Mind Control - Welcome Bucky

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Moderator: Bonnie Jean Mitchell

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Mind Control - Welcome Bucky

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hello Bucky and Welcome. You are officially the first new member of 2013 at the Alien Abduction Help forum. We took a break for a couple months, but we're back now. I read your profile, thanks for that brief description of your background.

I have also been experiencing weird things my whole life, but I got used to it. :-) It sounds like you are a life-long contactee with a couple memories, as of right now, but the more you become "okay" with it, the more you will begin to recall. Not to say that you ever have to accept anything you don't like; I mean to say that you can become more at ease so you will be able to look into the details further. That was quite a UFO sighting your mom had, a whole 20 minutes is a long time.

The buzzing in your head for four days must have been pretty terrible, sorry to hear about that. That truly sounds like a military operation more than an ET one. The secret government is notorious for throwing voices into people's heads, altering moods, bombarding people with very low, dense, very-bad-for-you vibrational frequencies. Perhaps you were their target those four days. Here is some information I got from a good, reputable website called Educate Yourself:

Worldwide Electronic Mind Control via 'Cell Phone' Towers
The day is now approaching in which government mind control technologies will be directed at you, your neighbors, and your loved ones. Every single day, equipment is being erected and installed in this country with the hidden purpose of exerting mind control over the entire population.

Everywhere in this country (and overseas), ELF/microwave transmission towers are being erected. The antennae usually look like four slightly curved vertical plates about 2 feet in length and located in either 3 or 4 quadrants around the tower, two thirds up from the ground. Just look around, you'll see them. And you'll also notice more of them going up once you begin to pay attention. No one is saying anything, but you're expected to presume that they're for cell phones. (Do you really think that we need that much 'cell phone' transmission capability, every few blocks? Do you realize how very little energy is used by genuine cell phone usage? Yet these towers are capable of putting out levels of power that exceed cell phone requirements by a wide margin)

These mind control technologies have been in place for a long time. It's not an accident that the frequency band chosen for cell phone use just happens to match the second order waves that Wilhelm Reich discovered in the late1940's to effect thought transmission and allow the mind to be manipulated without the victim realizing it.

Reich worked on this project secretly for the CIA for over 5 years, from 1947-1952, until he realized who the CIA was planning to use the mind control on -the American people. He was outraged that he was deceived and used for such a treasonous motive and swore never to cooperate with the CIA, FDA, etc. again. Reich was covertly murdered in Federal prison in 1957, just a few weeks before he was due to be released, having been in prison for 2 years on a trumped up charge leading to a contempt of court citation. He was reported to have had a 'heart attack'. He was strong as an ox. He was murdered two weeks before his parole board hearing. His last book, written in prison, was found to be 'missing' after his death and never returned to his family.

A method was discovered to disable these ELF towers from exerting their mind control functions by placing a simple device known as an orgone generator within a radius of 1,300 feet of these towers. These microwave towers are used in conjunction with HAARP based technology to not only affect subliminal mind control influences, but also to control the weather (currently {2007}, the creation of artificially induced drought conditions are also greatly influenced by the population-reduction chemtrail spraying operations which take place daily over the skies in America and in many other countries) .

source: http://educate-yourself.org/mc/

Some people, like myself, have been part of a very deep secret project being carried out by the Secret Government (the powers-that-were). They carry out their own abductions called MILABS where they even dress up like aliens and project false holographic images to try and confuse us even more. There is a possibility you have also been involved with something like that.

What I would like to know is how exactly did you feel when you thought you were losing your mind? Can you even describe that?

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Mind Control - Welcome Bucky

Post by Bucky »


Thanks for the reply and information along with the websites.
You asked how I felt when I thought like I was losing my mind. When it first started it was October of 1980 that I woke up to go to work one morning and I felt a little groggy that didn't seem like it was just from waking. I went to work and as the morning went on I wasn't able to shake it. In the afternoon when a few coworkers were around the area I was at (It was a small office and I worked in the back packing mostly by myself) everthing seemed a bit odd. Thier faces and actions seemed in a way to appear distorted. Not in an unrecognizable way just in a sense where it appeared somwhat strange. I knew then that something was wrong and I became scared. I couldn't wait to go home.
When I left work and arrived home ( I was 24 and lived with my parents) I hurried in the door and shouted "mom something happened to my mind!" The rest of that night I was scared. The next morning I felt the same and didn't want to go to work but I did. As days went on I began losing some weight. I just wanted to feel normal again but I couldn't and I was terrified. As I mentioned I went to a psychiactirc ward for six months to no avail. I won't recount my entire experience that I've already told you about. That was going on 33 years ago and I have learned to live with how I feel. I diffenitly know that I am not crazy nor am I mentally ill although I haven't yet graspped the nature of my experience yet.

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Re: Mind Control - Welcome Bucky

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Hi Bucky,
Thanks again for sharing. I am glad that you have learned to live with the strangeness. It seems as though your perspective changed overnight...although you could look at it from the point of view that it wasn't YOUR perspective that had changed, but the people and the world around you that had changed.
Has this remained with you? Do you still see people from the new perspective that happened when you were 24? Congratulations on being strong enough to get through this bizarre experience.

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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Re: Mind Control - Welcome Bucky

Post by Bucky »

Hi Bonnie:

Yes I have felt the same ever since this change occured. I am no longer terrified by the strangeness that I feel. It has given me a knew perspective on reality over the years. Partly due to my own experiences as well as enlightenment that I've gained through other people that I've met that experience reality in what would be considered unusal to normal perception. These people have come into my life at the right time that I needed them to. It seems that it has been part of a process for me that I haven't resolved yet.

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Bonnie Jean Mitchell
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Re: Mind Control - Welcome Bucky

Post by Bonnie Jean Mitchell »

Well, I most definitely have my own unique perspective on this reality we live in. I knew my perspective was different than most others when I was a child, and it is very clear to me now that I can see things other people cannot see.

I am aware that planet Earth and all the creatures here, humans included, are being manipulated and controlled beyond what most can perceive. I live with this knowledge glaring in my face every day as my husband John and I do our best to help wake people up to what is really happening to them. I look up in the sky and see the chemtrail poison we are being sprayed with, and I see people getting vaccinated and eating Genetically Modified food.

And, of course, I occasionally see the star people and go with them on their ships. I have been in numerous encounters with my star friends where they have purposely pointed out to me that I can be standing in a room full of people and be the only one to see the "alien" standing in the corner or the only person to see a beautiful UFO in the sky.

It can be a lonely road, but more and more people are finally coming forward to tell about their experiences and we can see that there are many different and varied perspectives of this crazy world we live in. The non-conformists are coming forward. :D

Many Blessings, Bonnie
Hidden Knowledge Every Person Should Know: AWAKENVIDEO.ORG

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