My experience

experiences with otherworldly beings

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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My experience

Post by Ontarioguy »

My experience was good time ago, while i remember the initial sighting very vividly i still have yet to find anybody that has seen anything similiar, especially in my area. I was probably between 9-12 ny brothers and i were just outside playing, fighting normal boy stuff. When we heard a odd subtle noise, we looked up and behold a very big ufo that looked almost as if it was directly above my house. Immediately i ran into my house to ask if the lights or tv have flickered in which the reply was yes. I told my mother and step dad of the ufo who stayed sitting because they didnt believe me while i ran back outside. I Watched the ufo for a few moments until it zipped away in a northern direction. I rememver the craft very very well, as if it was burnt into my memory.

About 2 days later for the next 2 nights i had very bad dreams, these are which i dont remember well at all. Of the 2 dreams i remember parts of 1 and waking up after both. The first one i remember having a super bright light on me when i ("woke up" not sure if it was even a dream) and being scared, very scared. I was seemingly being pulled out of my bed and up into my roof which was only light. I had eyes on me inside a bright room with silhouettes around me. I cant seem to remember the shape or what i was on or where but i remember the feeling. After this i woke up in my bed in the middle of the night covered in sweat and breathing heavy as if i held my breathe for a long time. The second night i remember nothing at all except for waking up the exact same way.

I attached a picture of the ufo i seen which is almost identical except from memory it seemed a little more boxy but the size seems accurate. The picture is of a 96 ufo sighting in the yukon( canada ) which is very close to the approximate time i had my experience but i live in ontario (canada) has anybody else seen anything like this?

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: My experience

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Ontario Guy,
Thanks for sharing your experience. Wow! You saw the UFO during the day in the physical world and then a couple nights sounds like you were abducted two nights in a row.

I have seen many UFOs and experienced many abductions/visitations. Some UFOs I saw during the day and some in the evening and then I have seen many of them while I was "asleep"...but this kind of sleep is where I am actually wide awake but not in my physical body. The visitors have a way of taking our conscious awareness right out of the physical form. And then we are interacting with them consciously and when we "wake up" back in our beds we know we have just experienced something very bizarre and very REAL.

The craft you saw was similar to the one in the picture -- did it also have lights all around it? Was the bottom lit up as well?

I did a quick Internet search and found a website that documents UFO sightings, with some in Ontario
This Ontario UFO sighting was actually in 1996!

There seem to be a lot of sightings in Ontario!

I do not recall seeing a craft exactly like this, but I did see one back in 1990 that was full of colored lights and it even had tentacles that made it look like a jellyfish. That was probably the most exotic one I have seen so far.

It is so typical that you ran in to tell your parents and they did not believe you. I had the same problem. I was always open-minded and able to see things that other people could not see...including UFOs...but everyone else around me was too unconscious to be aware.

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Re: My experience

Post by Ontarioguy »

very late reply but yes, it had lights all around it and the bottom was lit aswell. the bottom didnt have any colour to the light though i beleive the bottom was more illimination than lighting. parts of the bottom section seemed to spin in different directions while the middle/top stayed still. it never gradually picked up speed, or moved. it was just stationary, until it wasnt, it took off almost like something from star wars. slight streek of light and it was gone

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