New, first post about my experiences.

experiences with otherworldly beings

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New, first post about my experiences.

Post by Yesterday »

So, here goes.

I'm twenty-eight years old. Almost twenty-nine. I have a pretty normal life, for the most part, I guess. It's nothing to write home about. I've always figured that there should be something more, though. I guess that started when I was a kid.

When I was a child, I used to have these recurring dreams. I don't know if anyone else has had these - I knew a girl who had one that "completed" my dream. I'll explain shortly. So, in the dream, I would be walking down a dark hallway that would have these lights that would come on as I would pass them. Sort of like modern-day motion sensors. They'd flood the area with light and would slowly go out as I left. I would walk towards this central room where there was a table and a small man (well, gender neutral, but let's say 'man' for brevity's sake) who was standing behind it. I remember he had very strange eyes, like yellow and huge. In the dream, he would gesture towards the table. I would approach and he would help me sit down. I would feel something sharp and painful in my back, and he would be holding this glass-like thing. It sort of looked like a rose, but it wasn't. He threw it against the floor and a blood spatter sprayed out. I remember that he wouldn't say anything; he would place his hand, which had four fingers - a thumb-like appendage, and three long, spindly fingers. His thumb was smaller than his fingers. Anyway, he'd press them to my face and forehead and I would wake up.

I told a girl that I'd had recurring dreams in college; she described a similar dream, but in hers, there was always blood on the floor and the little man was standing behind the table, waiting for her. She said that she felt an incredible fear in the dream. My own feelings in the dream were more annoyance and irritation. I would always wake up tired, and maybe my mind associated the dream with feeling tired in the morning, I don't know. Or maybe I wasn't sleeping and I was being tested.

Once, when I was about twelve, I sat outside with a group of friends and we decided to tell ghost stories. I couldn't think of anything, so I started to make one up about the property we lived on. This was in southern Georgia. I began to tell a story about a girl who used to meet her lover (boyfriend, I said, being twelve) and one day he didn't come. So, she wept. I noticed a sound, and three other people noticed the same thing - it was the sound of weeping in the distance. Sort of like when a sound comes in on the wind. Then I said that she had committed suicide by the tree where they'd met, and her bones had formed into the body of a snake. And, yet again, I noticed movement in the darkness and then the sound of a rattlesnake. Rattlesnakes weren't completely uncommon in that area. I almost stepped on one while hiking. Sorry, I keep digressing. Moving on: finally, I started to talk about her being an evil spirit and there was this high-pitched, frantic screaming that erupted from the direction of the tree, which everyone heard - about six people and me, and we fled indoors.

I remember that house, because I would see lights flickering along the backyard where the pecan trees were. They'd float along the ground and move towards my window.

Every house I've lived in has been "haunted," in some way. I don't believe in ghosts. I'm kind of a staunch atheist; I don't really believe in anything. Hell, sometimes I wonder about my own sanity. Anyhow, my father has always noticed it. He's always seemed strangely affected. I kept encountering stranger and stranger events and turned to a dark path to escape it. When I was pulling myself off of that path the first time, when I was seventeen/eighteen, I remember that my father owned this strange house. He would spend all night in the basement on his computer. Usually from the time he got home from work at around 5:30 pm, till around 3:30 am, then he'd go to sleep and wake up two hours later to go to work. He did this for nearly six years without showing any fatigue at all. If you tried to convince him to go to bed, he would become angry and say that he couldn't, with no explanation.

We moved around a lot when I was a kid. We lived in Arkansas briefly, but my father made us move in the middle of the night when these lights kept moving up and down the driveway and flashing into the windows. We lived in Minnesota for a while, until the body of one of the dogs that we kept was found eviscerated in a surgical manner on the doorstep.

Within the last few years, I've been tracking lights in the sky. One in particular was a yellow light (it might have been orange, I'm color-blind, so yellow is about the brightest color in the spectrum that I can see - red and green doesn't show up to me) that would flash and jerk around. The best way I can really explain it is sort of like how a spider moves when it's frightened. How they bolt left and right and whatnot. The lights would move up and down, across the sky, then would wink out. I'd never hear a sound.

I lost a friend when I was around nineteen because I finished every sentence he tried to say in a conversation. I also guessed what he'd done that entire day, and had predicted what he was about to do. He told me that I "freaked him out," and that he would rather not talk to me anymore. To this day, if I send him an email or facebook message or whatever, he tells me not to contact him, even if it's like a mass email to all of my old college friends in my outlook list.

Every time I get involved with religion, someone ultimately considers me to be one of their ultimate pinnacle people. Like, for instance, I dated a Jehovah's Witness girl and decided to get involved with the church. For whatever reason, it was decided by many of the members of the congregation that she was part of that I was a member of the group that was set aside by god to rule over everyone. Likewise, occultists and whatever have said I have a lot of power. This ultimately led to the dark path I mentioned because I decided I wanted no part of that and washed it away with mind-numbing substances.

I've read a lot of the posts and I've read up on the main site about the friendliness of alien life. If this is the case, am I experiencing something different, or - if I am experiencing alien encounters that are from some negative species or faction?

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: New, first post about my experiences.

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Yesterday,
My first thought is that negative entities have been following you around. They could be earth-bound spirits or very negative aliens, even what I call the secret government - they do their own abductions (MILABS). You do sound like an intelligent, insightful individual and it is good that you pulled yourself off the dark path. Sometimes, when someone has strong energy that is kind of undeveloped, this can attract beings who would take advantage of that. They could be using your energy for their own gain.

My advice to you is to put an immediate stop to this. There is nothing wrong at all with exploring the world of spirits or ghosts or star people/aliens, but it has to be done in the LIGHT. You need to be in control and able to force the negativity away from yourself. You are in a very good position right now, because you are waking up and you have a good, strong energy. It is obvious that you just need a little guidance to get there.

This is a strange world we live in and what we are taught in school, church, and by the mass media is a complete LIE. The truth is that we are each responsible for our own selves and we each have the strength within us to create our own reality the way we want it to be.

I made a meditation to help with Grounding, Centering, and Shielding. Please give it a try. It may help you get started. Make sure you put up a protective shield around yourself before you go to sleep. Speak out loud and tell the negativity you don't want anything to do with it and start to form a belief in something: YOURSELF. This is the first step.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: New, first post about my experiences.

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

Interestingly put, I'm quite eccentric myself and I've had similar experiences with states of mind. I think of something and the end result is similar or exactly what I anticipated or hoped for. It's quite odd, I've had always been hopeful ans cheerful in my life with a strong sense of duty. I've been quite misunderstood as well labelled stupid for my obvious questions but in reality there were many things on my mind or possiblities that confused me which in turn made me seem incapable of simple tasks without specific instructions. Eventually I let go of such things and stopped believing I was less and accepted compassion and it's pushed me into positive living, but i've always been curious to this "pressence" my mother tells me of that seems to protect me but pushes her away. Could it be like your negative energies? Or something else?

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Re: New, first post about my experiences.

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

Ironically enough I just finished posting my previous comment while my sleeping friend was next to me. I finished my sentence with questioning the difference between the negative and positive presences and she murmured in her sleep, there's a difference...., coincidence?

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