Was I abducted..?

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Was I abducted..?

Post by 1911CA »

Hi my name is Chase, in Oklahoma. You all will probably think I'm crazy but I just need to tell these stories to get help in understanding. And I swear on my life, they are true.

First encounter:
I was swimming at my godfathers house with my god sister and her friend while our parents watched a movie inside. It was night time. I would say at this point I was roughly 6-8 years old as well. Well anyway, I remember we were playing Marco polo or something and then my memory is blank up until feeling as though I "woke up" under water staring at the pool light. I obviously surfaced, and looked around. My god sister and her friend were still underwater but popped up shortly after. This area was surrounded by field and trees. I turned to look into the field and saw what appeared to be a large disk. My best description would be something similar to the robot head from the original "Power Rangers" show, only in chrome not gold. It was again like a disk, with a flat portion around the side and a red light on that flat portion. The red light spun around the craft almost like an idle on a motor. It rose, an began to hover and move north just above the tree line. It crossed the highway and then seemed to stage for a moment. The red light spun faster and suddenly it took of straight north and up ascending incredibly quickly until it was gone. We were all afraid, but I remember running to the house crying from this situation. 

I was with my mother an stepfather leaving my grandmothers one night. I was riding shotgun and my stepfather was driving. Out of no where a spherical thing (craft?) shot across the road on from of the headlights at about 2 feet in altitude. It appeared to be about 1 foot in diameter itself. And produced its own light. Like it flashed it's "brights" at us. 

Side note on all this: for some reason I never questioned extra terrestrial life. I am a Christian (please no debates or criticism, we all have our own beliefs) but I feel God did not put "all his eggs in one basket" if you know what I mean. 

I'd also like to add that I've always feared alien movies, which makes me question if I have a surpressed personal reason to fear them.

And finally, I have a co worker who is former European special forces (been asked not to name who for security) but we were talking about things one day when I told him the first story on this post. His response surprised me as instead of calling me crazy, he said the ship sounded familiar and then told me about his military work and a bunch of things about E.T.s and governmental involvement, like Dulce. Honestly he overwhelmed me to the point I cannot recall a majority of it.

I guess my question is, what happened to me? Was this my imagination or have I had contact? Since that time I've always been very wise and mature and feel to a large extent I understand life. I feel natural emotions of course but I just think that if I was an experiment..I don't know..I'm afraid but I feel like I was taken care of, not manipulated or abused. It was just natural fear a child would feel. 

Any thoughts/opinions/advice? 

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Was I abducted..?

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello 1911CA,
It sounds like you had contact. Perhaps there was missing time in the swimming pool and you caught sight of the star people/aliens as they were taking off. You should follow your heart about what you feel. If you have no reason to believe you were mistreated, then it is likely you had a positive experience which you will probably remember if you try to focus on it during meditation. You may also find other experiences from your life that you haven't quite explained or figured out yet.

We are living through a great time of opportunity right now as we head toward December 21, 2012 and a new expanding conscious awareness, so now is the time to be open-minded and let your fears go. Follow your heart and do not be afraid. There is much more to life that is possible than we ever thought before.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D
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Re: Was I abducted..?

Post by 1911CA »

Thank you so much Ms. Bonnie.

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