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Want to discuss Michel Desmarquet/other abduction cases.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:42 am
by Shekam70
I thought it might be a great idea to discuss (and give our minds a workout) abduction cases involving other people, especially those we personally find credible. For me Michel Desmarquet's abduction experience is the real deal. His experience is detailed in a book called Abduction To the 9th Planet and details his experience and an amazing message from the highly evolved (amazing) beings from Thiaoouba, a planet of the highest degree of technological and spiritual advancement. You just have to read the book from beginning to end to fully appreciate its content. One of the topics I wish to discuss is planet categories because it is amazing. Out of the entire Universe there a 9 planets, each with a set category. I am not talking about what NASA has discovered in our own backyard. It goes far and beyond that. Earth is a category one level, or could be described as a Kindergarten planet. We are starting at the beginning. In order to progress and move forward in our evolution, we must complete this Earth level. We reincarnate 84 plus times on this planet alone before we can continue on the next level. For example - In one lifetime you might be a violent abusive alcoholic, another lifetime you might have a parent who abuses you, next you might be a Queen, or a poor person, or just a regular guy with everyday job and family. Reincarnation is the very thing that helps us to progress and evolve. In order to be a better person we need to go through certain cycles and experiences to grow, and grow we do. Hence that is why there are so many problems on Earth. The more we evolve, the easier our lives become. It is a complicated concept for those that can't grasp the process of reincarnation. The easiest way to understand is to know that we are a spiritual being in a physical body. It makes a lot of sense to me. I get very sad when I see drug addicts with kids, gangs selling drugs, horrible acts of violence....but these individuals will grow and realize what process they have to take to become a better individual. It is a long process for us to obtain enough life time experiences just to get to get to level 2 and so on.
It is not possible for a person of earth level to go to another planet of a higher category. We got to finish what we must learn here first before proceeding to next level....

There are quite a few people who claim to have been abducted and taken to a more evolved planet, but in my view, Michel Desmarquet is true and unique and it certainly isn't a new religion or cult or anything of the sort. It is solely for personal growth and answers many question about life and is enlightening and mindblowing. It does make mention of the Greys, etc and is very thought provoking and the overall scheme of things are far greater then our minds can input.

So basically anything that the U.S government and military know is just a small fragment of what there is to know in this ever large and grand universe of ours. Basically if you had an 800cm ruler, the amount of knowlege that a human knows would be the size of half a dot on the ruler.

There are people that say " If there are more advanced beings then us, why don't they intervene???"
The reason why they don't intervene is because they are aware of Universal Law, and know that we are here to learn and progress. These advanced beings are aware of everything that is going on and will only intervene where necessary for our growth and planets sake. They are certainly letting us play with fire and we have to deal with the consequences of that.

Just my own thoughts. We operate on a monetary system which is on the verge of total collapse and our world leaders and business CEO's dedicate their total being to making profits and giving themselves payrises at the people's expense with no thought or vision for what kind of world they are leaving for future generations. No thought goes into environment or pollution matters until it is too late. I think because we are on a kindergarten level, we can only reach a certain point in our development so that we learn from it and that is life on Earth. Learning. Trust me, we got a long way to go.

Input welcome....Other cases welcome. Thanks.