Keep a Light On at Night

never be afraid. ever.

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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Keep a Light On at Night

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

It sounds ridiculously simple, but if you are having bad dreams or negative experiences, even psychic attack at night, try keeping a night light on. The little bit of light in the darkness helps you in a psychological way to keep your vibrational frequency at a higher level where fear is less likely to overcome you.
Try it out and see! :D

If you have success with your night light, let us know!
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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by OmegaFox10 »

Ok...i must admit: My Power Animal--Leopard hugged me when she (and I) read this. She found it too cute yet so simple with so much power. (She knew i used a nightlight when i was afriad of the dark {more or less}).

Good idea.

By the way...what do you think of the Wet Cell Battery Device by Edgar Cayce...i've been thinking of purchasing it (expensive thuogh...) because i want to raise my vibrational levels.

and the Montauk Alien stuff and secret base?

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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by Rasselon »

It helps a great deal to wake up and be able to see that you are awake and safe as waking from a nightmare to a completely dark room can cause night terror. Keep it dim with no direct lighting in your eyes or on your body as we need darkness so our eyes can rest and our bodies can produce DMT.

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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by Elena »

Bonnie Jean Mitchell wrote:It sounds ridiculously simple, but if you are having bad dreams or negative experiences, even psychic attack at night, try keeping a night light on. The little bit of light in the darkness helps you in a psychological way to keep your vibrational frequency at a higher level where fear is less likely to overcome you.
Try it out and see! :D

If you have success with your night light, let us know!

LOL! Just the other day I posted that I rarely have negative experiences. Well, a few nights ago I decided to stay at my boyfriends while he was out of town (he has cable and I don't). Anyway, I had the most terrifying experience that I can remember. I had sleep paralysis, which I've had many times before, but this time I felt like something was pulling on my legs and another was jumping on the bed walking around me. Then there was this terrible noise. It was like a mechanical scratching sound! I was trying to kick whatever it was and yelling, "I hate you!". Well, thank goodness I actually was able to scream out loud and wake myself up. Needless to say, I slept with the light on the rest of the night and felt perfectly safe! I tried without it the next day, but then I felt walking around on the bed immediately and I was wide awake! So, I put the light back on and was fine. I went back to my place for the remainder of the week! My place never gets really dark and I have my crystals all over the place. It just feels safer.

So, yes keeping a light on works for sure! It sounds silly but I was like, "Na na, you can't get me with the light on!"

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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by Sapa »

I have a solar lamp that I charge on the windowsill and put on when I go to sleep.

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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by Sapa »

I think the paralysis is when you have left your body and are in the astral body. Once I had been traveling in the astral body and couldn't get into my body, I felt as if my hair was trapped under the skirting board and was stopping me getting back into my body. It seemed to take ages before I jerked in and I was aware of some small childlike beings jumping around me at the time. I think these small beings were my future children I had two sons in the couple of years after this experience.

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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by Tess »

Tess here,i have been sleeping with a night lamp on for years now.
Bonny you are right when you said it helps.Guess if it was not for the light my grand daughter would not have been able to see the dark shadow,raising my mattress,while i was trying to hold it with my feet!!!

In fact i went one step further and leave a night lamp practically in every room.
I usually sleep downstairs in summer and go to my bedroom in winter, my husband does not like any light on,but i did not mind as a felt safe knowing he was there, i got up but when i reached the bedroom door i saw a dark figure,i started to move backwards while this figure moved a step closer to me.

Then i found i could not go any further as my back was touching the wardrobe,the figure was just a few steps away from me and still coming.Terror engulfed me and i started screaming.My husband was up like a shot and switched the light on,the figure just disappeared.

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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Yes, it seems the paralysis comes on as we transition from our physical bodies to an out-of-body state. I call it the "transitional phase." My star friends have told me that when they visit, they work with a person's etheric body (similar to astral). Basically, the "aliens" or "star people" can pull us right out of our physical bodies, but if we focus we will still retain our alert level of consciousness. All levels of the self are real, including the out-of-body levels.

It seems that what is really affected by the night light is our state of mind. We are usually more comfortable with a light on because our eyes can see what is there...of course, there are flows of energy always present that our physical eyes cannot focus on. The real trick is to overcome fear of the dark, but a night light helps us get there.

When someone wants to contact the star people, I always tell them to go into a small, dark room and speak their mind. The star people will hear. Sometimes it is to tell the bad aliens to go away and never return and then sometimes it is to bring a heartfelt message to the star people we love. Either way, the vibration of your words goes out into the world and is felt. So, the dark can also be a friend by helping us concentrate and focus our minds.

Many Blessings, Bonnie :-)
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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by Tess »

Tess here,thanks Bonny for taking the time to answer me,you're a God sent!!!
I need to tell you what happened to me some wks ago.
I took my grand daughter to her lessons with regards to the Roman Catholic church,it is part of our culture (not that it got me,or my son nor my husband,but that is another story)

Being sick with cfs for the past 20 yrs i was very tired , as i waited for the 1 hr to pass and the lesson to finish.
Then out of nowhere, i felt myself getting out of my body,took a few steps and turned round,i was seeing myself sitting on the steps,with my head bent down and i thought how pathetic i looked,

Then i walked back into myself.It was as if two minds locked and i realized how i looked ,so much so that i got up from the steps i was sitting on and went to find another place to sit,this time in a corner where the other mums could not see me.

I told what happened to me to my cousin and he told me i had experienced out of body experience,he was so excited about it as if it had happened to him.I thought that this happened during sleep,guess i was wrong!!

I went on to say,that if it happened again i will not go back inside my body again.My cousin told me that is not possible as my astral body would be still attached to me and will only leave if i die.Bonny is he right???Take care everyone,love Tess.

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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Tess,
You must have been completely exhausted that day!
I have been out of my body and looked at my physical form lying in the bed. It did not look good to me. It seemed really thick and heavy and I touched it and it was cold. Yuck. :lol: he he. I did not want to go back in it, but I did because I wasn't ready to lose my physical body yet. I'm not sure what would have happened if I refused to go back in; perhaps your cousin is right and I would have just woken up in the morning. I think the astral body stays attached to the physical body until the spirit leaves the physical form and then the astral form detaches.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by neorider69 »

i always have a light on or at least some light to see enough when going through my house, i use a "relay" system for example in my room i must have at least the tv on (blank screen) which allows enough liht to see. from there if i go through the hallway i leave the bathroom light on and if i go to the kitchen or living room i turn that light on abd turn the hallway light off. then if i were to leave the kitchen or living room i leave the liht on till i go through the hallway and turn on the liht in the kitchen or livingroom, then going back to my room i make sure at least the tv is on before the hall bathroom light off. this also applies even if someone where with me as i cant stand complete darkness, as this has always worked for me since the day i was visited.

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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by Tess »

Hi Bonny,it has been fairly quiet in these past few months except for one thing.At times I can hear people screaming,they are not near but rather far away yet I can pick up voices of men and women,I get the feeling that they are suffering and in torment.

This rather upsets me and when I can I put the earphones on and listen to some music just to drown away the screaming.
Do you have any idea were the screaming is coming from and who are these people???

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Re: Keep a Light On at Night

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Tess,
I am so sorry that you are hearing those people screaming, that must be horrible. I do not know where it is coming from or who they are. Can you tell if the sound is coming from outside your body or is it internal? Do you think it is a noise your ears are hearing physically from the physical plane? Or could it be Clairaudience? Sounds that might be coming from another plane of existence that only you can hear? It is a psychic ability that we all have, but some people are better at it than others.

There is also the possibility that the secret government is involved. They like to target contactees and alien abductees, sometimes filling their heads with voices or other sounds. They utilize different black projects like the Pentagon's psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s.
Watch this short video describing , very basically, how silent sound mind control works.

My best advice is to be happy and keep LOVE in your heart to generate a high level vibrational frequency within your own body to keep the evil secret government away from you. John and I believe this whole corrupt system is about to come crashing down as we go deeper into 2012. Be positive and do what makes you happy. Above all else, keep LOVE in your heart.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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