dont be afraid

never be afraid. ever.

Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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dont be afraid

Post by youngers51 »

Hi all
At first when i was conscious of my encounters with alien and spirit beings some were hurting me .
I was afraid of them back then but not anymore .
My confidence is growing by the day with other worldly beings.
Begin with i would say please don't hurt me then i kept saying if you are not of our lord then you should
Leave and i felt they were gone.
Now i say to aliens and spirits you can not hurt me .

In those words i say to them it seems to work with out any crystals or prayers.

You can be strong all you kind folk no matter what you going through believe in yourself
And evil will go away.

We are on the way to higher vibrations in the physical world have faith my friends.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: dont be afraid

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Thank You Youngers, for those powerful words.

You are right. We ARE on the way to higher vibrations.

When you believe in yourself, and you release the fear, YOU ARE IN CONTROL.

Fill your heart with love and light,

release your fear,

and begin MANIFESTING your world the way YOU want it!

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Re: dont be afraid

Post by colin2015 »

"Do not be afraid." Do you know that every time God or an angel speaks in the Bible they used those words!
But for me one of the most important times it is written must be in the book of Ezekiel 2:6 - Here Ezekiel has seen a 'wheel of light in the sky..... a wheel within a wheel .....then he is told by God.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of THEM, for the
LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

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Re: dont be afraid

Post by ManhattanSkyline »

Please keep in mind that I don't usually share my personal religious beliefs on here. I don't want to cause anyone undue anguish or cause them to doubt their own faith. Faith is a personal, solitary journey that should not be taken lightly or manipulated. I have no desire to influence anyone's belief system, so I usually don't talk about my own personal beliefs specifically. But the last post brought up some very personal experiences and feelings for me that I will dare to share. Again, I in no way want to insult, challenge, or disparage anyone's beliefs. I have the utmost respect for individuals' personal convictions. i will not touch that. Maybe I'm overdoing the prelude. Just know I am merely sharing my personal experiences and maybe waxing a bit philosophic as I'm prone to do, but it is not my intention to influence or challenge or offend.

The very first clear encounter that I remember where it hit me "Oh my god that's an alien and I'm being abducted" a little blue/grey alien dude by my bed looked at me and said those very same words in my mind: "Don't be afraid." He proceeded to look into my eyes, and the most all-consuming fear I've ever felt in my life hit me as I began to levitate off the bed and float toward the window. Now what does one think of that? I was offended for a while. Why would he tell me not to be afraid and then immediately make me afraid? I don't know. I think sometimes we look at that phrase and don't see it for the command it is and take it as a reassurance, as if God and good are things that would never make us afraid, and things that make us afraid must be evil. That phrase makes no such promise. In fact, there are plenty of scriptures where people are terrified, not of THEM, but of God himself or an angel standing before a trembling prophet. Now I'm not calling this little dude an angel or even a demon. I will never ascribe a religious interpretation to these experiences; I think that's assuming too much based on too little. However, it makes me think on that phrase again, "Don't be afraid." It is unavoidably a command, and instead of interpreting it as "There's no reason to fear," the more likely interpretation is "Stuff's about to get crazy. You will want to be afraid, but don't. Keep it together." I know a huge challenge with these strange experiences, especially in the beginning for me has been trying to keep the fear under control. It's so easy to give in to sheer maddening panic, and be one of those people who screams mindlessly and has to be slapped. There has to be a conscious decision made that when the fear comes, you will not let it overtake you. If these experiences have changed me in anyway, they have taught me to control my fear, to be still and observant while stuff is happening, which has allowed me to be more anchored in myself, allowing me to assert myself and stand my ground in their presence.

Another weird occurrence: I used to be really religious, spiritual. I talked to God all the time like he was a real person, felt I could feel him, felt surrounded by a powerful love. People at my church used to tell me, "Man, I wish I had as close a relationship with God as you do." I remember one time sitting on the porch and strongly feeling a presence that was the familiar presence I knew as God. I asked him, "When will you return?" I was thinking the second coming of Christ. I heard very clearly in my head, "The quarter moon." The next quarter moon came and nothing happened, and I forgot all about it. Ten years later I started seeing dozens of UFOs for the first time. As I studied them and tried to understand them, I came to a realization: all my sightings happened on the quarter moon. Now how is a person supposed to take that? Again, I don't think the UFOs are God. In fact, I've since revised my views. I don't believe in one big creator God anymore. Things have gotten much more complicated. I think there are lots of beings out there physical and otherwise and no one person or faction is in total control, and I am okay with that. As long as there are a few beings out there that love me and are rooting for me, even if it's just my own family. I've learned to latch on to that inner-strength that emerges when you are not in control. THEM taught me that, whether intentionally or not is neither here nor there. I can't control them, but I can control me and decide who I want to be regardless of the situations around me. I know who I am. My soul is my own. And I don't have to feel lost and rootless no matter what happens around me; I don't have to give the reins of myself to chaos or anyone else for that matter. And I understand how sacred and important a person's sense of self is and how important the autonomy of self is and that it must not be violated or toyed with! "Don't be afraid" taught me that.

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Re: dont be afraid

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Manhattan,

I totally agree with you.
You were talking about the phrase "Don't be Afraid" that the aliens/star people tend to say to us right before we get floated out the window.

You said:
It is unavoidably a command, and instead of interpreting it as "There's no reason to fear," the more likely interpretation is "Stuff's about to get crazy. You will want to be afraid, but don't. Keep it together." There has to be a conscious decision made that when the fear comes, you will not let it overtake you.
It takes practice and a lot of inner strength to stay calm and not totally freak out when weird things start happening like aliens staring into your eyes with their big black liquid eyes, telling you not to be afraid, and then you feel your body floating off the bed and through the wall or a closed window.

THEY also taught me to not be afraid, to be in control...whether they meant to or not, that's what happened. But I actually think the ones I feel close to, the ones I consider my friends, they DID teach me how to defend myself against anyone, alien or human, who messed with me.

You do have to know yourself, your true self, to really be in control of what happens.
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Re: dont be afraid

Post by colin2015 »

Dear ManhattanSkyline, Please believe me when I say I had absolutely no intention of pushing faith in any way whatsoever. I just wanted to point out a strange story I read about this statement of "do not be afraid" and UFOs. However while we are on the subject (and probably digging myself into a deeper hole!!) I might as well tell you the other story I was told, this came from an email of a woman involved in making a film about alien abduction. (sorry I don't recall the name of the film any longer.) But basically she said that this film portrayed the aliens as demons from ancient times who literally feed on our fear and that is why we must 'not be afraid' when they come. Now I am not saying I believe or disbelieve this woman but like most people who have been taken I spend most nights reading about everything I can find to do with 'THEM'. But my note here is most important because I wanted you to know that given the fact that you have also been taken means in my book that your part of my family so sleep tonight knowing that you have one more brother out here that loves you and is rooting for you.

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Re: dont be afraid

Post by ManhattanSkyline »


I didn't feel that you were pushing faith on me at all! No, my silly little prelude was out fear for what I was going to share. I don't mind people sharing their ideas or their faith or whatever. I love honesty and openness. It's just that my experience of talking to what I thought for years was God and then seeing UFO and alien activity that seemed in response to those inner spiritual dialogues really threw me for a loop. I really felt like I couldn't trust my intuition or that internal truth gauge inside of me, and I really didn't want to throw off anyone else who might be reading or cause them to question their faith. I mean, it's okay for people to change their views, but it should be something that they do thoughtfully and by their own willful choice, not something that is brought about by fear, trauma, or emotional manipulation. I just didn't want to cause anyone grief like that. So yeah, my silly little prelude (and this one too!) was 100% my personal paranoid prattle about what was to come in the post; it was not in any way in response to what you wrote. The "don't be afraid" thing just brought up the memory of some big can-of-worms experiences that I had been afraid to open and share because i didn't want to damage anyone.

I have heard and read that the aliens are angels, are demons, that they help you overcome your fears, that they feed off your fears, that they are flesh-and-blood extraterrestrials, that they are inter-dimensional creatures, that they are time travelers, that they are god-posers, that they are spirit guides. There's a lot of theories. I still don't know what's true. I've decided that I'm not going to pay attention to UFO and alien abduction researchers' theories. I mean, they are the ones gathering and interpreting the data, but they are not the ones experiencing it. So I tend to give more gravity to actual experiencers' testimonies and interpretations. I give the most weight to my own experiences, of course, trying to understand the context, personal feelings, visuals, sounds, impressions within the continuity of my own life that I know better than anyone else's in order to try to figure out who, what, and why. My conclusions change, flip back and forth, and evolve the more I remember and experience. I don't think I'll ever come to a solid conclusion.
colin2015 wrote:But my note here is most important because I wanted you to know that given the fact that you have also been taken means in my book that your part of my family so sleep tonight knowing that you have one more brother out here that loves you and is rooting for you.
That's damned touching! Thanks :')

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