ET’s, consciousness and age

experiences with otherworldly beings

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ET’s, consciousness and age

Post by Geoff »


Does anyone else have a feeling or experience that indicates some beings are very old, not their physical body, but their consciousness or spirit. That they are spirit beings that can intentionally enter a physical body just to interact with the physical world. It would be similar to reincarnation, but being fully aware at birth and after the body has ended.

I recently remembered asking a grey how old he was, I sensed there was a difficulty explaining because of how we view time, I had an image of the earth orbit around the sun and knew it was because we view years in orbits around the sun, he said “I have seen stars born, I have seen stars end”. I always thought some were very old, but being conscious for that amount of time is difficult to comprehend.

Kind regard,

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Re: ET’s, consciousness and age

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Geoff!
Yes, I have met some very old star people. Like you said, it is not necessarily the body they are in but their spirit that is very old.
The oldest entities I have encountered have worked with me over the past 10 years or so as we have been preparing for The Shift. It was an old star lady and an old star man. I had never seen them before. It was not until I was ready for a higher level of training with the star people that I met them.

I was on a ship with them when they showed me New York City melting away into a cellular structure. I was with them at least 3 times as they were teaching me about The Shift and what will happen when the Matrix falls away. We are living in important times!

I talk about these experiences in some of my interviews. This is a recent interview I did with Miles Johnston of The Bases Project where I discuss some of it: ... ct-part-3/

Many Blessings, Bonnie
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Re: ET’s, consciousness and age

Post by Zofo »

Never told of their age, potentially they can be near immortal, with the use of cell repair machines. Probably a better question, “how long can you live naturally”?

They showed you New York-city melting, the structure sounds to me disassembled at a molecular level then “grown” into desired structures. Interesting. Edgar Casey had a vision of being in a aircraft and all the houses looked like they were made of glass! This makes sense but instead structures grown from carbon into a house. A house made not with glass but diamond.

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Re: ET’s, consciousness and age

Post by Geoff »

Hi Bonnie,
The interview about the matrix was thought provoking and will need to watch it again, I like experiences that makes me think and question what we call reality.

I have encounters were I was shown another realm that is all around us, were distance doesn't matter, were beings can see events in this physical world. I suspect it’s what people describe were everything is energy, were mind creates the body and surroundings.

One was quite interesting, I went for a walk during the day, a circular opening appeared near me, inside was white and seemed energetic. There was a human looking male on the other side of the opening, he had petite features and dressed in white, it was a while ago so can’t remember exact details without reading notes. He made a gesture with his right hand and another opening appeared, so I was looking into the circular opening into the white realm, then into another opening to a location on this earth. Then I was viewing that location directly without seeing the white realm, like remote viewing.

I often view all this as a learning journey...


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Re: ET’s, consciousness and age

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

I think that if our world wasn't poisoned so badly and we still had all the oxygen we used to have on this earth plane (like when there were "giant" humans and animals), we could heal ourselves naturally just by the intake of the sun's rays and being connected to Source. I am very cautious about nanotechnology.

Yes, it did seem that New York City melted away at a molecular level. Then, I imagine, it would eventually reform itself with the help of creation/manifestation. Wow! I didn't know that about Edgar Cayce! Yeah, if the molecular structure changes and we have a brand new foundation, we might not be carbon based anymore. Diamond houses! Yeah! That's interesting, because the star people also showed me the moon turning into a huge multifaceted crystal.

My interviews tend to make people think (even me)!
The other realm you are talking about might be the etheric plane where I go to meet with the star people. There is energy all around in the air that can be used to manifest anything you want. You can be anywhere by focusing your thoughts. It is the blueprint of the physical plane.

It is cool that you saw those portals! So you looked into one portal and then another one appeared inside of that one and you were able to see a remote location on earth through it...very nice! Time and space definitely work differently with the star people. They can shift their vibrational frequency to move to various "channels." They could be standing right next to you and you would not be able to see them, but they can see you.

This is most definitely a learning journey! :D
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Re: ET’s, consciousness and age

Post by Zofo »

Creation/manifestation, sound interesting, and beyond my comprehension? They have a age of “I’ve seen stars born, I’ve seen stars die”(that’s freakin poetic), molecular manufacturing would most likely be ‘mundane’ to them. They only talked to me about my interest in Molecular Manufacturing, they never mentioned they use this tech.
BTW here it was like a child showing a finger painting to their parents but with amusement! This is how it felt.

The Shift, that may have been what I saw then made me forget? Only the feeling of WOW COOl( that was an understatement!)
Why do they make people forget certain things, is it that important?

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Re: ET’s, consciousness and age

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Zofo,
Creation and Manifestation are accomplished by focusing our thoughts and intentions to create something. In this case, something out of nothing. If the matrix hologram vanishes, like the star people said, we will be starting from scratch. Then we have the opportunity to manifest a new world. I practiced using energy to make objects when I was with the star people. Years of this eventually led to practicing how to create a life simulation that functions properly.

I think we are moving into this time now where we are starting to become aware of our ability to make things happen and create situations and physical objects with our third least, those of us who have worked to get here and are ready.

As far as people forgetting certain things: I think we do it to ourselves sometimes because we aren't ready for it or our brains can't translate it, but they do it too. They probably have different reasons depending on the circumstance.
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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