galactic lenguage

experiences with otherworldly beings

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galactic lenguage

Post by gabsu »

okay, I started to write on this weird lenguage since i was like 14 or 15 and i knew it was a langueage cause i always used the same digits.
Today i decided to look for it, so i researched as many dead dialects as possible, at last i tried with Atlantis lenguage and something called IRDIN popped up on my screen, I looked at the picture and both matched pretty preciselly.
I looked for its definition and where it came and it said is the lenguage of the galactic organization (wich ive researched before) and while i read it all just came to me.
Has anything like this ever happended to someone else?

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Re: galactic lenguage

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Gabsu,
That is awesome that you found some matching symbols to the language you've been writing. Would it be possible for you to share some of the symbols of the language with us?

I have seen certain symbols inside different craft when I was aboard. I have seen them a number of times when I was with the star people. Some of the symbols are geometric, but I have not really found a matching language.

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Re: galactic lenguage

Post by gabsu »

hello bonnie,
I tried uploading it many times and for many wird reasons it was like not downloading or smthing, but finally i did it.
This one is very vague... sometimes i write more detailed ones, but i remember i was drawing when i wrote this one and i did it pretty fast. Thats why it looks so messy.
Thanks for the replay :)
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Re: galactic lenguage

Post by Mic »

Hi Gabsu,

why do you write these symbols and in what circumstance?

According to you is it an alphabet, a text? It seem to have no punctuation if it is a text, no space between words either. It have some symbols that are repeated.

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Re: galactic lenguage

Post by Blue_Eyed_Aliens »

Interesting stuff, I recently started dabbling into the concept of light language. So I would record myself saying things after a quick meditation session then I would put it in a text generator that translates languages. One of the messages was going off about a Russian and Chinese GPS satellite. It's was an interesting. But yeah apparently the language was Hebrew. Least that's what the text generator thought.

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Re: galactic lenguage

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

I think we each have our own ability to channel material in different ways. It could be a language that is something we knew from a past life. Perhaps it is an ancient language that would be difficult to translate now...unless we have that capability within us to do it. Hebrew is definitely an old language.

When I was on the ships with the star people, I sometimes saw a written language that looked similar to the writing in Gabsu's drawing, but a lot of it looked like geometric shapes.

I think we will remember these languages as we wake up to who we really are. Then we will know our true abilities again.
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Re: galactic lenguage

Post by slaney »

I’ve been writing the same language all my life. I can remember being made to trace those symbols over and over as a child. It’s not really an alphabetical A-Z thing, every single symbol is like a whole story.

I am 63 years old and I’m still wondering why I was taught this by someone I called my teacher and the kind lady.

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Re: galactic lenguage

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Slaney!
Welcome to the Alien Abduction Help Forum! :D

It is wonderful that you can recall being taught this language and repeatedly drawing the symbols over and over again. When you say "the teacher" and the "nice lady" it reminds of of the way I would speak about the beings I was interacting with when I was little. I was around the "nice nurses" who took care of me. And, of course there were teachers; they were the star people.

Yeah, why did they teach you that language? Perhaps you will need to be able to decipher it sometime in the future. Or maybe you have been using that knowledge already while your physical body is asleep at night. You may have been going with them and not remembering it. ?
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Re: galactic lenguage

Post by slaney »

You know I think about that a lot. Part of me feels it wasn’t totally new to me. I’ve had so much contact and whilst I remember loads totally conscious recall, other times just snippets, part conversations. Why?

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Re: galactic lenguage

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

It is the same for me. I have great conscious recall usually, but sometimes I only remember little bits here and there. It is like trying to figure out a puzzle. I just keep writing everything down that I can remember so I can analyze it all later. :-)
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Re: galactic lenguage

Post by Geoff »

I can relate to consciously remembering bits and pieces, fragments, sometimes I wonder why I remember certain things. I believe there is another part of consciousness or higher self that determines what and how much I remember, sometimes things make sense in time.

It must be interesting to remember being taught a language and being able to write it down, I vaguely remember seeing some symbols on a wall, but that’s it.

Hi Bonnie, I remember reading that you have encounters while meditating, do you also have memories while meditating.

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Re: galactic lenguage

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Geoff,
Yeah, it could be that our higher selves help determine how much we get to remember. One time, many years ago, I actually asked the star people who I really was and they replied, "If you knew that, you wouldn't want to be here!" They also said that I would realize my true self in my own time, according to how I progressed. I got the impression it had to do with my higher consciousness and that I would eventually allow myself to recall everything I needed. I think that's true because I am remembering my true self as I become more consciously aware.

The only encounters I really have while meditating are occasionally meeting different entities by feeling their energy around me. I have been able to do remote viewing while meditating also. I recently met with my father while meditating. He passed into spirit 15 years ago, but I am able to see him in my dreams and now during deep meditation if I am really focused.

Yes, I can sometimes bring back memories while meditating. That is probably the best way to recall events that we only have pieces of. If we get focused during meditation and bring ourselves back to that experience, we can look for details we did not remember before.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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