Dragged out of bed

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Dragged out of bed

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by wings »

Thats intense.

I once saw a photo (online) of a saucer like object over a town. On one side it looked like a living room. I thought to myself, that thing must be linked dimensionally to a persons home at that very moment and I was seeing their living room on that craft in that photo. That would explain some things. In the spirit, you can look into places, etc. If they have technologies that mimic this, then they can probably just link right into a persons room, get up out of their chair, walk across a room in the craft and into your bedroom.

This is just theory, mind you.


Glad you are safe and sound.

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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by wings »

Also that part where you smell dust, that happens to me now and then. So glad you brought that up. It even happened to me tonight in the car. Very heavy smell like dust. Similar to ozone air freshener but still dusty.

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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by wings »

Wild... That is intense. You have experienced these things all your life.

I'll try to see if I can find that photo. I am linked to a Facebook page called Alien Disclosure Group and they post things (photos, stories) daily and it was probably from there that I had seen it, but it was perhaps 3 or 5 months ago. I usually save the screenshots though if they look real. (There are a ton of fake screenshots coming out by kids that are trying to make realistic looking UFO shots, unfortunately).

This totally reminded me, many many years ago, waking up. Sometimes you wake up very slowly and you see something. I was laying there, totally still, and felt a presence. The sun was up, my room was well lit, and standing beside my bed were two beings. They had rainbow colored skin, hook noses like the witch from wizard of oz, and they looked outright evil! They had the meanest look on their faces, their skin was grainy, like tiny bumps, and it was in streaks of color like a lizard sometimes has. They werent very tall, like maybe 5 feet tall, one was taller then the other and for some odd reason, I thought one was female, the short one, but I dont know. All I know is when my heart started beating fast, as I was looking at these two out of the corners of my eyes, they disappeared and I was fully awake and they couldnt be seen. I got out of there.

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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by wings »

Do you have a web link for that photo? I would like to see it if you can find a link for it. Your theory might actually explain not just that experience, but there was only one other time that I saw one of those face-less people in the polo shirt. It was last year, different apartment. I've dismissed it as a dream because I had fallen asleep first, and what happened seemed impossible...unless they have that technology you theorized about. In this experience, I woke up to go to the bathroom, but I noticed the door to my office was open and the light was on (I always close the room up at night). So my hair stood on end, and I went inside, and I saw one of those men. Just like last time, his face was smudged out. This time he was wearing a yellow polo shirt with thin blue horizontal stripes. I caught him as he was opening what looked to be a cellar door in the floor of my office. This is one of the main reasons why I've ascribed this to a dream. I live in an apartment. There is no cellar door. There's no basement. But I saw him open up this new door in the floor of my office and run down some stairs that went underground. I ran after him because I was determined to find out who he was. I ran down the stairs and found myself in an underground room that seemed to have concrete floors and metal walls; it had the vibe of the basement of a large building where the plumbing and heat/air units are housed; I want to say I saw pipes running along the walls. I ran down after the man and turned the corner after the steps to follow him down a hall, but I saw he wasn't down the hall. I turned around, and he had tricked me. He was now standing in front of the stairway blocking my escape as the "cellar door" slammed shut. I had fallen for the oldest trick in the book, and he had me where he wanted me. My heart was beating out my chest. Everything went black, and I woke up in my bed in a sweat. I suppose if they do have this kind of spatial technology where they can link a part of their ship to your home, then I suppose they could create a "cellar door" that would allow me to walk onto their ship.

I looked through my collections of UFO pics and didnt find it. I'll keep looking online for it, the photo of the UFO with what looks like a room against it up in the sky.

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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by Diego9000 »

Sorry ressurrecting a old thread but i really need to because that basically the same thing happened tome, but the outcome was different due my own actions, i never found similar case, so i got a urge to share here what happened to me.

I woke at 5am due a bad setted alarm on the next room (my mother's room).
Since i had to wake/get up at 6:10am, i decided to not sleep anymore and just keep quiet, laying.
I checked my clock many times, so i'm pretty sure it happened between 5:30~5:35am.

It was a cold night so i had two blankets covering me. I felt they sliping to ground, as if opening, one for each side of bed. I tried to pull them but it keep going to floor, then i gave a strong pull and i noticed something pulled in the opposite direction (trying to uncover me), that's when i tried to get up my head to look what was going on and all happened!

My covers were totally pulled out, really fast and i was lifted on air and was trown against my wardrobe, i didn't hit it, but that was the last thing i seen before i getting completely restrained in mid air. My eyes and mouth felt like they were glued with something, i also couldn't move anything, i stood in air in a fetal position.

I don't know what got in me, but i got mad instead of scared and i struggled to do something; i used all my strenght to try open my eyes and mouth. I managed to open my left eye for a bit and i saw two creatures on my room, about my size (170cm), fully black bodies but with white hands and head, their faces were smudged somehow because despite how much i tried to get details of it, i couldn't, the faces were all blur.

One of the beings were holding his hand toward me, as if doing the restraining himself through some psychosinetic abilities. I don't know exactly what it was doing, but 'im pretty sure it was his doing getting me restrained.
The other being was clearly looking for something on my room, i noticed it messing on my shelfs, bed-chest and my pillow.

This situation got me even more irritaded (once again, i dunno why i didn't got scared), this anger made me use more than all the strenght i knew i had. I managed to open my mouth, my both eyes and to move my body, little by little. I noticed the being who was holding his hand in my direction struggling too and the other being started to rush looking/searching through my belonging. Then a point came where i managed to yell and move almost not restrained when the being restraining me trowed me back on my bed and trew my both covers on my face.

I rushed to take them off to do something about the beings but both were gone by the small seconds i took to recover...

I decided to lay again because i was totally exhausted due all the strenght i did to get free.
My mother came normally to my room at 6:00 am as if nothing had happened, she didn't even heard me yell, i asked her if she heard anyone yelling and she said "no".
I didn't found anything missing on my room either later by morning, .

Just to add to this case, my previous encounter was when i moved to my actual house, 10 years ago. I'm pretty sure was the same (type of) being but taller. It was standing in front of my room and pointed at me with his finger and left walking.

Maybe it has some meaning, i don't know what could be...
This second encounter happened 1 year and half ago.

Update/Edit: I corrected a few typos and tried to explain myself better, i'm not a english speaker, sorry, but i wanna let people know exactly what i wanna say.
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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Diego,
Welcome to the forum. What is your native language?

Thanks for sharing your experience here. You said it was basically the same beings who you saw 10 years ago and then again 1 1/2 years ago. Do you think you might have some connection with them? Maybe you have seen them more than just twice.

You did very well trying to fight them off! Good job keeping your eyes open. I know it takes a lot of strength to fight something so bizarre when you are confused and cannot move well.

One thing I can say is this: these experiences seem to happen in another state of consciousness. Although it is very real, the visitations with the star people/aliens mostly happen while we are OUTSIDE our bodies. Have you heard of an Out-Of-Body Experience? You are awake and alert but not in your physical body. This might possibly what happened, why your Mother did not hear you yell and why nothing was missing from your room.


I have had these experiences since I was 4 years old and I'm almost 47 now. I have seen friendly beings and also evil beings. The experiences are definitely real and definitely happening, but I have found that when the star people/aliens come during the night, they take me OUT of my body and my consciousness goes with them in an alternate reality, possibly the Etheric Plane.

This does not happen anymore, because I have learned a lot and grown a lot spiritually. Now, if I want to see them, I will go and meet them "half-way" on a different vibrational frequency. I am never paralyzed or taken against my will. I am in charge now. And you can be too. I know you will, because you did very well last time.

Who are these beings and where do they come from? There are many different answers to those questions. In my experiences, the beings are multi-dimensional, some are good and some are bad. I have even seen United States Military present during some of the encounters. There is a lot of hidden things going on that we need to uncover.

Buena Suerte!
Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by Diego9000 »

Hey Bonnie!
I'm brazilian and I speak portuguese.
I also know a bit of spanish and I been studying english for years now, but I'm still not confident enough on my english...

Exactly as you say Bonnie, I think they can be either the same being or from same species/type as the last encounter 10 years ago.
I can't tell for sure if I ever meet them before because I have no memories of another encounters; but somehow I feel that wasn't the only times I meet them.

I don't think the experience happened out of my body because as I said, one took me off the way so the other could do it's search; I could see my bed clearly along my blankets on the ground, I wasn't there.

I may have come with a theory of why my mother didn't heard me. First of all, she is becoming slowly deaf as I been noticing through last months, and also, she probably was on the lower floor, diminishing even more the chances of her listening me. I also didn't managed to give a loud yell, so that explains why she didn't heard me; at least, I think this is plausible.

I tried to contact our "mufon" (CUB - Centro de Ufologia Brasileiro) but they didn't helped me in any way nor took me as serious...

I been fond on this subject, aliens, UFOs, advanced technology, etc. since I born, I don't remember a single time I didn't looked up about those things.
I also have some cases of "weird things" happening through family member and also some friends.

To make all of this short, I always been involved somehow in those kind of things with high interest, maybe they noticed this and are showing me things or have some kind of interest on me.
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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by wings »

Interesting story, Diego. I wonder what they were looking for.

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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Last edited by ManhattanSkyline on Fri May 31, 2024 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by Diego9000 »


Yes, they indeed looked human, two hands, body and legs, blurred face but only their white parts caught more of my attention since it was still dark at the time they showed up. I can't say if they were naked (lol) with black skin in some parts or wearing some kind of black suit with white hands/head.

Yeah, would be funny but i didn't noticed anything missing, so either:
A- They put something instead of taking something and was trying to hide it.
B- They didn't found what they were looking and i have no idea what it is.

Well, i'm going re-check my things, maybe i have some alien tech lost on my room lol
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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by wings »

I have seen things in my room before, as I was waking up, and when I became fully awake, the thing(s) disappeared, so they are probably shifted, out of phase or in another dimension, I would think. But... Still apparently lost.

It could be that Milabs are trying to find alien tech that is hidden in your place, even if it is out of this dimension.

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Re: Dragged out of bed

Post by Diego9000 »

I searched this on google and i came up with: Military Abdcutions - Milabs

Is it what you mean?
If they were military, why run away from me?!

Anyways, i will find whatever they were looking on my room!
Oh, moonlight, shine on me | I, who has lost the Sun | Embrace me with your light

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