Not sure what kind of encounter I had, if any... thoughts?

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Not sure what kind of encounter I had, if any... thoughts?

Post by vokto »

Hi guys,

I didn't really think I'd ever be doing something like this, but something happened to me that I can't really make sense of. I was watching television just after work the other day and I evidently fell asleep. I don't remember much after 06:00PM until waking up violently just before 02:00AM. I was disoriented and my cats (three) were all agitated. I coughed up a substantial amount of thick mucous over the next couple of minutes. (I'm a smoker and I cough a lot, this was pretty nasty stuff.)

Once I calmed down some I went back to sleep. I remember feeling a very clear message to "receive," whatever that means, and I very clearly remember seeing the attached image. (I re-drew it as best I could in an image editor.) I have no context about what it is but I can't really get it out of my brain.

After waking the second time and since, I keep getting these fleeting thoughts of missing someone, like you would a friend or a relative. I can't visualize anything about this person(s) other than a diffuse blue glow. I remember that being associated with the feeling I miss.

It sounds silly, but it's stuck with me for a few days and I've been obsessed with this and feeling very isolated from everything/everyone else. Does anyone have any similar experiences? Does anyone know what this image is?
I remember flashes of a few things, but this image has stuck in my brain.
I remember flashes of a few things, but this image has stuck in my brain.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Not sure what kind of encounter I had, if any... thought

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Vokto,
The image looks like a wormhole to me. It also reminds me of Earth's axis and the poles. Perhaps you were given some information that you need to know now. Have you ever heard of the Hollow Earth theory? You might want to check out this Polar Opening video that my husband John and I have up on our other website,

It is possible that you were communicating with spirit guides or star people. Contactees do tend to miss their star friends after visitations and long to see them again. And an experience like this can make you feel isolated because you've just come across something new and unexplainable that is likely difficult to talk to other people about. But don't worry, you've come to the right place; everyone here has a very open mind!

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Not sure what kind of encounter I had, if any... thought

Post by Tess »

Hi votko,what you drew looks to me like another parer ell universe, the same as ours
Take care,Tess.

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Re: Not sure what kind of encounter I had, if any... thought

Post by vokto »

Hi guys! Thanks for responding. I've tried to talk to some people in meatspace about this but it's gone over poorly to say the least. I appreciate the support a great deal.

I've become obsessed with that image, and similar ones. I can't close my eyes without seeing them, to be honest, and it's extremely frustrating. I feel like I understand the image and what it means, but honestly it makes me feel a little insane when I try to put it down in words. (I come from many years of enjoying speculative-type fiction but not taking it seriously. This situation is pretty real, pretty scary, and no fun.)

It seems a bit silly to hit up the internet for this kind of advice, but what should I do?

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Re: Not sure what kind of encounter I had, if any... thought

Post by vokto »

I figure more information is useful. I typed out some notes the morning after the dream. I was going to edit them (they're messy) but maybe it's best just to copy-paste:
4d data plotting with color as 4th dimension coordinate (represent as a colored pixel at coordinates x,y,z)
would have to visualize in slices, could not see all at once
use the minimum number of colors necessary to illustrate the point at hand and keep the point simple, then a person can read 4d graphs normally (sorta)

you do it like this (1,1,1,#000000) where the final coordinate is the hex color of the pixel at x,y,z.

in the graph i keep seeing, x/y/z are obvious
the spiral, the tunnel - those are along the 4th dimensional coordinates
it's not time, either, i don't think

the tunnel is like a chinese finger trap, tapering in the middle and flaring at the edges but never becoming closed

travel through the tunnel is in a spiral, almost like surfing. speed of surfing dictates rate of travel through tunnel (also "how coiled the spring is")

i don't see the tunnel as infinite, it looks more like a whirlpool. spin the water fast enough, a tunnel is naturally created, distance depending on the force creating the whirlpool

how do you spin the water?
(it's not a black hole, there's nothing in the middle. the force creating the whirlpool is external)

an orb within an orb, spinning oppositely? plot it this way - a line extending right from each side of the orb (N,S,E,W) extending at a 90-degree angle into the "water". that layer of the "water" turns one turn. apply one more turn and the next layer of the water turns as well, in a spiral. do this over and over with great speed and force, create the tunnel

two of these would occur simultaneously in opposite directions on the same x,y,z coordinates. the whirlpool is formed and essentially brings (a,b,c) and (x,y,z) onto the same physical space - the whirlpool exists only along the 4th dimension coordinates
It's kind of a jumble of thoughts and it's a lot to take in. The concept, though, is incredibly clear to me for something that just flashed before my eyes. Does this have any basis in reality?

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Re: Not sure what kind of encounter I had, if any... thought

Post by Tess »

Hi votko,what should you do? exactly what you are doing!
Searching for an answer,maybe you might get near to one, maybe you'll never know.
I have come to realize from my own experience and those that write on this site that when we find some thing has been going on we do became obsessed by wanting to find answers and going through the whole experience in our minds over and over again.

But guess what by time you will stop thinking so much about it,sort of came to terms and accept the fact that you might never know.
Take care Tess.

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