star family also.. I have much thought about that lately. Just.. Have thought before at some level that maybe these soul family things are some new age stuff, but then that would maybe also explain at least at some level like my own childhoods wierd ufo fixation and stuff what you have experienced also since childhood. I have had thoughts and readed about shamanism also and how in many cultures spirits chose the shaman apprentice to be a shaman etc. At least i have understood that people that are trully "contactees" to Ets nowdays, most start to experience similar stuff already in childhood also?

Mmh you wrote about your own star family, or possible roots and those bald white skinned beings. The other name i recieved back then while meditating after my simple spirit guide ritual was Baldur or Balder. (But i guess i had already seen this other female name appearing in a dream or astral projection type of experience before that one.) So.. I was i pulled one tarot card for an "answer" after my simple spirit guide rituals and that card was ace of swords. There is pictured hawks and eagles in that card of mine. When i closed my eyes to a silent contemplation, the eagle or hawk from this card flew back to my vision somehow and with that vision name came to my mind also; Baldur. I had heard this name only many many years ago in a game's title called baldur's gate what i played some small time when i still played computer games. Nowdays not so much really because all new ones suck. But so.. Haven't thought about that name ever at any level and at least didn't know that he is a son of Odin and Freya in an old scandinavic pantheon of gods. Or one of em. That was what i founded out when i googled it and thats still pretty much it for my academic studies. :D There isn't much mythology about him at least online but i must confess that i still haven't read eddas etc. But i have understood that there isn't much about him on those neither. Other one still, the goddes, has too much mythology. But maybe women are more complex beings i guess on other levels too. :I

One funny thing that happened back then was that i wrote about this on one fb group that i still am about shamanism, person send me message with an phone number that maybe i should call to this number if i have been abducted or something like that. I was a number of older person from internet that i know, or had read about him few times. Just little too new ageish maybe for me with much numerology etc and talk about galactic federations and stuff. I was more interested on paganism. He has been on tv medium show also after that, where they read tarot etc on mornings. But so.. Still i had strange urge to call him inside, maybe he could tell me something new about what i had experienced after all? Had nothing to loose at least. So i did. He answered and we agreed i call him later again and we will look my thing. I called him again and i telled him maybe quite much the same story but few things more. When i telled him the name Baldur, he started laughing a little however. After that he said: "Aa Baldur... About twenty years ago, i was contacted and worked with him some time. As i understood it.. He tryed to teach me otherworldy, or intergalatic communication." That was funny at some level however. But we haven't been in any contact since then. But maybe it's good that i called. But it took years, almost half decade i guess, to gather some kind of inner strenght to start really slowly at some level to dare work with him myself. Infact i don't excatly how it all started or when. I guess few years ago i experienced first time however the actual communication with him on lucid dreams.

I don't know if that one particular case was really him because he didn't tell his name. He appeared suddenly (i didn't call or thought him anyway) as an old black man with a silvery or grayish hair (like some old people do) sitting on a stone chair or a throne inn front of me. He sitted there like in a perfect balance. His hands were on the arms of this armchair or throne. He had maybe some furs as a cloth. He seemed like some old native tribe king or so. It was so real.. It happened so suddenly when i walked few steps and turned to right on that dream scenario. I was already aware i am in a dream. But he was just suddenly there in front of me just smiling and staring at me and me staring at back him. Maybe i thought that maybe he is Baldur but i am not sure did i.

So.. I did not however have a glue what i was supposed to do. so. I nod my head a little as a sign of respect and asked: "Who are you?" Few seconds passed and i heard him answering (In my own native laguange of course): "Hehhehhee.. Ou ***** (my name).. You should already know who i am? Or do you not regonize me because i show up in so many different forms?"

Then the dream scenario somehow changed. This being was suddenly very close to me, like reading me, and i noticed its form had changed now. I barely saw him on my left side. But i didn't dare to look directly at him. What i saw was somehow little scarier or darker now. I tryed to thought what would be wise to ask him now when its change to do so. So i asked a question that had bothered me some time: "Is this the astral realm?" (lucid dream state?) He answered (Again very clearly and in my native laguange): "Nooo.. Not exactly. But in a way.. Everything here through us flows." (It was said i a little poetic way so it is very hard to turn in english grammar.) He also continued his sentence somehow but the connection started to disappear, like his voice was farer and farer so i didn't hear right no more. Suddenly i found myself in little woods nearby of my house. But i was still on dream level. Few things happened but soon i woked up.

One thing comes to mind also about that "bald" being that u mentioned. I haven't had much dreams about any animal spirits or familiars but i saw dream many years before those abduction, egypt and dreams about those names etc, dream where i was in my childhoods house. I walked towards outdoor, i opened it and i saw that familiar blue rusty handrail that should be there on the right side of the few stairsteps. But there was something else on the handrail.. A Huge bird sitting there and looking directly at me. It was huge and majestic. Something you do not want to mess with. I don't know birds well but i am quite sure it had white head.. Bald eagle is very close what i saw that i have looked pictures of eagles, hawks etc. Suddenly however, it grabbed it claws to my left hands wrist. It almost hurt. Huge pressure that i almost feeled still on my arm when i awoked. I don't know if it has any connection to Baldur but i have thought it at least fits; Baldur the bald eagle! But that experience however is the only few ones that i have about possible animal guides etc. But i guess it was little scary also.

But thanks for your comment Bonnie, maybe i will write little more later. And btw i have had much thought about starting writing book or blog also. Blessed Be. :)

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Re: Some of my experiences (pleiadian ETs?)

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Greetings Wytch,

It is so beautiful about the little bird that comes to you when you call and it makes you feel joyful inside. That is very special. I have had a similar thing happen to me: Sometimes when I am travelling on the astral plane or the etheric plane, I encounter a psychic attack. I always put up a good fight, but at times it can be too much to handle. In the past, when I felt like I could not handle the attack by myself, I would stop in midair (if I was flying) and blow a kiss to the stars and whisper, "Please help me." Then white light shoots out from all the stars across the sky and comes flying toward me. It all gathers up into one sliver ball that hovers in front of me and I grab it. The whole scary scene freezes; everything stops and is still and the attackers are gone. Then this silver orb helps me find my way safely home.

I think we each have personal things that work for us.

I do not think that your experience with the star people had anything to do with your half brother's dad, of course only you can know that for sure.

About soul families: I think we are each connected to a soul family and, in the larger picture, we are all part of the same family. When we are children, we may be aware of our soul family and where we came from before we were born. We might be consciously aware of meeting with and working with our soul family...whether we are shamans or contactees or anyone really, but we have to be awake and aware to realize it and know we are taking part in it. I would say that most people in this world do not know they are connected to a soul family or a spiritual family because they forget so quickly. It is not difficult to do nowadays with all the blatant mind control and programming for young children. Unfortunately, for most of us, even if we know who we are when we are small children, we forget...we develop amnesia as we get older, due to the mind control of mainstream society.

I knew very well, when I was four years old, that I incarnated here on Earth to help humanity. As a four year old, I knew that. I also knew that as I got older, I would forget. And it would be a long, lonely road. But I also knew that as the end (of my mission) got close, I would remember who I was again. And soon after, I would go back home and be at peace again, so I knew I could do it. I came here on purpose.

Baldur's Gate. LOL. I played that too. Yes, I know it is hard to find a good RPG nowadays. It's a shame because I used to like playing games like that, but my interests have changed. I don't like going around killing everything and everyone in the game and calling that "fun." I played D&D for many years as well.

The god Baldur is supposed to be a very happy, loving god...who was killed by his brother Loki. At this point in my life, I am very cautious about "calling" on anyone because there is so much deception and more than a fair amount of demons lurking around pretending to be someone they are not.

You said that in your experience with him: " Then the dream scenario somehow changed. This being was suddenly very close to me, like reading me, and i noticed its form had changed now. I barely saw him on my left side. But i didn't dare to look directly at him. What i saw was somehow little scarier or darker now."

You may have been dealing with Baldur or it may have been someone else entirely. Unfortunately, I have been running into demons on the astral plane lately. There seem to be more and more all the time. I recommend being cautious and alert.

Any truth you are looking for can be found within your own self. That is where I recommend looking for answers. Through meditation you can get in contact with your own higher self and find any truth you need.

If you are interested, I made a mediation audio for Grounding, Centering, and Shielding. It is about 30 minutes long. It can help teach you how to naturally be balanced within your body, grounded to the Earth for stability, and protected against any negative force.

Blessed Be, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Joined: Tue May 07, 2024 10:06 am

Re: Some of my experiences (pleiadian ETs?)

Post by ReluctantServant »

I share a similar experience (when you said you were drawn to Wicca and to find a holy feminine), at a time when I was being mannipulated by the grays I had weird urges toward submission to higher powers. One of the things they made me want is to worship the egyptian gods. I never did, I was able to resist that. Mainly thanks to the fact that I'm really not spiritual nor believe in the supernatural. And I find it intresting that in your dream it was a being described like Horus or Ra. I believe there is a connection there.

"Feeling started to rise that i was somekind of slave. I turned my head to the right and saw there was people also. We were in a line. I started to panic, what a hell was happening to me?"
Same. I believe we may be kindred spirits.
Liberty or Death

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