The Lone Moderator

experiences with otherworldly beings

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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The Lone Moderator

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Everyone and Welcome to the Alien Abduction Help Forum !

I am the only moderator at this forum. I will do my best to approve posts as quickly as I can. I know the topic of alien abduction can sometimes be frightening and people need help fast, so I will always do my best. I also have this forum set up so no posts go through without my approval, so please have patience with me. Welcome to a friendly community of people who support each other. :D

I am a life-long contactee who has dealt with the good star people, the bad aliens, and MILABS (military abductions). Please be aware that not all aliens are really aliens; they could very well be humans using advanced technology. Also be aware that there are bad aliens and good star people. The best advice I can give is to research all this yourself and know how to protect yourself. The very best way to protect yourself is to fill your life with LOVE and raise your vibrational frequency.

Many Blessings, Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Sapa »

Hiya I'm new to your forum. I was abducted two decades ago and have had many other experiences and I have to say that what you are saying here is accurate according to my own experiences. I have written a book but I don't think I will ever dare to attempt to publish it. As a child I had total visions of things that later in life I found contained accepted truths, for example the relationship between standing stones and ley-lines. I came to see that the only people who listen are the ones who already know. It is a lonely existence in a human sense but not in a cosmic sense because I also see that all life is sentient and what is lacking in human understanding is more than made up for in the enhanced communication with the life around us, meaning our everyday natural earthly companions in the world around us.
I met some "other" beings who were scary though although some others are really nice and I think they are unrelated and maybe on different levels. i have a solar light that I charge during the day and keep next to my bed at night and this helps. There is a lot more but I don't want to use the Internet to communicate this, but it is good for me to find you as you seem to be aware of things I have had ongoing direct experience of.

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Dear Sapa,
Thank you for sharing your wisdom here. You are so right -- there are many beings we can interact with on different levels of life. What we cannot fully express here in the physical world we may express and share on the astral and etheric planes. I know it has been a lonely road, but you are learning, just as I am, that there is so much more to know and so much more to share.

We are coming to a new place in conscious awareness -- it is already happening and for those who are waking up, there will be many eye-opening events. Those of us who are waking up are already in a transformation process of understanding who we really are and that this reality we live in is a false matrix that has kept us held down. That is all changing. Keep Love in your heart and your eyes open and all will be well.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Santina24 »

Hello i was wandering if you could give me any information on some of the experiences i have had over the years?. Since i was 12, i have been seeing things when i wake in the middle of the night. Its been worse last few years now i wake at the same time, 3 or 4am most mornings after having a dream that scares me the dreams are about being in space or horrible storms and being out at sea with huge waves and wirl pools. Or i wake to some person or oject in my room. Theres only been one person i've woken to that has been ok a blond women who smiled at me, a psychic women told me her name was Jessica and she didn't know what she was, but she said she was my Guide, The psychic also told me i was a Crystal Child which i now believe, anyway the rest who i have woken up to have been scary. Ive also seen many little orbs of light that seem to hang around me, one came down close just above the power lines, and other family members have been there when its happened or have seen them, themselves. When i use to live with my grandparents out in a little room out back by a small group of trees, I use to have half a wake dreams about walking out into a huge light, and also being on a metal table where a man was sticking needles into my stomach i felt them.

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Santina24 »

Something else to add that has just come to mind along with my other comment. I have had lots of dreams about being in a hospital and waiting for my operation i remember being really nervious about having a operation espically when they said they needed to operate on a tumor or remove something from my brain. I've also had a half awke dream about being in a white room with people in white
Contamination suits picking out babies that were sick they were vomiting up green stuff. And i've also have been reading lots of the comments on this and they seem familiar. Like my family and i have a family suffer from migraines when i was little i was play fighting with a boy and he stood on my head after that i noticed a lump on the back on my head and had a migrain for 2 days the lump has never gone away i have no idea if it was there before the fight or after i just started to notice it then its not a bad lump as my grandmother whoe a nurse has just said it feels just like tissue and it has never gotten bigger. Ive also had a thing with owls as well i had a owl that i use to sit in my garden to watch over it, when i was having dreams about going off with people in the middle of the night the owl disappeard from my garden. Ive also had a dream where i was in a huge metal building and i was with other people and people with guns and i was able to float up to the roof away from them.

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Santina24 »

Hello again lol, I have moved back out to a small town called Raglan and am staying with my gran until the house i want becomes available. So i'm staying in her caravan out the front. Last night i had the strangest thing happen i was trying to sleep but had too much on my mind and i do get a little creeped out sometimes being alone, but am mosly fine. And i started to go to sleep when the caravan stared to shake, so i got a fright and listened for noises, but heard none just the wind. The caravan only shakes if you jump up and down and the wind wasn't that strong. So i went back to sleep then heard noises like there was someone there and the caravan started to shake again and i was still half a sleep but didn't seem to want to move to see what it was i became very scared for no reason, but very sleepy, i keept seeing strange shapes out the ckoudy window at the top of the caravan. Then i woke up this morning after having strange dreams, still feeling scared and strange.

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by mami777 »

Hi I am new in the forum, and my Grammar Englsih is very bad. My expreriences start since I had memory, my grandmodther also was abducted ( in Mexico), now I am 53, and sometimes I am abducted but now not too many times, but sometimes also enjoy "the ride" because, I had more information, and somewhat I have a felling to be part of big plan , Now I am living in USA, since 20 yrs ago, we have a 16 yrs old ( very handsome), I have " Abduction Synddrome" but before that I was always " The crazy Young gril" "The suicidal Gril" " " The Evil Gril" " The Super Smart Gril"
Always was paranoic, with sleep px, etc. etc. Addiction problms, any doctor, priest, cosulers, etc
can not help me, sometimes ask die. One Day After Katrina ( Agust 2005), I not remember exactly
date;, in a Dream " Somebody" ( God?), told me " Your are suffer enough" It's time you know , that
you are really special for us, you are not crazy, but we need you and other terresterials for a plan
times are for come, and inside of you are ( or were) a special codificaders, and some very down vibrations try to shut down and this it when your brain was out ( depretion, no concentration etc, tried) this why " the bible tell the most loved for Jhove are most atacked. Well, Now my life is more happy more, more stable until now enjoy day to day. Thanks

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by mami777 »

Hi Mrs Bonnie : I can't wait your answer to my last post, because I had something important to tell
you: last nigth I was "called" (abductee), and they show me why they abductee people beafore agiainst their will. They are doing experiment w/ ADN, reproductive system, also are expert in clonation, they also have interest in delfhin, reptiles ( animals who can live in water and out of water at the same time). But now the Alien have Human form, but in reality are hybrids or clones, I am not sure, but the goal is attract young people to freedly going to participed in tests sometimes for large amounts of money others for " Something Spiritualty". The Targets is going to be young people from broken homes, addicts, etc, (people who need feeling "loved") Mrs. Bonnie I am not sure why was given to me this information, but I can't keep it only for me. The next experiments are really crudes and horrifics but was real. I Come into a experimental room, and three o four young beutifull ladies arguing about who is going to be first in the experiment, one burnette told to the others that she needs the money badly and fast, the scenario changed and the young gril was naked, her nasal orifices were blockeade w/ something llike methalic w/ wire attach at to big machine, she was under hypnosis paralysis ( no medication), was in a crystal cage what was quickl filled with water until it cover her totaly, she was w/ her eyes and mouth open at the extreme full of terror her eyes were almos red. I was crying asking why you are doing it, please stop, stop, she is going to die !!!. They answerd , if she "die" we can make reverse it, just wait
the "subjet of experiment" finalily lost her fight. after empty the cage , the girl ( after it I know her name is Rebecca), come back and she did not remember nothing, she only was asking for her money and come back at her home.
After this " Experiment" ( I Called Tourture ), they told me that a) our specie come from the water and we "must" have the capacity of breathe under the water the only way is force the body b) when the body is expuest to hipoxia under water our body expulse or excret some kind of substances important for them ( my personal opinion: they drink this water w/ human fear).

The Second Experiment: I come into other Room very small with mattres in the floor like five o six , with " patientes" very specials, somebody told me that pay a visit them because almost nobody want had contact with those "patient" they give some kind of food to give them, when to go my first impresion was that they was " war prisioner" because a first seems like everybody was mutiladed, were dirty, with little hair or nothing, very obese, apathetics, everybody had a bedspread over their bodies, also I thougth that they were dwarf for their size.

Well I tougth they talk human/alien they told me their history : they are " Trash Experiment "
Alien can make almost everything but no more than one baby at time, the human can have more of one to 9 babies at one time; well the aliens n e v e r ever had been capables to had more than just one baby, but w/ the hybrids they make a lot of experiments the stole multuples embryos
of one human-human woman and implant those sometimes in alien others to hybryds almost the time the expeiment fails but others the embryo is viable and end ( 33-40 week), but until now onlyhas been born creatures w/deformites indescribable all of them have concienses of their
destiny they only wait "the end" Those creatures are in the earth hidden in some place one told me that his name is Victor, because their bodies can't live in other planet, the only thing that can told you about his deformity is that look like two or three human/alien attatch togheter but never know were start one or were end the other, and everybody is alive w/ human emoctions ( they are isolated, depress, etc. etc. only Victor is more reactive), They like music.

Please Mrs. Bonnie Told me You had experiences like this ? or sombody elese?

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hola Mami,
Muchas Gracias for sharing your experiences. There are different forces at work here; some have good intentions and some are bad. Yes, I have also seen genetic experiments, some horrific. Some of the aliens do these genetic experiments with DNA. They are making hybrid children, a cross between alien and human. Some of the good aliens (who I call star people) are trying to help humanity wake up to what is happening, but some of the aliens are bad, negative, evil beings who only do what they want and they do not care who they hurt. Some of these evil people are part of the secret government, doing their own experiments with humans.

I am very sorry to hear that any human would be willing to be part of any genetic experimentation, no matter how much they need the money. It will never be worth the true cost. You said these "trash experiments" are just waiting for the end to come...and then what will they do? What is their purpose?

You also said the star people or good aliens (correct me if I'm wrong) told you that you have a special code inside your body that the lower vibrations try to suppress or shut down. I can totally understand that. Humans have to make a choice - the choice to be happy and free and live in a happy, raised vibration, or the choice to be dumbed down and "comfortable" sitting in front of the television being brainwashed and giving up the fight for independence.

We live in a time, right now, when we each must make the choice to think for ourselves and raise our vibrational frequencies and not believe everything our so-called leaders tell us. Our governments are a bunch of liars who are controlled by the multi-national corporations that only care about controlling people and harvesting their energy.

We have the power inside us to make the world a better place. Keep smiling :D and yes, we people who are in the light and love vibration of God are the most attacked, so be brave and be strong and keep the love in your heart!

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by mami777 »

Hi Ms Bonnie : I Just reed about the aliens that look like amphibian w/skin green-brown color long neck, arms, and legs, can walk in two legs or four ( legs & arms), and yes look like frog. Well I have a Big news : all my life I Has been in contact with this creatures ( for real), before I was thinking they are " a kind of evil creatures" because their eyes are very scarey color bright orange have long long fingers long nails, are nocturnal, because the sun hurt their skin, they are very curios about me, but I always has been ignored their attempts, ( maybe 10 ), because my mind was no ready for the contact, sometimes when I was come in to my house " He" show me his hands in front of my face, and I was tell me inside of me " this is not true, it's in my imagination, it's no true, when I drink water I am going to forget everything " ,when I was drinking water I saw their horrible face for the window , I toll me to myself it's was the dog it's was the dog, they never went inside to my home, never has been forced any situation, but now I am sure that they maybe want play, But anyway I think I am not ready for make contact w/them
you think is good idea take a picture because always they are close to my house first in Mexico now here.
This is the second time I talk about this aliens ( now know) the first time was three yrs ago, and was to a Priest. He told me if I was Drinking (alcohol) o I was using drugs, I was so ashamed, that
never ever spoke about it until now, Ms. Bonnie Can You o somebody give a idea why this " friends "has been with me for so long of time no matter I do not want make contact with them, Can Them transfer some kind of sickness, hurt me.

Sometimes Talk w/them w/ mind and told them : " if you are real, please do not scare me because I am wake and can lose my mind, please you can stay around my house, but not inside
when I am present, please, please do not show in front to me because I am not ready to accept you physical form, I do not have the skill to communicate w/you"

Ms. Bonnie Thanks so much, because since has been talking about "alien thinks" my life in more light, because now know I am not alone, it's true that long time I had horrible experiences w/bad aliens, now I now That we are not alone. The Star People is here for us!!!

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hola Mami,
All the amphibian creatures I have met have been very friendly. They have never tried to hurt me, and I get the impression they are good people.

You have contact with them even though you have been too scared to meet them consciously. They will be patient and wait until you are ready to meet face to face, because you will not be able to meet with them on their vibrational frequency until you have worked your way up to it. You are getting there, but it would help you greatly if you would release your fear of them.

Just think about how many times you have seen them. Did they ever give you any reason to think they wanted to hurt you? Be brave and let yourself wake up. That means face your fears, all of them, and be the real you, the person you are meant to be. It is always wise to be cautious, yes, but in this case, it sounds like you need to take control of the situation by overcoming your fear.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, it helps all the alien abductees and contactees who come here. Some people are not even ready to make a post because of their fear, but we are all on the same path of light, helping each other reach a beautiful place of love and light. Be strong! :D

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by mami777 »

Hi Mrs. Bonnie and Everybody : It Wake up for me never stop ! Since I started to talk about some of my experiences, one after one, after one, more and more memories come out very structured and freely and it's something that sometimes I think : oh my God ! How did not thought before it or that ? Thanks you Mrs. Bonnie and everybody who share here !!!!
When I read some posts and one sing of alien abduction sometimes is three red spots on triangular form, and, I always has been thought that I do not had any physical sign of alien abduction, but . . .
suddenly after took a shower I saw " a lot" in my back in triangular forms and I almost pass out!
because always thought those were born marks! . They are in my neck and my back ! also
in my scalp ! ( I asked my hairdressing, are not what she did thought).
But the fact that cause most intrigue to me was the " thing" I have in the right arm (superior part), I have lot of little red dots that seems like Big and Little Bear Constellation,I know it can sound bizarre, or crazy. And also I have a little bump behind
of me right ear.

Other factors about me that only my family know is that:

1.- my head hair cause me severe allergic reaction if touch my skin. ( I had long hair
always in point tail).

2.- I do not tolerate the Sun ( I feel I can die if stay for more than 2 hrs ), I can suffer
dehydration. ( my husband and my son loves the sun, and sea).

3.- My home in Know like " The Freezer" because always is very cold no matter what
month is.

4.- I made everything better and fast, very fast in the night my brain is more active and

creative, than light-time, ( it cause to me A LOT OF problems!), but I am more happy
during night time.

5.- I do not tolerate nothing tide around in my body and in my feet.

6.- I had poor vision, but VERY highly sense of smell, tact, taste and hearing.
7.- I have extremely good muscle reflexes

Well it's me, for my Health policy Insurance I must to do Medical Tests every six and 12 months, it include Sugar, A1C, cholesterol, Thyroids, liver , functions etc, and everything is OK
my blood pres ion is ok ( thank God!). Then my physical limitations sometimes cause to me be called " Spoiled " I call my self Handicap.
Other thing that intrigue to me is since I start to talk about it , I am having problems with
my vision ( I use glasses), look like a have infection in both it's like too little injures in both, w/ little pus
and very sticky membranes. (I am taking care about it).

One more Thing : I hear about MIB in movies in some chats, but since two weeks ago
I saw two men one in black suit, other in metallic grey suit, both between
27-30 yrs old very serious, very handsome both w/ black suitcase,, when I come in to one Store, ( a little antique Store), they seems like was to assault they scare the owner and me because they look out the place, they told the owner they are Sales Representatives of a Big Advice Financial Corporation. . . . out of Place totally.
When I come out they fast end the conversation w/ the owner and the other opened the door for me , I saw directly at his face, and was like a mask of plastic any wrinkle ( no matter he was young) and his retina was like of glass like a security camera.

IN other occasion was in one isolated road, was a old car like how if was involved in a car accident, w/ two elegant gentleman w/ dark glasses , but this car was in good condition, because I drove to 80-90 mph and they too, y slow down end they too, and I tough if they are MIB or The Blue Brothers is better comeback to the city but before left the road I made the "finger" sign and they do not react only look to me.

Thanks for read it It is relay therapeutic ! Mami777

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Mami,
Wow, you saw the Men In Black twice within a 2 week period? That's a lot. His face was smooth like plastic and his eyes were like glass security cameras? That must have been pretty freaky for you. The Men In Black are known to be emotionless, forceful beings that are clearly not human, but pretending to be human. They tend to show up when they want someone to be quiet about seeing UFOs or aliens.

I am glad you are feeling better and remembering your experiences more and more. You are a very sensitive person, but you are handling it well. Good Luck!

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

These are amazing times we live in! We have a great opportunity to expand our conscious awareness, fill our hearts and minds with LOVE, and create a beautiful new world for ourselves. Thoughts create reality. Be imaginative, creative, playful, be yourself. Live your dreams and always follow your heart.

As we approach December 21, 2012, time is compressing and we are living through more and more experiences which are jammed into a much smaller space. The time is NOW to work on what needs to be worked on in your life. Release any bad feelings or negativity as quickly as possible. FORGIVE yourself and others and just LET GO. Now is your chance to create a good life for yourself and the entire planet. Meditate and find your quiet center, your inner temple, and fill everyday with LOVE. It is of the utmost importance.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :D
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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by mami776 »

Hi Everybody and Ms. Bonnie, How are you? how was your holidays ? I hope ok. I stop to made posts because sometimes I fell that to be a abducted is something that nothing or nobody can't stop, because it's not "real" proof about it. The church told me : prey a lot, the doctors give a lot of medications, " my friends" thinks I am crazy" my husband : don' want talk about it, I can't go the Police because they are going to put me in a Hospital for sure, it's a very lonely experience, lately the abductions start again, strangers sounds wake up me in the middle (3-4 am) the night no matter a take sleep medication I know that somebody is in the room ! at the morning I can't wake-up I fell relay tired like drugged, the sensation that somebody punch me. Since 6-7 month I refuse to "stay" with my husband. I saw two times UFOs like 5-6 pm , any noise hurt me a lot and scare me and spend a lot of the time in the shower. I Know what exactly is happening to me and no want to be explicit because it's too incredible I try to get help and three days after a Asiatic men (look like a women) (very out of place) make me four visit at my work place he come from very far away state and had a Luxurious Car from Massachusetts with Federal government Plates , when he saw me that I was close to his car he was very upset with me. I am going to quit to talk with my doctor about alien abduction because He don't believe it. I made everything in my hand to stop it, but no matter what it come back why ? I am old I need a break, Some day I am going to die, because it's natural in all human being and never I going to have an answer ?
Because My self I don't have any physical proof to show you or anybody
Thank you Bonnie for have a space to people like us or like me. Hope some day I can talk face to face with somebody that too has been abducted !

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by mami776 »

Hi Ms. Bonnie and Everybody, every time since the last time I made a post at my left of the screen in your page I can see a little page with different topics UFos related ( look like a commercial link), I went to this page and their name is amiro LLC, I am not sure if everybody can see it o not , if it is good or not for your weebsite, I just want you know about it.
Mami 776

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Mami,
I am not able to see the advertisement you are talking about. Perhaps it is in the browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, etc). You might try to find a way to block out the ads with something called an "Ad Blocker."

If anyone else sees these advertisements on the forum, please say so. They should not be on here.

Thanks Mami!
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by mami776 »

Hi Mrs Bonnie, I just want share a experience I had like ten days ago, I am having " nightmares" of be physically assaulted by " someone" but not in the sense of the human being understand, is really difficulty for me talk about it, but this situation is like a experiment or game for them, ( this occurs since long time ago),this time I started Cry and cry and asked why, why I don't like it can you please stop ?
I am tired, I am old, I don't like it, go, just go ! leave alone !( because always I can felling or touch but I can't see them,) but this time I saw this thing: Only the face was very little ( 5-6 inch), skin dark blue big eyes with enormous pupils little nose and mouth, her hair was black and look like was electrified, his or her look to me was emotionless, ( it only was maybe a second), after that I don't remember nothing. Only think that this "thing" only is 3-4 feet tall no more. This Face make me remember that in my infancy somebody in the middle of the night wake-up me to play a lot! games that required a lot of energy ! my mom many times find to me wake-up in the morning out of my bedroom. Ms. bonnie you had any clue about this ?

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Mami,
I am sorry to hear about your troubles. It sounds like you are dealing with some type of demonic energy. They scare you and then feed off your fear. When I was a child, I also walked in my sleep and dealt with many strange experiences during the night. You need to protect yourself and build up your inner strength so they cannot scare you anymore. If you have not tried it yet, please listen to the meditation I made for Grounding, Centering, and Shielding. It takes 30 minutes in a comfortable place. You may even want to listen to it for a couple days or nights in a row, until you can do the Grounding, Centering, and Shielding on your own.

Another very important thing to know is this: the Television is now being used to embed demonic energy into the subconscious mind. Please watch the documentary that my husband John and I made: Global Epidemic Exposed - Television Sigil Magik. We have done many interviews on radio shows over the last year on this topic. There is new technology that can pulse electromagnetic frequencies from TV screens, computer screens, cell-phones, and other hand-held electronic devices. This is only part of the problem; the television programmers are also using hidden symbols or sigils, binary code, and other reoccurring shapes within mnemonic circles that program the subconscious brain. Some of the symbols are sigils that contain demonic entities.


Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by mami776 »

Ms. bonnie How are you ? hope ok, hi everybody ! Thanks so much for answer my comments this mean a lot for me, thanks so much, my Doctor (Psychiatric), He is a Teacher in a University and Director of Addiction and Sleep Disorders Department just confess to me that he have other patients with similar signs and symptoms like me , but first he needs made more tests to see if I do not have abnormalities in my brain that can cause like seizures during my sleep, He call it Temporal lobe Epilepsy or brain mass, because he think I am a normal e intelligent, coherent, no exhibitionist,
person, who is suffering for long time. If He do not find nothing abnormal in my brain, he told me that maybe some persons can help me with my issues. I am working with my Insurance. Thanks to let me share. Mami

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by jimrandle »

The best books on Nutrition are 'The China Study' and 'Whole' both by Dr T Colin Campbell and 'The China Study Solution' by Thomas Campbell.

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Alljacks »

Bonnie this is alljacks again. Well at least I haven't lost my password again. You are aware of my circumstances and that I receive meditation messages. Actually I am doing better each day after 40 years. And there are tricks to the trade if you wish. Have you heard of vortexes 1-7 that are or were here. But i have problem, is there a Vortex 8 or above that you have heard of. I have something to with this and beyond. Many ugly situations are coming and I have to make some decisions that have consequences. Also is there going to be 3 earths, The bad Zetas have had a timetable change. They can no longer abductee little ones and they will be kicked by 2023 instead of 2025. Hope all is well with your family in this pandemic and what comes with it.

I am no longer afraid.

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Greetings Alljacks,

I am glad that you are not afraid! That is a wonderful gift in these times.
WOW! What craziness the world is in right now!! It's hard to know what is up and what is down.

I am not sure about the vortexes you are referring to. I know about the Energy Grid around the Earth and those energy vortexes, but I am not sure how many there are.

Well I know we are going through a transition right now...a shift in consciousness. And there could turn out to be two Earths with two different timelines. And you are saying there might be three? Well, it would not surprise me if we all end up in a different place according to our own vibrational frequency. We should end up in the world that matches our frequency, right?

If they can't abduct little ones anymore, then YEY for that!
I really want everything to go in a good direction. I also know that some people/entities do not have love in their hearts, but the TRUTH is coming out now and I think evil is going to really be exposed and brought to light.

I am doing okay here with the plandemic. Uruguay is not so strict about the rules and regulations, at least not so much as the northern hemisphere.

I hope you and yours are well where you are.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by jimrandle »

Orthomolecular Treatment for psychosis

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: The Lone Moderator

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Thank you Jim for these two videos!

You can naturally cure mental issues with a nutritious diet and vitamin supplements!
Everybody should be taking care of themselves and eating right. The body needs proper nutrition to function at its best! And it can only help those of us who are sensitive, psychic people dealing with metaphysical and paranormal experiences!
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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