Shadow People

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Shadow People

Post by chemdream78 »

Hi all. This is my first post.

For a majority of my life, I have had encounters with shadow people. Usually at night.

It actually started when I was very young and almost completely stopped when I was in my late teens. They were usually about 4 feet tall, with larger than normal heads and hands. They moved really quickly at times.

When I was about 25 or 26, it started happening again. Unfortunately, this time I would start being terrorized by Hat Man. I had no idea about the Hat Man phenomena. It happened to me almost every night for more than a year. I actually didn't remember it at first. When I started to, I brought it up to a few friends... You know, buttering it up with "I've been having strange & realistic dreams..." Then, after it stopped or slowed down, I saw a special about epilepsy on TV. A woman being interviewed brought up the penomina because it's said to affect a lot of people with epilepsy. I almost fell out of my chair when they showed a sketch of Hat Man. I didn't know anyone else experienced it!

But anyways, back to the shadow people. They never harmed me or abducted me or anything like that. But the similarities to my stories and the stories of abductees were to close to ignore. So I sought out abductees just to talk about my experiences. Now, I do not think I have ever been abducted. Nor do I want to! It sounds far more terrifying than my experiences.

Some of the similarities are not just the size and shape of some of the shadow people. I would also sense them before they actually showed up. Especially Hat Man... Also, when Hat Man would approach me, many times a buzzing or whirring would keep getting louder and louder in my head. It would paralyze me.

Anyways, I'm happy to answer questions to anyone that has experienced anything like this, or is just interested. Just reply to the post.

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Re: Shadow People

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Shadow People

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Shadow People

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

ManhattanSkyline, I don't have a degree or anything like that kind of fancy paper, but I have a theory. I believe that we all have souls and these souls have energized blue prints or a form of DNA, depending on the soul, it consists of were in the universe were from or dimension within our reality. These have natural attributes of past lives that can influence our present lives. These could emanate a certain frequency that others could pick up on, hence the idea of soul mates always finding each other in different lives. But our physical bodies in this dimension of reality, don't have the information within the physical brain, but when we have astral projections and lucid dreaming glimpses of this information can form within the dream, and the way the brain processes it forms the elements within the dream. So that's why I believe through mediation and practice of astral projection you can learn to communicate your inner being and grow, along with entities in other realms in which our soul energy can manifest. Try it out, who knows what you could find.

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Re: Shadow People

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Shadow People

Post by Rossmancer »

I have had a shadow person experience of my own when I was very young. I am convinced that it was a real experience.

However research has shown a possible scientific explanation. I am not saying that this accounts for all or any of what people are experiencing when they describe a shadow person. But it could possibly explain at least some of them.

If anyone out there is searching for an explanation and doesn't like supernatural one. Here is an alternative: ... ow-person/

I feel it's important that people who are interested in shadow people read this article. It does not solve the problem, but it may be a step into the right direction.
Seeing isn't Believing. Believing is seeing.

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Re: Shadow People

Post by chemdream78 »

A great new documentary just came out about shadow people, called "The Nightmare". It might be the scariest movie I've ever seen.

That said, my wife asked if it scared me, I said "Hell no! I've experienced this in real life. The movie adaptation is easy in comparison."

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Re: Shadow People

Post by wings »

I have seen many shadow people (figures in the spirit).

I looked up the library online. The inside reminds me of the Adjustment Bureau movie with Matt Damon. Its also said that Angels like to hang out in Libraries. Angels also can make themselves to look like ordinary people.

I did have a dream where a man that had come to my house (in reality) to hypnotize me concerning seeing a UFO (headache, driving home one night late from a MUFON meeting) and this person was in my dream, in his very nice blue suit, immaculate combed short gray hair, and he and a person, in a home, nice, well stocked library, was telling me 'NO, you did NOT see a UFO' and I was arguing that I did, and I escaped out into the neighborhood. Wide street, sidewalks of older concrete, a place that rains a lot like back east, huge trees and medium large lawns, and after a while of running on the street, I woke up.

Also, once when praying, I saw, perfectly, out the corner of my eye, a person in a while robe, short black hair, gold belt and gold trimmings on the robe, behind me. I was on my knees facing my bed prepairing to pray and he was behind me about 2 feet away, also on his knees. I figured this was the Holy Spirit.

I have seen Angels, people in the spirit, etc. It seems to be quite a few that are in the spirit. I do not think I have ever seen a 'man in black' though. I have seen also aliens in the spirit, VERY OFTEN. Some bad issues there.

I wonder about that University... That library. Perhaps you all should visit it. See if you can find your way around in there and find a room, a person, etc. Just be careful...

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Re: Shadow People

Post by wings »

I should also say, there are people that learn to go into the spirit and can go and navigate the world through it. OOBE. But it seems to be cornered by satanic groups. When you start having OOBE's, people show up. Aliens, witches, demons, you name it. They want you on their team. They will start causing HECK in your life, trying to take you over, trying to get you to join them and do what they do.

not good...

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