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Telling for the first time (So go easy with me please)

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:45 pm
by colin2015
Sorry its so long but I am desperate.

How to start? Well its possibly I am crazy, but the other part of me is well educated, well travelled and had until recently I had a very important well paid job. However l also believe that I am the subject of prolonged interference by the Greys.

Before 'it' happened (the first 'it' that I can remember clearly!) I didn't believe, - all those people are stupid, drunk, crazy, farmers right???)

The first time I can remember them clearly I was a university student, concerned with drinking & trying to have sex with anything that moved.

Now I am in my early 40s and for the last few year I have become obsessed with reading about 'them' on the internet.

'It' happened when I was about 21 years old, living in the university halls. This particular night I was naked on my bed looking out towards the window. It was about 9pm but I was NOT asleep nor was I even tired. Then there was a noise as if the fridge door had been left open, and there was a humming sound which I thought came from the communal kitchen down the hallway.

(In reality, it was far too far way for me to hear it, but at the time that's where I thought the noise was coming from.)

I turned over towards the door and the noise stopped. I turned back & it started again, so I turned over again (annoyed that I would have to get up & go to the kitchen) and the noise stopped again but this time the wall of my bedroom seemed to be moving like a wave or ripple (it was no longer solid.)
At the time I put it down to turning over too fast in bed and so just turned back to the window again. The noise came again and I tried to turn over but couldn't at the same time a bright light filled the room, it felt like the light passed though me.

Then 'they' came, and I knew immediately who they were and that it was going to be very bad. It sounds crazy but I even remember saying to myself "this is going to hurt very bad". (It took about 20 more years for me to analyse this statement fully. ....How did I know it was the Greys and that they where going to hurt me physically? Clearly the only way I could have known is if I had prior knowledge of them. Am I correct?)

Paralysed, & mute I laying on my side, on the bed - they walked into places around me. One was near my head, maybe he was touching me with his own head to mine. Two more were at my middle and two more at my feet. One of which was a little taller then the others although in truth I have no idea how tall the one by my head was, as I couldn't see him. My bed buffered the wall with the window so I could only see what was going on by looking over my shoulder or downward toward my feet. I can only assume they came though the wall, there was at least 5 of them. Small Gray (hooded with monk-like cloaks) and of course the large black soulless eyes. (the typical Greys)

The two by my side took a metal fork like implement (just like the Chinese fighting weapon called a Sai) and stuck it into my side (lower left rib). It was the worst pain I have ever experienced, I felt like I was going to die from the pain. Immediately images of my life flashed before my eyes, it stopped on random images - and eventually stopped on the image of a nuclear mushroom cloud explosion.

After that I passed out. It seemed like all this took seconds but there was a period of time missing later and after there was small red spots on my side, which faded within seconds but I think there is still something in there although I had an ex-rayed 5 years ago and nothing showed up. After what seemed like seconds I was aware of them leaving me, but I still couldn't move for about another 30 seconds. They left me with only one message
'they would be back.'

It felt more like a threat than anything else, but I was in pain and very angry at the time so I am not sure.

There have been other times that I am not so clear about. Times when I would wake up with itchy chemical like burns behind my ears and scars and blood on me which I couldn't explain. I think they started taking me when I was very young, as a child I would often get noise bleeds 3 or 4 times a week and find myself standing in the middle of fields looking up at the sky. Constantly I had the feeling I was being watched, and even at 5 years old I would say "the little evil 'witches' were going to come and get me" I would tell my parents they were in my wardrobe or under my bed. Clearly I can remember 'sleepwalking' once around 10 years old and waking up outside in my PJs a block away from my house - I had left the house before the 'men in black' (20 years before the movie!) came to get me. When I was about 5 years of age - I thought they were witches ...they would call me to the top of the stairs and then I would be floating down the stairs and through the closed and locked wooden door. I can remember being 11 and climbing up onto the neighbouring low level roofs for the first time but knowing what was up on the roof tops because I regularly floated over them in my 'dreams'.

These days I see UFO’s most nights in fact I am sure if I go to my window right now there will be one in the distance flashing all the colours of the rainbow - no its not a plane! Crazy as it sounds I used to have the worst need to walk outside in the middle of the night, even if it was cold and raining. Unpleasant as it is, I often had sinus problems, and after waking up my noise was filed with blood, my head would ache, and I would have horrid fatigue, migraines and crazy odd rashes. Moreover I currently now suffer from insomnia and again find myself wandering outside to look at the flashing lights - strangely I seem to know where and when they are going to be in the sky.

On the night I have written about I think they put something inside me, but at the same time I feel as though I was also 'gifted' with a much higher IQ, additionally some kind of psychic ability, and the ability to 'read' people.
A few years ago I was again paralysed in bed and I knew they were just outside the open doorway. In my mid 30s I started going to church, and so when they came that time I started to pray and asked God to help me. I prayed harder than I ever had before and surprisingly they left. Which hurls a whole load of theological issues at me which I don't have any answers for right now. To me it seems that I am somehow special and have a task to do but I honestly don’t know exactly what it is or why I have this feeling, so why me?

I now live alone, very isolated in the countryside but with the lights back most nights now I am totally desperate for support but only from other people who have actually been or are currently being taken.

Re: Telling for the first time (So go easy with me please)

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:27 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Colin,
I don't think you are crazy at all. What you have described sounds very familiar...I'm sure other members of this forum will agree with me. I have been visited by both good and bad "aliens." I call the nice ones "star people." And I have also experienced the military abductions. This has been going on since I was 4 years old.

It is most definitely a complex issue that takes a lot of thought to figure out. Like you, I am "educated" me laugh because I guess I really went to college to get indoctrinated with all the lies they wanted me to believe was truth. In reality, nothing they taught us in school was true.

There is more to this life than we are consciously aware of, that is for sure. But we are figuring it out.

If calling on God helps you, then keep doing that! :-)

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: Telling for the first time (So go easy with me please)

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:45 am
by colin2015
Thank you so much Bonnie for your response.

Re: Telling for the first time (So go easy with me please)

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:37 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
You are welcome. :-)

Re: Telling for the first time (So go easy with me please)

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:02 pm
by ManhattanSkyline