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A (skeptical) experience

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:45 am
by jandj
Greetings !.

I'm a 18 year old guy who is doing some cautious research into a strange experience that happened approximately this time last year.

The incident involved me, and a female friend driving in the country between towns. We first sighted an object, and shortly after had a close encounter with some very strong memories of lights and lying flat whilst unable to move.

The strongest proof as to our story is currently medical evidence. Both of us have multiple scars on our bodies that were definately not present before the experience and were noticed just hours afterwards.

Some of these scars are on the back and on the neck and stomach. The most interesting scars that give the most proof of unusual events, concern bodily locations that are "mature content". So for decency I won't offer any more detail unless people are okay with reading that sort of thing. Suffice to say many scars are on parts of the body that are unlikely to be the result of any reasonable cause and they have been confirmed by more than one doctor to be unusual.

Finally, I have to admit, both me and my friend are skeptics and pro-scientific, both by inclination and by academic interest. We don't personally support the more spiritual type viewpoints that seem to feature quite a lot in the community about alien abduction, though we don't have a problem with peoples freedom to believe in what they wish.

I'd be very curious to hear anyone's input on the matter, and anyone's experiences that they would like to share. I am not overly well versed in research on the alien abduction phenomena, but I'll offer back whatever content I can :D

Re: A (skeptical) experience

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:28 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi jandj,
Scientific minds? No problem. :-) I'm a William & Mary graduate myself. Not only have I been researching alien abduction for over 24 years, I've actually been living it my whole life firsthand (I had my first alien encounter at four years of age).

One of the most important (extremely important) facts to note about alien abduction is that it is etheric in nature, not physical. The etheric plane is the blueprint for the physical plane, so healed scars show up in the morning (physically) thanks to fresh wounds the night before (etherically). Pretty hideous, I know, but that's the way it is.

It sounds like you and your friend may have had a real abduction; whether it was conducted by aliens or government personnel is another question. Can either of you remember more about your experience of lying flat and being unable to move?

Please feel free to speak your mind here.
Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: A (skeptical) experience

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:06 am
by jandj
Hi Bonnie

Thanks for the warm welcome. Appreciated, for someone venturing beyond his usual level of comfort. In honesty I can't say I have read any evidence to challenge rigid science, and I do believe the most fundamental rules of the universe are non sentient. But regardless, I think I'll get along fine here :-).

Thankyou also for the account of your own experiences. I'd be curious to know a little more, if you would be happy to describe them ?.

Also curious about the term "etheric" and "etheric plane". Can I inquire as to what you are referring to by "etheric plane". Something reconcilable with fancy science ? :-), or something different ?

I think though I actually have posted in the incorrect section of the forum. I am hardly sure I have had "Contact with aliens beings" or at least not the kind I would have liked :-). So to avoid a long post, I'll post my and my friends experience in the "Need help with Alien abduction ?" section.

Re: A (skeptical) experience

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:49 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi jandj,
The etheric plane vibrates at a higher (and finer) rate than the dense physical plane, and is much more subtle to us here in physical bodies. Looking at it in scientific terms, the etheric plane is analogous to dark matter. You can find information about the etheric plane in many places on the Internet, but here is a little info:

"Subtle Matter and Energy

To a metaphysicist, dark matter and energy is not much different from ‘subtle matter and energy’ – a term used frequently in metaphysical literature. The term ‘subtle’ used by metaphysicists is not much different from ‘weakly interacting’ used by physicists to describe the nature of interactions between ordinary and dark matter. Physicists say dark matter ‘interacts weakly’ with ordinarily visible matter. They could well have said that there are ‘subtle interactions’ between dark and ordinarily visible matter.

Subtle matter (in traditional metaphysical theories) is considered to be made up of highly energetic particles which only become visible after some training in meditation or similar exercises. For some people, this ability to see the subtle bodies of others and their own comes naturally by using the senses in their own dark or subtle bodies. Modern ‘seers’ were unanimous in their opinion that these bodies consist of as yet undiscovered matter and energy and have mass – long before any widespread awareness of dark matter or Superstring theories.

Dark/Subtle Matter provides the Invisible Scaffolding, Mould or Template for Ordinary Matter

Physicist Chung Pei-Ma, an associate professor of astronomy at UC Berkeley, concludes that “the ghost universe of dark matter is a template for the visible universe”. According to Richard Massey, a dark matter researcher at the California Institute of Technology, dark matter condensed first. The gravity of dark matter then pulled ordinary matter into it. “The normal matter flows gravitationally into this sort of dark matter scaffolding," Massey says "and is constructed within that into the galaxy and the stars we see today.” According to scientists, dark matter and its gravity shaped bright matter in a manner similar to how the texture of the ground shapes puddles of rainwater. This basically means dark matter acts as a mould for ordinary matter to accumulate and be shaped. Dark matter has been regarded by scientists as something that gives structure to ordinary matter. This means it allows ordinary matter to maintain its form. Barbara Brennan, former NASA engineer and now world-renowned energy healer, says that the “human energy field” has an organizing effect on matter and builds forms; any changes in the material world are preceded by a change in this field. Metaphysicists, such as Brennan, have been insisting for years that these invisible fields form the templates for the formation of the biomolecular body. Metaphysicist Leonard Ravitz says that the invisible electric fields serve as an electronic matrix to keep the corporeal form in shape. In other words they provide the structure to our physical-biomolecular body to maintain its form." retrieved August 2, 2010 from the website

I will head over to your repost to reply further.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: A (skeptical) experience

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:07 am
by Tess
Hi Janji,I just read your post,unfortunately i am not that experience to offer any answers about the scars you and your friend had.
What i would like to say is that although there are abductees who have rose spiritually ,not all have.

I wish i could find and rise to that level,but i guess we are all different as individuals.Since a child things have looked me in the face and yet i still refuse to believe,guess i am my own worst enemy!

If you read about my experiences,perhaps you can understand me better,before the flash backs i never even believed in aliens or those who said they were abducted.To-day i bow my head for being so stupid and ignorant(irrelevant of having gone to university!)