Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

experiences with otherworldly beings

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Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Darkmatter »

1.Have you ever felt light headed out of nowhere before it happens?Does your head get fuzzy?
Anytime before it happens my head gets fuzzy and then I remember some of it or none of it.

2.Do you experience acid trip dreams?ive never done drugs before except marijuana and some of these dreams are bizarre and strange.

3.Have you lost some of your ability to feel emotions?I feel less after each time but my functionality and competence at work improves each time.

4.Why is this happening??Why do they do this?Is this real?Am I crazy?

Any answers would be appreciated

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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Greetings Darkmatter,
Welcome to the Alien Abduction Help forum!

I will attempt to address your questions.

1."Have you ever felt light headed out of nowhere before it happens? Does your head get fuzzy?
Anytime before it happens my head gets fuzzy and then I remember some of it or none of it."

I assume that when you say "it" you are referring to a visitation. Yes, it would make sense that your head would get fuzzy or you might feel light-headed. For me, the visits happen during the night. In the early days of my visitations, I would get into bed and while I was lying there, I would start to feel someone in the room. Then I would begin to feel a change of awareness; my whole body would start tingling and my mind seemed to shift into a different state of consciousness. I was aware of the beings in my room, but I could feel a change taking place within me. I would sometimes lose consciousness. When I woke up in the morning, I would usually remember what happened during the night, but I am sure there are many events I do not consciously recall. If I stayed calm and was not afraid, I would recall a lot of what happened. I can totally see where you would feel light-headed.

2."Do you experience acid trip dreams? I've never done drugs before except marijuana and some of these dreams are bizarre and strange."

I have had some incredible dreams, for sure!! Besides the visitations, I also go Out-of-Body on my own and sometimes I end up in some strange, brand new places. I can also see hexagonal shapes as I am waking up. I think these shapes are showing me the base structure of reality. Maybe you can tell me about some of your acid trip dreams so I have a better idea of what you mean. Remember that regular dreams are the subconscious mind speaking to the conscious mind. There is some message in there for you.

3."Have you lost some of your ability to feel emotions? I feel less after each time but my functionality and competence at work improves each time."

I don't think I have lost any ability to feel emotions but, as I gain more experience, I am less likely to react in a dramatically emotional way. The more I learn, the more calm I am and I don't let my emotions control my actions. Do you think you are just getting a handle on your emotions?

4."Why is this happening?? Why do they do this? Is this real? Am I crazy?"

Yes, it is real. No, you are not crazy. As to why it happens and why they do it...there are different theories. I have been going through this my whole life. I have formed relationships with some of the friendly ones. They taught me how to raise my vibrational frequency and become more aware of who I really am. They have encouraged me to stand up for myself, take back my true power, and manifest a beautiful reality for myself. There is a lot to it. I guess it depends on who you are dealing with. Some of the visitors are creating hybrid children. Some are like scientists who are gathering data, some are trying to keep humanity dumbed down and asleep, unaware of who we truly are.
What can you recall about your visits? Do you have any idea who you are dealing with?

These visits are happening to many, many people but most are unaware of it. The good news is that when you start to realize what is going on, you can begin to take control of it. You are taking an important step by talking about it; this will help you figure things out.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Darkmatter »

Every visit is a bit different or the same but they generally revolve around improving myself and becoming a more powerful individual or its just plain bizarre.

1.I recall a time when I was sat down in a chair and talked to one but I couldn’t see it’s face,I looked around and their were others standing around.It was strange though,I looked at my hands and they didn’t look like my hands.It looked like I had scales.

2.Their was a time when it felt like I wasn’t in my body but I was floating through some strange place with strange creatures,the aura of the whole place was a fluorescent purple.It was hard to travel through different places in that dream,it was like fighting sleep paralysis.I feel like this is where I meant these hooded black beings with a purple aura originally. visits generally begin when I start to hear sounds in the house,my head gets hazy and I’ve trained myself to be able to move if need be.I think maybe they do it for my safety,it’s really picked up this past week and I don’t know why.Im not really scared now,their is just a sense of calm.

I think I’m dealing with the small greys,reptile looking creatures and some bizarre black beings with an aura.I have no idea what is happening exactly,I started looking these things up and it just seems out there.I honestly feel uncomfortable talking about it but I don’t know what else to do or who to vent to.

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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Darkmatter!
I know it is weird to talk about it especially when you are used to keeping quiet about it. I know how you feel. Luckily, we have this forum to discuss the topic and no one is going to judge us here.

It is likely you are going Out-of-Body and exploring while your physical body sleeps. This is the main way they interact with us. It really is like a spiritual journey that happens in other states of awareness on different frequencies. It can certainly be trippy.

I have also interacted with the greys and reptilians. They are not known to be the friendliest beings but there are some good ones in the bunch. The black hooded beings sound like some of the demons or dark magicians that I have dealt with, but I don't know who you are seeing...hard to tell what is under those robes.

I had an incredible experience with the star people inside of a fake scenario they set up for me. They usually put me through tests and puzzles, expecting me to go a good job. This time they put me in a room with some other humans, and I quickly figured out they were not real people. I rolled my eyes and got up to leave the room (I have been through it so many times). I went outside the room, down a hallway, through a couple other rooms and then flew out an upper window. I flew outside and as I looked around the landscape, I saw purple nets hanging from the sky to the ground. I was inside of a huge rectangular room. I got to see that their "natural environment" was basically just a movie set. That was a trippy one, but I have had many! LOL!

The time when you looked down and saw that your hands were scaly: Maybe you were not looking at your own hands...or maybe your conscious awareness went inside of a different body.

I also used to hear sounds in the house when the visitors were around. The sounds were like "cartoon" noises like whirs and sirens and sometimes even strange singing that sounded distant but was pretty close. I think some really bizarre stuff can happen as we begin shifting our conscious awareness. We begin to experience things taking place on other frequencies.

It is great that you are feeling a sense of calm. That will really help you stay in control and observe what is happening. Consider keeping a notebook by your bed so you can write everything down when you wake up.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Darkmatter »

Just an update:Seen 12 of them last night,only one had a purple aura.They all were like shadows though,also seen the bright light out in front of the house.

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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Were they the black hooded beings?
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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Darkmatter »

I think so but they would only let me see their shadows,but one glowed purple and I felt like it was one of the same creatures from before.It was like I knew them,felt no malice from them.I think their is more but i can’t remember anymore.

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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Windwalker »

I have had experiences with those black cloaked hooded beings. A few things: 1. They are not “demons.” Demons are a man made construct based on fear and “good vs. evil.” There are no demons. 2. I saw you stated you were paralyzed. That is sleep paralysis which is a gift because you can easily astral project from that state. Once you get out of body all of those sounds and vibrations disappear and you will be in the “astral” which usually begins in your bedroom where you had the sleep paralysis. Ive had these expereinces for decades and the two most important things are to FEARLESSLY RELAX. FEARLESSLY being the key.

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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Windwalker,

What do you think the black hooded beings are?

You are right about being fearless, for sure. And try to relax. You have to be in control of yourself in order to deal with the situation.
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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Darkmatter »

I don’t feel much fear about any of it anymore,trying to get a firm grasp on what’s happening though.Appreciate the help so far guys
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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Darkmatter »

Attached a sketch of the first encounter,not that great at sketching 😅
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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Darkmatter »

trying to upload images is different on this forum 😐
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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Darkmatter!
Let me know if you need any help attaching images. Looks like you figured it out.

That's a very colorful sketch! I love it!

You never really know who is underneath those black hooded robes. I have seen smaller ETs wearing robes at times, but my more recent experiences have been with what I call dark magicians and demons wearing them.

It seems like the color purple would be a good color or aura to have around you. It normally represents the crown chakra (top of the head) and higher vibrational frequencies.

It's great that you are starting to get a handle on it. I can tell you from a lifetime of experience that it takes a long time to figure everything out. At least, for me, it is taking my whole life!

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Darkmatter »

I’ll have to do some research,i don’t know anything about chakras.I did get a name once.He didn’t direct any malice towards me,he’s actually the one that was pushing me to do more in my life.I didn’t get the feeling he was kind for no reason though,really got the feeling he wasn’t fond of human beings in general.
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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Check out this link to a different thread where we discussed the hooded robed beings. ... ?f=9&t=310
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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Darkmatter »

Will do,seen this about an hour ago in front of my tv.just standing there watching me with his hands on his hips.He walked around toward me and when he disappeared it was like everything glitched,I think I missed something I can’t remember.Kind of freaking out now,these things are starting to happen more often.
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Re: Alien Abduction questions?Insight appreciated

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

These beings can probably be around us all the time and we just don't see them. It seems like the being was making himself known to you by standing in front of your TV, maybe trying to get your attention. Then you said everything "glitched."

I have started to notice some small things here and there that are different from the way I remember them, like there are glitches in the matrix. This makes sense to me because of everything the star people taught me. They said that we are going to experience the disintegration of the matrix. It is literally going to fall apart around us and, according to a group of Greys that met with me recently, the matrix will soon "VANISH."

I think they told me this so I could prepare; in fact, my star friends have been helping me prepare for the Shift for many years now. It is a shift of conscious awareness, but it will affect us in every way, including physically.

My advice is to be strong within yourself. Connect to your higher self so you know who you are. Expect weird things to happen...and be in control when they do.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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