More leg torture

experiences with otherworldly beings

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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More leg torture

Post by wings »

I used to be attacked in my feet by what appeared to be an average of 2 to 3 greys. Sometimes the torture was so bad, I had to go stand in the shower and run cold water over my feet. The torture would last perhaps 2 to 4 hours a night, every night. I fought it, trying to make them leave, yelling, etc.

Now I am being attacked in my legs, in the kneecaps and the calves and just above the kneecaps. Its like an electric sensation and when it starts, my leg will eventually shake around, like its being electricuted. It effects my entire body. They do this it seems to keep me from sleeping, sleep deprevation torture.

Some that know me here by now also know that I have been attacked by witches and druids for 14 years as I will not give up Jesus and I will not join them, so they attack me as well, constantly saying in the spirit 'give up!' and also hurting my body, what feels like stabbing sensations, cigarrette burning sensations, etc, etc.

The reason I decided to come forward on the 'new' form of torture was that it occurred to me that this seems like a 'technology' based torture, like the electric sensation may be from a device, like the greys had when they were burning my feet. I looked in the spirit and found short people standing 'in' my bed, meaning their torsos were above the bed, like standing 'through' it. 2 usually, they appear to have large eyes like Greys, but the things on my body look like they have eyes, like small demons, like when a person is having a migraine and you look in the spirit and they have a 'thing' of light on them and it has eyes and the eyes look like a fox, slanted downwards, etc. These that were attacking my legs look like souls. But the effect is electric....

This has been going on for about 2 weeks now. It was happening a few months ago on my kneecaps, but stopped. That method caused kicking sensations. You are about to go to sleep and suddenly a sensation is on your kneecap, then your leg starts kicking. Now its different area's on my legs.

I feel like a target test dummy that someone is learning to torture people by. sigh....

I am certainly not giving up Jesus though. Something these bad guys just do not seem to understand.

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Re: More leg torture

Post by youngers51 »

I think i maybe going through similar things as you.
I remember my leg kicking out a few years ago

I think they have started on my lower stomach area recently
As i sense energy i know something is in me and it has reached
My lower stomach area.
Sometimes i feel physically sick for no reason then it passes.

I get a lot of muscle spasms i know we get them naturally but
IM not convinced my are all natural.
Sometimes i feel one of the aliens is right in my face looking at me
I did have a message them saying

You can not harm us

I will find away to get rid of them as the make
Me feel physically ill and drained like they take all my energy.
I feel like they keep entering my mind telepathically this is
Mentally draining.

I also have heard a witches laugh when i am nearly asleep this
Did not amscaire me.

As the aliens seem to use telepathy a lot perhaps there is a wrakness
In that way to get back at the aliens doing this to me.

I will try this and see what happens.

Have you had mind torture aswelll like
Shown visions of things and the aliens themselves.
It might be worth fighting them back in your mind.?

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Re: More leg torture

Post by wings »

Hey Youngers,

Yes, quite a bit of mind torture. Very evil things. The group of what I thought were friends had me convinced they were Christians for years. I finally started putting things together, things werent making sense, and one night, I let them know I wouldnt be coming over anymore. They made this meal they always talked badly about. Lasagna. Regular Lasagna dinner. Well, in it must have been one heck of a hallucinogenic drug. I was seeing things for days, and thats when the attacks started, that night. Suicide thoughts, evil attacks, mind rape, pain like you cannot believe. They would keep me up for days with nearly zero sleep. I do not know how I survived the first week, let alone the first year. In one year, I remember having only 2 naps, a maximum of 20 minutes each. That was a big event for me. At night, I was lucky to get an hour of sleep. My mind was going through nightmares as my body would get a bit of rest. Dark dark evil garbage like you cannot believe.

Now... Oddly, when I had my first encounter with aliens, I was ok. But about 2 days later, I was in massive depression. The alien encounter happened 'before' I was onto the witches or druids. I think they were druids as all they talked about was irish things, fake irish accents, stonehenge, clans, etc, etc. (the main guy in the group had written a book on out of body experience).

I noted just now, re-reading my post, that I said I only saw aliens or short people (3 feet tall) when leg torture is going on, but I have also seen tall people, regular people, and I am thinking druids, present, and appearing to be touching my legs where the electrical impulses were happening. I know they have talked about how they can cause muscle cramping 'attacks' on what they called 'bad guys', that the guy that wrote this book on OOBE said he could cause a weight lifter to cramp up so bad, it could break his leg bone. Remember, this guy would go to my Church, a regular non denominational church, and he told me he fought bad guys. Well, I guess he really meant good guys. Not good.

Anyways, yes. Lots of mind torture, and I feel that demons are an off world 'originating' bunch of spirits that fell to earth with satan, and they surely look 'off world' (alien). And I must be some big target for all these teams of spirits to attack for some goofy reason.

Here is a way of testing voices. When you hear things, if they are spirits in your room, you 'should' be able to detect distance and direction. They might be near you, or on the other side of the room. Sometimes they have a 'parot' that will be a spirit that is 'saying' all of your thoughts, and the others will be listening. So you will hear your own inner thoughts 'echo' near you, like by your ear, 2 feet away, corner of the room, etc.

Aliens tend to talk right into the center of your mind. The dark forces seem to only be able to replicate this by standing back behind you and slightly over you, trying to make their voice seem like its coming from within. They use this technique to try to make you think you are thinking certain things, like 'man, I feel so tired', etc. You think thats your own thought when it isnt. You heard it in your mind, but it was from the enemy.

In the same way, when the Holy Spirit talks in you, it will be a faint, calm, peaceful voice that is nearly sooooo silent, you barely recognize it. Very soft and doesnt make you sick or ill. You will actually feel safe when the Holy Spirit talks to you or is present.

My first Alien experience (that I know of), they talked in my mind, dead center, and I thought it was my own inner voice talking to them, lol. I heard myself in my mind think 'Dont worry. I will not hurt you'. Later I realized it was them or one of them. And oddly, when this 'happened', I turned and went in the other room and read a book, which is not what someone would do. Crazy. Its amazing I didnt start talking to them, asking them all sorts of questions, like where are you from, names, etc. But no.. I read a book. I heard later that the grays are powerful at mind control, so perhaps this was proof of that. I dont know.

I hope you find peace and things leave you alone. It is not fun. It is indeed torture, torment.

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Re: More leg torture

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Wings and Youngers,

NO matter who or what is hurting you, you have the power to make it stop. Your inner self, your true self or spirit is way more powerful than any demon, alien, or evil doer.

Years ago, when I was first becoming conscious of all the experiences I had during the night, I didn't know what to do except keep love in my heart. I tried to stay calm and keep my eyes open, to be aware and observe everything I could. I had to deal with some very bad situations where I was tortured.

Now that I have had many years of experience, I am never abducted from my bed or tortured. In fact, when I do see evil aliens or any of the evil controllers of this planet, it is quite the opposite of what it used to be; now the evil ones shake in their boots when they see me.

I believe this is because I now realize that we each have the power to manifest our lives and everything that happens to us. Through love and light, and a feeling of peacefulness, we can each think about good things and make them happen. The more you practice, the quicker it works so that eventually, you can wake up in the morning and literally create your beautiful day just by thinking about it and focusing on it.

You have to realize this for yourself. You have to work on your own consciousness and bring yourself to a place where you know that your true self, your spirit, can never be harmed and that you are all-powerful in your life. You make the rules and you decide who you allow into your life.

And, by the way, not all "Witches" are evil; in fact, there are many people who call themselves Wiccan or Witches who are actually beautiful, loving people who only want to be able to create a happy world to live in. They use what they call "magick" to manifest their lives...but magick is just another way to express the idea that we can each manifest our own beautiful world to live in...and if more people had this idea, our unified consciousness would begin to produce happiness and love and a beautiful world on a mass scale for everyone.

Wings, I am sorry that you got involved with a group of "Druids" who disguised themselves as "Christians." Anyone who would misrepresent themselves like that is definitely not good. However; you must look into what all organized religion really is: a grand misrepresentation.

In order to overcome the attacks you are suffering, look within yourself to find your inner strength. This, as far as I know, is the only answer to this problem.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

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Re: More leg torture

Post by youngers51 »

I recently bought a ionic rock salt crystal lamp.
It purifies the air in the room.
I gave it ago and it seems to almost stop the beings doing things
To my legs.
Either its the light that is given off by the lamp that stood them
Or the properties within the crystal its self that stops them.

Also i have had less visitations from other spirits and aliens.

I hope its doesn't stop the good ones coming through.

Wings may i suggest you getting this crystal lamp if it can work for me
It can work for you.

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