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Alien Encounters - disaster visions and an operating table

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:00 pm
by Tess
Hi,i hope i am writing in the place that i should!Since the flashbacks it does seem that my illness is getting worse,as if it was not enough to have cfs i am now getting seizures.When i think about what happened i have started to feel depressed,i do know that in malta there is no one i can talk to and be believed.I did send a drawing on the kind of bed i was on,i wonder if it was received or not,if i can put an attachment here i will ask my son to show me how.

It is of importance to me,cause i wonder if any one saw any thing similar.I do have many dreams but give them little importance,except does that happened when i was a child.I use to dream of an asteroid coming down and then there would be only darkness,seeing my village flooded in sea water and the statute of liberty half submerged in water.The dreams are strange for the fact that i had never heard the word asteroid,to me it was some thing that did not exists,i had never seen the statue of liberty before,all i knew was that at school we learned that there was a place far far away called U.S.A.It was years later that i was to see picture of the statue,the media back then was nothing like it is now

One last thing,some times when i wake up i see a big black spider,it would be looking at me then it would turn round and disappear behind some thing.Now i need to say that there are no such spiders in malta,it had been a while since i saw it last,but i just saw it again to-day,i do not know why i just stare at it instead of trying to grab it ,guess i am too afraid.Does anyone experience any thing similar?take care Tess.

Re: Alien Encounters

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:50 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hi Tess,
Here is the picture you drew of the bed you were lying on. You said that it was like nothing you had ever seen before. Can you describe what you drew here?
One thing the aliens/star people do is show abductees a "disaster vision" of natural disasters and terrible catastrophes plaguing the Earth. Maybe the purpose is to wake us up and persuade us to take better care of the Earth or perhaps the purpose is more sinister; they could also be false images implanted into our minds to make us focus our thoughts on them and actually make the disasters happen. The secret government and the reptilians would not pass up the chance to do such a thing.

The star people used to show me spiders all the time and tell me to not be afraid of them. It seemed like it was a way for me to face my fears; one of the things the star people teach is to overcome your fear so it does not have control over you. I suppose it all depends on how you feel about it -- was it a lesson for facing fear or was there another purpose? But to answer your question, yes, many alien abductees see spiders during their visitations.

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Need Help with Alien Abduction.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:15 pm
by Tess
Hi Bonnie,i am so grateful for your replies it meant so much to me.To know that i am not alone in seeing a black spider and the light that came on in the dark and show me things,now i can understand better the things i have been experiencing.

Believe me when i say i have no one to talk to here in ,malta!When i bring up the topic with my husband he say i am nuts.So i figure it would be better if i just keep my mouth shut.

You asked me about what i drew,silly me i assumed one would realize,that was what i was on.This kind of (bed),the attachments are like some flexible rods,the (bed) can be put in different positions example more to the right or left.The height can be altered,in a few words any position and the flexible rods once moved will retain that position,hope i gave you a better idea.Its some thing i never saw before,only in the flashbacks.

About the flashbacks coming on when i would be cleaning the stairs.Could the stairs play a role,did i go to them buy going downstairs?It brought a memory of when i was 7 or 8 yrs old,i was dreaming that i woke up from my bed and started going downstairs ,i could see in a nearby room there was some one or some thing behind the curtain i could see the feet.Then i tripped and to my horror i woke up and found i was really going down the stairs.I was terrified and ran upstairs on all fours,i did not scream the last thing i wanted was to wake up my parents,they would hot have been amused!With only 3 to 5 steps to go some thing strange happened,i found i could hardly move.But i was determined to keep on going,and raising one arm ,then the next then my feet ,they felt so heavy and it looked like i was doing it all in slow motion.I kept looking at the bottom of the stairs,half expecting to see some thing,finally i made it off the stairs and every thing went back to normal and i ran back to bed.

The last thing, you asked me what the aliens looked like ,the one on my left was very human like but much taller and blond,his hair was the color of straw and reached down to his shoulder.He was the only one i think wearing a white coat,there were humans too collaborating?but the image was rather vague as i kept looking at him and he was the only one that spoke,bending down he whispered in my ear....I know this will hurt but it would soon be over.......well at least he did not lie! I have no idea if he spoke in maltese or English all i know is that i understood him.

I always thought that aliens were the Grey ones with big eyes.There is some thing else to tell which has come to me just now!!! He befriended me yrs ago how could i have forgotten? The first time was when i was still a nurse and i was so ill with cfs that i thought this is it i am going to jump and commit suicide(the ward was on the 3 floor),that is when i saw him,he told me..... to-day is not the right time,when the time arrive i will tell you........,Oh dear it is like a complicated puzzle and i need to fit in the pieces together.Very tired must Tess.

Re: Alien Encounters - disaster visions and an operating tab

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:25 pm
by Bonnie Jean Mitchell
Hello Tess,
I am glad to correspond with you about the alien visitations. You are most definitely not alone, that is for sure. I have found that talking (or writing) about alien abduction is like therapy; it helps to get it out. Some people are not open-minded enough or not spiritually ready to discuss such a deep subject, it just scares them too much so they blindly go about their business not knowing the truth. You are apparently waking up to this truth and the time is right for you to figure it out.

Thank you for explaining the bed/table you drew, you described it nicely. I have been on plenty of the aliens' operating tables, but I can't say that I ever really studied the tables very well. Good observation on your part.

Wow. What an experience you had when you were only 7 or 8 years old! It sounds like the aliens were coming to pick you up but you managed to wake yourself before you walked out the door. That could explain why you felt so heavy and dense and everything seemed to be in slow motion -- you were able to force your waking consciousness back into your physical body and take control. Have you ever seen a silver orb (ball) during these visitations? It is one of the tools they use to emit low density energy waves that affect the human body (make it dense and slow like you described). Although, it isn't just the aliens/star people that use the silver balls, it is also the United States military. I have also experienced this -- the silver ball made it almost impossible for me to move, but I found the strength to pull myself to safety.

There are all different types of aliens/star people. The one you describe with the blonde hair might be called a "Nordic." It sounds like you have a life-long relationship with this person, which is not unusual at all for contactees. Many people who have these experiences their whole lives do have one alien or star person in particular that watches out for them.

Yes, it is a puzzle and you will need to put the pieces together.
Congratulations Tess, you are doing it! :D

Many Blessings, Bonnie

Re: Alien Encounters - disaster visions and an operating tab

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:09 pm
by Tess
Hi Bonnie,thanks so much for taking the time to help and give me some much needed answers!I do not recall seeing any silver balls,but again you managed to stir long forgotten memories,I remember now that as a child i would climb on my parents bed just as it would be getting dark and i would focus on a part of the wall high up and out of nowhere i would start seeing like bops of colors.They always came from the right side and would float to the left and disappear ,again i would focus on the right and so it went on.So what was fascinating?well i never would know the color that was about to came ,to me these where beautiful, one color after another.I never questioned where they were coming from, the source i mean ,to me as a child that was not important.So much colours,the best one was the purple so beautiful.

The colours only came in that room no where else and only when i was alone, wonder why i do not see them any more its been ages.There is one think i need to mention guess before i change my mind!I am able to move some thing round like a ball without touching it,as long as it is not made of some thing heavy.What i do is by thought move the air which as you know is made of different gases and its those atoms i move which in turn move the ball.I am not able to send it across the room but moves back and fort or spin slowly.I do not tell any one,do not have to.I am in my late forties and have a 6year old grand daughter who i take care of,so when she ask me how i do it i tell her practice and you would be able to do it too.

As a child i could do so much more,then when i met my future husband at 17 and told him what i could do he told me... don't be stupid humans cannot do that... and know what he instilled doubt and nothing was the same again.So much more to say but it is better to say a little at a time,cause not only would i get tired but at times over whelmed by what i have been keeping inside me,not to mention the memories that are resurfacing.

So i stop for now,pls understand that i am neither exaggerating,lying or inventing.Must get up and switch the Barney video off its driving me nuts!take care every one love Tess.

Re: Alien Encounters - disaster visions and an operating tab

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:42 pm
by Ashlie
I've had many dreams about disaters and such. Lately though I keep having these dreams where there are two suns in the sky. I actually just looked it up on the internet and it said that there would be two suns in the sky around 2012! Has anyone else heard of that? I've had this dream many times, but in the dream nothing scary really happens. I have had dreams of aliens showing me huge buildings collapsing and it was pretty frightening. Another thing I wanted to mention, is that I have heard that there is some war going on between the star people. And that is another thing I've been "dreaming" abou this dream, (which I am in full conciousness in btw) I am following this little alien around, and I have something important to deliver to someone, and I've had these dreams multiple times, and in each dream I get a little further to delivering whatever it is I have to deliver...but in the dreams there's all these little wars going on I've never seen and little aliens running around everywhere. I've been having these sort of dreams for a long time now. Can anyone tell me what might be going on? Thanks!!