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School project, I need your help!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:03 am
by theobserver89
hello, my name is Ilya, I am a Journalism major at Los Angeles Pierce College. I am very intrigued with the paranormal, especially aliens.
So, anyway I am working on an article for my Journalism 201 class and I want to do it on different people's paranormal experiences. If you be so kind to share your paranormal experiences with me and answer a few short, simple questions, I will forever be grateful to you. You can e-mail me at or I suppose you can PM me on here whatever is easier for you.
I have also been reading a lot of experiences on this site and I find them very interesting but I can't use any of the stories in my assignment without the authors consent, plus I have to ask a couple of questions as well. So please Message me/e-mail me. If you choose to help me out, please reply back to me answering the questions below as best as you can, If you don't want to go through all that hustle I understand and your experience alone would be awesome.
Once again, thank you for hearing me out and I look forward to hearing everyones paranormal experiences.

1} Your name and age {Optional}

2} Your experience. {describe what happened as best you can remember}

3} Date and location where you had this experience.

4} How did this experience effect your life? Has it changed your life and/or your view on the paranormal.

5} Doing your experience, ware you: Scared, excited, curious?

6} Tell me about yourself {Optional}, {You don't have to be too personal, just a little background information such as what you

Re: School project, I need your help!

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:10 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hello Ilya,
Have you heard from any experiencers yet?

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D