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come back to me please; because i miss you

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:35 pm
by Ashlie
Hello everyone, just wanted some advice & information from you all.
I've been being contacted by aliens practically all my life...but it's been awhile since my last visit. I went from getting visits every night to not having any at all months on end. I miss it alot, I miss them. :( I don't think anybody (well some of you) understand how much I love seeing them. When I'm with my star friends it just makes me feel like everything will be ok, it makes me feel home...if you know what I mean. I've spent all my life trying to figure out who I am and what I am suppose to be doing, I've spent most of my childhood crying for "someone" to bring me home. I know I don't belong here. I've never had a bad experience with them, only good. The first time I realized that I was actually being visited by ET's it all started making sense to me, I suddenly remembered why I was here and who I was, I felt like I was on fire, nothing could stop me from doing what I had to do. And it all started with seeing a UFO, my first time was when I was around 15 or 16, it was a long cigar shaped UFO that beamed white light. I felt such a deep warmth in my heart. I started having visitations every night after that. (I've had some previously before that too, but it never clicked until then.) But like I said, the visitations have stopped. The only dreams about them I have is when I'm following a being through this chaotic war that's happening...I don't understand it. How can I go from being with them everynight to not having but 1 visitation from them every few months. I'm going to be honest with you really sucks, especially because I love them so much. There was one time about 6 or 7 months ago I was having a visitation and I was 'awake'...I got freaked out and started off saying how much I hated them and how they had no right to take me whenever they wanted. But it wasn't true, I was just scared. A few weeks after that the visitations stopped. I might have written this somewhere but a few weeks after that visitation I was writing in my journal and I wrote about how much I missed them and how sorry I was and that how I wished they'd come back. THAT night my nine year old brother had a dream about us getting abducted together. (BTW, he knew nothing of what I wrote in my journal or of the '''abductions'''...) But anyways in the dream he said that I was laying on a table and there was a huge white light over me, and he was watching all these little aliens do things to me while he sat in a room with another being that was asking him questions. He said that the alien wasn't talking to him, he said that he could hear the alien in his head. But anyways, after my examination or whatever it was, the alien led Chase (my brother) out into this hall where I was standing with a group of them, he said that there was a reuinion party that was going on for me & the star people (which is weird because Bonnie has told me they do that & I've dreamt about it myself so I know they exsist. :) ) but Chase didn't want to go to it, so I went into the reuninion room and the being he was with took him to a...what he calls a staircase, but it went straight down and had no stairs. Chase said he jumped down the "staircase" and ended up in my bedroom (where he had fallen asleep that night) and layed down on the floor and went back to sleep. Oh but I forgot this part, before he left the being that brought him to the "stairs" told him that it was me that made myself forget about them and that I had a button I needed to push to go to them...this is the part I've been confused about. I don't actually think there's a button like sitting somewhere that I have to push...I think it's a mental or spiritual thing. Like I have to get past this block to remember again. I don't understand it. I've often thought it was fear that held me back from them, but I don't know anymore. I've pushed myself in so many ways trying to get rid of fear...sometimes I feel like I'm just going crazy. I want them back in my's been too long for me. I don't know...just tell me what you think the "button" is and how I can push it because I've pushed many bottons already and can't seem to find the right one. :S

Re: come back to me please; because i miss you

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:53 am
by Eldyyn

I was quite touched when I read your experience! It took me a while to formulate a response to this post. I too have been a contactee all of my life and know exactly what you mean when you describe your love for these visitors. I will relay my experience in hopes that you will understand what has happened.

In the beginning, I began having dreams of ET's, frequent feelings that something had just occurred, and many other strange encounters. My visitors bonded with me, and to this day they are some of my best friends, though I only come into contact with them subconsciously. Now, the same thing happened to me. A flurry of contact at first, then nothing. It's perplexing, I know! This is what I have come to understand:

Frequent activity in the beginning is crucial! This is the stage in which you develop that bond with your visitors. This process may take months, or perhaps years, depending on the willingness of the individual. They will not stop until that bond has been formed, BUT, the contactee may tell them to leave at any time. This is what happened in my life, after a while, after I became comfortable, they disappeared, though they did NOT dumb me, so to say. You may believe that they have deserted you, but this is not the case. Whatever the mission, or lesson was during the time you were in frequent contact, this has been completed. It is no longer important for nightly contact.

This is what you can do, if you have not already: Relax yourself, and explain, out loud, to your visitors that you miss them. You would like to have clarification. Contact is recorded in the subconscious, so though you may not get a conscious answer, it will always be subconscious. Do this, and remember that they are still there, and be grateful for the contact that you received for that time. :)