A Strange Dream

experiences with otherworldly beings

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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A Strange Dream

Post by DerrickArcari »

a few months ago about the beginning of summer i had a very strange dream. I have tons of strange dreams, just so were clear, often very vivid and fun but this dream was very very different. It started off as i normally dream, i was walking down a city street with cobble stone roads. to my left was a theater and there was this women there and i decided to battle her with my pokemon, as you can see my dreams are very weird lol but rarely do i have nightmares. As i threw my pokeball and it opened is when things got weird. I remember the world around me "melting" and thinking that it was the end of times. Then i found myself in a open space yet it felt confined and the world was red and black, large "drips", i guess is the best way to describe it went into the red sky. All at once it became white, i mean everything was white like that room in the matrix they went to to get their weapons. An overwhelming feeling, that i can't describe other than it was overwhelming, engulfed my body. Then i remember ringing in my ears and a very loud and overwhelming voice that spoke to me. I did not hear it I felt it. After that came the feeling that if i gave myself to the voice, or the whiteness rather, i would die. I began to panic and tried everything i could to pull myself out of this dream while the voice spoke to me in the background. I remember waking slightly during this time and physically grabbing my girlfriends leg to pull myself up but fell back into the dream. (the next day i spoke to her about it and she remembers me doing this). I only recall a very brief section of what the voice had said and looking back regret my decision to "run" from it. It goes as followed "Humans have 7 years. For years humans have waged war destroying a complex unseen network." and thats all i remember. Ive been looking for answers and the only hint ive gotten is that i was visited by aliens. Ive had some experiences with that, like hating needles, seeing a lot of UFOs through out my life, sleep walking into the street and staring into the sky as a child, feeling like i dont belong and that i have some very important task to complete without ever knowing what it is, I honestly dont think ive ever been visited by aliens. Ive never come face to face with one or even remember going aboard a ship. So now im lost for the meaning of this strange dream and was hoping someone could help me figure out whats going on and tell me that im not crazy. Thanks in advanced.


Re: A Strange Dream

Post by guarded1 »

its a timer. a few years back about 3 to be exact i was listening to a guy who said we are living in the end times. he said the bible and science are both grand proof of an end. tbey both follow the facts when it comes to the end. like the master who was training for the end i was given training to handle this. but whats interesting is he said we had till maybe 2021 before shit really hits the fan. the feds arebeing controlled by the aliens so whatever they do is the fault of alien intervention. these aliens are described as demons. but for every race i know of there are a ton of variants i know little about.

the code of conduct only creates mental and physical preparedness. a form of exchange. bind yourself to the good spirit of the lord and gain the power to ovecome anything. a rock solid defense so hard to defeat it has limitless defenses. my power was greatly enhanced by an overwhelming light giving me a vast energy resevoir. i was taught to use energy. how to manipulate it and how to use it. now i have immense protection for my whole family. however anyone bound to the lord has pluses and minuses. some pluses are the emergency systems and the ability to have a great distance in which to transmit energy. sadly demons and feds have fucked with me as well. they will come regardless and whenever they do its a pain. i dont have much fear anymore though. if the message was alien in origin it is the aliens themselves blaming humans for a crime they know they themselves committed as they all in the end work for the darkest bastard. its too corrupt to blame humans for being exploited by the aliens who conjure war in our world. so if this source was of the good perhaps an angel it would be just and adequate. anything but a colleague or fellow human in arms, an angel, or the good lord himself is a lie. yet i can tell some things that tip me off that the demons are going to perform their grand disaster in 7 years. jesus said none would ever know the time or day. so i can almost gaurantee your contact was demonic in origin and how corrupt such a move is. since aliens are described as demons its pure bull shit to hear them say that. but wow i knew the devil wanted to force gods hand but this is ridiculous. you dont just force an apocypse.

my only proof is the listed skills ive produced on this site.

i have nothing against the people or the initial author. it merely infuriates me when aliens say something is based on their corrupt authority.

othe cues are the pulling they did. the good guys dont force anything on anyone. inducing sleep is something demons can do. we few have been bound with a guardian angel that is not awake unless we are asleep with few exceptions. many a battles have been fought that way. im just not ready yet. only people who are bound have such defenses.

i dont think its crazy being a contactee. everyone here has some experience.

also i had detailed that vibrations cause strange sounds both physically and psychically audible. but apparently i ranted and it never made it. this is a sign that a higher frequency is trying to tune into your frequency. a perk to being bound is vast wisdom. however i only know things so often and never can induce this state. so i push it when i have it.

i have other places to be before i prepare for the night.

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Re: A Strange Dream

Post by DerrickArcari »

I dont think we are near the end, i think no matter what humans will survive. Every time someone thinks the end is upon us it ends up not being true. If we focus on the bad and constantly worry that the world will end we will never have the drive to keep going as a species. I dont think the message was in anyway a negative one, i think that it was a message of peace and to warn us that if we dont stop war "X" will happen. I didnt catch the "X" because I was frightened by the "nothingness" that surrounded me and wanted to escape. To be clear the feeling i had was that of bliss and true peacefulness, I dont think I was ready to handle such a feeling and thats why I panicked. I remember the second i thought "this is what death must feel like" and then thats when i started to panic. I personally believe that any race cable of space travel is non-aggressive. Otherwise, we would have been wiped off the face of the galaxy by now.
I'm sorry to say but god and jesus arent really my cup of tea, or rather organized religion for that matter. Its become a huge hold back for our development as a race and every time i hear about it I get a lot of negative feelings. The people that rule our religions want nothing more than to control us and i want nothing to do with it. I understand and respect your beliefs and in no way shape or form said this to bash you in any way. Im simply stating how i feel towards the matter. I also would like to thank you for your input and am very curios as to what other people have.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: A Strange Dream

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Derrick,
That was definitely a spiritual experience that you had. It may have involved star people or angels or spirit friends, it is difficult to say. But it seems to hold special meaning for you. Sometimes the experiences with the star people are very spiritual in nature, I've had a lot of those. The "dreams" are so vivid and clear and my awareness is very focused, so it is life changing when it happens.

In your dream, the white area you were in is really interesting.

Not too long ago, probably 6 months ago, I had an experience with the star people where they placed me in a fake scenario to test my reactions. I was sitting at a long table in an office with other people. We were in a tall skyscraper. I knew, from past experience, that this was fake, because they have been doing this to me since I was 4 years old. I got tired of playing around with the acted out scenario and I left the room. I went down a hallway, through another door, and started flying. I was bumping along the ceiling of the room. I flew out a window that was near the top of the room and I kept going. I flew through one more room and one more window and then I was in a completely WHITE world. It was pure white and empty...except for purple nets that I could see in the distance. They were enclosing the world. I realized, at that time, that I had to create the world with my own thoughts. I thought of the happiest thoughts I could and they started to manifest all around me; I had left the matrix and gone into an empty world with nothing in it yet.

That was a time when I saw a pure white empty room like you are talking about.

I agree with your opinion of organized religion; it is a control mechanism of the human population.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: A Strange Dream

Post by Dreamwolf »

this makes me think of what the Fenrans told me about 'Celestial Beings' beings of great power who were created from the energies released during the creation of the universe. These Celestial Beings are capable of seeding planets with the first building blocks of life, amino acids. they stay near the planet long enough for life to start forming and then leave. If you look at it one way you could say that they are gods.

Also The Fenrans have warned me that humans are heading toward a great disaster they will be of their own making. They told me that sooner or later nuclear weapons will be fired and that will probably end the lives of the majority of our species so if anyone gets abducted and these creatures that look like fur covered humans with pointed wolf ears and bushy tails start taking samples of your tissues its because they are trying to save our species from total destruction. I've already donated a number of tissue samples to them for research reasons.

As for your white room the closest thing I personally have seen that reminds me of that is the white space between the conscious and subconscious mind. I go there every night as I go to bed it can be attained by doing meditative exorcises as you lie in bed. its the place your mind is most receptive to telepathic communication if you enter this space you are open to your own deeper thoughts and can be contacted by an outside force. An outsider can nudge you into the space if they are trying to communicate with you. The Fenrans do it to me all the time when they want to learn more about our culture. I enjoy the time I spend with them discussing philosophy and politics....to be honest I have a hard time speaking to people because I think in ways that are so different from everyone else that people just stare at me and think I'm an idiot or full of myself.

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