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Are the reptillian being good or bad to us?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 2:09 pm
by sadriansm
Have any of you have had an aliens encounter with these reptilians being that would like to share ?.
If they are reptilians, how can you be sure that they are benevolent: i am hearing bad things on reptiles such as they are invading the world.Other people said they are benevolent observant beings....
So if any of you have any information about these beings...

Re: Are the reptillian being good or bad to us?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 12:21 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hello Sadriansm,
The Reptilians are an aggressive, militarized race who are directly involved with the manipulation and degradation of humankind. They are "the bad guys" who are known to possess humans during bouts of anger, sadness, drunkenness...all the lower vibrations.

However, there are other types of beings that may resemble reptilians. Some even look like amphibians. I have personally met beings that kind of look like frogs that stand up on two legs. They are wrinkly with a greenish-brown color to their skin, usually rather short. These beings have always been friendly and nice to me.

So, there is a chance that people are getting confused by what they are seeing. The reptilians will only be "nice" to get their way. For more information about what the Reptilians are up to right now, see the Reptilians, Masons, and The New World Order category at awakenvideo.

Many Blessings, Bonnie ;)

Re: Are the reptillian being good or bad to us?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 3:38 pm
by sadriansm
thanks so much Bonnie:) to answered my question.I saw some beings like amphibian reptilians slender with long arms bold head with brown greenish skin but I wasn't sure sure if they were reptilian or amphibian and they were very friendly to me .they didn't do any harm to me .do yo know Bonnie where are they coming from? are they involved in creating hybrid like other negative races?.could you please share a little bit more about your experiences with these kind of friendly beings?.